FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Here is evidence showing a massive concrete wall.

That can't be a concrete wall as you describe. Your core and the provided dimensions don't physically fit and there room inside it at the lobby level for the 23 express elevators, 24 local elevators, a freight elevator, stairwells, a 16' wide hallway, etc.


Until you can show that your core physically fits all that was there, you claims that the photos show concrete core walls is complete and utter garbage.

End of story.
The perpetrators trying to prrotect the means of secrete mass murder would direct you to ask for the images they have taken and also have you refuse to recognize images which show the area where the supposed steel core columns were or that they show concrete and NO STEEL in the core.

You are exposed.
There were 47 steel columns in the core of each tower,

Hmmmmmmm, we see the core area of the tower very clearly. No steel core columns. However, we do see massive rebar along the line of the concrete walls.


Here is a very large piece of concrete falling into the core which is seen empty behind it.


The evidence proves you wrong.

I noticed you have no explanation for what this is if it is not concrete.


Why can't you find even one construction photo of these alleged walls out of the thousands that were taken?

Correct the infiltrators of the government that you serve with protection for their secret means of mass murder took them before 9-11. Something that is very logical. It is also logical that they would have you focus on that and ignore that you cannot show steel core columns in the core area. Which shows you are a fraud.

The "perpetrators" didn't take and couldn't have confiscated all of them, dude.[/B]

They not only got all of the construction photos showing concrete, they got the 2 hour video from PBS titled "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers". Dr. Ron Larsen Ph.d, physics, cornell and former Marine Major Drew Raines III conducted a search for about 6 month and found libraries listed it, but then could not find their copies. Dr. Larsen uploaded one of his web radio shows that I co-hosted where he describes their search. Download the .mp3 here.

6/20/07 interview (documentary search update 17:50 minutes)
LCB-062007-16kb-Chris.mp3 - www.libertycalling.com
So the concrete fell down but the "3-inch rebar" stayed up, and "they" confiscated every known photo of the core during construction. Haven't you discussed this with Mark Roberts, since he mentions your name on his web site? If so, it appears that you're just hell-bent on staying ignorant.
There were 47 steel columns in the core of each tower,

Hmmmmmmm, we see the core area of the tower very clearly. No steel core columns. However, we do see massive rebar along the line of the concrete walls.


Here is a very large piece of concrete falling into the core which is seen empty behind it.


The evidence proves you wrong.

I noticed you have no explanation for what this is if it is not concrete.


Correct the infiltrators of the government that you serve with protection for their secret means of mass murder took them before 9-11. Something that is very logical. It is also logical that they would have you focus on that and ignore that you cannot show steel core columns in the core area. Which shows you are a fraud.

The "perpetrators" didn't take and couldn't have confiscated all of them, dude.[/B]

They not only got all of the construction photos showing concrete, they got the 2 hour video from PBS titled "The Engineering and Construction of the Twin Towers". Dr. Ron Larsen Ph.d, physics, cornell and former Marine Major Drew Raines III conducted a search for about 6 month and found libraries listed it, but then could not find their copies. Dr. Larsen uploaded one of his web radio shows that I co-hosted where he describes their search. Download the .mp3 here.

6/20/07 interview (documentary search update 17:50 minutes)
LCB-062007-16kb-Chris.mp3 - www.libertycalling.com
So the concrete fell down but the "3-inch rebar" stayed up, and "they" confiscated every known photo of the core during construction. Haven't you discussed this with Mark Roberts, since he mentions your name on his web site? If so, it appears that you're just hell-bent on staying ignorant.

Yes, the 3 inch high tensile steel rebars stands as we see after concrete was fractured and fell away. And the core is also completely empty.

However, the fact that FEMA decieved NIST invalidates the official "cause of death" determination rendering it invalid.

And the fact that yu are here trying to prove a fiction with nothing shows the infiltration depends on fearful, ignorant Americans informed by the infiltration IF they are 9-11 truth seerkers, or completely deceived if they only watch mainstream media.

