FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

i'm somewhat amazed that your brain has even the most basic ability to generate enough electricity to control your fingers enough to type. :cuckoo:

Agents don't need a big brain, so they can't comprehend much. Maybe hangin' around supporting secret mass murder will evolve you.
so now your an agent?

No, too big of a brain. I'm a truth seeker that has a great deal of it. Like images of the concrete core of the Twin Towers.

so now your an agent?

No, too big of a brain. I'm a truth seeker that has a great deal of it. Like images of the concrete core of the Twin Towers.
you are NOT a "truth" seeker
you are a fucking LIAR

Of course the perpetrators seeking to keep their secret methods of mass murder from being known would want you to say that.

A truth seeker uses evidence and describes them with text. Like this.

This is the concrete core of WTC 2 on 9-11


This is the west concrete core wall of WTC 1. The spire, structural steel, is on the right.

No, too big of a brain. I'm a truth seeker that has a great deal of it. Like images of the concrete core of the Twin Towers.
you are NOT a "truth" seeker
you are a fucking LIAR

Of course the perpetrators seeking to keep their secret methods of mass murder from being known would want you to say that.

A truth seeker uses evidence and describes them with text. Like this.

This is the concrete core of WTC 2 on 9-11

This is the west concrete core wall of WTC 1. The spire, structural steel, is on the right.
except what you put in as text is nothing but LIES
No, too big of a brain. I'm a truth seeker that has a great deal of it. Like images of the concrete core of the Twin Towers.
you are NOT a "truth" seeker
you are a fucking LIAR

Of course the perpetrators seeking to keep their secret methods of mass murder from being known would want you to say that.

FACT-the perpetrators are the 19 muslim hijackers.
FACT-your concrete core is a hoax.
FACT-you are delusional.
FACT-you are a criminal.
FACT-you are a liar.
you are NOT a "truth" seeker
you are a fucking LIAR

Of course the perpetrators seeking to keep their secret methods of mass murder from being known would want you to say that.

FACT-the perpetrators are the 19 muslim hijackers.
FACT-your concrete core is a hoax.
FACT-you are delusional.
FACT-you are a criminal.
FACT-you are a liar.

Since you do not how the core of the towers was designed, you cannot possibly know those things.

Those are the things that the perpetrators would want people to believe but have presented no evidence any of it is true. You yourself fail to recognize violations of law that enable the exact deceptions I describe. Logically everything agents of the perpetrators state is exactly the opposite of what is true.

Your post is off topic. This thread is about the FEMA deception
Of course the perpetrators seeking to keep their secret methods of mass murder from being known would want you to say that.

FACT-the perpetrators are the 19 muslim hijackers.
FACT-your concrete core is a hoax.
FACT-you are delusional.
FACT-you are a criminal.
FACT-you are a liar.

Since you do not how the core of the towers was designed, you cannot possibly know those things.

Those are the things that the perpetrators would want people to believe but have presented no evidence any of it is true. You yourself fail to recognize violations of law that enable the exact deceptions I describe. Logically everything agents of the perpetrators state is exactly the opposite of what is true.

Your post is off topic. This thread is about the FEMA deception
the only one pushing deceptions is YOU, you paranoid delusional fucktard
do you see ANY concrete in this picture, you fucking moron?!!! :eusa_angel:

its a simple yes or no question. i bet you cant even answer it....
do you see ANY concrete in this picture, you fucking moron?!!! :eusa_angel:

its a simple yes or no question. i bet you cant even answer it....

That must be WTC 2 if no concrete is seen in the core at that elevation because WTC 1 had 3 floors of concrete core cast before the exterior steel went up.

Here is a usenet post that describes what is WTC 1. They don't say which, but there is good reason for me to know the image yo upost is WTC 2. The description of the continued construction is not correct, and logically a person on the street cannot see what is happening in or slightly over the core, like 3 floors, when the core is 60 feet from the floor edge.

What is said about the rectangular concrete core is correct. A fact established by default when no agent posts an image of WTC 1 at 2 floors elevation.

"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!


WTC 2 put up the steel first to about the 4th-5th floor and used the interior box columns to support the forming for the concrete core pour.

The 1990 documentary explained that the builders figured out, from building WTC 1, that they wasted a lot of time forming and casting the core of WTC 1 "freestanding", then stripping the wooden forms to replace it with steel exterior.
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do you see ANY concrete in this picture, you fucking moron?!!! :eusa_angel:

its a simple yes or no question. i bet you cant even answer it....

