FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

What about the Consitution? Rule of law, rights and freedoms? They are all seriously threatened, if not on their way out.

Constitutional due process has not been served in the murder of 3,000 innocent people on American soil.

Even immigrants take an oath to the Consitution.

The Oath of Allegiance

The final step in the naturalization process is the reciting of the "oath of allegiance" by the applicant, in which he or she makes several promises upon becoming a U.S. citizen. The oath of allegiance is:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

You are not exempt, no citizen is.

fuck the constitution. you happy now, asshole?

I kind of thought that the 3,000 murders, due process and preventing any more such events by support for lawful government and the Constitution were very low on your priorities seeing as I'm posting facts, evidence and reason and you are off in trivia land diluting valuable information to protecting the Consitution.

fuck off, Rosie.
fuck the constitution. you happy now, asshole?

Yet another good reason why they should have just rebuilt the towers, it'd be a great "fuck you" to the conspiracy nuts as well! :razz:

You must not live in the real world.

None of it can or could be afforded. It's a show. The WTC was voted down perhaps 3 times and Rockefeller forced it on the people. It was a toxic liability that was hard to rent.

Meh .... that's beside the point, they had become an icon, which is more important now than ever before. The attack was vile, no matter who did it (I am not sure they went after the right terrorists simply because no one came forward to brag about it). But all these elaborate conspiracies about it ... just as vile as those who perpetrated it.

Those ideas aren't too bad actually, better than most of the proposals I had seen.

I think it's what they're going with. of course with city politics, you never know.

True ... the worst idea I saw was a stupid underground museum .. yeah, that'll show the terrorists, after an attack you cower underground like they do, like rats. Bad idea.

Towers of some sort are better than those ideas.

Those ideas aren't too bad actually, better than most of the proposals I had seen.

I think it's what they're going with. of course with city politics, you never know.
this has always been my first choice for rebuilding

All post in this thread that are off topic and working to interfere in free speech uses dedicated to protection of the US Constitution. They are working to damage and compromise the security of all Americans.

The cause of death of 3,000 people is inaccurately determined for 9-11 at the WTC, due process has not been served.

FEMA decieved the agency analyzing the Twins to determine if collapse was accurate. They told the agency that this was the core structure of the Twins.


This IS the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 and it bears no resemblence.


Deception, unlawful deprival of equal protection of law for every American.

Look at what state the nation is in today. It's economy is trashed and the basis of it is shown to not be lawful!!!!!
All post in this thread that are off topic and working to interfere in free speech uses dedicated to protection of the US Constitution. They are working to damage and compromise the security of all Americans.

The cause of death of 3,000 people is inaccurately determined for 9-11 at the WTC, due process has not been served.

FEMA decieved the agency analyzing the Twins to determine if collapse was accurate. They told the agency that this was the core structure of the Twins.


This IS the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 and it bears no resemblence.


Deception, unlawful deprival of equal protection of law for every American.

Look at what state the nation is in today. It's economy is trashed and the basis of it is shown to not be lawful!!!!!

fuck off Rosie.
Wrong, Christopher, it's the cost of free speech. You keep repeating yourself, so now others are more interested in discussing other aspects of the topic.
All post in this thread that are off topic and working to interfere in free speech uses dedicated to protection of the US Constitution. They are working to damage and compromise the security of all Americans.

<snipped pure bullshit that has been posted too often>
another fucking moron that thinks he has free speech on a private forum
All post in this thread that are off topic and working to interfere in free speech uses dedicated to protection of the US Constitution. They are working to damage and compromise the security of all Americans.

The cause of death of 3,000 people is inaccurately determined for 9-11 at the WTC, due process has not been served.

FEMA decieved the agency analyzing the Twins to determine if collapse was accurate. They told the agency that this was the core structure of the Twins.


This IS the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 and it bears no resemblence.


Deception, unlawful deprival of equal protection of law for every American.

Look at what state the nation is in today. It's economy is trashed and the basis of it is shown to not be lawful!!!!!
you are cuckoo for cocoa puffs!
All post in this thread that are off topic and working to interfere in free speech uses dedicated to protection of the US Constitution. They are working to damage and compromise the security of all Americans.

The cause of death of 3,000 people is inaccurately determined for 9-11 at the WTC, due process has not been served.

FEMA decieved the agency analyzing the Twins to determine if collapse was accurate. They told the agency that this was the core structure of the Twins.

This IS the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 and it bears no resemblence.

Deception, unlawful deprival of equal protection of law for every American.

Look at what state the nation is in today. It's economy is trashed and the basis of it is shown to not be lawful!!!!!
you are cuckoo for cocoa puffs!
he's beyond that
All post in this thread that are off topic and working to interfere in free speech uses dedicated to protection of the US Constitution. They are working to damage and compromise the security of all Americans.

The cause of death of 3,000 people is inaccurately determined for 9-11 at the WTC, due process has not been served.

FEMA decieved the agency analyzing the Twins to determine if collapse was accurate. They told the agency that this was the core structure of the Twins.


This IS the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 and it bears no resemblence.


Deception, unlawful deprival of equal protection of law for every American.

Look at what state the nation is in today. It's [sic] economy is trashed and the basis of it is shown to not be lawful!!!!!

A 2-hour National Geographic program on nutty truther theories airs tonight. Educate yourself, Chris:
TV review | Truthers couldn't be further from the truth - Living - MiamiHerald.com
What I don't get is why they haven't done a damned thing about the towers ... I mean seriously. I am all for Penn and Teller's idea, say "fuck you" to the terrorists and rebuild them. Show them that they can't hurt us no matter what they do. Put a little memorial in the lobby of the new ones so not to forget.

they are rebuilding the WTC, but it won't be the towers. I think they were afraid no one would rent the office space if the towers were rebuilt.

I know, we have become a nation of paranoia, but you must admit, it would really scare anyone willing to attack us if we just rebuilt them (modernized of course) as if nothing happened. Then plaster the image of the city looking like nothing changed all over international news ... no one would be stupid enough to fuck with us then.

After the first attacks on the WTC in 1993, companies began moving out of the WTC. This coincided with a general move from downtown to midtown in Manhattan. Rentals in the WTC were inexpensive relative to the rest of Manhattan in 2000. I remember having a conversation with a guy in the towers who said the reason why they went there was because they got such a great deal.

They would not build anything like the WTC simply because people wouldn't want to be there. People would believe that they would be a target of attack again. Plus, there is not enough demand to be downtown anyways to put that much space back onto the market.

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