FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

I know, we have become a nation of paranoia, but you must admit, it would really scare anyone willing to attack us if we just rebuilt them (modernized of course) as if nothing happened. Then plaster the image of the city looking like nothing changed all over international news ... no one would be stupid enough to fuck with us then.

After the first attacks on the WTC in 1993, companies began moving out of the WTC. This coincided with a general move from downtown to midtown in Manhattan.

Your obfusucation labels you as one who interferes with Constitutional uses of free speech. You behave as an assistant to the infiltrators working to protect the secret means of mass murder and usurp the Constitution.

If this was not true you would have some evidence supporting your position regarding the FEMA deception, the topic of this thread. You have none.

You started this thread, and if you can't produce even one photo of concrete core walls, then you're clearly lying. Is that how you defend the US Constitution?
There is no doubt that the structural design of the towers was idiotic. Anyone that has taken a basic course in statics knows that. Several ethical construction companies refused to build it. (There's a history channel documentary on this).

The collapse of the towers was like the sinkng of the Titanic and almost all major engineering disasters - an example of unqualified business and finance people over riding the judgements of the qualified professionals.

In the case of the Titanic, the head engineer walked off the job when he found out that it would not have the full amount of life boats. No engineer EVER said that the Titanic was unsinkable - that was just marketing B.S. (another History channel documentary).

In the case of the world trade towers - the business people demanded that they have no central supports - which defies the laws of physics (hell my little raise d ranch has 8 central supports).

Too bad no one walked off the job when the towers were built.

The people responsible for approving that structure should all be charged with 3500 cases of negligent homicide.

You didn't need faulty construction to cause the collapse - a faulty design was more than enough.

(Oh yeah...Isn't Osama Bin Laden a contruction engineer? Bet when he saw those towers, it took him all of two seconds to figure out how to bring 'em down)

Another great accomplishment of American business ethics!

what a load of deluded rubbish..

sure is.Maybe what he said about the Titanic may be true but the part about the twin towers he just said is pure deluded rubbish.
After the first attacks on the WTC in 1993, companies began moving out of the WTC. This coincided with a general move from downtown to midtown in Manhattan.

Your obfusucation labels you as one who interferes with Constitutional uses of free speech. You behave as an assistant to the infiltrators working to protect the secret means of mass murder and usurp the Constitution.

If this was not true you would have some evidence supporting your position regarding the FEMA deception, the topic of this thread. You have none.

And your obfuscation is one who gives comfort to our enemies. Why do you hate America so much?


Get another schtick.

the thing that is so hilarious about Totos deluded ramblings Chris is he always uses THIS video as his source to defend the official version.cracks me up.:lol::lol:The thing that cracks me up so badly when he retreats to THIS video in his deperate hopes of defending the official version, is he doesnt realise that he has shot himself in the foot with this video according to HIS logic.Thats because that video shows Gerald Posner tooting the horn of the governments that it was muslims behind the attacks.

Bet he wouldnt be so eager to use that laughable video if he knew that Gerald Posner also wrote a book called CASE CLOSED which defended the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin.:lol: cause EVEN Toto has said he thinks there is more to the explanation of the warren commissions that oswald was the lone gunman and doesnt accept the official version.He has conceded before that he thinks there was more than one gunman,that the mob was probably involved.Pretty hysterical isnt it how he doesnt accept the warren commissions report that Oswald was the lone assassin and is willing to say Posner is a liar when it comes to his book endorcing the warren commission but then goes around and accepts Posner when he defends the 9/11 coverup commission report.pretty hysterical isnt it?:lol::lol::lol:cant have it BOTH ways Toto.Posner cant be wrong about the kennedy assassination but RIGHT about the 9/11 report.:lol: Its so fun to watch Toto shoot himself in the foot in his debates its laughable.:lol:

Here it is right here how he is posting that he doesnt accept the lies of Posners that Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman.He should try to THINK before he posts cause he is foolishly implying that just because I and others believe that Kennedy was killed of a conspiracy that we automatically think that 9/11 was an inside job.That comment is just plain moronic cause I only came to the conclusion that it was an inside job when overwhelming evidence surfaced that explosives brought down the towers-he ignores the evidence,he wotn watch suppressed videos that the mainstream media never shows or listen to witness testimonys.

