FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

C'mon agent gumjob, you can figure that one out. Ever hear of bolts and tack welds?


I told my team about your "tack welding wood" theory

The perpetrators of mass murder would want you to pretend you are confused.

The false work is tacked in, it has cletes and bolt plates where the outer concrete forms fasten.

This shows there were no continuous columns in the core. The light shining through interupts where they would have to be.

C'mon agent gumjob, you can figure that one out. Ever hear of bolts and tack welds?


I told my team about your "tack welding wood" theory

The perpetrators of mass murder would want you to pretend you are confused.

The false work is tacked in, it has cletes and bolt plates where the outer concrete forms fasten.

This shows there were no continuous columns in the core. The light shining through interupts where they would have to be.
ah, the infamous "invisicrete" that the sun can shine through
Pretending to be a moron will please the infiltrators of the US government who are the perpetrators of mass murder by secret methods.

Those are hallways and the fact that it shows there are no continuos columns proves there were no steel core columns in the core area

The images from 9-11 showing what can only be portions of the concrete core,


are verified by Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992

Finniston, Monty; Williams, Trevor; Bissell, Christopher, eds (1992). "Skyscraper". Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology. Oxford University Press. p. 322. ISBN 0-19-869138-6

When posters refuse to recognize violations of law of law that empower the deception the can reasonably be seen as part of the conspiracy to decieve.

Verification from 9-11 where the Towers are coming apart in front of camera is needed after considering the deprival of buillding plans indicated in the link above.

This concrete core is independently verified by numerous statement of authority. A structural engineer certified in 12 states learned of the concrete core at ground zero in the months after 9-11.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

The concrete core base wall of WTC 1.
When posters refuse to recognize violations of law of law that empower the deception the can reasonably be seen as part of the conspiracy to decieve.

Verification from 9-11 where the Towers are coming apart in front of camera is needed after considering the deprival of buillding plans indicated in the link above.

This concrete core is independently verified by numerous statement of authority. A structural engineer certified in 12 states learned of the concrete core at ground zero in the months after 9-11.

August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

The concrete core base wall of WTC 1.

I just sent your claim above and the attached photo to August Domel with a link to this thread.

We'll see what he writes back.
When agent chri$$y is confronted with the facts that dispute his disinformation for profit operation he apparantly runs away from the discussion.
Here is a clip from a discussion board where agent chri$$y was confronted by a person who worked on the towers, his response was to not respond.
Strange Bedfellows: AE911Truth, the Drone Industry, and Dwain Deets American Everyman

Christopher A. Brown, on December 2, 2009 at 6:32 pm Said:

BTW, paul flaherty, consider that since NIST attempted analysis with the wrong design and no plans that the “cause of death” on 3,000 death certificates is in error, Constitutional due process has not been provided. The OCT assumes it has been, but that cannot be right. See my page on Gage and how he has no accountability to the images from 9-11 that show only a concrete core.
What is misleadership and misinfo?

Christopher A. Brown
SanderO, on January 4, 2010 at 6:37 pm Said:

I would like to see you support the claim with evidence that there was a concrete core in the twins. I worked for Emery Roth in 1971.

Testimony from several people who worked there such as Rodriquez, Morelli or others who would have seen this ABOVE the basement level as this would not have been covered by finishes.

Photos take showing formwork or finished pours.

Details showing the rebar extending out the top of finished pours

plans showing details – structural not architectural.

These plans would not be from Emery Roth on his titleblock.

At this point there is a lot of confusing information about the structure of the core and your articles contain what appear to be errors.
willyloman, on January 4, 2010 at 10:33 pm Said:


I don’t believe the cores were concrete either. They do mention that they used a concrete wall board. Its harder than gypsom, but just used around the work areas in the core and around elevator shafts, but I am not sure about that.

The core 47 steel columns ranging in size from larger at the bottom and smaller as it got taller. The steel actually ranged in composition as well, so did the steel of the outer columns.

The framing of the core section was typical box consturction with tension and compression spanners and some areas used “I” beams for the floors.

