FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The information Robertson gave to Newsweek was accurate and they published it on

they published it but you lied when you said that roberrtson said the core was concrete. Newsweek said it. (they were wrong).


another fucking twoofer just making shit up. stick to the facts please.

If they published that the core was concrete, it was only because Robertson said it was and it is logical for me to say so.

You hate logic don't you?

The fact it that the NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding so the FEMA deception could be conducted. Now you are working to see that the deception and secret methods of mass murder are maintained. Same agenda.

The core of the twins was a concrete tube,

The information Robertson gave to Newsweek was accurate and they published it on

they published it but you lied when you said that roberrtson said the core was concrete. Newsweek said it. (they were wrong).


another fucking twoofer just making shit up. stick to the facts please.

If they published that the core was concrete, it was only because Robertson said it was and it is logical for me to say so.

You hate logic don't you?

The fact it that the NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding so the FEMA deception could be conducted. Now you are working to see that the deception and secret methods of mass murder are maintained. Same agenda.

The core of the twins was a concrete tube,
your photo of the dust cloud doesnt prove anything moron
try showing a photo from construction with them pouring concrete in the core
or, putting up the forms or the claiomed rebar that wasnt there
you CANT because there wasnt any you fucking idiot
they published it but you lied when you said that roberrtson said the core was concrete. Newsweek said it. (they were wrong).


another fucking twoofer just making shit up. stick to the facts please.

If they published that the core was concrete, it was only because Robertson said it was and it is logical for me to say so.

You hate logic don't you?

The fact it that the NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding so the FEMA deception could be conducted. Now you are working to see that the deception and secret methods of mass murder are maintained. Same agenda.

The core of the twins was a concrete tube,
your photo of the dust cloud doesnt prove anything moron

That is far too uniform to be dust. You ave posted no eviednce of steel core columns, so the evidence is the only evidence.

The top of WTC 2 falls onto WTC 3. Behind the perimeter columns is a brownish mass, that is a portion of the concrete core.


Of course this is completely consistent with Robertson statement on September 13, 2001 and by the safety report of August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE..

Since you have no evidence, your text, basically unreasonable, can be nothing but subterfuge.
If they published that the core was concrete, it was only because Robertson said it was and it is logical for me to say so.

You hate logic don't you?

again, you are simply making things up. if robertson said it they would have quoted it as they did the rest of the things he said. now THAT is logic.

your claims that robertson said something is completely false. you are lying.

if robertson said it then show the quote. otherwise, SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR LIES!! :cuckoo:
The fact it that the NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding so the FEMA deception could be conducted. Now you are working to see that the deception and secret methods of mass murder are maintained. Same agenda.

The core of the twins was a concrete tube,

you are ridicuous. you fabricate evidence. you lie. you get caught. you lie again. you post pictures of drywall and say its concrete. you are completely delusional and nobody believes you. even other twoofers arent buying your load of shit.

That is far too uniform to be dust.
says who? YOU!!! you arent a reliable source of information. we already proved that. so find an expert that says "it is too uniform to be dust" ro prove it. otherwise, we can only assume that you are talking out of your ass again.

You ave posted no eviednce of steel core columns, so the evidence is the only evidence.
the building plans says its steel. pictures of it being constructed show it as steel. architects say it is a steel core. the only idiot that insists it is concrete is you.

The top of WTC 2 falls onto WTC 3. Behind the perimeter columns is a brownish mass, that is a portion of the concrete core.
says you. nobody else does. it sure looks like drywall to me. since when is concrete is brown? the backing of drywall can be brown.

Of course this is completely consistent with Robertson statement on September 13, 2001 and by the safety report of August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE..

Since you have no evidence, your text, basically unreasonable, can be nothing but subterfuge.

once again you are lying and are attributing something to robertson that he didnt say. robertson did not write the article. the person writing the article claims the core is concrete (in error) not robertson.
If they published that the core was concrete, it was only because Robertson said it was and it is logical for me to say so.

You hate logic don't you?

again, you are simply making things up. if robertson said it they would have quoted it as they did the rest of the things he said. now THAT is logic.

your claims that robertson said something is completely false. you are lying.

if robertson said it then show the quote. otherwise, SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR LIES!! :cuckoo:

The international publications are very careful. If they did not record the interview, and it was taken with notes only, they might not be sure they had everything, so paraphrase with accuracy but do not quote.

Your assumed logic does not take into account that they would want perfection when using quotations, but could publish completely accurate information without quotes.

Again, it is logical that IF there was an error that serious relating to the structure, THEN Robertson would demand a correction and Newsweek would provide it.