This comment of his is ALSO extremely ignorant cause the official version of 9/11 IS A CONSPIRACY!!!! LOL. 19 muslims were allegedly involved so THATS a conspiracy. the 9/11 case doesnt work when calling people conspiracy theorists like the kennedy assassination does since there was more than one person involved.LOL.his posts are so laughable and idiotic I got to the point I stopped reading them.Him and DitzCon are so afraid of government conspiracys and in denial over them its pathetic.


I've always thought that maybe the mob killed JFK. However, I don't have much interest in the subject and don't follow it that much.

But even if JFK was shot in a conspiracy, it does not mean that 9/11 was also a conspiracy. The fact that the government does not always tell us the truth does not mean that everything the government says is a lie.
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another fucking moron that thinks he has free speech on a private forum

Now there is an un American statement.

As far as I can tell this forum has decided to respect it and I've been trying to use it while your trying to impede it based on that you think it's private property.

What law doesn't know yet is that free speech protecting the Constitution is protected everywhere.

This thread is dedicated to that use.

Here's the deal, you have the freedom here to speak your mind, everyone else in turn has the freedom to disagree with you and speak their mind (or agree if the case may be) ... but in order for you to be allowed said freedom, others must also have said freedom.

One problem.

The speech they are conducting does not support Constitutional due process.

The speech I am producing does.

The perpetrators of mass murder on 9-11 would like very much that you avoided that logical distinction.
After the first attacks on the WTC in 1993, companies began moving out of the WTC. This coincided with a general move from downtown to midtown in Manhattan.

Your obfusucation labels you as one who interferes with Constitutional uses of free speech. You behave as an assistant to the infiltrators working to protect the secret means of mass murder and usurp the Constitution.

If this was not true you would have some evidence supporting your position regarding the FEMA deception, the topic of this thread. You have none.

You started this thread, and if you can't produce even one photo of concrete core walls, then you're clearly lying. Is that how you defend the US Constitution?

I've explained that it is logical to assert that IF the perpetrators came from an infiltration of the US government they would be able to remove all of the images showing the concrete core construction because they knew that the means of mass murder they were going to conduct would be discovered IF the public had access to the images.

I've also logically explained that IF the steel core columns existed as the core structure THEN you and all other would be able to show them in the core area on 9-11.

No one has ever shown that AND I have shown that when the NYC mayor
took the WTC documents from the city offices illegally, he enabled the very deception I assert.

In such circumtance, when I can show images of concrete walls surrounding the core area on 9-11, it is logical for one seeking truth to consider the assertion that FEMA deceived NIST is in fact a reality.

With consideration of the above, it is als reasonable to consider that your statements here are designed toprevent Constitutional due process in the case basically supporting that the means of mass murder remain secret .
the thing that is so hilarious about Totos deluded ramblings Chris is he always uses THIS video as his source to defend the official version.cracks me up.:lol::lol:The thing that cracks me up so badly when he retreats to THIS video in his deperate hopes of defending the official version, is he doesnt realise that he has shot himself in the foot with this video according to HIS logic.Thats because that video shows Gerald Posner tooting the horn of the governments that it was muslims behind the attacks.

Bet he wouldnt be so eager to use that laughable video if he knew that Gerald Posner also wrote a book called CASE CLOSED which defended the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin.:lol: cause EVEN Toto has said he thinks there is more to the explanation of the warren commissions that oswald was the lone gunman and doesnt accept the official version.He has conceded before that he thinks there was more than one gunman,that the mob was probably involved.Pretty hysterical isnt it how he doesnt accept the warren commissions report that Oswald was the lone assassin and is willing to say Posner is a liar when it comes to his book endorcing the warren commission but then goes around and accepts Posner when he defends the 9/11 coverup commission report.pretty hysterical isnt it?:lol::lol::lol:cant have it BOTH ways Toto.Posner cant be wrong about the kennedy assassination but RIGHT about the 9/11 report.:lol: Its so fun to watch Toto shoot himself in the foot in his debates its laughable.:lol:

