FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Between the interior box columns surrounding the concrete core is not falsework. The falsework extends inwards from the inner face of those columns. From that falsework timbers of the forms spanned the 20 feet.
did you make this up today??

or is this something you completely fabricated on previous occasions..... :cuckoo:
I guess the term "false work" is over your head. False braces supported the outer forms at the upper levels where the outside surface of the core had tapered or stepped inwards

Is this the kind of subterfuge you must engage in because you have no image of the supposed steel core column on 9-11 in the core area?

Simple question, Chris. How did they install the "false work" in the 20 foot spans between the columns?

Between the interior box columns surrounding the concrete core is not falsework. The falsework extends inwards from the inner face of those columns. From that falsework timbers of the forms spanned the 20 feet.

Yep, this proves you don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about. Even if you are only pouring one story at a time, you are talking about a 20' x 12' span of forming. You would absolutely need bracing to hold back 2800 cubic feet of cement. If you tried to build forms to hold this back without bracing, you would need to use 3 foot thick oak for your sheets, and additional 3' x 3' oak beams for the framing. And it would have to be hand built, since you claim it was done 70' below the current construction.

By the way, no one I know of turns out 3ft thick laminated oak sheets.

Just try to get union carpenters to handle this kind of weight without using mechanical lifts. I wouldn't want to be the contractor dealing with this contract. You're looking at a minimum of 10 men to move a 4' x 8' sheet, and at least 6 per beam. The labor costs would kill you.

Of course, the 5 foot nails you would need are another story. Again, no one makes them. And you would need one hell of a nail gun to drive them. Gee, who makes guns capable of handling nails of this size? No one.

The forms can not be built vertically. They have to be built flat, and manhandled into place. Again without mechanical help because of the columns in place. I have no frame of reference to say how many men it would take to muscle each form into place. And to do it without dropping the form into the core.

Now factor into this that you have to do this for every 20' section.

The increased cost factor alone would have made the construction of the twins so prohibitive that they never would have been built in the first place.
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Pretending to be a moron will get you no where. Falsework IS BRACING.

You've failed from the beginning to show the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

Each month a new image showing the concrete core is found by some researcher that deceides to use evidence and reason in searching for truth,

This shows the double hallways in the south concrete core face of WTC 2. See at 9 seconds.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhNd48qx684&feature=related]YouTube - WTC 2 collapse from the south, street level[/ame]
Pretending to be a moron will get you no where. Falsework IS BRACING.

You've failed from the beginning to show the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.

Each month a new image showing the concrete core is found by some researcher that deceides to use evidence and reason in searching for truth,

This shows the double hallways in the south concrete core face of WTC 2. See at 9 seconds.

dipshit, your video doesn't show what you claim it to
every photo you claim to "analyze" is nothing like what you claim, you have been wrong in everything you have said, why would anyone, in their right mind, even give anything you post a moments thought
you are a massive FAILURE as an Agent of Al Qaeda
Pretending to be a moron will get you no where. Falsework IS BRACING.

And you yourself admitted there was no bracing (or "falsework") between the columns, you retarded deadbeat moron.

But now that I've pointed that out, you'll change your story again and claim that there was some kind of bracing spanning the 8ft gap. Secured to what, I don't know.

By the way, Chri$$y, how did they carry the forms across an 8ft wide vertical drop??
Agent rat, the falsework is not between the columns.

Why did the top of TWC 1 fall south when 61% of the north shear wall was destroyed?

I have a couple questions for you, Chri$$y. I just watched a 2 hour documentary on The History Channel about the 9/11 conspiracies. They interviewed a sizable group of truthers giving their views & ideas. There was not one mention of concrete cores in the entire 120 minutes.

Why is that?


Why didn't they interview you for the show?
I have a couple questions for you, Chri$$y. I just watched a 2 hour documentary on The History Channel about the 9/11 conspiracies. They interviewed a sizable group of truthers giving their views & ideas. There was not one mention of concrete cores in the entire 120 minutes.

Why is that?


Why didn't they interview you for the show?

When the ex mayor took the WTC documents the deception of the truth movement was assured, as well as NIST which was the primary reason the WTC documents had to be stolen from the public.

All media is complicit with the infiltrations of US government so there is no way they are going to deal with useful information for gaining more truth.

Why won't richard gage substanciate his belief in steel core columns. I've been demanding that for 3 years now?

let me answer.

If you cannot he cannot because you both serve the same master in different ways, and there IS NO PROOF of steel core columns. There is no independently verified evidence for steel core colums.

gage, jones and the loose change crowd, the quasi leaders of the 9-11 truth movement, are positioned to mislead.
I have a couple questions for you, Chri$$y. I just watched a 2 hour documentary on The History Channel about the 9/11 conspiracies. They interviewed a sizable group of truthers giving their views & ideas. There was not one mention of concrete cores in the entire 120 minutes.

Why is that?


Why didn't they interview you for the show?

When the ex mayor took the WTC documents the deception of the truth movement was assured, as well as NIST which was the primary reason the WTC documents had to be stolen from the public.

All media is complicit with the infiltrations of US government so there is no way they are going to deal with useful information for gaining more truth.

Why won't richard gage substanciate his belief in steel core columns. I've been demanding that for 3 years now?

let me answer.

If you cannot he cannot because you both serve the same master in different ways, and there IS NO PROOF of steel core columns. There is no independently verified evidence for steel core colums.

gage, jones and the loose change crowd, the quasi leaders of the 9-11 truth movement, are positioned to mislead.

All this typing, and you didn't answer either question?

Thanks for playing

And your translator is still broken.

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