What is interesting is that the psyops uses social fears to control Americans into being confused. When they would normally have the needed courage to defend their Constitution, if they weren't confused.
So the concrete fell down but the "3-inch rebar" stayed up,

That's a great point that I've never thought about. Chris claims that the rebar was coated with explosives. Explosives strong enough to completely pulverized 17' concrete walls yet leave the 3" diameter rebar standing 400' high.

So the concrete fell down but the "3-inch rebar" stayed up,

That's a great point that I've never thought about. Chris claims that the rebar was coated with explosives. Explosives strong enough to completely pulverized 17' concrete walls yet leave the 3" diameter rebar standing 400' high.


I see that you are working to change the subject to demolition to increase the cognitive dissonance so people might reject the evidence. That is a psyops tactic.

The concrete was fractured around that particular run of rebar and it fell away leaving the rebar standing. What is most revealing is that the 9-11 images and video show an absolutely empty core area.

Most importantly is that the "cause of death" determination required in due process is completely invalidated by the deception of FEMA and their lie of "steel core columns" so Americans must stand for the Constitutional rights of the 3,000 murdered by secret methods.
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So the concrete fell down but the "3-inch rebar" stayed up,

That's a great point that I've never thought about. Chris claims that the rebar was coated with explosives. Explosives strong enough to completely pulverized 17' concrete walls yet leave the 3" diameter rebar standing 400' high.


I see that you are working to change the subject to demolition to increase the cognitive dissonance so people might reject the evidence. That is a psyops tactic.

The concrete was fractured around that particular run of rebar and it fell away leaving the rebar standing. What is most revealing is that the 9-11 images and video show an absolutely empty core area.

Most importantly is that the "cause of death" determination required in due process is completely invalidated by the deception of FEMA and their lie of "steel core columns" so Americans must stand for the Constitutional rights of the 3,000 murdered by secret methods.

No way Chris. If the explosives that the rebar was coated with was strong enough to pulverize a 17' concrete wall, there's now WAY the 3" diameter rebar would have stood.

Again your logic fails.
Ah yes. Chris has found another forum in which to peddle his garbage.

Hello Chris, it's me, Gamolon the agent. Sent to track you down and lead all the "lemmings" down the path of lies and deceit created by our government. To lead them away from the "truth" you say you are trying to bring to light.

As I 've brought forth in other forums, the simple fact is that your core could not have physically existed. You see, YOU say that at the lobby level of the towers, your core had walls that were 17' and 12' thick. You also say that this concrete core surrounded ALL the elevators, stairwells, a 16' wide hallway that ran the length of the core. That's about 24 local elevators, 23 express elevators included in that core. My main point in all this is that people CLEARLY entered any of the express elevators from OUTSIDE your core at the lobby level without having to pass through a 12' long tunnel cut through your core wall to get to the express elevator doors. There were 23 express elevators accessible. I have blueprints marked up of the towers that can convey this foolishness, but I cannot post links yet. Chris will no doubt claim that the blueprints are fake.

I also have talked with Leslie Robertson recently via email. He is accessible through his LERA website on the 9/11 page. Sawteen See is the contact. I had written a few emails and they were eventually forwarded to Mr. Robertson.

He basically says Chris is full of crap. If anyone is interested, I will post them.

Here's a video of Robertson saying that Chris is full of crap:
World Trade Center Not a Demolition

Robertson contradicts himself in the fact that he as well said from above in a helicopter said he saw pools of molten metal.The photos that show the pools of molten metal prove explosives were used.you also conviently forget that they always lie and say that Robertson was the lead engineer of the towers when it was actually John Skilling who after the 93 bombing, was quoted when asked what would happen if an airliner slammed into the towers he responded saying-There would be a great loss of life due to the fires but the structure itself would remain standing. Your ALSO not aware of the fact that in jan 01 they aired a special on the history channel called MODERN MARVELS where the onsite manager of the towers construction Frank Demartini says in the video-That the towers were designed that it could take a hit from an airliner.That its like an intense grid comparable to the screen netting on your door where a if you puncture the screen netting with a pencil it does absolutely nothing to the netting.That the towers were OVERDESIGNED to take a hit from an airliner so much that he went on to say it could take MULTIPLE hits from airliners and still remain standing.Robertson got paid off obviously.Because witness testimony and suppressed video footage the corporate controlled media never airs PROVES explosives brought down the towers.end of story.case closed.
That's a great point that I've never thought about. Chris claims that the rebar was coated with explosives. Explosives strong enough to completely pulverized 17' concrete walls yet leave the 3" diameter rebar standing 400' high.