Here it is right here how he is posting that he doesnt accept the lies of Posners that Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman.He should try to THINK before he posts cause he is foolishly implying that just because I and others believe that Kennedy was killed of a conspiracy that we automatically think that 9/11 was an inside job.That comment is just plain moronic cause I only came to the conclusion that it was an inside job when the evidence surfaced that explosives brought down the towers and this comment of his is ALSO extremely ignorant cause the official version of 9/11 IS A CONSPIRACY!!!! LOL. 19 muslims were allegedly involved so THATS a conspiracy. the 9/11 case doesnt work when calling people conspiracy theorists like the kennedy assassination does since there was more than one person involved.LOL.his posts are so laughable and idiotic I got to the point I stopped reading them.Him and DitzCon are so afraid of government conspiracys and in denila over them its pathetic.


I've always thought that maybe the mob killed JFK. However, I don't have much interest in the subject and don't follow it that much.

But even if JFK was shot in a conspiracy, it does not mean that 9/11 was also a conspiracy. The fact that the government does not always tell us the truth does not mean that everything the government says is a lie.

Good post and analysis of toto's motives and SELECTIVITY, which is a constant telltale of disinformation.

Also, it is a very realistic and functional position to extend that everything the is NOT a lie. it encourages critical thinking while allowing hope that the government is NOT totally corrupt and that there are still many good Americans workign in government.

I will say that as time passes and the public neglects involvement in the issue or support for absolutely lawful performance by government, those people working in government that do respect the Constitution are less likely to want to oppose whatever power over them that allows unlawful performance. They are less likely to stand for the Constituion and more likely to simply act to keep their job because they don't see support for law from the public.
There is no doubt that the structural design of the towers was idiotic. Anyone that has taken a basic course in statics knows that. Several ethical construction companies refused to build it. (There's a history channel documentary on this).

The collapse of the towers was like the sinkng of the Titanic and almost all major engineering disasters - an example of unqualified business and finance people over riding the judgements of the qualified professionals.

In the case of the Titanic, the head engineer walked off the job when he found out that it would not have the full amount of life boats. No engineer EVER said that the Titanic was unsinkable - that was just marketing B.S. (another History channel documentary).

In the case of the world trade towers - the business people demanded that they have no central supports - which defies the laws of physics (hell my little raise d ranch has 8 central supports).

Too bad no one walked off the job when the towers were built.

The people responsible for approving that structure should all be charged with 3500 cases of negligent homicide.

You didn't need faulty construction to cause the collapse - a faulty design was more than enough.

(Oh yeah...Isn't Osama Bin Laden a contruction engineer? Bet when he saw those towers, it took him all of two seconds to figure out how to bring 'em down)

Another great accomplishment of American business ethics!
You obviously have never read NIST's NCSTAR1 or FEMA's Building Performance Study, Chapter 2:
http://wtc.nist.gov/NCSTAR1/PDF/NCSTAR 1.pdf

the thing that is so hilarious about Totos deluded ramblings Chris is he always uses THIS video as his source to defend the official version.cracks me up.:lol::lol:The thing that cracks me up so badly when he retreats to THIS video in his deperate hopes of defending the official version, is he doesnt realise that he has shot himself in the foot with this video according to HIS logic.Thats because that video shows Gerald Posner tooting the horn of the governments that it was muslims behind the attacks.

Bet he wouldnt be so eager to use that laughable video if he knew that Gerald Posner also wrote a book called CASE CLOSED which defended the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin.:lol: cause EVEN Toto has said he thinks there is more to the explanation of the warren commissions that oswald was the lone gunman and doesnt accept the official version.He has conceded before that he thinks there was more than one gunman,that the mob was probably involved.Pretty hysterical isnt it how he doesnt accept the warren commissions report that Oswald was the lone assassin and is willing to say Posner is a liar when it comes to his book endorcing the warren commission but then goes around and accepts Posner when he defends the 9/11 coverup commission report.pretty hysterical isnt it?:lol::lol::lol:cant have it BOTH ways Toto.Posner cant be wrong about the kennedy assassination but RIGHT about the 9/11 report.:lol: Its so fun to watch Toto shoot himself in the foot in his debates its laughable.:lol:

