FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

All post in this thread that are off topic and working to interfere in free speech uses dedicated to protection of the US Constitution. They are working to damage and compromise the security of all Americans.

The cause of death of 3,000 people is inaccurately determined for 9-11 at the WTC, due process has not been served.

FEMA decieved the agency analyzing the Twins to determine if collapse was accurate. They told the agency that this was the core structure of the Twins.


This IS the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 and it bears no resemblence.


Deception, unlawful deprival of equal protection of law for every American.

Look at what state the nation is in today. It's economy is trashed and the basis of it is shown to not be lawful!!!!!

A 2-hour National Geographic program on nutty truther theories airs tonight. Educate yourself, Chris:
TV review | Truthers couldn't be further from the truth - Living - MiamiHerald.com

You have no evidence to show that FEMA has not enabled the deprivation of Constitutional due process and you are interfering with effort to unify in support of lawfu, Constitutional performance.

Kinda looks like you are supporting treason to me.

No, evidence, obfusucating, interfering, refusing to use evidnece. You are a tool of the infiltrators.
they are rebuilding the WTC, but it won't be the towers. I think they were afraid no one would rent the office space if the towers were rebuilt.

I know, we have become a nation of paranoia, but you must admit, it would really scare anyone willing to attack us if we just rebuilt them (modernized of course) as if nothing happened. Then plaster the image of the city looking like nothing changed all over international news ... no one would be stupid enough to fuck with us then.

After the first attacks on the WTC in 1993, companies began moving out of the WTC. This coincided with a general move from downtown to midtown in Manhattan.

Your obfusucation labels you as one who interferes with Constitutional uses of free speech. You behave as an assistant to the infiltrators working to protect the secret means of mass murder and usurp the Constitution.

If this was not true you would have some evidence supporting your position regarding the FEMA deception, the topic of this thread. You have none.
All post in this thread that are off topic and working to interfere in free speech uses dedicated to protection of the US Constitution. They are working to damage and compromise the security of all Americans.

<snipped pure bullshit that has been posted too often>
another fucking moron that thinks he has free speech on a private forum

Now there is an un American statement.

As far as I can tell this forum has decided to respect it and I've been trying to use it while your trying to impede it based on that you think it's private property.

What law doesn't know yet is that free speech protecting the Constitution is protected everywhere.

This thread is dedicated to that use.
he's beyond the cereal range
more likely rocky mountain oysters

September 11, 2002
Mourner grieves
at Ground Zero


FEMA deceived the nation and sabotaged the analysis of NIST by misrepresenting the towers core structure.

This is what FEMA says the core is constructed like.


This is what we see on 9-11 in he core of WTC 2.


When the cause of death determination is found to be erroneous the cheif law enforcement must inquire into the deception and see proper determination of the cause of death rendered in order to be in compliance with Constitutional due process.
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fuck the constitution. you happy now, asshole?

I kind of thought that the 3,000 murders, due process and preventing any more such events by support for lawful government and the Constitution were very low on your priorities seeing as I'm posting facts, evidence and reason and you are off in trivia land diluting valuable information to protecting the Consitution.

fuck off, Rosie.

Said the tool of the infiltrators of US government supporting the secret means of mass murder used to usurp the US Constitution.


The mass murder has not recieved proper due process investigation because FEMA mislead those analyzing collapse of the Towers and you are trying to impede my effort to use free speech to protect the Constitution.
What I don't get is why they haven't done a damned thing about the towers ... I mean seriously. I am all for Penn and Teller's idea, say "fuck you" to the terrorists and rebuild them. Show them that they can't hurt us no matter what they do. Put a little memorial in the lobby of the new ones so not to forget.

yeah american should do that,they should say that to those terrorists Bush,Cheney,Rice,Rumsfield,Clinton,Ashcroft,ect.
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Lt. Commander Rolf Hustad, Royal Norwegian Navy – Former weapons specialist and artillery officer. 12-year military career.
Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"The statistical chance of the only 3 steel framed buildings ever to collapse [due to fire], owned by the same person, with a special clause for terrorist act, occurring in the same day, is just too remote for anyone to grasp!

He [Larry Silverstein] even admits to "pulling the building" in a TV interview!" AE911Truth

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11, signed by more than 750 Architects and Engineers:

"On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 - specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe that there is sufficient doubt about the official story and therefore that the 9/11 investigation must be re-opened and must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that may have been the actual cause behind the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers and WTC Building 7." http://www.ae911

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Hey Eots,your back,good to have you back man,where you been?
All post in this thread that are off topic and working to interfere in free speech uses dedicated to protection of the US Constitution. They are working to damage and compromise the security of all Americans.

The cause of death of 3,000 people is inaccurately determined for 9-11 at the WTC, due process has not been served.

FEMA decieved the agency analyzing the Twins to determine if collapse was accurate. They told the agency that this was the core structure of the Twins.


This IS the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 and it bears no resemblence.


Deception, unlawful deprival of equal protection of law for every American.

Look at what state the nation is in today. It's economy is trashed and the basis of it is shown to not be lawful!!!!!
you are cuckoo for cocoa puffs!

And you have no evidence that the infiltration and deception or the resulting deprivation of rights IS NOT TRUE therefore what you are doing is against the rule of law and its protection of the Consitution.
She always has those kind of lame comebacks when she cant counter facts and the evidence.
All post in this thread that are off topic and working to interfere in free speech uses dedicated to protection of the US Constitution. They are working to damage and compromise the security of all Americans.

<snipped pure bullshit that has been posted too often>
another fucking moron that thinks he has free speech on a private forum

Now there is an un American statement.