I see that you are working to change the subject to demolition to increase the cognitive dissonance so people might reject the evidence. That is a psyops tactic.

The concrete was fractured around that particular run of rebar and it fell away leaving the rebar standing. What is most revealing is that the 9-11 images and video show an absolutely empty core area.

Most importantly is that the "cause of death" determination required in due process is completely invalidated by the deception of FEMA and their lie of "steel core columns" so Americans must stand for the Constitutional rights of the 3,000 murdered by secret methods.

No way Chris. If the explosives that the rebar was coated with was strong enough to pulverize a 17' concrete wall, there's now WAY the 3" diameter rebar would have stood.

Again your logic fails.
he isnt using logic
Ah yes. Chris has found another forum in which to peddle his garbage.

Hello Chris, it's me, Gamolon the agent. Sent to track you down and lead all the "lemmings" down the path of lies and deceit created by our government. To lead them away from the "truth" you say you are trying to bring to light.

As I 've brought forth in other forums, the simple fact is that your core could not have physically existed. You see, YOU say that at the lobby level of the towers, your core had walls that were 17' and 12' thick. You also say that this concrete core surrounded ALL the elevators, stairwells, a 16' wide hallway that ran the length of the core. That's about 24 local elevators, 23 express elevators included in that core. My main point in all this is that people CLEARLY entered any of the express elevators from OUTSIDE your core at the lobby level without having to pass through a 12' long tunnel cut through your core wall to get to the express elevator doors. There were 23 express elevators accessible. I have blueprints marked up of the towers that can convey this foolishness, but I cannot post links yet. Chris will no doubt claim that the blueprints are fake.

I also have talked with Leslie Robertson recently via email. He is accessible through his LERA website on the 9/11 page. Sawteen See is the contact. I had written a few emails and they were eventually forwarded to Mr. Robertson.

He basically says Chris is full of crap. If anyone is interested, I will post them.

Here's a video of Robertson saying that Chris is full of crap:
World Trade Center Not a Demolition

Your ALSO not aware of the fact that in jan 01 they aired a special on the history channel called MODERN MARVELS where the onsite manager of the towers construction Frank Demartini says in the video-That the towers were designed that it could take a hit from an airliner.That its like an intense grid comparable to the screen netting on your door where a if you puncture the screen netting with a pencil it does absolutely nothing to the netting.

I believe the port authority directed Frank Demartini to not identify the concrete core because they knew that if he did the decepton planned for 9-11 would not work. Frank Demartini, actually a very good engineer, and probably a sincere patriot, died on 9-11 trying to save people.

Unfortunately he was loyal to the port authority as he had no idea that FEMA was going to misrepresent the towers core structure. With his loyalty he used an anology to the rebar grid inside the concrete shear walls of the core.

Window screen.

And it is true, or more than true because steel reinforced cast concrete using high tensile rebar is perhaps 5 times stronger than ordinary steel reinforced cast concrete.
The photos that show the pools of molten metal prove explosives were used.

Since when do "explosives" melt steel?

BOTH explosives and thermite were used.the fact that you bother listening and reading the posts of that Moron Ditzcon and believing HIS posts just shows how easy you are to be brainwashed by lies and propaganda.the fact that you selectively only quoted PART of my post proves you only selectively read parts of my posts since like Ditzcon,you only see what you WANT to see.
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Here's a video of Robertson saying that Chris is full of crap:
World Trade Center Not a Demolition

Your ALSO not aware of the fact that in jan 01 they aired a special on the history channel called MODERN MARVELS where the onsite manager of the towers construction Frank Demartini says in the video-That the towers were designed that it could take a hit from an airliner.That its like an intense grid comparable to the screen netting on your door where a if you puncture the screen netting with a pencil it does absolutely nothing to the netting.

