FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The detailed actions of guiliani and the requirements of law are satisfactorily and reasonably laid out in the NYCLU account and they are formally addressing officials with duty. No one except you is denying what the NYCLU writes is true.

Where is the rebuttal from guiliani that he did not take the WTC documents?

nobody said he didnt take them. he took them and had them microfilmed and returned them. you were shown all this shit before. no laws were broken. no charges were filed. the blueprints weren't even part of any of this crap. its something you completely made up.

how can you expect us to believe any of the shit you say you remembered from a fucking 1980 documentary when you cant even remember what happened in the last few months?!! :lol:

Pretending you are a bigger moron does not make you less of a traitor.

rattie was commenting upon fuzzers words, not addressing me. Pretending to be morons together is cute but as an impliment of treason its sickening.

Look at Chri$$y trying to be clever.

Where was this cleverness the day the judge made you empty out your pockets in the courtroom??
Express elevators don't fit between the skylobby hallway and the supposed concrete core wall per this blueprint that has been marked up. The blue ovals represents the areas Chris thinks the one bank of 12 express elevators where located:

Here is a picture of the skylobby hallway with access doors to the express elevators on the right:

The core is a physical impossibility because of these mistakes Chris has overlooked.
Pretending you are a moron or working to confuse only make you look like the agent you are. You cannot answer because the animated .gif shows a wall.

Show or explain when it was anything but vertical as the video shows us the object begins vertical as a wall.


hey chris,why do you even bother with these disinformation agents? I dont know about Gam but agents Fizzle,ditzcon and slackass have all defended the warren report that oswald was the lone assassin of JFK,so you know they are hopeless on 9/11 when they still defend THAT disproven fairy tale all these years later even though its a known fact 80% of americans no longer accept that fairy tale anymore either.lol.
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Pretending you are a moron or working to confuse only make you look like the agent you are. You cannot answer because the animated .gif shows a wall.

Show or explain when it was anything but vertical as the video shows us the object begins vertical as a wall.

hey chris,why do you even bother with these disinformation agents? I dont know about Gam but agents Fizzle,ditzcon and slackass have all defended the warren report that oswald was the lone assassin of JFK,so you know they are hopeless on 9/11 when they still defend THAT disproven fairy tale all these years later even though its a known fact 80% of americans no longer accept that fairy tale anymore either.lol.
do you even understand the LIES this dipshit is trying to push?
no, you just ass lick anyone that claims ANY kind of conspiracy
you are a bigger fucking moron than he is because you are here supporting him in spite of the fact he thinks most of the other morons you support are also disinfo agent

Express elevators don't fit between the skylobby hallway and the supposed concrete core wall per this blueprint that has been marked up. The blue ovals represents the areas Chris thinks the one bank of 12 express elevators where located:

Here is a picture of the skylobby hallway with access doors to the express elevators on the right:

The core is a physical impossibility because of these mistakes Chris has overlooked.

The basis of you dimensions for elevators comes from the obsolete, digitally altered plans that have the fake revision tables.



Such civic center documents always have building plans. The WTC documents had 6,000 files of photos.

This subterfuge is what gumjob has to do because the concrete core did not exist so there are no images of it from 9-11 to use to prove its existence.

There are images of mass rebar and an empty core area.

Express elevators don't fit between the skylobby hallway and the supposed concrete core wall per this blueprint that has been marked up. The blue ovals represents the areas Chris thinks the one bank of 12 express elevators where located:

Here is a picture of the skylobby hallway with access doors to the express elevators on the right:

The core is a physical impossibility because of these mistakes Chris has overlooked.

The basis of you dimensions for elevators comes from the obsolete, digitally altered plans that have the fake revision tables.

Ok dumbass. Let's go through this AGAIN. I don't need elevator dimensions to prove your core is fake. All I need is your bullshit claims.

You see the photo of the hallway for the 44th floor skylobby? See the express elevator access doors on the right? They are right off of the hallway wall.

In your claims, you have put the hallway right next to the core wall.


Do you get it yet? You have totally removed any room for elevators on that side.

hey deadbeat jackass,

where are YOUR dimensions for the elevators? surely your magical source that provides you with dimensions for how thick your concrete core is, how thick the rebar is.... and all the other stupid bullshit you spout.... provides the info on how big the elevators were!!! :lol:
This is not a claim.


It is a photo from 9-11 showing what can only be a concrete core. Attempts to misidentify that core as gypsum are nonsense because if there were steel core columns inside, the gypsum would be stripped off by the hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel crashing over the core and we would see steel protruding. There is none.

This animated .gif of video frames shows a massive concrete wall toppling from the east wall of WTC 1 into the empty core area.


Confirmed by another photo here from another angle.


Agents attempt to call it a floor, absurd, because we first se it in a vertical orientation WITH NO WHERE to fall from as a floor from horizontal.

Support for the demise of the US Constitution and secret methods of mass murder is all we get from agents.
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hey deadbeat jackass,

where are YOUR dimensions for the elevators? surely your magical source that provides you with dimensions for how thick your concrete core is, how thick the rebar is.... and all the other stupid bullshit you spout.... provides the info on how big the elevators were!!! :lol:
this is something that dipshit cant comprehend
HE needs to prove HIS theory correct
This is not a claim.

