FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The one's from Robertson's firm? Was that a trick question or something? Have you looked at the WTC section of LERA's website to see how they cooperated? Does Domel's report say they had blueprints/drawings?

Have you actually looked into this at all?

What blueprints did NIST, FEMA, etc use in their Building Performance Reports?

From LERA's website:
LERA's website said:
World Trade Center and NIST

"In response to the WTC tragedy, the National Institute of Standards and Technology is conducting a three-part plan: a 24-month building and fire safety investigation to study the factors contributing to the probable cause (or causes) of post-impact collapse of the WTC Towers (WTC 1 and 2) and WTC 7; a research and development program to provide the technical basis for improved building and fire codes, standards, and practices; and a dissemination and technical assistance program to engage leaders of the construction and building community in implementing proposed changes to practices, standards and codes. Also it will provide practical guidance and tools to better prepare facility owners, contractors, architects, engineers, emergency responders, and regulatory authorities to respond to future disasters."

LERA participated in the development of a database of structural information for the two towers of the World Trade Center (WTC1 and 2).

See that last part about LERA participated in the development of structural information? How the fuck do you think they did that? From memory?

So basically you don't know what blueprints were used. Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?
What blueprints did NIST, FEMA, etc use in their Building Performance Reports?

From LERA's website:
LERA's website said:
World Trade Center and NIST

"In response to the WTC tragedy, the National Institute of Standards and Technology is conducting a three-part plan: a 24-month building and fire safety investigation to study the factors contributing to the probable cause (or causes) of post-impact collapse of the WTC Towers (WTC 1 and 2) and WTC 7; a research and development program to provide the technical basis for improved building and fire codes, standards, and practices; and a dissemination and technical assistance program to engage leaders of the construction and building community in implementing proposed changes to practices, standards and codes. Also it will provide practical guidance and tools to better prepare facility owners, contractors, architects, engineers, emergency responders, and regulatory authorities to respond to future disasters."

LERA participated in the development of a database of structural information for the two towers of the World Trade Center (WTC1 and 2).

See that last part about LERA participated in the development of structural information? How the fuck do you think they did that? From memory?

So basically you don't know what blueprints were used. Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

I DO know. It's talked about in various locations in NCSTAR1. You're just to lazy to look it up. I found numerous references to LERA and their drawings being used.

Why don't you ask LERA why the plans are not public? What are you afraid of. People can ask me why you're such an asshole, but it would only be my opinion. I would tell them to ask you why you are.
What blueprints did NIST, FEMA, etc use in their Building Performance Reports?

From LERA's website:
LERA's website said:
World Trade Center and NIST

"In response to the WTC tragedy, the National Institute of Standards and Technology is conducting a three-part plan: a 24-month building and fire safety investigation to study the factors contributing to the probable cause (or causes) of post-impact collapse of the WTC Towers (WTC 1 and 2) and WTC 7; a research and development program to provide the technical basis for improved building and fire codes, standards, and practices; and a dissemination and technical assistance program to engage leaders of the construction and building community in implementing proposed changes to practices, standards and codes. Also it will provide practical guidance and tools to better prepare facility owners, contractors, architects, engineers, emergency responders, and regulatory authorities to respond to future disasters."

LERA participated in the development of a database of structural information for the two towers of the World Trade Center (WTC1 and 2).

See that last part about LERA participated in the development of structural information? How the fuck do you think they did that? From memory?

So basically you don't know what blueprints were used. Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

As with all public buildings, the "AS-BUILT" plans would have been available in several places. The fire department, the NY Port Authority Engineering Dept, The Engineer of Record, and several other places would have had copies of the "AS-Built Plans". It is no different with any other public building. The "As-Built" plans, updated after the 1993 bombing were used for the 911 commision report, as well as the NIST report.
The Engineer of Record (Leslie Robertson) delivered a 'sealed' set of plans that are referenced as the source in the appendix of both reports.

Stop pretending to be looking for "truth".
You don't want the "truth", you want to continue the treasonous spread of propaganda.

