FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Below is a blueprint of the lobby of the towers at the lobby level. It agrees with ANY other pricture/photo out there that shows that elevator access. The yellow red rectangle represents one of the 23 express elevators seen along the top and bottom rows of elevators on the perimeter of the wall. The smaller blue rectangle represents one of the 24 local elevators in the center of the towers:

Here is the same blueprint. I have drawn Chris' core in red as he says it existed.

Chris has effectively displaced all 23 express elevators AND a freight elevator. And then claims that they moved all of them into the red core. How is that physically possible? Sorry, but it isn't.

Gee, they must have screwed up and run the sprinkler risers outside of Chris's concrete wall, considering that the planes severed them. And since the stair towers were blocked completely in the North Tower, and only one was open in the South Tower, the planes must have had bunker busters in them. :lol::lol::lol:
Gee. I don't see a 12' concrete corridor for people to pass through in this photo. The express elevators are right against the wall for all to access:

Wonder how you get through that solid concrete wall to the elevators to these doors?:

Uh oh Chris. What are those to the left in this photo?:
Below is a blueprint of the lobby of the towers at the lobby level.

Gee, they must have screwed up and run the sprinkler risers outside of Chris's concrete wall, considering that the planes severed them. And since the stair towers were blocked completely in the North Tower, and only one was open in the South Tower, the planes must have had bunker busters in them. :lol::lol::lol:

OMG! still promoting fraud and deception with that fakery.

gamy promotes the plans from the guy that made a profit from 9-11 and supports the FEMA deception by "leaking" plans and misrepresnting them as "final drawings" of some kind. It is a fact that the ex mayor took the plans from city offices which is why we do not have an "official plans". gamy and the infiltrating perpetrators try to fill the void with a fraud.

Here is the proof.

This image of the WTC 1 north side core wall at its base shows a 3x7 hall way running its length.

This is a screen shot of a porton of the 3rd floor core plan. What is seen in the image linked above is is not shown on the plan. What the plan shows in that location is a steam shaft, air shaft and janitors closet.


Then about 20% of the scanned blue prints distributed by richard gage and jim hoffman who created the fist 9-11, WTC conspiracy site, have these anomalies in the revision tables that are basically impossible with a scan of a pencil drawing at the scale of the initials in the revision table.


Here is the original on the server of 911research.wtc7.net. Examine the revison table. See for yourself.


gam is an agent using fraud, collusion and manipulation to support the secrete means of mass murder and the demise of the US Constitution on behalf of the infiltrators of the US government.
Gee. I don't see a 12' concrete corridor for people to pass through in this photo.

I've explained gams efforts to deceive by using photoshoped images attempting to make the WTC 2 lobby appear as WTC 1. See this other message board where he is exposed.

It is all pretty well explained on the icke forum.

David Icke's Official Forums - View Single Post - The Infiltration Of The Truth Movement

The thread

The Infiltration Of The Truth Movement - Page 34 - David Icke's Official Forums

Another post with the full set of photoshopped images.

David Icke's Official Forums - View Single Post - No Independently Verifiable Evidence of Steel Core

The thread.

No Independently Verifiable Evidence of Steel Core - Page 42 - David Icke's Official Forums
Come on Chris. Be a man. Take my challenge. Provide a scaled drawing of the lobby level of you core using your dimensions and fit everything in it including proper access.
Come on Chris. Be a man. Take my challenge. Provide a scaled drawing of the lobby level of you core using your dimensions and fit everything in it including proper access.

I can do that but not for a wimp. I've already shown you are working for the infiltrators of the US government and perpetrators of mass murder by your support for their big secret of HOW it was done.

the 1,350 foot tall secret concrete core,

Heres about 1/2 of it of WTC 2.


YOU stop trying to create context where your fraudulent efforts relate indirectly at best.

YOU produce some independently verified evidence of the supposed steel core columns.
Come on Chris. Be a man. Take my challenge. Provide a scaled drawing of the lobby level of you core using your dimensions and fit everything in it including proper access.

I can do that but not for a wimp. I've already shown you are working for the infiltrators of the US government and perpetrators of mass murder by your support for their big secret of HOW it was done.

the 1,350 foot tall secret concrete core,

Heres about 1/2 of it of WTC 2.


YOU stop trying to create context where your fraudulent efforts relate indirectly at best.

YOU produce some independently verified evidence of the supposed steel core columns.
that photo doesnt back up your claim
no matter how many times you keep posting it
I can do that but not for a wimp. I've already shown you are working for the infiltrators of the US government and perpetrators of mass murder by your support for their big secret of HOW it was done.

What better way to shut me up then Chris? Come on Mr. Truth. You SAY you can do it, but you won't.

You're afraid aren't you?
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Come on Chris. Be a man. Take my challenge. Provide a scaled drawing of the lobby level of you core using your dimensions and fit everything in it including proper access.

I can do that but not for an incompetent wimp.

I've already shown you are working for the infiltrators of the US government and perpetrators of mass murder by your support for their big secret of HOW it was done.

the 1,350 foot tall secret concrete core,

Heres about 1/2 of it of WTC 2.


YOU stop trying to create context where your fraudulent efforts relate indirectly at best.

YOU produce some independently verified evidence of the supposed steel core columns.
that photo doesnt back up your claim
no matter how many times you keep posting it

Your refusal to use evidence which is independently verfied shows you have no intention of being reasonable. Your agenda is deception and manipualation..

