FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

People wonder how 3,000 could be killed in 20 seconds.


This firefighter is mystified at how EVERYTHING in the building was pulverized.

http://www.plaguepuppy.net/public_html/collapse update/collapsed to dust.mpg

making shit up again, eh? 3000 people were not killed in 20 seconds. where is your proof of your claim that the firefighter (which i dont even see in your picture) is mystified?

you are delusional. :cuckoo:
The floors of two towers with 3,000 people in them went to the ground in a total of 20 seconds.

Pretending to be confused and a moron will not prevent people from hearing the deeply mystified words of a firefighter.

http://www.plaguepuppy.net/public_html/collapse update/collapsed to dust.mpg

You never did post an image from 9-11 showing this core


presents via that diagram. No one ever has seen that core on 9-11. It did not exist.

What existed was a concrete core.

just like all your other delusional bullshit, your number are WRONG.

there were not 3000 people killed when the towers collapsed. there were under 3000 killed the entire day. many were dead in the towers already from the plane crash before the collapse. the people from the pentagon were obviously not in the towers. the people in the airplanes were obviously not alive in the towers when they collapsed. the people that crashed in pennsyvania were not in the towers.

so your claim that 3000 people died in 20 seconds is just another one of your fucking lies. :cuckoo:
Close enough traitor. Now the toll is higher from the toxic dust.

The fact is that you nor has any agent EVER produced an image on 9-11 of the core FEMA presents.


The reason is that such a core structure did not exist.

This did, and it can only be concrete.

Close enough traitor. Now the toll is higher from the toxic dust.

The fact is that you nor has any agent EVER produced an image on 9-11 of the core FEMA presents.
dipshit, there are NO, NONE, zero, nada agents on this forum
you are a fucking moronic idiot
That is what the infiltrating perpetrators would want you to say.

The fact is that this looks exactly as the concrete core should look under those conditions.

link to Chri$$y's image seems hacked .. :razz:

How do you know anything about the perper "traitors"

AND how do you know that .. "this looks exactly as the concrete core should look under those conditions."

Come to your oldest adversary and tell Stann how you know this.

Have you previously seen a skyscraper with a concrete core fall down leaving a blurry photo as the only evidence of concrete.

You seem to have knowledge of the perper "traitors" too .. how so Chri$$y ..

Are you in some sort of contackt .. sticky icky stuff .. with these know all's.

This is an agent of the Federal government.

This thread is being monitored.

It asked that the original poster cease and desist this investigation.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Agent sock puppet can see agent sock puppets failing to support misinformation and is making a wimpering request.

This is not an investigation. This is public disclosure of TREASON in support and defense of the US Constitution.

The Twin Towers had a concrete core.


Just like the buildings engineer of record indicated in his information to newsweek.

Independently verified by Oxford University in 1992.
no they didnt.:cuckoo:

Did you find an image of this core,


from 9-11 yet?

yep thousands. some delusional asshole keeps posting them and claiming they see concrete. what a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

You post such assertions, but it appears to be a lie.

Just like so many others, or again.



D-rebar & plan links

F+D slam

F+obvious image




F+photo lie

F+photo lie 2

F+photoshop lie

F+plans lie

F+plan lie confirm

and you cannot post an image that shows the structure depicted in the FEMA diagram on 9-11.
C'mon agent gumjob, you can figure that one out. Ever hear of bolts and tack welds?


I told my team about your "tack welding wood" theory, and they're really excited about learning how to do it. They're somewhat baffled about why the process has not been used since the construction of the twins. Was this another method controlled by the DoD?

However, you know about it. So they wanted me to ask you if this technique is adapted from MIG technology, or is it a stick method? They figured out it couldn't be heat based like brazing or soldering, as this would burn the forms. Also, would they use a positive or negative tip polarity? I'm not as "up" on this as my guys are, but it seemed to be an important thing for them, so I would appreciate you helping me out.

Finally, since this seems to be a protected technique, did the welders need a special security clearance like the rebar welders?

Thanks for your input.

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