Here it is right here how he is posting that he doesnt accept the lies of Posners that Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman.He should try to THINK before he posts cause he is foolishly implying that just because I and others believe that Kennedy was killed of a conspiracy that we automatically think that 9/11 was an inside job.That comment is just plain moronic cause I only came to the conclusion that it was an inside job when overwhelming evidence surfaced that explosives brought down the towers-he ignores the evidence,he wotn watch suppressed videos that the mainstream media never shows or listen to witness testimonys.

This comment of his is ALSO extremely ignorant cause the official version of 9/11 IS A CONSPIRACY!!!! LOL. 19 muslims were allegedly involved so THATS a conspiracy. the 9/11 case doesnt work when calling people conspiracy theorists like the kennedy assassination does since there was more than one person involved.LOL.his posts are so laughable and idiotic I got to the point I stopped reading them.Him and DitzCon are so afraid of government conspiracys and in denial over them its pathetic.


I've always thought that maybe the mob killed JFK. However, I don't have much interest in the subject and don't follow it that much.

But even if JFK was shot in a conspiracy, it does not mean that 9/11 was also a conspiracy. The fact that the government does not always tell us the truth does not mean that everything the government says is a lie.

Er, you realize that that video is satire, don't you? Normally, I wouldn't have to ask, but with the likes of you, it is unknown whether you get it or not.

It is no wonder you have a problem with analytical thinking, and it is no wonder that you have come to the conclusion that 9/11 was an "inside job." You jump to conclusions without understanding what has been said, nor do you understand the context in which it is set.

I never have said that I did not accept the conclusions of the Warren Commission. What I said was that there may be other explanations and I have no opinion on its conclusion as I have not looked at it close enough. What I said was that a mob hit on JFK might be the most plausible conclusion. But that does not mean I believe it to be.

As for Posner, you conclude that an author is lying. But you do not know if he is lying. He may simply be mistaken. But you accept with certainty that he is deliberately and willfully distorting the truth. That is the analytical limits of the conspiracist's mind because yes, he can be wrong about one thing and right about another. I don't assume that just because you are wrong about 9/11 you are wrong about everything. But the limits of the conspiracist's mind would make you believe otherwise.

That's the problem with you foilers. You look for certainty when there is none, and you have no concept of randomness. You misinterpret events in an attempt to look for explanations when there are none or that are totally at odds with your thesis. Your above post is evidence of that.

Its also amusing that you knock me for pulling out The Onion video when I use it as irony, yet you always revert to "Just look at the 47 videos!" line when you can't answer. You not being able to figure that out is hilarious but unsurprising.

And your explanation of all the documents being stolen Chris is really, really lame. You have proven nothing.
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the thing that is so hilarious about Totos deluded ramblings Chris is he always uses THIS video as his source to defend the official version.cracks me up.:lol::lol:The thing that cracks me up so badly when he retreats to THIS video in his deperate hopes of defending the official version, is he doesnt realise that he has shot himself in the foot with this video according to HIS logic.Thats because that video shows Gerald Posner tooting the horn of the governments that it was muslims behind the attacks.

Bet he wouldnt be so eager to use that laughable video if he knew that Gerald Posner also wrote a book called CASE CLOSED which defended the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin.:lol: cause EVEN Toto has said he thinks there is more to the explanation of the warren commissions that oswald was the lone gunman and doesnt accept the official version.He has conceded before that he thinks there was more than one gunman,that the mob was probably involved.Pretty hysterical isnt it how he doesnt accept the warren commissions report that Oswald was the lone assassin and is willing to say Posner is a liar when it comes to his book endorcing the warren commission but then goes around and accepts Posner when he defends the 9/11 coverup commission report.pretty hysterical isnt it?:lol::lol::lol:cant have it BOTH ways Toto.Posner cant be wrong about the kennedy assassination but RIGHT about the 9/11 report.:lol: Its so fun to watch Toto shoot himself in the foot in his debates its laughable.:lol:

