FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Question #1) How did they install/remove the forms for the core with those horizontal connecting beams in the way?

Question #2) How did they install/remove the forms for the core with those diagonal supporting guy wires in the way?

Question #3) How did they keep the concrete from flowing along the webs of the horizontal beams, and from flowing around the diagonal support guy wires, and ending up falling to the bottom of the elevator shafts?

1#The inner form was dissassemblable steel and actually held and aligned the outer rows of elevator guide rail support steel and the braces cast into the wall connecting to the interior box columns outside the wall

#2 The wires are to hold the elevator guide rail support steel in position while the braces inside the floors were connected. They are completely inside the core area and do not pass through the core wall.

#3 The wooden forming of the outer form was supported by the inside face of the interiro box columns and no "I" beam of the floors or hallways was inside the concrete or piercing the forms.
Oh, I see chrissy is giving it his best shot. Pity he's wrong.

In previous posts, he claims the steel columns are outside the concrete core. Now he reverses his claim, and states they are inside. Guess what chrissy, that makes them steel CORE COLUMNS. Thanks for playing.

the wires are the diagonal bracing you claim the core columns didn't have. Thanks for playing

Answer #1 claims the forms were steel. Answer #3 claims they are wood. You can't even keep your bullshit consistent in a single post. Thanks for playing.

"dissassemblable"? "interiro"? Your Kryptonian to English translator is broken.
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1#The inner form was dissassemblable steel and actually held and aligned the outer rows of elevator guide rail support steel and the braces cast into the wall connecting to the interior box columns outside the wall

#2 The wires are to hold the elevator guide rail support steel in position while the braces inside the floors were connected. They are completely inside the core area and do not pass through the core wall.

#3 The wooden forming of the outer form was supported by the inside face of the interiro box columns and no "I" beam of the floors or hallways was inside the concrete or piercing the forms.
got anything to back any of that up or do you just want to admit now that you completely fabricated your answers without any facts at all.

jesus christ, no wonder you were kicked out of school in the 8th grade!! :lol:
Oh, I see chrissy is giving it his best shot. Pity he's wrong.

In previous posts, he claims the steel columns are outside the concrete core. Now he reverses his claim, and states they are inside.

Since you are lying you will be unable to provide a link.

The interior box columns have always been outside the core.

#3 The wooden forming of the outer form was supported by the inside face of the interiro box columns and no "I" beam of the floors or hallways was inside the concrete or piercing the forms.

Really Chris?

What happened about halfway up the tower then?

Remember. According to you, your core TAPERED from 17' thick at the base (short axis wall) to 2' thick at the top. That would mean that about halfway up the tower, the concrete core wall would be 7 1/2' from the box column since you claim the inside face of the concrete wall was plumb to the top and that the elevator guide rail support steel was attached to it.

You also say that the columns were spaced at 20' centers. If the inside face of your concrete wall was plumb all the way up and had the elevator guide rail support steel attached to it, that would mean that the base of the long axis wall of your core (which was supposedly 12' thick) would have started out about 8' from the face of the interior box columns!!!!

How were the wooden forms attached to the face of the box columns to support a concrete wall that started 8' away????

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Concrete is shown


OK Brown, you posted these pictures. You did, not anyone else, right?

So where, in either of these pictures YOU posted, is there even one ounce of concrete? Just one. Point it out to me, Brown, cause I'm having a hell of a hard time finding it for myself. Because all I see in both picture is STEEL, wood and cables.

I'm asking you again, you moronic, infantile, delusional, non support paying, non filing fee paying prick, where's the fucking concrete in your own damn pictures???

You truly are a nitwit if you can't answer this simple question.

OK Chrissy Brown, I've given you an additional 16 days to formulate an answer. Where is the concrete in your own photos??? You made the claim, man up and answer it!!
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invaildated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.

Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

Why did anyone ever let him get to 15 posts???
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invaildated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.

Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

Why did anyone ever let him get to 15 posts???

Hey Rat,

He only posts evidence which shows that he is a delusional imbecile .. freedom of speech .. even if detrimental to the individual .. :lol:

Fill yer boots Chris .. you actually think you are getting attention .. reality is somewhat different.

Pretending you think I've cliaimed I'm posting images of concrete only adds to the proof that you are an agent for the infiltrators of the US government.

This is concrete.


and no agent has ever resaonably explained what it is if not concrete.

The same for this image which shows a totally empty core area on the left.


To show you are completely unable to prove the steel core columns, you will again fail to post an image from 9-11 that shows what FEMA presents in this diagram.

Pretending you think I've cliaimed I'm posting images of concrete only adds to the proof that you are an agent for the infiltrators of the US government.

This is concrete.


and no agent has ever resaonably explained what it is if not concrete.

The same for this image which shows a totally empty core area on the left.


To show you are completely unable to prove the steel core columns, you will again fail to post an image from 9-11 that shows what FEMA presents in this diagram.


This is a blurry image that proves nothing!!

This is a long distance photograph of the steel core columns.

This is an over simplified view of the interior core columns designed to make it easy for a lay person to understand.

This is a picture of a deadbeat moron who refuses to pay child support to take care of his children.
That is exactly what the perpetrators would want people to think and want an agent to say, and only an agent would say it.

That is exactly what a deadbeat, basement dwelling imbecile would want people to go to his website for so that he can earn $6.38 per year. Only a moron with no game would post debunked horseshit dozens of times because the idiot's whole life revolves around it. And only a village idiot would repeat it.

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