FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Fo about 40 pages now you have completely evaded stating if you think Robertson did not demand a correction after 3,000 were killed in what was termed a collapse of a building he was an engineer of, or if Newsweek refused to correct.

Your post is non sense, and you refuse to even try to make sense of it.

i didnt evade the question. my response was "how do you know he didnt?" and you never responded to that.

it doesnt matter anyway, whether there is a retraction or there isnt it wont change a steel core into concrete.

you were shown dozens, maybe even hundreds of places that say it was a STEEL core but youy choose to ignore all of them and insist the one error published is correct over the hundreds of other sources that say it was steel.

then there are the pictures of the steel that you insist is a concrete core.......

so lets go over this one more time


There is no evidence showing the supposed steel core columns in the core areas of the Twins on 9-11.

Construction images are misrepresented by stating that the elevator guide rail support steel is "core columns"

In the photo below there are "butt plates" seen on the tops of the guide rail support steel left and right of the central crance.


Those butt plates are of inadequate strenght for joining core column sections. They re convienent for guide rail support steel because the holes in the plates can be elongated to shift the upper plate and shims can be used to thilt the upper sections.

you are a complete fucking jackass. you show a steel core and then try to tell everyone its guide rails for the elevators. you are a moron.
Fo about 40 pages now you have completely evaded stating if you think Robertson did not demand a correction after 3,000 were killed in what was termed a collapse of a building he was an engineer of, or if Newsweek refused to correct.

Your post is non sense, and you refuse to even try to make sense of it.

i didnt evade the question. my response was "how do you know he didnt?" and you never responded to that.

I know he didn't because if he did News week would have corrected it because 3,000 people were killed and collapse was supposed to be the cause.

You loose, your deceptive manipulation failed.

Your images are not relative or have been DEBUNKED as evidence by facts and you have no evidence.

There are still grieving families that need closure.


they need justice, the entire needs justice and agents like you just continue to support secret methods of mass murder.

everything you have posted has been COMPLETELY debunked
you are nothing but a fucking MORON
grow a brain asswipe

You've debunked nothing. You've proven a psyops working to disinform and obstruct citizens working to communicate and expose treason.

This nation needs justice, not just the grieving familes. First they lose their loved ones, then their Constitution, then their economy fighting a false war.


You are an agent working to see the demise of theUS Constittion completely by obstructing with your disinformation.

everything you have posted has been COMPLETELY debunked
you are nothing but a fucking MORON
grow a brain asswipe

You've debunked nothing. You've proven a psyops working to disinform and obstruct citizens working to communicate and expose treason.

This nation needs justice, not just the grieving familes. First they lose their loved ones, then their Constitution, then their economy fighting a false war.


You are an agent working to see the demise of theUS Constittion completely by obstructing with your disinformation.
if i am an agent, then you are a fucking idiot
hows that

wait, that doesnt work because i'm NOT an agent, and you are STILL a fucking idiot

everything you have posted has been COMPLETELY debunked
you are nothing but a fucking MORON
grow a brain asswipe

You've debunked nothing. You've proven a psyops working to disinform and obstruct citizens working to communicate and expose treason.

This nation needs justice, not just the grieving familes. First they lose their loved ones, then their Constitution, then their economy fighting a false war.


You are an agent working to see the demise of theUS Constittion completely by obstructing with your disinformation.
if i am an agent, then you are a fucking idiot
hows that

wait, that doesnt work because i'm NOT an agent, and you are STILL a fucking idiot

Wrong, you've posted no evdence that was reasonable, and refused to reason. You lie, decieve and manipulate. That is what psyops agents do, and it is intended to keep the methods of mass murder secrete and destroy the US Constitution.

And to deprive ALL americans of justice protectng their lives. This boy will realize that 9-11 took his father, and his future if you have your way.

they need justice, the entire needs justice and agents like you just continue to support secret methods of mass murder.

you are a very sick individual. why do you keep posting pictures of victm's families with your whacko ideas. they dont want anything to do with your delusions.

i'll tell you what.....

do you see that car that keeps circling your neighborhood? if you keep posting pictures of the victims families i am going to instruct that car to do more than simply observe. now knock it off, jackass.
FEMA deceived NIST when they stated the core of the Twins looked like this


The ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding which enabled FEMA to deceive NIST and the public.


The core of the twins looked like this on 9-11, obviously NOT steel core columns.


The perpetrators created non profit organizations to isolate the victims families so that they would not work with the rest of the public seeking justice. Steel was hipped overseas as the crime scene was despolied.

It is not natural to sit and grieve about loved ones lost while the perpetraors work to take a persons future. You work with the perpetrators to deprive all Americans of justice and their Constitution.


You are working to support secret methods of mass murder and prevent Americans from unifying in protection of their Constitution. Your conduct is treasonous.
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The perpetrators created non profit organizations to isolate the victims families so that they would not work with the rest of the public seeking justice.

well then, this should be easy. just tell us the names of the non profit organizations and we will have the names of the perpetrators of 9/11.

thats wonderful. the whole problem is solved. :clap2:
Agents misinterpreting facts do nothing but muddy the water in efforts to protect the perpetrators. FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is invalid.