To my understanding, that is the construction method of the core columns of the Twin towers."
this is from a twoofer site, and even they dispute agent chri$$y's claims.
9-11 Research Dprogram.net

"The Core Structures
The Structural System of the Twin Towers

Each tower was supported by a structural core extending from its bedrock foundation to its roof. The cores were rectangular pillars with numerous large columns and girders, measuring 87 feet by 133 feet. The core structures housed the elevators, stairs, and other services. The cores had their own flooring systems, which were structurally independent of the floor diaphragms that spanned the space between the cores and the perimeter walls. The core structures, like the perimeter wall structures, were 100 percent steel-framed.

The exact dimensions, arrangement, and number of the core columns remained somewhat mysterious until the publication of a leaked collection of detailed architectural drawings of the North Tower in 2007. Although the drawings show the dimensions and arrangement of core columns, they do not show other engineering details such as the core floor framing. It is clear from photographs, such as the one on the right, that the core columns were abundantly cross-braced."

more at :
9-11 Research Dprogram.net

Agent chri$$y, it might be time to find a new business venture, the jig is up on this one.
A site cannot "dispute" my information of the concrete core without information equal in its independent verification of its evidence.

Your link HAS NO evidence, let alone independent verification.
Here is a site that lists every flaw in the agent for profit's claims;
Musings, Silliness: Christophera and His "Phenomena"

"Christophera and His "Phenomena"
If you ever happen to chance upon Chris Brown, a conspiracy theories, online who goes by the name Chris on Myspace, but has also been known as Christopera on the JREF forum and a variety of other names online, you would have seen this before.

This post has been created for two purposes, firstly, to put together links and other sources that show, or contradict what he says, and so, if you ever encounter him online, you can just link directly to this when he starts resetting the argument.

One final note before I begin. Christophera and his "concrete core" "theory" is a fringe "theory" of a fringe group, you don't hear too much of this in mainstream 9/11 CTs, but even the Loose Change Forum has banned him at one time for spouting his theory, but online he is still as verbose as other "truthers"."

Personally I think agent chri$$y needs to find a new scam, this one is bankrupt.
Agents cannot support treason because there is no evidence. Would be debunkers they might refer too are hoping the public will be decieved by their nonsense, "double speak". Example,

However, if you look at pictures, like the one shown here, you can see that there are sections of the building that fell faster then the building itself.

Using this image.


Clearly, the part of the building they are referring to is not falling "then the building itself" (sic), so the comparison is not competent. A small difference does not matter anyway. The rates of destruction were quite close to free fall, . . . which is impossible with steel core columns. Particuarly when such columns are never visible on 9-11.

It is possible with a concrete core because concrete can be instantly fractured to fall freely by a small amount of properly placed explosives AND what appears exactly as a concrete core should is seen on 9-11.

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Agents cannot support treason because there is no evidence. Would be debunkers they might refer too are hoping the public will be decieved by their nonsense, "double speak". Example,

However, if you look at pictures, like the one shown here, you can see that there are sections of the building that fell faster then the building itself.

Using this image.

Clearly, the part of the building they are referring to is not falling "then the building itself" (sic), so the comparison is not competent. A small difference does not matter anyway. The rates of destruction were quite close to free fall, . . . which is impossible with steel core columns. Particuarly when such columns are never visible on 9-11.
dipshit, the ONLY concrete in those buildings above grade were in the FLOORS
AND in that photo you can CLEARLY see floor trusses
so shut the fuck up and seek out professional help
you are seriously delusional
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Clearly the evidence of 9-11 proves you wrong, meaning you are working to misinform, or support the FEMA deception, which puts you supporting secrete methjod of mass murder.

This is a massive concrete wall, a portion of the WTC 1 east core wall. toppling into the empty core.


In support of the infiltration of the US government and secret mehods of mass murder, you've tried to say that is a floor.

However, you have never stated where you think it fell from its normal horizontal position to the vertical one we see after clouds of heavy concrete particulate clear from the pulverizing wall above it.
Clearly the evidence of 9-11 proves you wrong, meaning you are working to misinform, or support the FEMA deception, which puts you supporting secrete methjod of mass murder.
clearly, REAL evidence proves YOU wrong and there was NO FEMA deception
you remain a fucking moronic idiot
divot clearly is a failure as a disinfo. It is a wall, not a floor.

This shows the concrete core of WTC 2 with the 2 hallways on the south side at 9 seconds.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhNd48qx684&feature=related]YouTube - WTC 2 collapse from the south, street level[/ame]

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