That must be WTC 2 if no concrete is seen in the core at that elevation because WTC 1 had 3 floors of concrete core cast before the exterior steel went up.

Here is a usenet post that describes what is WTC 1. They don't say which, but there is good reason for me to know the image yo upost is WTC 2. The description of the continued construction is not correct, and logically a person on the street cannot see what is happening in or slightly over the core, like 3 floors, when the core is 60 feet from the floor edge.

What is said about the rectangular concrete core is correct. A fact established by default when no agent posts an image of WTC 1 at 2 floors elevation.

"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!


WTC 2 put up the steel first to about the 4th-5th floor and used the interior box columns to support the forming for the concrete core pour.

The 1990 documentary explained that the builders figured out, from building WTC 1, that they wasted a lot of time forming and casting the core of WTC 1 "freestanding", then stripping the wooden forms to replace it with steel exterior.

thats it? thats your evidence?!! A FUCKING USENET POST FROM "TOM"?!!!! :lol:

where is your proof of anything you say about steel first and then concrete?!!! :cuckoo:
do you see ANY concrete in this picture, you fucking moron?!!! :eusa_angel:

its a simple yes or no question. i bet you cant even answer it....

That must be WTC 2 if no concrete is seen in the core at that elevation because WTC 1 had 3 floors of concrete core cast before the exterior steel went up.

Here is a usenet post that describes what is WTC 1. They don't say which, but there is good reason for me to know the image yo upost is WTC 2. The description of the continued construction is not correct, and logically a person on the street cannot see what is happening in or slightly over the core, like 3 floors, when the core is 60 feet from the floor edge.

What is said about the rectangular concrete core is correct. A fact established by default when no agent posts an image of WTC 1 at 2 floors elevation.

"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!


WTC 2 put up the steel first to about the 4th-5th floor and used the interior box columns to support the forming for the concrete core pour.

The 1990 documentary explained that the builders figured out, from building WTC 1, that they wasted a lot of time forming and casting the core of WTC 1 "freestanding", then stripping the wooden forms to replace it with steel exterior.
if the "steel was erected AROUND the concrete core" why is there not images of it to be seen at ANY stage of construction???????????
oh fer chrissake. Is this moronic thread still around, I thought that it was very plain that Mr. Brown (the deadbeat dad) wanted to promote his stupid book.
I hope he gets a real job and pays up instead of keeping this moronic thread going. Here is where we left off. You never answered these questions.

1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">
a. Newsweek was clearly wrong, unless they misinterpreted the fireproof "shaftwalls" as concrete.
b. We can resolve this with a quick email to Mr. Robertson. That would either confirm or end the "disappearing concrete wall" conspiracy. Just ask him if the core had structural concrete walls or not.
c. The conspiracy would need better proof of concrete walls than a misprint in Newsweek.
d. You need to show the remnants of wall on the ground, there would be 12 miles of wall that you don't see lying on the ground.
e. I provided several independent sources that show the towers did not have concrete core
walls. (FEMA, NIST, Robertson, Guardian, and photos that don't show R/C walls on the ground) You need to show several sources of the reinforced concrete walls at least 3' thick on drawings and on the ground. You never show any concrete wall pieces on the ground.

I provided a link, from "The Guardian" which is very neutral source of information, as well as from other credible sources. No mention of concrete walls.
Then you need to define what possible gain the "conspiracy" could have from lying about the concrete walls: One guardian article should equal one Newsweek misprint. As for the "small fire" did you see the fireball at impact? There were hundreds of thousands of gallons of jet fuel in the jets that created massive fire, plus the jet impact knocked the fireproofing off the steel. so you have a massive fire and no fireproofing, the towers collapsed exactly as predicted by the NIST engineers.
Plus, part-B of the question:
what possible gain would a conspiracy have to say that there were or were not concrete walls? The conspiracy makes no sense, just ask Mr. Robertson.

3. So you agree that there was no "secret method of mass murder" , correct ? If not, you need to say what it was.

4. You continually fail to describe the conspiracy. Who all was supposedly involved? You get no credit for saying Rudy did it....(thats an LOL actually)
The towers were built way before Rudy came to NY. He had nothing to gain from the tower design. Even Silverstein had nothing to gain/lose. The buildings were insured. The insurance companies would be all over any "wall conspiracy". The Port Authority also has all the tower design info, so you need to see that there were way too many people involved to cover anything up. who would gain anything from disappearing concrete walls? No one Its a stupid conspiracy, really dumb.