Here it is right here how he is posting that he doesnt accept the lies of Posners that Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman.He should try to THINK before he posts cause he is foolishly implying that just because I and others believe that Kennedy was killed of a conspiracy that we automatically think that 9/11 was an inside job.That comment is just plain moronic cause I only came to the conclusion that it was an inside job when the evidence surfaced that explosives brought down the towers and this comment of his is ALSO extremely ignorant cause the official version of 9/11 IS A CONSPIRACY!!!! LOL. 19 muslims were allegedly involved so THATS a conspiracy. the 9/11 case doesnt work when calling people conspiracy theorists like the kennedy assassination does since there was more than one person involved.LOL.his posts are so laughable and idiotic I got to the point I stopped reading them.Him and DitzCon are so afraid of government conspiracys and in denila over them its pathetic.


I've always thought that maybe the mob killed JFK. However, I don't have much interest in the subject and don't follow it that much.

But even if JFK was shot in a conspiracy, it does not mean that 9/11 was also a conspiracy. The fact that the government does not always tell us the truth does not mean that everything the government says is a lie.

Good post and analysis of toto's motives and SELECTIVITY, which is a constant telltale of disinformation.

Also, it is a very realistic and functional position to extend that everything the is NOT a lie. it encourages critical thinking while allowing hope that the government is NOT totally corrupt and that there are still many good Americans workign in government.

I will say that as time passes and the public neglects involvement in the issue or support for absolutely lawful performance by government, those people working in government that do respect the Constitution are less likely to want to oppose whatever power over them that allows unlawful performance. They are less likely to stand for the Constituion and more likely to simply act to keep their job because they don't see support for law from the public.

Yep pretty much shows his motives and selectivity alright.:lol: Proof that he is very selective in what he reads.Like I said,he wont watch suppressed video footage of the towers falling that the corporate controlled media NEVER shows in the mainstream media.He ignores witness testimonys..He wont look at photos you show him of pics with basement windows of the towers blown out that were taken before the tower collapsed,or the suppressed video out there of black smoke rising from the streets below and sounds and sights of EXPLOSIONS going off in the lower section of the towers which backs up the witnesses testimonys that explosions brought the towers down.Since the witness testimonys and suppressed video footage contradict the official report and prove the 9/11 commission report is what firefighters called a half baked farce of an investigation,since they dont go along with HIS version of events-the fairy tales of the 9/11 commission report,he selectively ignores it and pretends it didnt happen cause it interrupts his fairy tale land he lives in.:lol: yeah I think you pretty much hit the nail right on the head there in everything you said.
You obviously have never read NIST's NCSTAR1 or FEMA's Building Performance Study, Chapter 2:
http://wtc.nist.gov/NCSTAR1/PDF/NCSTAR 1.pdf


Do you realize that the lie cannot prove itself?

There is a great deal of independent verification, photographs from 9-11 that do not lie. They show the building that was actually there under extreme stress. Interpretations of the images are consistent with independent statements of the chief engineer of the buildings and another engineer certified in 12 states

Your behavior can only be defined reasonably as having the intent of supporting that the means of mass murder on 9-11 remain secret for the purpose that the compromise and destruction of the US Consitution can continue. You have shown no respect for law, life or anything, so such a conclusion is justified.
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the thing that is so hilarious about Totos deluded ramblings Chris is he always uses THIS video as his source to defend the official version.cracks me up.:lol::lol:The thing that cracks me up so badly when he retreats to THIS video in his deperate hopes of defending the official version, is he doesnt realise that he has shot himself in the foot with this video according to HIS logic.Thats because that video shows Gerald Posner tooting the horn of the governments that it was muslims behind the attacks.