Since you have produced no image from 9-11 showing the supposed super strong steel core columns in the core, while I've shown numerous images, indepndently verifying Robertsons and Domels statments of the concrete core we can easily, logically conclude that the steel core columns did not exist.

And, that you are an agent for the perpetrators working to keep the methods of mass murder secret.
university of sydney says it is a steel core
World Trade Center - Some Engineering Aspects - Civil Engineering - The University of Sydney

Berkley College of Engineering says it was a steel core
Lab Notes: Research from the Berkeley College of Engineering

skyscraper.org says it is a steel core:
The World Trade Center: Statistics and History

in fact, after searching the internet, the only person saying it was a concrete core is YOU over and over and over again on different forums. jesus, if anyone is getting paid to post disinformation it is YOU!!

in all these forums nobody agrees with you. everybody thinks you are nuts. its been proven over and over and over again that you are wrong and yet you are too stupid to acknowledge that. i know i am not going to change your mind. you simply dont have the mental capacity to evaluate evidence when it is shown to you.

so keep claiming its concrete. nobody really cares all that much anyway. everybody thinks you are crazy and the more you insist the core was concrete the more apparent your mental illness becomes to everyone. i'll just pop in to the thread every once in a while to show the newbies that you are the captain of the tin foil hat brigade.

all the evidence is that the core was a steel core. your self denial wont change that. :cuckoo:

let me take a guess at what your life is like. you sit home all day and wish you were important and people respected you. you may even believe that other people do respect you but this is only an illusion you created for yourself. in real life you are lonely. you are a failure at almost everything you do. your only hope of accomplishing anything in life is this absurd belief that somehow proving it was a concrete core will get you the respect and accolades you desperately crave.

you are a nobody. you are old, overweight and even your family keeps you at a distance. if you ever were married you are now divorced. if you have children they are old enough now to not want anything to do with you.

of course, you will deny my appraisal of you life because you cant admit it to yourself but deep down you know i am right and that pisses you off.
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You have already failed to state if you believe Robertson did not ask for a correction, or if Newsweek refused to correct.

you are the one bringing up the matter of a correction. you prove it one way or another. i dont care. you originally claimed he said the core was concrete AND THAT IS A TOTAL LIE.

i proved you are a liar. thats my point.

No, you have only proven that you are working as ditzer, elvis, herr kaiser are, to keep the means of mass murder secret.

The information Robertson gave to Newsweek was accurate and they published it on September 13, 2001

Another assumption. You have no proof (as usual) that he actually told Newsweek. I do. He never said that to them. I have an email from him stating as much.

Being the coward that you are, why have you not contacted him and clarified the situation?
If they published that the core was concrete, it was only because Robertson said it was and it is logical for me to say so.

You hate logic don't you?

The fact it that the NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding so the FEMA deception could be conducted. Now you are working to see that the deception and secret methods of mass murder are maintained. Same agenda.

The core of the twins was a concrete tube,
your photo of the dust cloud doesnt prove anything moron

That is far too uniform to be dust. You ave posted no eviednce of steel core columns, so the evidence is the only evidence.

The top of WTC 2 falls onto WTC 3. Behind the perimeter columns is a brownish mass, that is a portion of the concrete core.

Of course this is completely consistent with Robertson statement on September 13, 2001 and by the safety report of August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE..

Since you have no evidence, your text, basically unreasonable, can be nothing but subterfuge.
the evidence has been presented over and over
you just completely deny it's existence, that doesn't deny it's been presented, just shows how fucking delusional you are

btw, that photo(one you have posted more than enough times for everyone to have seen it several times already) is clearly from FLOORS
you can even see the corrugations on it
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you are the one bringing up the matter of a correction. you prove it one way or another. i dont care. you originally claimed he said the core was concrete AND THAT IS A TOTAL LIE.

i proved you are a liar. thats my point.

No, you have only proven that you are working as gamit, ditzer, elvis, herr kaiser are, to keep the means of mass murder secret.

The information Robertson gave to Newsweek was accurate and they published it on September 13, 2001

Another assumption. You have no proof (as usual) that he actually told Newsweek. I do. He never said that to them. I have an email from him stating as much.

Being the coward that you are, why have you not contacted him and clarified the situation?

There is independently verified evidence showing what can only be a concrete core.


Lots of it. There are ather sources that are very credible identifying a concrete core.

Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992

There is no "Where's Walldo? WTC Wall Conspiracy". There is a "who is stupid enough to buy this book, conspiracy"


Anyone who is interested in exactly how the secrecy is created which concealed the methods of destruction and organization used on 9-11, and our world in general, has a great deal of interest in that book. Anyone interested in natural, biological human psychological instincts has an interest.

