FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

That the perpetrating infiltrators of the US government conducting mass murder on 9-11 would misrepresent the details of the methods of murder used to conceal their obvious role is logical, in order to misuse Americas military.

Accordingly FEMA, not created under the Constitution misrepresented the structural core of the Twin towers. They presented that the core was comprised of multiple steel core columns.

Do you understand that the structural design of the WTC was public knowledge or in the public domain for nearly 20 years? The design and layout was common knowledge and well documented by the hundred of legal cases and the thousands of deposition conducted in asbestos suits concerning the WTC since the early 1980's.

Get off your ass, go the court house and look it up -- you might just learn something.

Not everything in the world can be researched by way of google.
That the perpetrating infiltrators of the US government conducting mass murder on 9-11 would misrepresent the details of the methods of murder used to conceal their obvious role is logical, in order to misuse Americas military.

Accordingly FEMA, not created under the Constitution misrepresented the structural core of the Twin towers. They presented that the core was comprised of multiple steel core columns.

Do you understand that the structural design of the WTC was public knowledge or in the public domain for nearly 20 years? The design and layout was common knowledge and well documented by the hundred of legal cases and the thousands of deposition conducted in asbestos suits concerning the WTC since the early 1980's.

Get off your ass, go the court house and look it up -- you might just learn something.

Not everything in the world can be researched by way of google.
There are lies recorded in court records simply for the puposes of deception. Infiltration of government would do that to conceal secret methods of mass murder.

the fact remains, that IF there were steel core columns, THEN they would be seen in the core area after the exterior steel exoskeleton fell. What is seen is a concrete core.


Which is exactly what the below would look like if the steel fell away.

Get off your ass, go the court house and look it up -- you might just learn something.

he cant find his ass without someone showing him a picture with graphics from MS Paint showing little circles and arrows telling him how to find it.

he also lives in santa barbara and would have a very hard time driving to a new york court house if he came across a steel bridge. he would sit there and wait for it to magically transform into concrete like the steel core of the WTC did.
Agents misinterpreting facts do nothing but muddy the water in efforts to protect the perpetrators. FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is invalid.

After the ex NYC mayor took the towers plans and hid them while the courts protected their hiding then a conspiractor presented fake plans to another member of the conspiracy, albeit probably unconscious of their role, to fully decieve the public with fake plans. Or plans made to look as they were final but were actually the preliminiary plans that went to Yamasaki.

Examination of the plans described in the beginning of the 1990 documentary as preliminary drawings made by Robertson to present the Tower concept to Minoru Yamasaki. Yamasaki vetoed Robertson's design because steel has too much flex in the proportions of the Twins.
Closer examination found that the revision tables had been photoshopped into the scanned blueprints. Anomalies, not artifacts because they are sized and positioned.

This is a screen shot from a .TIFF filed of the 104th floor core floor plan, the first torrent down load of the 600mb archived file I downloaded. Note the crisp resolution in the zoom.


I used that info as part of an analysis of the plans in 2007 and made web pages with the results.

The faked WTC 1 plans
The faked WTC 1 plans

I've posted that image on many forums in 9-11 activism. Not debate or discussion because 97% of the time I was opposing absolutely no substance, only ad hominum and, repetitive misinterpretation, evasion, cognitive distortions and nonsense. The same sheet also had what appeared to be an "01" in the date for the day of the month. Something not commonly done in 1967.

The examined the files at 911research.wtc7.net in late 2007 and the same high resolution .TIFFS that the download had werefound.

Just a few months ago I went back to the wtc7.net site and found that the original .TIFFS had been converted to .PNG's with drastically reduced resolution. So much so that the original resolution I obtained from the screen shot was no longer possible. Indicating "truth seekers" had a desire to reduce the resolution of the scanned blueprints(?)


Suggesting, as the quasi leaders of the truth movement have, that the final drawings for the tallest buildings in the world have a free handed title block in pencil, is absurd.

104th floor title block.

and this is what the steel core of the WTC looks like.