Bet he wouldnt be so eager to use that laughable video if he knew that Gerald Posner also wrote a book called CASE CLOSED which defended the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin.:lol: cause EVEN Toto has said he thinks there is more to the explanation of the warren commissions that oswald was the lone gunman and doesnt accept the official version.He has conceded before that he thinks there was more than one gunman,that the mob was probably involved.Pretty hysterical isnt it how he doesnt accept the warren commissions report that Oswald was the lone assassin and is willing to say Posner is a liar when it comes to his book endorcing the warren commission but then goes around and accepts Posner when he defends the 9/11 coverup commission report.pretty hysterical isnt it?:lol::lol::lol:cant have it BOTH ways Toto.Posner cant be wrong about the kennedy assassination but RIGHT about the 9/11 report.:lol: Its so fun to watch Toto shoot himself in the foot in his debates its laughable.:lol:

Here it is right here how he is posting that he doesnt accept the lies of Posners that Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman.He should try to THINK before he posts cause he is foolishly implying that just because I and others believe that Kennedy was killed of a conspiracy that we automatically think that 9/11 was an inside job.That comment is just plain moronic cause I only came to the conclusion that it was an inside job when the evidence surfaced that explosives brought down the towers and this comment of his is ALSO extremely ignorant cause the official version of 9/11 IS A CONSPIRACY!!!! LOL. 19 muslims were allegedly involved so THATS a conspiracy. the 9/11 case doesnt work when calling people conspiracy theorists like the kennedy assassination does since there was more than one person involved.LOL.his posts are so laughable and idiotic I got to the point I stopped reading them.Him and DitzCon are so afraid of government conspiracys and in denila over them its pathetic.


I've always thought that maybe the mob killed JFK. However, I don't have much interest in the subject and don't follow it that much.

But even if JFK was shot in a conspiracy, it does not mean that 9/11 was also a conspiracy. The fact that the government does not always tell us the truth does not mean that everything the government says is a lie.

Good post and analysis of toto's motives and SELECTIVITY, which is a constant telltale of disinformation.

Also, it is a very realistic and functional position to extend that everything the government says is NOT a lie. it encourages critical thinking while allowing hope that the government is NOT totally corrupt and that there are still many good Americans working in government.

I will say that as time passes and the public neglects involvement in the issue or support for absolutely lawful performance by government, those people working in government that do respect the Constitution are less likely to want to oppose whatever power over them that allows unlawful performance. They are less likely to stand for the Constituion and more likely to simply act to keep their job because they don't see support for law from the public.

Yep pretty much shows his motives and selectivity alright.:lol: Proof that he is very selective in what he reads.Like I said,he wont watch suppressed video footage of the towers falling that the corporate controlled media NEVER shows in the mainstream media.He ignores witness testimonys..He wont look at photos you show him of pics with basement windows of the towers blown out that were taken before the tower collapsed,or the suppressed video out there of black smoke rising from the streets below and sounds and sights of EXPLOSIONS going off in the lower section of the towers which backs up the witnesses testimonys that explosions brought the towers down.Since the witness testimonys and suppressed video footage contradict the official report and prove the 9/11 commission report is what firefighters called a half baked farce of an investigation,since they dont go along with HIS version of events-the fairy tales of the 9/11 commission report,he selectively ignores it and pretends it didnt happen cause it interrupts his fairy tale land he lives in.:lol: yeah I think you pretty much hit the nail right on the head there in everything you said.

Americans have neglected these issues so long that the event has progressed to the point where the intended sabotage of the economy makes fear levels much higher. Meaning the government employees that might support the Constitution value their job security all that much more. Since the public is so fearful, of even each others opinions, and seems to not even know laws let alone seek together to demand conformance to them by government, government have no good reason to stand for lawful performance anywhere.

It all seems very much a design such as hitlers "big lie" actually unrolling here and now. Particularly since the public allows mainstream media to evade their common law duty of public trust.

Sadly, the America I love and honor, of courage and responsibility to its Consitution, seems to have disappeared in a glut of collusively created corporate enablement towards functionally dumb and dependent, or perhaps isolate populations or divide them for keepng them ignorant of shared purposes as logically defined and supported by the Constitution or common sense.
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Good post and analysis of toto's motives and SELECTIVITY, which is a constant telltale of disinformation.