It provides a coherent, entertaining account of oral histories and ancient sun worship relating to the unconscious mind and how it can be manipulated with hypnosis to a level of somnambulism.

It explains how Richard Gage could be made to believe in only steel core columns and still think he was working for the truth.
There is independently verified evidence showing what can only be a concrete core.

Independently verified by YOU alone.

That means squat.

I posted evidence generated by others. Here is a photo of the structure which can only be concrete.


It is not possible gypsum could stand with uniform edges in a rounded shape as we see after hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel crashed over the core.
There is independently verified evidence showing what can only be a concrete core.

Independently verified by YOU alone.

That means squat.

I posted evidence generated by others. Here is a photo of the structure which can only be concrete.

It is not possible gypsum could stand with uniform edges in a rounded shape as we see after hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel crashed over the core.
actually, 3" think gypsum planks are quite strong and they wouldnt need to have ALL of them surive to do what you see in your dust cloud pics
you are just too fucking moronic to understand
If herr kaiser cannot come up with plans as part of the documentation he asserts exists, he ceratnly is not accountable, neither are you. NIST did not have plans and were misinformed about the basic structure.

I've worked with scanned maps and plans intensely before everyone went digital, so I actually do know about digital scans and the difference between artifacts and what have to be termed anomalies, as they are intentionally sized and placed, only possible with digital manipulation of a scanned document.

Of course the plans also have NO DETAILS on how the supposed steel core columns are joined together. Which makes sense as a set of plans making a preliminary conceptual presentation by someone who THINKS they can somehow build a 1,350 foot tower with a 200 foot square footprintwith steel core columns. Of course they are not going to try and second guess the engineer by drawing up page after page of details. It does locate elevators for the engineers considerations that are optimally placed for the building owners uses. So what silverstein and associates "leaked" to s. jones logically has no details for diagonal and horizontal connections but shows the reasonably desireable floor plan layout for the core including elevators.

the other thing that agent Ditzcon cant get around is its a known fact that bastard Guliani ordered the evidence to be removed as quickly as possible.I would love to see Ditzcon go to some crime scene and TRY to remove some evidence at that crime scene.Thats just ONE fact that agents like him cant get around on in their b.s posts that they posts to try and save face when they know their defeated that it was an inside job.:lol:

Me and you as well as Ditzcon both know,is Ditzcon would be in prison right now if he went to some crime scene and tried to remove evidence,the police would arrest him in seconds if he ignored their warnings about removing evidence.:lol: you'll have to tell me what moronic nonsense he comes back and posts to try and save face like he always does since i have him on my ignore list.him and candycorn troll are the ONLY two I have ever found to be such idiots their not worth my time.

Hmmm, interesting angle of deep prejudice in ditzers presented selectivity. He won't recognize violations of law by guiliani and a failure to recognize, follow and uphold laws by the NY state judge decieding the FOIL suit by the NYCLU.

They are going to arrest divot anyway 'cause his posts are not enough BS, and its treason with the above with the war, the mass murder and the subversion of duty/rights. The perps want scathing hissing maniacal rejection. His profanity cycle only cycles between 13 yr juvenile and 15 yr old. No creativity. A total failure agent, saving face for the ?th time. Every other page trying a lie out for the 3rd or 5th time. Pitiful sick stuff.

sure is deep prejudice in his posts and his selectively NOT to address it.:lol: everytime he is confronted with facts and evidence such as Guliani and FEMA illegally removing evidence all he can come back with in his posts is a bunch of profanity laced bullshit when he in is backed into a corner.:lol: thats why he is not worth the effort and why nobody should ever bother with him.
There is independently verified evidence showing what can only be a concrete core.

Independently verified by YOU alone.

That means squat.

I posted evidence generated by others. Here is a photo of the structure which can only be concrete.


It is not possible gypsum could stand with uniform edges in a rounded shape as we see after hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel crashed over the core.

that could easily be the steel box truss core....

the wtc core is steel not poured in place concrete...go look at the construction photos...
I posted evidence generated by others. Here is a photo of the structure which can only be concrete.

Based on what corroborating evidence? The only thing you have that says that picture shows shows concrete is your own say so.

Not worth squat.


It is not possible gypsum could stand with uniform edges in a rounded shape as we see after hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel crashed over the core.

Yes it is. That photo proves it. Show me proof that it could NOT look that way. Not to mention that you have no proof other than your own ramblings.

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