5. what difference would it make if there was a concrete core or not? If the buildings stood for ~35-years, however they were built was fine. the "question is: what difference did it make if it had concrete walls or not? The towers didn't just "fall down" from bad design. The designs were reviewed by NIST and ASCE and many others who all said that the buildings, w/o concrete walls, fell exactly as engineers would expect.
If the jets didn't hit them the design was fine. I don't see where the "wall conspiracy" came from, its just stupidity.

6. I can provide the equations (mathematical proof) for the deflection of the WTC tower if you have any way of verifying them.
Do you want me to post equations for the wind load and deflection with and w/o concrete walls? <thats an on-topic question>
If I prove mathematically that the concrete couldn't possibly deflect 12' will you admit that there were no concrete walls, as everyone but you acknowledges?
Its engineering proof that the documented sway the towers experienced could not happen if concrete walls were present. Steel columns sway, concrete core walls don't. Thats engineering, not bullshit. Your conspiracy is bullshit.[/b
do you see ANY concrete in this picture, you fucking moron?!!! :eusa_angel:

its a simple yes or no question. i bet you cant even answer it....

That must be WTC 2 if no concrete is seen in the core at that elevation because WTC 1 had 3 floors of concrete core cast before the exterior steel went up.

Here is a usenet post that describes what is WTC 1. They don't say which, but there is good reason for me to know the image yo upost is WTC 2. The description of the continued construction is not correct, and logically a person on the street cannot see what is happening in or slightly over the core, like 3 floors, when the core is 60 feet from the floor edge.

What is said about the rectangular concrete core is correct. A fact established by default when no agent posts an image of WTC 1 at 2 floors elevation.

"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!


WTC 2 put up the steel first to about the 4th-5th floor and used the interior box columns to support the forming for the concrete core pour.

The 1990 documentary explained that the builders figured out, from building WTC 1, that they wasted a lot of time forming and casting the core of WTC 1 "freestanding", then stripping the wooden forms to replace it with steel exterior.
if the "steel was erected AROUND the concrete core" why is there not images of it to be seen at ANY stage of construction???????????

The perpetrators who used secret methods of mass murder took the photos of the concrete core of WTC 1 to protect the secret methods and evade detection. Just like the 2 hour documentary disappeared from PBS that Ph.D Ron Larsen found signs of in old paper records and libraries. He provides testimony here to that effect in a recording excerpt from his web radio show.


Just like guiliani guiliani took the buildings plans from the city offices while the courts protect their hiding. And you never recognize that, which the perpetrators would demand of you.

And the plans we do get are from silverstein and they have THESE anomalies in 20% of them.


and in the last year the resolution was reduced so the anomalies are less obvious.


Its an broad conspiracy and you act within it.
That must be WTC 2 if no concrete is seen in the core at that elevation because WTC 1 had 3 floors of concrete core cast before the exterior steel went up.

Here is a usenet post that describes what is WTC 1. They don't say which, but there is good reason for me to know the image yo upost is WTC 2. The description of the continued construction is not correct, and logically a person on the street cannot see what is happening in or slightly over the core, like 3 floors, when the core is 60 feet from the floor edge.

What is said about the rectangular concrete core is correct. A fact established by default when no agent posts an image of WTC 1 at 2 floors elevation.

"Tony Jebson" <[email protected]> wrote:

>......Apparently, the WTC towers had no internal
>structural columns but relied on the exterior structure for
>support / strength. No doubt the impact of an airplane does
>this no end of harm.
I worked in downtown NY in the late 1960's when the towers were
built! At lunch time we went to the construction site to watch the
progress. And we saw them first buildt an internal thick walled
rectangular concrete core inside which later the elevators ran. The
steel work was erected around this core several floors behind!


WTC 2 put up the steel first to about the 4th-5th floor and used the interior box columns to support the forming for the concrete core pour.

The 1990 documentary explained that the builders figured out, from building WTC 1, that they wasted a lot of time forming and casting the core of WTC 1 "freestanding", then stripping the wooden forms to replace it with steel exterior.
if the "steel was erected AROUND the concrete core" why is there not images of it to be seen at ANY stage of construction???????????

The perpetrators who used secret methods of mass murder took the photos of the concrete core of WTC 1 to protect the secret methods and evade detection. Just like the 2 hour documentary disappeared from PBS that Ph.D Ron Larsen found signs of in old paper records and libraries. He provides testimony here to that effect in a recording excerpt from his web radio show.


Just like guiliani guiliani took the buildings plans from the city offices while the courts protect their hiding. And you never recognize that, which the perpetrators would demand of you.

And the plans we do get are from silverstein and they have THESE anomalies in 20% of them.

and in the last year the resolution was reduced so the anomalies are less obvious.