Why not just admit to being an agent of Al Qaeda and come clean?
From LERA's website:

See that last part about LERA participated in the development of structural information? How the fuck do you think they did that? From memory?

So basically you don't know what blueprints were used. Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

As with all public buildings, the "AS-BUILT" plans would have been available in several places. The fire department, the NY Port Authority Engineering Dept, The Engineer of Record, and several other places would have had copies of the "AS-Built Plans". It is no different with any other public building. The "As-Built" plans, updated after the 1993 bombing were used for the 911 commision report, as well as the NIST report.
The Engineer of Record (Leslie Robertson) delivered a 'sealed' set of plans that are referenced as the source in the appendix of both reports.

Stop pretending to be looking for "truth".
You don't want the "truth", you want to continue the treasonous spread of propaganda.

Why not just admit to being an agent of Al Qaeda and come clean?

So the blueprints/as-built plans are publicly available? Would you mind linking those? It's extremely revealing you accuse a fellow American of being alkida because he asks where the blueprints are to the towers. Go suck some more dick at the welfare bar you stink up.
From LERA's website:

See that last part about LERA participated in the development of structural information? How the fuck do you think they did that? From memory?

So basically you don't know what blueprints were used. Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

I DO know. It's talked about in various locations in NCSTAR1. You're just to lazy to look it up. I found numerous references to LERA and their drawings being used.

Why don't you ask LERA why the plans are not public? What are you afraid of. People can ask me why you're such an asshole, but it would only be my opinion. I would tell them to ask you why you are.

So you claim to know what blueprints were used but you can't link any of them? Thass convenient. You also ignored this question:

Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

Slackjawfuck contradicted your claim by saying the as-built plans would be in the public domain. Maybe you ***** should get your facts straight?
So basically you don't know what blueprints were used. Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

As with all public buildings, the "AS-BUILT" plans would have been available in several places. The fire department, the NY Port Authority Engineering Dept, The Engineer of Record, and several other places would have had copies of the "AS-Built Plans". It is no different with any other public building. The "As-Built" plans, updated after the 1993 bombing were used for the 911 commision report, as well as the NIST report.
The Engineer of Record (Leslie Robertson) delivered a 'sealed' set of plans that are referenced as the source in the appendix of both reports.

Stop pretending to be looking for "truth".
You don't want the "truth", you want to continue the treasonous spread of propaganda.

Why not just admit to being an agent of Al Qaeda and come clean?

So the blueprints/as-built plans are publicly available? Would you mind linking those? It's extremely revealing you accuse a fellow American of being alkida because he asks where the blueprints are to the towers. Go suck some more dick at the welfare bar you stink up.

All you have to do is get someone to read either the 911 commission report or the NIST report to you, the appendix tells you that the "sealed as-builts" were delivered by the Engineer of record for use in the report.

All plans for public, and most large privately owned buildings in the USA can be accessed at the engineering office of the government agency that holds building code jurisdiction over the building.
There is no link for that.
get off your lazy cum-filled fat ass and go to your town hall and ask.
treasonous fuckstain idiototic twoofer scum
So basically you don't know what blueprints were used. Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

I DO know. It's talked about in various locations in NCSTAR1. You're just to lazy to look it up. I found numerous references to LERA and their drawings being used.

Why don't you ask LERA why the plans are not public? What are you afraid of. People can ask me why you're such an asshole, but it would only be my opinion. I would tell them to ask you why you are.

So you claim to know what blueprints were used but you can't link any of them? Thass convenient. You also ignored this question:

Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

Slackjawfuck contradicted your claim by saying the as-built plans would be in the public domain. Maybe you ***** should get your facts straight?

I just told you the document they were discussed in. Given your apparent lack of understanding of the English language shown in other threads, I doubt you could find the references.

LERA and it's blueprints are discussed in NCSTAR1.PDF. Go look it up.
here is a link where some plans for federally owned public buildings are available.