It is a photo from 9-11 showing what can only be a concrete core. Attempts to misidentify that core as gypsum are nonsense because if there were steel core columns inside, the gypsum would be stripped off by the hundreds of thousands of tons of structural steel crashing over the core and we would see steel protruding. There is none.

This animated .gif of video frames shows a massive concrete wall toppling from the east wall of WTC 1 into the empty core area.

Agents attempt to call it a floor, absurd, because we first se it in a vertical orientation WITH NO WHERE to fall from as a floor from horizontal.

Support for the demise of the US Constitution and secret methods of mass murder is all we get from agents.
nothing but LIES, dipshit
you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

and it was NOT vertical, liar
it was at an angle when it first cleared the dust cloud
it was a FLOOR that the front side had dropped and the back side got hung up on the SPIRE you see behind it after it falls
that is clear as day to anyone not so fucking delusional
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Agents have misrepresented photos from 9-11 trying to show this core.


They never have shown steel core coumns in the core area.

The engineer of record identified a concrete core, and I show a concrete core onm 9-11.

The west wall of the WTC 1 concrete core.


The north wall has already fallen revealing the empty core area. No steel core columns.

This image shows an empty core with very small vertical steel. Too small for structural steel or core columns.


It is rebar from the concrete walls destroyed by explosives leaving the high tensile steel rebar.

Agents attempt to call that steel "core columns" but that is a proven effort to misrepresent because the structural steel photographed seconds before from the same camera shows much larger steel.

There is no evidence for steel core columns from indepndent sources and no images of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.


The engineer of record properly identified the concrete core in the days immediately following 9-11.
To investigate 16 of the most prevalent claims made by conspiracy theorists, POPULAR MECHANICS assembled a team of nine researchers and reporters who, together with PM editors, consulted more than 70 professionals in fields that form the core content of this magazine, including aviation, engineering and the military. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - World Trade Center - Pentagon - Flight 93 - Popular Mechanics

or, all 70 professionals are in on the secret agenda? LOL


Then we have the 911 truther's expert: Rosie O'Donnell!!!

Rosie O'Donnell 9/11 Conspiracy Comments: Popular Mechanics Responds Rosie O'Donnell 9/11 Conspiracy Comments: Popular Mechanics Responds - Popular Mechanics

2. The North and South Towers of the World Trade Center weren’t knocked down by planes—they both stood for more than a half-hour after the impacts. But the crashes destroyed support columns and ignited infernos that ultimately weakened—not melted—the steel structures until the towers could no longer support their own weights (NIST offers a primer here). Ms. O’Donnell fundamentally misstates the case with her use of the word “melted”: Evidence currently points to WTC7 also collapsing because fires weakened its ravaged steel structure.



The cores had their own flooring systems, which were structurally independent of the floor diaphragms that spanned the space between the cores and the perimeter walls. The core structures, like the perimeter wall structures, were 100 percent steel-framed. http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/arch/core.html
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There is no evidence for steel core columns from indepndent sources and no images of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.


The engineer of record properly identified the concrete core in the days immediately following 9-11.
why must you continue to LIE??????
Robertson NEVER said that and it is CLEARLY the reporter that got it wrong
you just keep proving over and over what a fucking moronic idiot you are over and over
To investigate 16 of the most prevalent claims made by conspiracy theorists, POPULAR MECHANICS assembled a team of nine researchers and reporters who, together with PM editors, consulted more than 70 professionals in fields that form the core content of this magazine, including aviation, engineering and the military. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking the Myths - World Trade Center - Pentagon - Flight 93 - Popular Mechanics

or, all 70 professionals are in on the secret agenda? LOL


Then we have the 911 truther's expert: Rosie O'Donnell!!!

Rosie O'Donnell 9/11 Conspiracy Comments: Popular Mechanics Responds Rosie O'Donnell 9/11 Conspiracy Comments: Popular Mechanics Responds - Popular Mechanics

2. The North and South Towers of the World Trade Center weren’t knocked down by planes—they both stood for more than a half-hour after the impacts. But the crashes destroyed support columns and ignited infernos that ultimately weakened—not melted—the steel structures until the towers could no longer support their own weights (NIST offers a primer here). Ms. O’Donnell fundamentally misstates the case with her use of the word “melted”: Evidence currently points to WTC7 also collapsing because fires weakened its ravaged steel structure.
oh, THIS guy has it even worse, you show him photos of steel core columns and he sees concrete

and havent you heard?
PM, TDC, TLC, History channel, the NYT, Time Mag, NatGeo et al, are ALL in on it
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Column Arrangement

The exact arrangement of the columns and how they were cross-braced is not apparent from public documents such as FEMA's World Trade Center Building Performance Study. The arrangement of box columns depicted in Figure 2-10 of Chapter 2 (pictured to the right) seems plausible, even though it contradicts other illustrations in the report showing a more random arrangement. It depicts the top floors of a tower and does not indicate the widths of the columns on a typical floor.


Construction photographs show that the core columns were connected to each other at each floor by large square girders and I-beams about two feet deep. The debris photograph below shows what appears to be one of the smaller core columns surrounded by perpendicular I-beams approximately three feet deep. In addition, the tops of core structures were further connected by the sloping beams of the hat truss structures.

9-11 Research: The Core Structures

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