FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The outer elevator guide rail support steel was against the inside of the concrete wall. It was not a core column.


Which is why ground zero had so few standing. The red arrow marks one that appears to be held in position by the horizontal brace cast in concrete. Few in that position stand.


The only full height box columns were the row on the left that were outside the core. Green arrows indicate elevator guide rail support steel still standing. Note that most are leaning badly. No foundation.
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The outer elevator guide rail support steel was against the inside of the concrete wall. It was not a core column.


Which is why ground zero had so few standing. The red arrow marks one that appears to be held in position by the horizontal brace cast in concrete. Few in that position stand.


The only full height box columns were the row on the left that were outside the core. Green arrows indicate elevator guide rail support steel still standing. Note that most are leaning badly. No foundation.

for about the hundredth time...


where is your documentation to back that up? you are simply making shit up again. you have nothing to back that up. its all a fantasy in your head.

what you claim are "elevator guide rail supports" are STEEL CORE COLUMNS.
anyone found the rebar cages....there should be pictures druing construction and post collapse of miles and miles of rebar.....

can't have a concrete core without rebar.....
anyone found the rebar cages....there should be pictures druing construction and post collapse of miles and miles of rebar.....

can't have a concrete core without rebar.....

Anyone care about lawful government?

Can you recognize violations of law by governmental entities depriving the public of construction photos and building plans?

well so far today by refusing to answer question and trying to change the subject we have established that you simply fabricated your claim of "elevator guide rail support steel" and also you have no proof of rebar.

we are getting someplace today!!

so do you have any pictures of a concrete core?

any building plans for a concrete core?
You refuse to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of thousands of construction photos and building plans.


And you refuse to recognize evidence and logically use it.

The very fine vertical elements can only be rebar.

Butt plates CANNOT be used to join sections of "core columns". Absolutely not strong enough.

Absolutely NO structural steel protrudes as it would have to IF there were steel core columns in the core.

You . . . absolutely support secret methods of mass murder.
You refuse to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of thousands of construction photos and building plans.

where is your proof that there were construction photos and building plans as part of what you claim was taken? once again you are just making shit up.

guiliani wasnt mayor when the towers were constructed. :cuckoo:
You refuse to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of thousands of construction photos and building plans.

where is your proof that there were construction photos and building plans as part of what you claim was taken? once again you are just making shit up.

guiliani wasnt mayor when the towers were constructed. :cuckoo:

Like I said, you refuse to recognize violations of law.

I'm going to bold it for you this time . . . agent assisting treason.

Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

ALL civic center documents contain ALL the buildings of the center building plans. It is requirement for emergency services.

Of course the infiltrating, treasonous perpetrators would not want you to recognize such facts, so it is logical that you refuse to do so.

How come you haven't posted a link to official plans if you don't think they were taken?
You refuse to recognize violations of law that deprive the public of thousands of construction photos and building plans.

where is your proof that there were construction photos and building plans as part of what you claim was taken? once again you are just making shit up.

guiliani wasnt mayor when the towers were constructed. :cuckoo:

Like I said, you refuse to recognize violations of law.

I'm going to bold it for you this time . . . agent assisting treason.

Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

ALL civic center documents contain ALL the buildings of the center building plans. It is requirement for emergency services.

what the fuck are you talking about?

what the fuck is the problem with you that you assume that any of the listed documents are what you claim they are?

where does it say anything about building plans and blueprints? where does it say construction photos?

again, you are caught just making shit up.:cuckoo:
where is your proof that there were construction photos and building plans as part of what you claim was taken? once again you are just making shit up.

guiliani wasnt mayor when the towers were constructed. :cuckoo:

Like I said, you refuse to recognize violations of law.

I'm going to bold it for you this time . . . agent assisting treason.

Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

ALL civic center documents contain ALL the buildings of the center building plans. It is requirement for emergency services.

what the fuck are you talking about?

what the fuck is the problem with you that you assume that any of the listed documents are what you claim they are?

where does it say anything about building plans and blueprints? where does it say construction photos?

again, you are caught just making shit up.:cuckoo:

Of course you pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. The perps would want agents to do that when confronted with facts and reason.

You pretend to forget, I work in civil engineering. I KNOW what civic center documents must include.

Meanwhile this looks exactly like a concrete core would look after the exterior steel of a skyscraper was removed.


But this, what FEMA presents as the core of the Twins, DOES NOT look like what a steel core should look like.


Why haven't you posted a link to the source of official plans.
Like I said, you refuse to recognize violations of law.

I'm going to bold it for you this time . . . agent assisting treason.

Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

ALL civic center documents contain ALL the buildings of the center building plans. It is requirement for emergency services.

what the fuck are you talking about?

what the fuck is the problem with you that you assume that any of the listed documents are what you claim they are?

where does it say anything about building plans and blueprints? where does it say construction photos?

again, you are caught just making shit up.:cuckoo:

Of course you pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. The perps would want agents to do that when confronted with facts and reason.

You pretend to forget, I work in civil engineering. I KNOW what civic center documents must include.

Meanwhile this looks exactly like a concrete core would look after the exterior steel of a skyscraper was removed.


But this, what FEMA presents as the core of the Twins, DOES NOT look like what a steel core should look like.


Why haven't you posted a link to the source of official plans.
you still havent provided proof that that diagram of the WTC core was ALL they had or that it even came from FEMA
you are a totally delusional paranoid asswipe
Like I said, you refuse to recognize violations of law.

I'm going to bold it for you this time . . . agent assisting treason.

Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

ALL civic center documents contain ALL the buildings of the center building plans. It is requirement for emergency services.

what the fuck are you talking about?

what the fuck is the problem with you that you assume that any of the listed documents are what you claim they are?

where does it say anything about building plans and blueprints? where does it say construction photos?

again, you are caught just making shit up.:cuckoo:

Of course you pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. The perps would want agents to do that when confronted with facts and reason.

You pretend to forget, I work in civil engineering. I KNOW what civic center documents must include.

Meanwhile this looks exactly like a concrete core would look after the exterior steel of a skyscraper was removed.


But this, what FEMA presents as the core of the Twins, DOES NOT look like what a steel core should look like.


Why haven't you posted a link to the source of official plans.

you dont work at all, jackass. you make 9000 a year according to your own documents. the rest of the money you get to live is from your sister.

where are you getting the information now that these are "civic center documents" and even if they were how would you know they are all of them.

you are talking out of your ass and simply making shit up.

where is your proof that the FEMA drawing is not what a steel core should look like? again, you just make shit up.

where is your proof that the picture is EXACTLY what a concrete core should look like and not a steel core. again, you are just making shit up.

go back to your fantasy life of manchurian candidates and leave the victims and families of 9/11 alone. they dont need your stupid concrete core hoax. it exists only in your mind.
you still havent provided proof that that diagram of the WTC core was ALL they had or that it even came from FEMA

You are the first to question that. Everybody saw the first WTC report . . . it appears, except for you.

Can you provide a link to another diagram of the Twins core structure?
you still havent provided proof that that diagram of the WTC core was ALL they had or that it even came from FEMA

You are the first to question that. Everybody saw the first WTC report . . . it appears, except for you.

Can you provide a link to another diagram of the Twins core structure?
i've done better than that
i gave you a link to the plans
only you keep insisting it never happened, like the paranoid delusional fucktard you are
This proves it is not correct. Documentation will be provided eventually.


Where is you link to another diagram?

Where is your link to the official building plans?
This proves it is not correct. Documentation will be provided eventually.


Where is you link to another diagram?

Where is your link to the official building plans?

that is exactly how the FEMA drawing would like if covered with gyspum and smoking and falling.

where did i say there was another diagram? why would i even need one if the one FEMA provided is correct? where did i say i had the official building plans? the plans were provided to FEMA by robertson. go read his website. he is under no obligation to release his hard earned work for free to you or me. you are barking up the wrong tree there, goofy.

so where is you pictures of a concrete core? why cant you ever show any concrete core, not even on 9/11??
This proves it is not correct. Documentation will be provided eventually.


Where is you link to another diagram?

Where is your link to the official building plans?

that is exactly how the FEMA drawing would like if covered with gyspum and smoking and falling.

Do you see any fire?


That was seconds before.

where did i say there was another diagram?

You asked me to verify that the one I posted was from FEMA. I allege that is the ONLY official depiction of any kind. It seems I must be correct if you know of no other.

why would i even need one if the one FEMA provided is correct? where did i say i had the official building plans?

The one from FEMA is not correct and the images from 9-11 as well as other independently verified evidence prove it.

the plans were provided to FEMA by robertson. go read his website. he is under no obligation to release his hard earned work for free to you or me. you are barking up the wrong tree there, goofy.

Go read Newsweek on September 13, 2001 because 3,000 had just been killed and the engineer of record has HUGE liability so information provided to global publications WILL be correct. Years later, any published data could be erroneous by coercion.

so where is you pictures of a concrete core? why cant you ever show any concrete core, not even on 9/11??

If what I have filed is correct,

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382

Then the perps would never logically allow you to admit that FEMA was wrong or the images from 9-11 and ground zero show concrete.

All is consistent with allegations of treason by deception and felony obstruction of justice.

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