Call your local building department and see for yourself.

you are not interested in any sort of truth, or anything remotely connected to truth.

Records of the Public Buildings Service [PBS]

Everything you want can't be accessed from your chair in front of your computer.

Get off the computer once in awhile and see what the real world is like....

Oh, wait- you already know! Your only here to spread propaganda for your masters.......truth my ass.
You wouldn't know truth if it hit you in the side of the mouth, like thast big cock you seem to be obsessed with.

idiot fuckstain treasonous twoofer liar lunatic clownlite, official agent for Al Qaeda when your not being a gay male prostitute........
So basically you don't know what blueprints were used. Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

I DO know. It's talked about in various locations in NCSTAR1. You're just to lazy to look it up. I found numerous references to LERA and their drawings being used.

Why don't you ask LERA why the plans are not public? What are you afraid of. People can ask me why you're such an asshole, but it would only be my opinion. I would tell them to ask you why you are.

So you claim to know what blueprints were used but you can't link any of them? Thass convenient. You also ignored this question:

Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

Slackjawfuck contradicted your claim by saying the as-built plans would be in the public domain. Maybe you ***** should get your facts straight?

Don't put words in my mouth asswipe. There is a difference between "available to the public" and in the "public domain".

You are truely the most stupid twoofer we have on here, and there is a nugget of TRUTH!
I DO know. It's talked about in various locations in NCSTAR1. You're just to lazy to look it up. I found numerous references to LERA and their drawings being used.

Why don't you ask LERA why the plans are not public? What are you afraid of. People can ask me why you're such an asshole, but it would only be my opinion. I would tell them to ask you why you are.

So you claim to know what blueprints were used but you can't link any of them? Thass convenient. You also ignored this question:

Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

Slackjawfuck contradicted your claim by saying the as-built plans would be in the public domain. Maybe you ***** should get your facts straight?

I just told you the document they were discussed in. Given your apparent lack of understanding of the English language shown in other threads, I doubt you could find the references.

LERA and it's blueprints are discussed in NCSTAR1.PDF. Go look it up.

You are claiming the blueprints were used yet you cannot provide any evidence what blueprints were used. No worries. I'm used to ***** like you not being able to back up what you say.
I DO know. It's talked about in various locations in NCSTAR1. You're just to lazy to look it up. I found numerous references to LERA and their drawings being used.

Why don't you ask LERA why the plans are not public? What are you afraid of. People can ask me why you're such an asshole, but it would only be my opinion. I would tell them to ask you why you are.

So you claim to know what blueprints were used but you can't link any of them? Thass convenient. You also ignored this question:

Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

Slackjawfuck contradicted your claim by saying the as-built plans would be in the public domain. Maybe you ***** should get your facts straight?

Don't put words in my mouth asswipe. There is a difference between "available to the public" and in the "public domain".

You are truely the most stupid twoofer we have on here, and there is a nugget of TRUTH!

So basically you guys are fucking clueless about what blueprints were used by NIST but claim their conclusions are accurate even though you have no way to independently verify what the government has concluded. And you call yourselves "Americans?" You are fucking pathetic.
So you claim to know what blueprints were used but you can't link any of them? Thass convenient. You also ignored this question:

Was NIST given access to plans that NIST was not allowed to be made public?

Slackjawfuck contradicted your claim by saying the as-built plans would be in the public domain. Maybe you ***** should get your facts straight?

I just told you the document they were discussed in. Given your apparent lack of understanding of the English language shown in other threads, I doubt you could find the references.

LERA and it's blueprints are discussed in NCSTAR1.PDF. Go look it up.

You are claiming the blueprints were used yet you cannot provide any evidence what blueprints were used. No worries. I'm used to ***** like you not being able to back up what you say.

Here you lazy fuck. Here is the link to the document you've been told about numerous times. Open it up and search for LERA, drawings, etc. They are mentioned all over the place.

http://wtc.nist.gov/NCSTAR1/PDF/NCSTAR 1.pdf

Yeah, you want the truth. Can't get up off your ass to find it though.
I just told you the document they were discussed in. Given your apparent lack of understanding of the English language shown in other threads, I doubt you could find the references.