The concrete core is not a theory.

1) I have provided an interview of the lead engineer of the Twin Towers, his information to Newsweek says there was a concrete core.

2) I have provided a published PDF of a structural engineer certifed in 12 states, he states there was a concrete core.

3) Here is Bazant et al, in their 2007 revision state there were "concrete core walls".

Collapse of World Trade Center Towers: said:
What Did and Did Not Cause It?
Zdenek P. Bazant
, Hon.M. ASCE, Jia-Liang Le
, Frank R. Greening
, and David B. Benson
Abstract: Previous analysis of progressive collapse showed that gravity alone suffices to explain the overall collapse of the World Trade Center towers. However, it has not been checked whether the allegations of controlled demolition by planted explosives have any scientific merit. The present analysis proves that they do not. The video record available for the first few seconds of collapse agrees with the motion history calculated from the differential equation of progressive collapse but disproves the free fall hypothesis (on which the aforementioned allegations rest). Although, due to absence of experimental crushing data for the lightweight concrete used, the theory of comminution cannot predict the size range of pulverized concrete particles, it is shown that the observed size range (0.01 mm – 0.1 mm) is fully consistent with this theory and is achievable by collapse driven gravity alone, and that only about 7% of the total gravitational energy converted to kinetic energy of impacts would have sufficed to pulverize all the concrete slabs and core walls (while at least 158 tons of TNT per tower, installed into many small holes drilled into each concrete floor slab and core wall, would have been needed to produce the same degree of pulverization). The exit speed of air ejected from the building by the crushing front of gravitational collapse must have attained, near the ground, 465 mph (208 m/s) on the average, and fluctuations must have reached the speed of sound. This explains loud booms and wide spreading of pulverized concrete and glass fragments, and shows that the lower margin of dust cloud could not have coincided with the crushing front. The resisting upward forces due to pulverization and air ejection, neglected in previous studies, are found to be negligible during the first few seconds of collapse but not insignificant near the end of crush-down (these forces extended the crush-down duration by about 4%; they augmented, by about 25%, the resisting force due to column buckling at the end of crush-down, and doubled that force at the beginning of crush-up). The calculated crush down duration is found to match a logical interpretation of seismic record, while the free fall duration is found to be in conflict. q=cache:H5djFQBfSzsJ:www.civil.northwestern.edu/people/b...ant&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=us&client=firefox-a

This is the latest paper by Bazant et al, the first one was included in the NIST report

4) The description of http://www.911-strike.com/mitigation_of_motion.pdf includes that of a concrete core in tube systems.

5) The scan of a page from the Oxford University article identifies a concrete core.

6) From an article in The Wall Street Journal, September 26, 2001, pg B8
"Attacks Put Asia's Love of Skyscrapers to the Test" by John Krich

Here's the very telling quote, and I'll give the whole paragraph for context.
"Making Asia's skyscrapers attack-proof is impossible. Nonetheless, Asian developers brag about the tougher features of their towers. Japan's strict seismic safety standards helped high-rises hold up reasonably well even during the Kobe earthquake. Hong Kong's building codes require a far more substantial core of concrete than was built into the World Trade Center."

The Concrete Cores Of The WTC Towers has numerous other, somewhat confused statements of the towers having a concrete core including usenet comments.


1) The WTC 2 core standing 400 feet tall with absolutely no structural steel visible.

2) The WTC 1 core base wall with a hallway running the length of the segment.

3) A view from the north looking south along the west core wall of WTC 1 showing the spire with a thick concrete wall next to it.

4) A view of WTC 1 after the spire has fallen which shows fine vertical elements that can only be rebar.

5) A portion of the top of the WTC 2 core falling about to hit WTC 3.

The above images should show the supposed steel core columns but do not show anything in the core area. Your motives can only be defined as seeking to dismiss evidence and the reason used with it to understand the actual structures that were determined by NIST to have collapsed. You seek to keep the means of mass murder secret.

However NIST was decieved by FEMA who provided the structural information. FEMA is not created under the US Constitution. Treason is not prohibited by the organizations operating parameters, only by the Consitution and laws made under it which does not rule FEMA. NIST provided the cause of death determination and that is not possible using the wrong design OR without plans.
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Chris, your proof means nothing because you can't even proven your core was physically/dimensionally possible. I have proved it's NOT possible therefore making any of you proof after the fact nothing more than made up fantasy.
Chris, your proof means nothing because you can't even proven your core was physically/dimensionally possible. I have proved it's NOT possible therefore making any of you proof after the fact nothing more than made up fantasy.
whats even funnier is the photos he posts prove him wrong
Chris, your proof means nothing because you can't even proven your core was physically/dimensionally possible. I have proved it's NOT possible therefore making any of you proof after the fact nothing more than made up fantasy.

It's well known that the towers would not have stood with a steel core because the flex of steel framed structures in the proportion of the towers is too great.

The tacoma Narrows Steel Bridge flexes and collapses in 42 MPH wind and provided an important lesson for engineers.

Consider the Twins were over twice as tall as the bridge was long, they were over twice as wide, they were expected to be permanently loaded with hundreds of thousands of tons, they were only fastened at one end, they were expected to withstand 120 mph winds.

Americans do value their Constitution, their lives, their rights and their freedom. You obviously would destroy all of that by working against reasonable and lawful, Consitutional due process, ......... if you could, but you can't.
Then provide your scaled drawing Chris. You're not afraid of something are you?

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