FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The psyops includes fakery. agent gam has been exposed photoshopping images because it has no evidence.

The deception attempted was to make WTC 2 lobby which had elevators opening on the lobby through the core wall with a very special base wall that allowed only lobby elevators to enter directly. People then went out another door at the opposite end of the elevator and all access over the lobby was via elevator doors in the core.

agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

The first image. Note the windows of the footbride outside have varying widths. In reality the windows are square. Note the zoom where the footbridge window bleed through the perimeter columns.


Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


Then the agent shops another one to try and create consistency but the windows are still not equally wide.


Then the message board admin gets into the act and with another that is smply a confuser with arrows. Don't ask what all the arrows mean.


Then I get a screen shot of a video with the real view.


The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicular from the plane viewed. Here is a sight plan.


They psyops includes lots of agents to try and cover for the fact that there is no evidence of the steel core columns.
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The psyops includes fakery. agent gam has been exposed photoshopping images because it has no evidence.

The deception attempted was to make WTC 2 lobby which had elevators opening on the lobby through the core wall with a very special base wall that allowed only lobby elevators to enter directly. People then went out another door at the opposite end of the elevator and all access over the lobby was via elevator doors in the core.

agent gam used photoshop to put WTC 1 exterior features outside the windows of WTC 2 in order to make the lobbies appear the same. Since there is no evidence of the supposed steel core columns, the only avenue for agents is to try and disprove or overcome the concrete core evidence.

The first image. Note the windows of the footbride outside have varying widths. In reality the windows are square. Note the zoom where the footbridge window bleed through the perimeter columns.


Upon zooming a portion it is seen that the windows of the footbridge outside bleed through the perimeter columns.


Then the agent shops another one to try and create consistency but the windows are still not equally wide.


Then the message board admin gets into the act and with another that is smply a confuser with arrows. Don't ask what all the arrows mean.


Then I get a screen shot of a video with the real view.


The horizontal lines will always foreshorten when the point of perspective is rotated from perpendicular from the plane viewed. Here is a sight plan.


They psyops includes lots of agents to try and cover for the fact that there is no evidence of the steel core columns.

Wrong again. My claims are backed up by eyewitnesses, video clips, photos, etc. NOBODY agrees with you that the express elevators of WTC1 were only accessed from INSIDE the core. They were accessed from OUTSIDE the core at the lobby level in BOTH towers.

You have nothing to back your claim. Go ask people who worked there coward.
Correct, you are stopped. You have no evidence.

Show the core columns in the core area on 9-11 if they existed, NO, your master stole the images of concrete at construction so you'll have to go to them to see construction pics with concrete. Just like the missing 2 hour PBS video they stole from PBS when they infiltrated it. A 2,007 search for it found it listed in libraries. Listen to this audio from Dr. Ron Larsens, Ph.D, physics web radio show I co hosted with him.


Then back up your statement about this NOT being the only official depiction of the core.

This is your photo. It shows perimeter columns right/left and steel core columns in the center, the columns that you mis-identified as concrete wall. Case closed.

Far left, far right, perimeter columns. Just left of old glory are the interior box columns surrounding the concrete core wall at its base. Which has a 3x7 foot utility hallway running its length.

Here is the 3rd floor core plan and it shows that there should be an air shaft, a steam shaft or an elevator there. Proving the concrete core and disproving the silverstein plans all in one.
The FEMA deception,
FEMA misrepresented core structure of the Twin Towers.

Your partial plan shows no concrete core walls. and your link to YOUR BOOK!!! shows ulterior motives. No wonder you are debating so dishonestly, there is no conspiracy and no bad publicity.
Except that your "conspiracy" is sooooo stupid that no one with a brain believes you. So that leaves just you and Dennis Kucinich as co-conspiracy morons.

Your BOOK??


Hope you sell about 2-copies, the one you buy and the one Dennis Kucinich buys. Thats two more than "thanked" you for your moronic thread. Your best bet for sellng books is to say space aliens were made up to look line SNs. So space aliens did it with super secret technology....just like on TV.... "V"................."V"...........ever watch "V" ??
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The fake plan does not represent the large image showing the concrete core wall at its base.

Wrong again.

A simple inspection of the plan shows the fact.


The original.


That's because your claim that it was a concrete wall with a 3x7 utility hall running through it is completely wrong and backed by...???


The only proof you have is your own declaration. No drawings, no eyewitnesses, no engineers. NOBODY agrees with you.
You are suggesting that gypsum could survive the crash of hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel. You are not credible with that. What is credible is that it is steel plate stained with concrete. Just as the interior box column which was encased in conccrete, outside the core is stained.