As far as I can tell this forum has decided to respect it and I've been trying to use it while your trying to impede it based on that you think it's private property.

What law doesn't know yet is that free speech protecting the Constitution is protected everywhere.

This thread is dedicated to that use.
so you are trying to deny my free speech?
All post in this thread that are off topic and working to interfere in free speech uses dedicated to protection of the US Constitution. They are working to damage and compromise the security of all Americans.

<snipped pure bullshit that has been posted too often>
another fucking moron that thinks he has free speech on a private forum

Now there is an un American statement.

As far as I can tell this forum has decided to respect it and I've been trying to use it while your trying to impede it based on that you think it's private property.

What law doesn't know yet is that free speech protecting the Constitution is protected everywhere.

This thread is dedicated to that use.

Here's the deal, you have the freedom here to speak your mind, everyone else in turn has the freedom to disagree with you and speak their mind (or agree if the case may be) ... but in order for you to be allowed said freedom, others must also have said freedom.
I know, we have become a nation of paranoia, but you must admit, it would really scare anyone willing to attack us if we just rebuilt them (modernized of course) as if nothing happened. Then plaster the image of the city looking like nothing changed all over international news ... no one would be stupid enough to fuck with us then.

After the first attacks on the WTC in 1993, companies began moving out of the WTC. This coincided with a general move from downtown to midtown in Manhattan.

Your obfusucation labels you as one who interferes with Constitutional uses of free speech. You behave as an assistant to the infiltrators working to protect the secret means of mass murder and usurp the Constitution.

If this was not true you would have some evidence supporting your position regarding the FEMA deception, the topic of this thread. You have none.

And your obfuscation is one who gives comfort to our enemies. Why do you hate America so much?


Get another schtick.
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I love it.Everytime Toto gets owned in a 9/11 debate,he retreats to that laughable video of his.cracks me up.that video is right,the 9/11 conspiracy THEORIES the 9/11 coverup commission came up with,are just that.Rediculous.LOL.
I love it.Everytime Toto gets owned in a 9/11 debate,he retreats to that laughable video of his.cracks me up.that video is right,the 9/11 conspiracy THEORIES the 9/11 coverup commission came up with,are just that.Rediculous.LOL.

Have you ever made a post at USMB that didn't involve a conspiracy theory? Ever? I mean seriously, get a life.

Chris has not proven that the core was not made of steel and then he accuses others of violating the constitution. After awhile, his argument deserves to be mocked.

Why do you hate America so much? Why do you assist our enemies? Why are you on the side of the people who think its okay to whip women for showing an ankle in public?
you also amuse me Toto how you defend the hilarious conspiracy theory of the 9/11 coverp commission that Bin Laden was behind the attacks when everytime you 9/11 COINCIDENCE THEORISTS get challenged by me to watch my 47 videos and elaborate on them,you run away with your tails between your legs and NEVER come back with any comments on them.proof that you are afraid of the truth and in denial in the fact that you cant even talk about what those videos said,talked about or showed.
Geeeee, all that, ........................ and not one image of 9-11 showing what FEMA says in the core.


And images from 9-11 show an empty core with concrete walls.

End view of WTC 1 west core wall, looking south along line of wall.

Support the US Constitution by standing for the rule of law and due process.

The cause of death determination from NIST is erroneous because the were mislead about the design of the core with their analysis of collapse.
There is no doubt that the structural design of the towers was idiotic. Anyone that has taken a basic course in statics knows that. Several ethical construction companies refused to build it. (There's a history channel documentary on this).

The collapse of the towers was like the sinkng of the Titanic and almost all major engineering disasters - an example of unqualified business and finance people over riding the judgements of the qualified professionals.

In the case of the Titanic, the head engineer walked off the job when he found out that it would not have the full amount of life boats. No engineer EVER said that the Titanic was unsinkable - that was just marketing B.S. (another History channel documentary).

In the case of the world trade towers - the business people demanded that they have no central supports - which defies the laws of physics (hell my little raise d ranch has 8 central supports).

Too bad no one walked off the job when the towers were built.

The people responsible for approving that structure should all be charged with 3500 cases of negligent homicide.

You didn't need faulty construction to cause the collapse - a faulty design was more than enough.

(Oh yeah...Isn't Osama Bin Laden a contruction engineer? Bet when he saw those towers, it took him all of two seconds to figure out how to bring 'em down)

Another great accomplishment of American business ethics!
There is no doubt that the structural design of the towers was idiotic. Anyone that has taken a basic course in statics knows that. Several ethical construction companies refused to build it. (There's a history channel documentary on this).

The collapse of the towers was like the sinkng of the Titanic and almost all major engineering disasters - an example of unqualified business and finance people over riding the judgements of the qualified professionals.

In the case of the Titanic, the head engineer walked off the job when he found out that it would not have the full amount of life boats. No engineer EVER said that the Titanic was unsinkable - that was just marketing B.S. (another History channel documentary).

In the case of the world trade towers - the business people demanded that they have no central supports - which defies the laws of physics (hell my little raise d ranch has 8 central supports).

Too bad no one walked off the job when the towers were built.

The people responsible for approving that structure should all be charged with 3500 cases of negligent homicide.

You didn't need faulty construction to cause the collapse - a faulty design was more than enough.

(Oh yeah...Isn't Osama Bin Laden a contruction engineer? Bet when he saw those towers, it took him all of two seconds to figure out how to bring 'em down)

Another great accomplishment of American business ethics!

what a load of deluded rubbish..

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