LERA and it's blueprints are discussed in NCSTAR1.PDF. Go look it up.

You are claiming the blueprints were used yet you cannot provide any evidence what blueprints were used. No worries. I'm used to ***** like you not being able to back up what you say.

Here you lazy fuck. Here is the link to the document you've been told about numerous times. Open it up and search for LERA, drawings, etc. They are mentioned all over the place.

http://wtc.nist.gov/NCSTAR1/PDF/NCSTAR 1.pdf

Yeah, you want the truth. Can't get up off your ass to find it though.

he's too busy backpeddling on his other stupid statements he makes on a daily basis to actually try to find the truth....:lol:
You are claiming the blueprints were used yet you cannot provide any evidence what blueprints were used. No worries. I'm used to ***** like you not being able to back up what you say.

Here you lazy fuck. Here is the link to the document you've been told about numerous times. Open it up and search for LERA, drawings, etc. They are mentioned all over the place.

http://wtc.nist.gov/NCSTAR1/PDF/NCSTAR 1.pdf

Yeah, you want the truth. Can't get up off your ass to find it though.

he's too busy backpeddling on his other stupid statements he makes on a daily basis to actually try to find the truth....:lol:

Never does it state that the buildings plans were in possession. If it does, copy and paste it. I'm done searching through that piece of crap. I found the disclaimer actually had more substance defining how they determined the buildings design than anything.
Here you lazy fuck. Here is the link to the document you've been told about numerous times. Open it up and search for LERA, drawings, etc. They are mentioned all over the place.

http://wtc.nist.gov/NCSTAR1/PDF/NCSTAR 1.pdf

Yeah, you want the truth. Can't get up off your ass to find it though.

he's too busy backpeddling on his other stupid statements he makes on a daily basis to actually try to find the truth....:lol:

Never does it state that the buildings plans were in possession. If it does, copy and paste it. I'm done searching through that piece of crap. I found the disclaimer actually had more substance defining how they determined the buildings design than anything.

where does it say they didnt have the building plans? LERA says they provided information to the NIST. they are structural engineers. what the fuck do you think they were providing? the buildings address?!! :cuckoo:
he's too busy backpeddling on his other stupid statements he makes on a daily basis to actually try to find the truth....:lol:

Never does it state that the buildings plans were in possession. If it does, copy and paste it. I'm done searching through that piece of crap. I found the disclaimer actually had more substance defining how they determined the buildings design than anything.

where does it say they didnt have the building plans? LERA says they provided information to the NIST. they are structural engineers. what the fuck do you think they were providing? the buildings address?!! :cuckoo:

NIST does not state they had the plans. the disclaimer indicates in a round-about-fashion, they did not
Never does it state that the buildings plans were in possession. If it does, copy and paste it. I'm done searching through that piece of crap. I found the disclaimer actually had more substance defining how they determined the buildings design than anything.

where does it say they didnt have the building plans? LERA says they provided information to the NIST. they are structural engineers. what the fuck do you think they were providing? the buildings address?!! :cuckoo:

NIST does not state they had the plans. the disclaimer indicates in a round-about-fashion, they did not

It's in the document. They had all sorts of drawings. You're just too stupid to find the references.
IF one bothers to dig a little, one could start with the disreputable shit like Wiki. But assholes like these Troofer scum would discount wiki to whatever extent that article relies on the NIST report.

But with a little more digging, one can find lots of interesting details.

Like this piece: American Experience | The Center of the World - New York: A Documentary Film | People & Events | PBS

The construction of the tube structure of the CORE of the Trade Towers was a mixture of concrete AND steel. It was a tubular construction method for a variety of reasons.

How ANYbody can pretend that the core was nothing but concrete is a mystery.

It certainly isn't supportable by reference to ANY provable facts.

Troofers are scum.
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