Its an broad conspiracy and you act within it.
you are such a fucking MORON
it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to remove ALL of the concrete if it was put in BEFORE the steel went up as you posted a source claiming

and we dont need to see those images of your delusions for the 1,000,000th time
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oh fer chrissake. Is this moronic thread still around, I thought that it was very plain that Mr. Brown (the deadbeat dad) wanted to promote his stupid book.
I hope he gets a real job and pays up instead of keeping this moronic thread going. Here is where we left off. You never answered these questions.

1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">

Your conspiracy is bullshit.

Agent kaiser is typically misrepresenting the radio interview. It is Steven Jones that says "47 steel core columns" AND there is a big audio edit right when Robertson is ready to mention "concrete core", totally matching the September 13, 2001 Newsweek article, ........ if you listen very carefully.


The reverse of what kaiser states is much closer to true.
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as an example.....

lets say my father visited new york while the WTC towers were being built. how are these mysterious "perpetrators" going to know if he snapped any pictures or not? how are they going to know where he stored them?

it's simply the most ridiculous argument i have ever heard in my life. :lol:

hey chris, ask the sister that is supporting you to send a few extra bucks so you can go back on the meds you so desperately need.

you are fucking insane!! :cuckoo:
oh fer chrissake. Is this moronic thread still around, I thought that it was very plain that Mr. Brown (the deadbeat dad) wanted to promote his stupid book.
I hope he gets a real job and pays up instead of keeping this moronic thread going. Here is where we left off. You never answered these questions.

1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">

Your conspiracy is bullshit.

Agent kaiser is typically misrepresenting the radio interview. It is Steven Jones that says "47 steel core columns" AND there is a big audio edit right when Robertson is ready to mention "concrete core", totally matching the September 13, 2001 Newsweek article, ........ if you listen very carefully.


The reverse of what kaiser states is much closer to true.


an edit "right as he was about to say concrete core"!!!!!


holy shit, thats fucking hilarious!!! you think you know what he was about to say!!! :lol:


chris, if that doesnt convince you that you are delusional then nothing will. think of the logic behind that. you know what he was about to say......... :cuckoo:
oh fer chrissake. Is this moronic thread still around, I thought that it was very plain that Mr. Brown (the deadbeat dad) wanted to promote his stupid book.
I hope he gets a real job and pays up instead of keeping this moronic thread going. Here is where we left off. You never answered these questions.

1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">

Your conspiracy is bullshit.

Agent kaiser is typically misrepresenting the radio interview. It is Steven Jones that says "47 steel core columns" AND there is a big audio edit right when Robertson is ready to mention "concrete core", totally matching the September 13, 2001 Newsweek article, ........ if you listen very carefully.


The reverse of what kaiser states is much closer to true.


an edit "right as he was about to say concrete core"!!!!!


holy shit, thats fucking hilarious!!! you think you know what he was about to say!!! :lol:


chris, if that doesnt convince you that you are delusional then nothing will. think of the logic behind that. you know what he was about to say......... :cuckoo:
then you have to wonder if Robertson was lying then or if he is lying now when he says there was no concrete in the core above grade

btw, the concrete his "source" likely saw if any of that was really accurate, was the concrete BELOW grade
oh fer chrissake. Is this moronic thread still around, I thought that it was very plain that Mr. Brown (the deadbeat dad) wanted to promote his stupid book.
I hope he gets a real job and pays up instead of keeping this moronic thread going. Here is where we left off. You never answered these questions.

1. Robertson/Jones audio states clearly that the structure was "core columns and perimeter columns" (~18:00-19:00). Thanks! <this question was resolved. only steel columns were "structure">

Your conspiracy is bullshit.

Agent kaiser is typically misrepresenting the radio interview. It is Steven Jones that says "47 steel core columns" AND there is a big audio edit right when Robertson is ready to mention "concrete core", totally matching the September 13, 2001 Newsweek article, ........ if you listen very carefully.


The reverse of what kaiser states is much closer to true.


an edit "right as he was about to say concrete core"!!!!!


holy shit, thats fucking hilarious!!! you think you know what he was about to say!!! :lol:


chris, if that doesnt convince you that you are delusional then nothing will. think of the logic behind that. you know what he was about to say......... :cuckoo:

Whatever the edit covers we won't know, but images show concrete, Oxford identifies concrete, Domel identifies concrete and Steven Jones says, steel core columns. NOT Robertson.

You never ever did post an image of steel core columns clearly in the core area did you?

The concrete is very easy to see..

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