Also, it is a very realistic and functional position to extend that everything the government says is NOT a lie. it encourages critical thinking while allowing hope that the government is NOT totally corrupt and that there are still many good Americans working in government.

I will say that as time passes and the public neglects involvement in the issue or support for absolutely lawful performance by government, those people working in government that do respect the Constitution are less likely to want to oppose whatever power over them that allows unlawful performance. They are less likely to stand for the Constituion and more likely to simply act to keep their job because they don't see support for law from the public.

Yep pretty much shows his motives and selectivity alright.:lol: Proof that he is very selective in what he reads.Like I said,he wont watch suppressed video footage of the towers falling that the corporate controlled media NEVER shows in the mainstream media.He ignores witness testimonys..He wont look at photos you show him of pics with basement windows of the towers blown out that were taken before the tower collapsed,or the suppressed video out there of black smoke rising from the streets below and sounds and sights of EXPLOSIONS going off in the lower section of the towers which backs up the witnesses testimonys that explosions brought the towers down.Since the witness testimonys and suppressed video footage contradict the official report and prove the 9/11 commission report is what firefighters called a half baked farce of an investigation,since they dont go along with HIS version of events-the fairy tales of the 9/11 commission report,he selectively ignores it and pretends it didnt happen cause it interrupts his fairy tale land he lives in.:lol: yeah I think you pretty much hit the nail right on the head there in everything you said.

Americans have neglected these issues so long that the event has progressed to the point where the intended sabotage of the economy makes fear levels much higher. Meaning the government employees that might support the Constitution value their job security all that much more. Since the public is so fearful, of even each others opinions, and seems to not even know laws let alone seek together to demand conformance to them by government, government have no good reason to stand for lawful performance anywhere.

It all seems very much a design such as hitlers "big lie" actually unrolling here and now. Particularly since the public allows mainstream media to evade their common law duty of public trust.

Sadly, the America I love and honor, of courage and responsibility to its Consitution, seems to have disappeared in a glut of collusively created corporate enablement towards functionally dumb and dependent, or perhaps isolate populations or divide them for keepng them ignorant of shared purposes as logically defined and supported by the Constitution or common sense.

Meh. We had a good run.

I was wondering when you would refer to Hitler or Nazi's.

Its the same point where I no longer care what you say; you've admitted that your full of prunes.
I was wondering when you would refer to Hitler or Nazi's.

Its the same point where I no longer care what you say; you've admitted that your full of prunes.

Your behavior would be supportive of the "big lie" and those telling creating would appreciate your position with your cogntitve distortions.

4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.

10. Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.

1. All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories.

You intend to create a,

3. Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.

just like the infiltrators of the government would train people in the delphi technique as described in various think tank experiments conducted to bring concensus, that actually went towards doing it with manipulation and deception.

What was not said is that the left brain is always involved with speech and listening, but the right brain may act alone with reading and writing.

Accordingly the internet is actually a better place for a psyops than radio or tv.
I was wondering when you would refer to Hitler or Nazi's.

Its the same point where I no longer care what you say; you've admitted that your full of prunes.

Your behavior would be supportive of the "big lie" and those telling creating would appreciate your position with your cogntitve distortions.

4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.

10. Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.

1. All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories.

You intend to create a,

3. Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.

just like the infiltrators of the government would train people in the delphi technique as described in various think tank experiments conducted to bring concensus, that actually went towards doing it with manipulation and deception.

What was not said is that the left brain is always involved with speech and listening, but the right brain may act alone with reading and writing.

Accordingly the internet is actually a better place for a psyops than radio or tv.

I'm sure that if someone is lying, the face of that person is the same face you see in the mirror each time you look at one.

Unlike most conspiracy whackjobs you aren't even entertaining. Somehow with you nutjobs, it all comes down to a list of things that "we"--the level headed people--are doing to you morons.

While it is true that every single person who doesn't believe in brain-damaged conspiracy theories like you do gets a print out every day (all 6 billion of us) of how to minimize those who don't have an oar much less both in the water; we hardly agree on what talking points to bust you in your mouth with. So we don't always agree except on one thing;

you're a schedule one dumbass.

