FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Of course the perpetrators agents will insist their is no proof needed for the lie they support.


As just one more evasion of the fact they cannot show the core above that FEMA says existed, they try to support, in the core area on 9-11.

All we see is only reasonably identified as concrete.


The engineer of record identifies a concrete core.

Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 identifies a concrete core.

A structural engineer certified in 12 states, August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. identifies a concrete core at chapter 2.1.

All of the evidence from the scene of the crime that shows a core, shows concrete. The WTC 1 east core wall toppling into the empty core area.

One of the people commenting on the video that was made by a message boarder who went out and found this,


And then made a video about, and the concrete core basically,

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2MStxGeRdE]YouTube - North Tower - Concrete Core[/ame]

Had this to say.

5 days ago
The buildings had a concrete core. I'm a Mechanical Engineer. You can't build a structure that tall without a concrete core. Sorry to all the Disinfo agents and brainwashed sheep :(
No one bought your bullshit.
One of the people commenting on the video that was made by a message boarder who went out and found this,

And then made a video about, and the concrete core basically,

Had this to say.

5 days ago
The buildings had a concrete core. I'm a Mechanical Engineer. You can't build a structure that tall without a concrete core. Sorry to all the Disinfo agents and brainwashed sheep :(
No one bought your bullshit.
then he is as big a fucking LIAR as you are
hes not what he claims because it is clear that that is a section of FLOOR you fucking moron
Hmmmm, divot has never said where that floor fell from to be first seen vertical . . . indicating the reverse is true (as usual), divot is the liar.


Since divot cannot say where the supposed floor fell from beginning in a horizontal position to the vertical position the object, wall, is first seen, then divvie is the liar.
Hmmmm, divot has never said where that floor fell from to be first seen vertical . . . indicating the reverse is true (as usual), divot is the liar.
you fucking liar
it was never vertical in the first place
and it could have been ANY floor you fucking moron
Pretending you are a moron or working to confuse only make you look like the agent you are. You cannot answer because the animated .gif shows a wall.

Show or explain when it was anything but vertical as the video shows us the object begins vertical as a wall.

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No, agents always pst misrepresentations.

so chris,your still going at it with agents Gam and Fizz huh? wonder whatever happened to the other agents Candycorn trollboy,Slackass and Ditzcon.not that I care.

I can't speak for the others but I am having a great summer working at Big Lake and just don't have the same amount of time to argue with the treasonous delusional retards that I have in the winter.

The fishing is fantastic, and the trout taste wonderful! Come on up!

As an aside, I have refused to rent a boat to 4 different people who came in from CA and claimed our Immigration law to be racist. The campground manager denied campsites to 2 of them.

If CA folks want to boycott Az why are they even here?

911insidenutjob has once again proven his worthlessness with the post I responded to.
Agent Chri$$y must have given him a cut of the profits......
No, agents always pst misrepresentations.

so chris,your still going at it with agents Gam and Fizz huh? wonder whatever happened to the other agents Candycorn trollboy,Slackass and Ditzcon.not that I care.

Seems that the agents assignments must respect the social divisions that exist in society. So they can come over and snipe now and then but opposing facts with nothing eventually cause exposure. Accordingly the masters of fizz, ditzer, stan, gumjob etc. have decided they have an expendable image.

Why expose more agents by overworking them with nothing except text when you can sacrifice the image of a few and just make them look better or more normal? Just by having a more generally devoted agent (general political position supporting the infiltration) pop in now and then to make a comment, a similar effect is gained.

Also, the perpetrators working for treason do not want to draw too much attention to their efforts to dismiss the concrete core. That has the reverse effect.
No, agents always pst misrepresentations.

so chris,your still going at it with agents Gam and Fizz huh? wonder whatever happened to the other agents Candycorn trollboy,Slackass and Ditzcon.not that I care.

Seems that the agents assignments must respect the social divisions that exist in society. So they can come over and snipe now and then but opposing facts with nothing eventually cause exposure. Accordingly the masters of fizz, ditzer, stan, gumjob etc. have decided they have an expendable image.

Why expose more agents by overworking them with nothing except text when you can sacrifice the image of a few and just make them look better or more normal? Just by having a more generally devoted agent (general political position supporting the infiltration) pop in now and then to make a comment, a similar effect is gained.

Also, the perpetrators working for treason do not want to draw too much attention to their efforts to dismiss the concrete core. That has the reverse effect.
you are fucking delusional
No, agents always pst misrepresentations.

so chris,your still going at it with agents Gam and Fizz huh? wonder whatever happened to the other agents Candycorn trollboy,Slackass and Ditzcon.not that I care.