After the ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protected their hiding then a conspiractor presented fake plans to another member of the conspiracy, albeit probably unconscious of their role, to fully decieve the public with fake plans. Or plans made to look as they were final but were actually the preliminiary plans that went to Yamasaki.

Examination of the plans described in the beginning of the 1990 documentary as preliminary drawings made by Robertson to present the Tower concept to Minoru Yamasaki. Yamasaki vetoed Robertson's design because steel has too much flex in the proportions of the Twins.
Closer examination found that the revision tables had been photoshopped into the scanned blueprints. Anomalies, not artifacts because they are sized and positioned.

This is a screen shot from a .TIFF filed of the 104th floor core floor plan, the first torrent down load of the 600mb archived file I downloaded. Note the crisp resolution in the zoom.


I used that info as part of an analysis of the plans in 2007 and made web pages with the results.

The faked WTC 1 plans
The faked WTC 1 plans

I've posted that image on many forums in 9-11 activism. Not debate or discussion because 97% of the time I was opposing absolutely no substance, only ad hominum and, repetitive misinterpretation, evasion, cognitive distortions and nonsense. The same sheet also had what appeared to be an "01" in the date for the day of the month. Something not commonly done in 1967.

The examined the files at 911research.wtc7.net in late 2007 and the same high resolution .TIFFS that the download had werefound.

Just a few months ago I went back to the wtc7.net site and found that the original .TIFFS had been converted to .PNG's with drastically reduced resolution. So much so that the original resolution I obtained from the screen shot was no longer possible. Indicating "truth seekers" had a desire to reduce the resolution of the scanned blueprints(?)


Suggesting, as the quasi leaders of the truth movement have, that the final drawings for the tallest buildings in the world have a free handed title block in pencil, is absurd.

104th floor title block.
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That the perpetrating infiltrators of the US government conducting mass murder on 9-11 would misrepresent the details of the methods of murder used to conceal their obvious role is logical, in order to misuse Americas military.

Accordingly FEMA, not created under the Constitution misrepresented the structural core of the Twin towers. They presented that the core was comprised of multiple steel core columns.

That the perpetrating infiltrators of the US government conducting mass murder on 9-11 would misrepresent the details of the methods of murder used to conceal their obvious role is logical, in order to misuse Americas military.

Accordingly FEMA, not created under the Constitution misrepresented the structural core of the Twin towers. They presented that the core was comprised of multiple steel core columns.


But on 9-11 the core of WTC 2 looks like this. Concrete, just as Newsweek described from the interview with the lead engineer, Leslie Robertson.


Accordingly, all of the famlies are deprived of a valid cause of death and the closure they need to continue with their lives in some normalcy.


The unconscious mind knows that IF the cause of death is not accurately known, THEN, the threat to their lives, their future, may continue.

That it the case as the mass murder an deception are used to conduct war that destroys the American economy threatening to deprive all of us of our needs.
Agents misinterpreting facts do nothing but muddy the water in efforts to protect the perpetrators. FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is invalid.

After the ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protected their hiding then a conspiractor presented fake plans to another member of the conspiracy, albeit probably unconscious of their role, to fully decieve the public with fake plans. Or plans made to look as they were final but were actually the preliminiary plans that went to Yamasaki.

Examination of the plans described in the beginning of the 1990 documentary as preliminary drawings made by Robertson to present the Tower concept to Minoru Yamasaki. Yamasaki vetoed Robertson's design because steel has too much flex in the proportions of the Twins.
Closer examination found that the revision tables had been photoshopped into the scanned blueprints. Anomalies, not artifacts because they are sized and positioned.

This is a screen shot from a .TIFF filed of the 104th floor core floor plan, the first torrent down load of the 600mb archived file I downloaded. Note the crisp resolution in the zoom.


I used that info as part of an analysis of the plans in 2007 and made web pages with the results.

The faked WTC 1 plans
The faked WTC 1 plans

I've posted that image on many forums in 9-11 activism. Not debate or discussion because 97% of the time I was opposing absolutely no substance, only ad hominum and, repetitive misinterpretation, evasion, cognitive distortions and nonsense. The same sheet also had what appeared to be an "01" in the date for the day of the month. Something not commonly done in 1967.

The examined the files at 911research.wtc7.net in late 2007 and the same high resolution .TIFFS that the download had werefound.

Just a few months ago I went back to the wtc7.net site and found that the original .TIFFS had been converted to .PNG's with drastically reduced resolution. So much so that the original resolution I obtained from the screen shot was no longer possible. Indicating "truth seekers" had a desire to reduce the resolution of the scanned blueprints(?)


Suggesting, as the quasi leaders of the truth movement have, that the final drawings for the tallest buildings in the world have a free handed title block in pencil, is absurd.

104th floor title block.

you truly are a nut job.:cuckoo:


let me type this really slow for you.

this is what a concrete core looks like....

and this is what the steel core of the WTC looks like.
Fizz, you need to draw red lines on it and point out the obvious for this fucking moron to even begin to understand

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