Please quote the rules I'm employing; I haven't heard those in about 7 seconds

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You obviously have never read NIST's NCSTAR1 or FEMA's Building Performance Study, Chapter 2:
http://wtc.nist.gov/NCSTAR1/PDF/NCSTAR 1.pdf


Do you realize that the lie cannot prove itself?

There is a great deal of independent verification, photographs from 9-11 that do not lie. They show the building that was actually there under extreme stress. Interpretations of the images are consistent with independent statements of the chief engineer of the buildings and another engineer certified in 12 states

Your behavior can only be defined reasonably as having the intent of [blah, blah, blah].
Why are you citing Les Robertson, the structural engineer of record for both WTC towers? If you told him about your imaginary concrete core walls, he'd just laugh at you.
His opinion of truther nuts and C/D "theories" is pretty clear in this video:
World Trade Center Not a Demolition Robertson's comments start here:
World Trade Center Not a Demolition
I was wondering when you would refer to Hitler or Nazi's.

Its the same point where I no longer care what you say; you've admitted that your full of prunes.

Your behavior would be supportive of the "big lie" and those telling creating would appreciate your position with your cogntitve distortions.

4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.

10. Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.

1. All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories.

You intend to create a,

3. Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.

just like the infiltrators of the government would train people in the delphi technique as described in various think tank experiments conducted to bring concensus, that actually went towards doing it with manipulation and deception.

What was not said is that the left brain is always involved with speech and listening, but the right brain may act alone with reading and writing.

Accordingly the internet is actually a better place for a psyops than radio or tv.

I'm sure that if someone is lying, the face of that person is the same face you see in the mirror each time you look at one.

Unlike most conspiracy whackjobs you aren't even entertaining. Somehow with you nutjobs, it all comes down to a list of things that "we"--the level headed people--are doing to you morons.

While it is true that every single person who doesn't believe in brain-damaged conspiracy theories like you do gets a print out every day (all 6 billion of us) of how to minimize those who don't have an oar much less both in the water; we hardly agree on what talking points to bust you in your mouth with. So we don't always agree except on one thing;

you're a schedule one dumbass.

Please quote the rules I'm employing; I haven't heard those in about 7 seconds

Yep, OP was posted by him Sunday, August 23, and I'm STILL waiting for a photo of these concrete core walls with the "3-inch" rebar. :lol:
Your behavior would be supportive of the "big lie" and those telling creating would appreciate your position with your cogntitve distortions.

4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.

10. Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.

1. All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories.

You intend to create a,

3. Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.

just like the infiltrators of the government would train people in the delphi technique as described in various think tank experiments conducted to bring concensus, that actually went towards doing it with manipulation and deception.

What was not said is that the left brain is always involved with speech and listening, but the right brain may act alone with reading and writing.

Accordingly the internet is actually a better place for a psyops than radio or tv.

I'm sure that if someone is lying, the face of that person is the same face you see in the mirror each time you look at one.

Unlike most conspiracy whackjobs you aren't even entertaining. Somehow with you nutjobs, it all comes down to a list of things that "we"--the level headed people--are doing to you morons.

While it is true that every single person who doesn't believe in brain-damaged conspiracy theories like you do gets a print out every day (all 6 billion of us) of how to minimize those who don't have an oar much less both in the water; we hardly agree on what talking points to bust you in your mouth with. So we don't always agree except on one thing;

you're a schedule one dumbass.

Please quote the rules I'm employing; I haven't heard those in about 7 seconds

Yep, OP was posted by him Sunday, August 23, and I'm STILL waiting for a photo of these concrete core walls with the "3-inch" rebar. :lol:
yeah, me too
Why are you citing Les Robertson, the structural engineer of record for both WTC towers? If you told him about your imaginary concrete core walls, he'd just laugh at you.

MSNBC - ‘Painful and Horrible’


Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

(not reasonable to suggest that when 3,000 are murdered that Newsweek would make sure the information was good or that the engineering firm designing the building that collapsed would not demand, and recieve a correction)

Your behavior can only defined as supporting the secret means of mass murder. Because you know he said it, and then misrepresent it anyway.

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