Yup. That's what the picture shows sport. Gypsum planking that surrounded the stairwell and the express elevator shaft that YOU claim held your concrete wall.

Not to mention that it matches the plan to a tee.
Wrong again. My claims are backed up by eyewitnesses, video clips, photos, etc.

Wrong, your claims are backed with text and fakery. Proven on this page.

If this is not true, show an image from 9-11 with steel core columns nthe core area.

All that exist show an empty core such as this one that also shows rebar, steel too smal to be structural which was located below th spire which was outside the core.


This superimposition shows the spire outside the core.

You are suggesting that gypsum could survive the crash of hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel. You are not credible with that. What is credible is that it is steel plate stained with concrete. Just as the interior box column which was encased in conccrete, outside the core is stained.

Yup. That's what the picture shows sport. Gypsum planking that surrounded the stairwell and the express elevator shaft that YOU claim held your concrete wall.

Not to mention that it matches the plan to a tee.

this image shows the concrete on the other side.

concrete core wall of WTC 1 at its base

Another illogical misrepresentation by an agent supporting secret methods of mass murder because there is no image of the non existent steel core column in he core area on 9-11.

Gypsum cannot survive what you suggest.

Concrete can be easily fractured to fall freely by a small amount of properly placed high explosives.
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Hey Chris.

Just for laughs, why don't you pull out the towers that have the sun behind them. I can match those to drawings also. How about pulling out your foundation photo of the tower that you totally messed up describing. I can match drawings to that. How about interior photos looking down the skylobbies. I can match drawings to those.

Whatcha got sport?

Bring it on.

Funny how I can match ALL these photo and explain them using "fake" drawings.


this image shows the concrete on the other side.[/QUOTE]

Sorry. Can't take your word for it. You need corroborating evidence. Nobody here can use information based on only what you claim or THINK you see. Doesn't work that way.

Got anything else to back you up on this?
Hi Chris and Gam with Mr. Fizz mentioned:


this image shows the concrete on the other side.

Sorry. Can't take your word for it. You need corroborating evidence. Nobody here can use information based on only what you claim or THINK you see. Doesn't work that way.

Got anything else to back you up on this?

FEMA/Core DoD Disinformation Agent :)cool:) meet Official Cover Story DoD Disinformation Agent :)cool: = How To Spot):

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24xYLYcPWYU"]Chris Fighting With Gam With Mr. Fizz's Help[/ame]


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Hey Chris.

Just for laughs, why don't you pull out the towers that have the sun behind them.

I have an entire page describing what is seen, and there is no way you can say that they show steel core columns.

World Trade Center Tower Silhouettes

You mean this photo?

Easy. Here are the plans that I marked up showing WHY you see what you see in the left tower. This is a plan of the lower portion below the dark line and why you see the dark areas. This is a plan of the core.

This is a plan of the upper area above the dark line and why you see the dark areas. This is a plan of the core.
Hey Chris.

Just for laughs, why don't you pull out the towers that have the sun behind them.

I have an entire page describing what is seen, and there is no way you can say that they show steel core columns.

World Trade Center Tower Silhouettes

You mean this photo?

Correct, that photo does not show steel core columns. In fact, because the light does not shine directly down the hallways, that photo proves the concrete core. The light that comes from the hallway door is reflected off of the inside of the concrete core walls that were formed with breakdown steel forms leaving them slick enough to reflect light at a low oblique angle.

You need to show steel core columns in the core area on 9-11 to prove steel core columns.

It is 100% percent logical they would be very visible because they were supposed to be very strong, correct? How did the towers survive 110 mph winds 3 tmes if they were not super strong. SHOW the core columns on 9-11!

The lead engineer identified a concrete core to Newsweek on September 13, 2001

the "Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992" identified a concrete core.


Even Bazants analysis revised June 21, 2007 refers to a concrete core and defines the amount of explosives needed to bring down the tower as the paper erroneous tries to attribute the dowing to collapse, for a fee of course.

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Hi Chris and Gam with Mr. Fizz mentioned:


this image shows the concrete on the other side.

Sorry. Can't take your word for it. You need corroborating evidence. Nobody here can use information based on only what you claim or THINK you see. Doesn't work that way.

Got anything else to back you up on this?

FEMA/Core DoD Disinformation Agent :)cool:) meet Official Cover Story DoD Disinformation Agent :)cool: = How To Spot):

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24xYLYcPWYU"]Chris Fighting With Gam With Mr. Fizz's Help[/ame]



Got an answer as to why you debunk your own claim of thermite being used on the columns of WTC7 and there being "signatures" all over the place yet in the same photo say there are no burn marks from fire on the columns?


What a dolt.

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