FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

You will post an image of the steel core columns in he core area on 9-11 when the buildings are coming apart in front of cameras.

No steel core columns there. Only a close up of the interior box columns and a few elevator guide rail supports in the core.



There were no steel core columns.
No steel core columns there. Only a close up of the interior box columns and a few elevator guide rail supports in the core.



There were no steel core columns.


Sorry, no buttplates in that photo. That makes them steel core columns.
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Construction photos show "butt plates" joining section of guide rail support.


Nope. No buttplates as this photo CLEARLY shows. They are some type of "lug" on the sides of the columns that you, once again, have wrongly identified as buttplates.
You cannot show this core structure on 9-11.


This structure is seen on 9-11.


The engineer of record for the towers identifies a concrete core.

Oxford identifies a concrete core.


Your act can only have the purpose of concealing the methods of mass murder.
You have "actual real evidence." Wow.

So I guess all that other 9/11 conspiracist stuff was "fake imaginary evidence." I always thought so.

Just so we understand where you are coming from, Newbie, would you mind telling us which of these conspiracies you also believe in? These conspiracies have all been brought up here. It helps everyone stake out their and your ground.


* The 9/11 inside job conspiracy
* Also, the creators of Loose Change, the movie accusing Bush and the US government of being behind 9/11, are actually part of the conspiracy and are in the pay of the New World Order elites. To prove it, Terral got banned on the Loose Change boards for saying this.

* The economy was collapsed on purpose conspiracy

* The China is on its way to invade Mexico conspiracy

* The US is about to come under martial law conspiracy

* The Trinity conspiracy, which near as I can tell is about a lion and an eagle and a badger all battling each other in heaven.

* Obama creating new "Hitler Youth" conspiracy

* DoD/FBI/CIA CounterIntelligence Disinformation Propaganda Conspiracy

* Advanced BioWar Event Conspiracy

* Homosexuals Destroying the American Empire Conspiracy

* Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld Murdering Americans Conspiracy

* The $9 Trillion Stolen from the Fed/Treasury/Government Conspiracy

* Secret Bush-Clinton-Federal Reserve Pakistani Accounts Conspiracy

* The New World Order Agenda to Reduce the Global Population to less than 2 Billion Conspiracy

* European bankers (Rothschild, Warburg, etc., i.e. Jewish banks) staged the 1907 Panic so they could create the Federal Reserve System so (100 years later) they could kill you or make you a subject of the CanAmeriMexico Fascist/Totalitarian State.

* The conspiracy to make you think the Federal Reserve has some sort of "reserve" so they can fool you and take all your money out of the country.

* The Rothschild/Warburg (i.e. "Jewish")-controlled Govt killed JFK

* The 1970s Gas Shortage Conspiracy. There was no gas shortage. It was a conspiracy between the Saudis and the Federal Reserve so the Rothchild/Warburg (i.e. Jewish) Banking Elites could continue their plan, er, 70 years later.

* The War in Iraq was because Iraq was going to stop pricing oil in dollar conspiracy.

* Big Oil and the Federal Reserve conspired to kill Vaporization Carburetor Technology so everyone would still have to drive cars powered by hydrocarbons.

* The Same People Who Created the Federal Reserve, Who Killed JFK, and Who Have Unleashed the Global Bio-Weapon Virus, Killed Abraham Lincoln Conspiracy. Yes, conspiracies are generational. Seven generations, in fact.

* The NAU and the formation of the "Fascist State CanAmeriMexico"

* The moon landing was fake.

Uh-oh -- Here, I'm seeing a dangerous cliche that's been clouding the minds of otherwise thinking people.

"If it's a conspiracy theory, it must be this. It must be that."

In reality, conspiracies are prosecuted in court quite frequently. And in reality, many conspiracy theories you scorn are ones that you have not researched in depth.

Generalizing all conspiracy theories as "crazy" is a road leading to ClosedMindLand.
Since agents cannot post an image of the core structure seen here on 9-11,


and such a structure must be visible under those conditions, the steel core columns did not exist. What exisited were elevator guide rail support steel.


Butt plates are far too weak to join sections of "core columns", only a 100% deep fillet weld will do. Like the "I" beam in this diagram.

LUGS? You've never been anywhere near steel construction.

Those are called PAD EYES, and used to lift or attach temporarily to structural members.

Here the solid cover of the butt plate over the top of the vertical is evident.


You are unable to show this structure in the core are on 9-11 because it did not exist.

LUGS? You've never been anywhere near steel construction.

Those are called PAD EYES, and used to lift or attach temporarily to structural members.

Tell you what dickhead. Go look up lifting lugs. Then go look up the definition of pad eye. A pad eye is primarily used as a nautical/boating term. It is occasionally used to describe the attachment used to lift objects.

The REAL, STRUCTURAL term is lifting lug. Go look it up. What a douche.

Here the solid cover of the butt plate over the top of the vertical is evident.


You are unable to show this structure in the core are on 9-11 because it did not exist.


Sorry. What you call buttplates are actually "lifting lugs" as proven by this photo here.

I've asked you before. Your assumptions mean nothing. Get a closeup of just one of the columns that show a "buttplate". You rely on distant, grainy, photos to try and convince people of what the picture contains.

Just one closeup of the "elevator guide rail support steel" that you say has a buttplate on it.
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once again showing that dipshit chri$toFEARa doesnt know what the fuck he has been talking about
i said those were to lift the steel into place PAGES ago and he still wants to claim something is one thing in one photo, but something else in another, when they are the SAME DAMN THING
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They are not buttplates. they are steel "lugs" welded to the sides of the columns per this picture.

Ok Chrissy, study this photo that Gamolon posted of the steel core columns, and answer 3 simple questions. If you can answer them satisfactorily, and not by reposting the same thing you've put up 1000 times before, I will concede to your concrete core theory.

Question #1) How did they install/remove the forms for the core with those horizontal connecting beams in the way?

Question #2) How did they install/remove the forms for the core with those diagonal supporting guy wires in the way?

Question #3) How did they keep the concrete from flowing along the webs of the horizontal beams, and from flowing around the diagonal support guy wires, and ending up falling to the bottom of the elevator shafts?

Surely if your theory is sound you can answer these questions. I await your reply.
LUGS? You've never been anywhere near steel construction.

Those are called PAD EYES, and used to lift or attach temporarily to structural members.

Tell you what dickhead. Go look up lifting lugs. Then go look up the definition of pad eye.

Note the page is titled padeye. The term is somewhat interchangeable. We decided years ago that lugs were bolted on and padeyes were welded on, just to separate them.


If you fail to produce an image of the supposed steel core columns on the core area, . . . ever, it's okay that I don't have a closeup of the buttplates.

The fact the core is completely empty on 9-11 proves there were no steel core columns.


The image of WTC 2 core proves there was a concrete core.


The info of the engineer of record for the buildings independently verifies that there was a concrete core.

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