Seems that the agents assignments must respect the social divisions that exist in society. So they can come over and snipe now and then but opposing facts with nothing eventually cause exposure. Accordingly the masters of fizz, ditzer, stan, gumjob etc. have decided they have an expendable image.

Why expose more agents by overworking them with nothing except text when you can sacrifice the image of a few and just make them look better or more normal? Just by having a more generally devoted agent (general political position supporting the infiltration) pop in now and then to make a comment, a similar effect is gained.

Also, the perpetrators working for treason do not want to draw too much attention to their efforts to dismiss the concrete core. That has the reverse effect.

HAhahahahahaha!!! what a fucking moron. it really must suck to be so paranoid and think the entire world is plotting against you. if you werent a deadbeat dad and refused to pay child support for over a dozen years i might even feel sorry for you and your severe mental illness.

but as it stands now you are just a complete fucking idiot. if your nose was upside down you would drown when it rains. you are proof that evolution can work in reverse.
so chris,your still going at it with agents Gam and Fizz huh? wonder whatever happened to the other agents Candycorn trollboy,Slackass and Ditzcon.not that I care.

Seems that the agents assignments must respect the social divisions that exist in society. So they can come over and snipe now and then but opposing facts with nothing eventually cause exposure. Accordingly the masters of fizz, ditzer, stan, gumjob etc. have decided they have an expendable image.

Why expose more agents by overworking them with nothing except text when you can sacrifice the image of a few and just make them look better or more normal? Just by having a more generally devoted agent (general political position supporting the infiltration) pop in now and then to make a comment, a similar effect is gained.

Also, the perpetrators working for treason do not want to draw too much attention to their efforts to dismiss the concrete core. That has the reverse effect.

HAhahahahahaha!!! what a fucking moron. it really must suck to be so paranoid and think the entire world is plotting against you. if you werent a deadbeat dad and refused to pay child support for over a dozen years i might even feel sorry for you and your severe mental illness.

but as it stands now you are just a complete fucking idiot. if your nose was upside down you would drown when it rains. you are proof that evolution can work in reverse.
yeah, one could almost feel sorry for the moron
BBBBWaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa, gumout, I did not say what you said I said. The only thing you can do is pretend to be such a moron that you cannot interpret what is posted correctly.

The escalators ran up slopes from the narrow ends of the core. The elevators that opened into the lobby surrounded the pedestal and were inside of the concrete core wall. WTC 2 had a thinner core wall than WTC 1. I've already shown the towers had different concrete core designs.

World Trade Center Tower Silhouettes

Your image shows enough thickness for the core wall between the inside of the interior box columns and the very deep, into the wall, elevator shaft.

You are an agent against the US Constitution conducting treason.

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

‘Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some Judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both’.??Section 4 states “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States” such language is clear in that a citizen is allowed and required under law to disclose if such disclosure is “cognizable by a court of the United States”

Care to draw a diagram of what you say existed in WTC2? I bet you won't because I'll show you just how stupid you really are.

In red above your fellow agents will see that I state, and always have since remembering more detail of the docuemntary, that the WTC 2 core was thinner. It also did not have the thick basewall that WTC 1 had.

You need to show an image from 9-11 showing this,


in the core area. You also need to show plans that are official that have details of diagonal braces and gusset plates. You and FEMA assert that construction shows "core columns". I know that the butt plates on them prove they are too weak for core columns. Not one "core column" can have one compromised joint. Each must have 100% deep fillet welds.


The agents must be posting so much to push facts exposing they support the FEMA deception back where they are not so easily seen.
Functioning brain cells working for truth to protect the US Constitution define this as concrete.


If the core of the Twins was like this,


then there would be pieces of core column, structural steel protruding up from the top of the core. There are none. The possibility of a steel core columned core having gypsum fastened to it, as agents suggest is shown in the image at top, is basically non existent because of the uniformity, gypsum will be torn away from the supposed core columns leaving an irregular silhouette.

Brain cells reasonably dictate that IF the FEMA core of steel core columns existed, then there will be at least one image of one tower that shows the supposed steel core structure. There are none.

Also, the violations of law deprived the public of building plans contained int he civic center documents the WTC documents comprise AND 6,000 file of photos. Meaning that guiliani enabled the deception the agents are trying to uphold.

Clearly when they fail to recognize that violation of law by guiliani, they support lawless government and the secret structure of the Twins used in mass murder.

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