I believe the port authority directed Frank Demartini to not identify the concrete core because they knew that if he did the decepton planned for 9-11 would not work. Frank Demartini, actually a very good engineer, and probably a sincere patriot, died on 9-11 trying to save people.

Unfortunately he was loyal to the port authority as he had no idea that FEMA was going to misrepresent the towers core structure. With his loyalty he used an anology to the rebar grid inside the concrete shear walls of the core.

Window screen.

And it is true, or more than true because steel reinforced cast concrete using high tensile rebar is perhaps 5 times stronger than ordinary steel reinforced cast concrete.

Yeah he was a true hero.Dying while trying to save people in that tragedy.
Frank Demartini says in the video-That the towers were designed that it could take a hit from an airliner.That its like an intense grid comparable to the screen netting on your door where a if you puncture the screen netting with a pencil it does absolutely nothing to the netting.That the towers were OVERDESIGNED to take a hit from an airliner so much that he went on to say it could take MULTIPLE hits from airliners and still remain standing.

Sounds like they designed it for the IMPACT not the subsequent fires. Funny how Frank didn't say how the screen would stand up after the pencil went through and if the screen caught fire.
Frank Demartini says in the video-That the towers were designed that it could take a hit from an airliner.That its like an intense grid comparable to the screen netting on your door where a if you puncture the screen netting with a pencil it does absolutely nothing to the netting.That the towers were OVERDESIGNED to take a hit from an airliner so much that he went on to say it could take MULTIPLE hits from airliners and still remain standing.

Sounds like they designed it for the IMPACT not the subsequent fires. Funny how Frank didn't say how the screen would stand up after the pencil went through and if the screen caught fire.

I ALREADY addressed that earlier howe they anticipated the fires but since you only read only PARTS of posts,its only natural you missed that.
Your ALSO not aware of the fact that in jan 01 they aired a special on the history channel called MODERN MARVELS where the onsite manager of the towers construction Frank Demartini says in the video-That the towers were designed that it could take a hit from an airliner.That its like an intense grid comparable to the screen netting on your door where a if you puncture the screen netting with a pencil it does absolutely nothing to the netting.

I believe the port authority directed Frank Demartini to not identify the concrete core because they knew that if he did the decepton planned for 9-11 would not work. Frank Demartini, actually a very good engineer, and probably a sincere patriot, died on 9-11 trying to save people.

Unfortunately he was loyal to the port authority as he had no idea that FEMA was going to misrepresent the towers core structure. With his loyalty he used an anology to the rebar grid inside the concrete shear walls of the core.

Window screen.

And it is true, or more than true because steel reinforced cast concrete using high tensile rebar is perhaps 5 times stronger than ordinary steel reinforced cast concrete.

Yeah he was a true hero.Dying while trying to save people in that tragedy.

And this needed to be pointed out why? To make sure everyone in this forum aware that he was a hero for giving his to save others in case we didn't think so?

Were you just reminding us?
I believe the port authority directed Frank Demartini to not identify the concrete core because they knew that if he did the decepton planned for 9-11 would not work. Frank Demartini, actually a very good engineer, and probably a sincere patriot, died on 9-11 trying to save people.

Unfortunately he was loyal to the port authority as he had no idea that FEMA was going to misrepresent the towers core structure. With his loyalty he used an anology to the rebar grid inside the concrete shear walls of the core.

Window screen.

And it is true, or more than true because steel reinforced cast concrete using high tensile rebar is perhaps 5 times stronger than ordinary steel reinforced cast concrete.

Yeah he was a true hero.Dying while trying to save people in that tragedy.

And this needed to be pointed out why? To make sure everyone in this forum aware that he was a hero for giving his to save others in case we didn't think so?

Were you just reminding us?

What is needed gamie, ....... is independently verified evidence of the supposed steel core columns, or you continue to support the secret methods of mass murder on 9-11 within the post 9-11 psyops that is being used to destroy the peoples ability to protect US Constitution.

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