You still haven't demonstrated that you know anything about what is seen in that image by naming the numbered elements seen here, the same basic structure.


divot failed to do that, herr kaiser did as well, and you will too, because you are here for one purpose only, keeping the methods of mass murder on 9-11 secret.
There are lies recorded in court records simply for the puposes of deception. Infiltration of government would do that to conceal secret methods of mass murder.
you are completely out of your mind. :cuckoo:

What is seen is a concrete core.

prove its concrete.

i see something sticking up that is covered in smoke and barely visible with smoke coming from it. does concrete smoke? :cuckoo:
You still haven't demonstrated that you know anything about what is seen in that image by naming the numbered elements seen here, the same basic structure.

i told you to show me a picture of the concrete core before 9/11 and i will answer your questions.

i will give you a hint as to what my answers will be though.

1. STEEL __________
2. STEEL __________
3. STEEL __________

notice that none of the answers contain the word "concrete"
That the perpetrating infiltrators of the US government conducting mass murder on 9-11 would misrepresent the details of the methods of murder used to conceal their obvious role is logical, in order to misuse Americas military.

Accordingly FEMA, not created under the Constitution misrepresented the structural core of the Twin towers. They presented that the core was comprised of multiple steel core columns.

Do you understand that the structural design of the WTC was public knowledge or in the public domain for nearly 20 years? The design and layout was common knowledge and well documented by the hundred of legal cases and the thousands of deposition conducted in asbestos suits concerning the WTC since the early 1980's.

Get off your ass, go the court house and look it up -- you might just learn something.

Not everything in the world can be researched by way of google.
There are lies recorded in court records simply for the puposes of deception. Infiltration of government would do that to conceal secret methods of mass murder.

the fact remains, that IF there were steel core columns, THEN they would be seen in the core area after the exterior steel exoskeleton fell. What is seen is a concrete core.

So you think they convinced thousands of WTC workers to lie about the work they did and their work experiences in order to further a conspiracy that would take place 20 years later?

And in these thousands of depositions, the plaintiffs who were seeking money just decided it would be easier to take the government $$ and not pursue their ... God, I can't even fathom the logic.

There are lies recorded in court records simply for the puposes of deception. Infiltration of government would do that to conceal secret methods of mass murder.
you are completely out of your mind. :cuckoo:

What is seen is a concrete core.

prove its concrete.

i see something sticking up that is covered in smoke and barely visible with smoke coming from it. does concrete smoke? :cuckoo:

This engineers statement, August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE ground zero safety report. (He saw FEMA plans 2 weeks after 9-11 at ground zero) added to the Newsweek article about Robertson added to the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Inovation that was published in 1992 PROVE IT.


THEN the images from 9-11 are added, which seals it.

THEN the images from 9-11 are added, which seals it.

no. you keep saying that picture is concrete. prove it. newsweek does not talk about your picture. neither does your Mr Domel.

prove that the picture you keep showing is of concrete like you claim it is. concrete doesnt smoke. what you see in the picture is smoking.
prove its concrete.

Prove you know enough to recognize anything structural. What are the elemtns adjacent to the numbers are.

where is the concrete?

The concrete is below the top floor between the interior box columns and the first elevator guide rail support steel.

In this 9-11 image, that location is left of the spire, formed by an interior box column, where the end view of the concrete sear wall is. The elevator guide rail support would have been on the left of the concrete but it was too weak to stand so the core area is empty


Your evasion of the questions indicates you have no structural or construction knowledge.
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Prove you know enough to recognize anything structural. What are the elements adjacent to the numbers are.
its YOUR claim that its concrete.

You misrepresent. You evade.

I've not said what is seen is concrete. You need to show you have knowledge of structural steel construction to be credible.

have you found pictures of the rebar cages yet......mill certs....inspection reports....concrete slump test results......core crush test.....anything.....
prove its concrete.

Prove you know enough to recognize anything structural. What are the elements adjacent to the numbers?


truss shoring for the metal decking to pour the concrete floors.....found the rebar cages yet....

1, 2 and 3 are not what you describe.

Shoring is used in mines, excavations and trenches.

The floor panels have truss beams under them, and they are completely adequate permanent support for floors.

I doubt jizz, divot or herr kaiser could do any better.

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