FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Functioning brain cells working for truth to protect the US Constitution define this as concrete.
you arent protecting the US constitution, you delusional moron. you are lying to push your concrete core hoax.

how's that whole "i am the chosen one" bullshit working out for you?:cuckoo:
How can that be when laws guranteeing open government are violated and YOU refuse to acknowledge that the violations of law deprive the public of the buildings plans AND 6,000 photo files?

Any citizen supporting and defending the Constitution by demanding lawful performance of the government because the laws are made under and in the spirit of the Consitution . . . pretend moron.

The Twin towers had a concrete core, FEMA lied.
How can that be when laws guranteeing open government are violated and YOU refuse to acknowledge that the violations of law deprive the public of the buildings plans AND 6,000 photo files?

Any citizen supporting and defending the Constitution by demanding lawful performance of the government because the laws are made under and in the spirit of the Consitution . . . pretend moron.

The Twin towers had a concrete core, FEMA lied.

hey jackass.... there was no violation of the law. its all your your delusional head, you fucking idiot.
Laws have been violated and they would not want that fact known because they enabled misprision of felony and treason.


NYCLU Press Release
February 6, 2002 -- The NYCLU today sent a letter (see below) to Mayor Bloomberg and Corporation Counsel Cardozo urging them to terminate the city’s contract to turn over the archival records of the Giuliani administration to the Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs Inc.

Our concern is based on the following facts, as we understand them. On or about December 24, 2001, Commissioner George Rios, on behalf of the City of New York and/or the Department of Records and Information Services of the City of New York, entered into a contract with the Rudolph W. Giuliani Center for Urban Affairs Inc., signed by Saul Cohen, President, concerning the records of the mayoralty of Rudolph Giuliani. The records are said to include appointment books, cabinet meeting audiotapes, e-mails, telephone logs, advance and briefing memos, correspondence, transition materials, and private schedules, as well as Mr. Giuliani’s departmental, travel, event, subject, and Gracie Mansion files. Giuliani's "World Trade Center files" and "Millennium Project files," together with 6000 files of photographs, 1000 audiotapes, and 15,000 videotapes, are also reported to be a part of the records covered by the contract.

Although the December 24th contract between the City and the Giuliani Center acknowledges the City’s obligations under FOIL, two provisions of the contract violate FOIL. One provision gives Mr. Giuliani veto power over the disclosure of documents he deems personal. The other allows the Giuliani Center to prescreen documents and determine when they are “public.” This provision intrudes the Center into a determinative process not contemplated by FOIL.

The City also violated the Freedom of Information Law by transferring records to the custody of the Giuliani Center without first compiling a detailed list. Section 87(3)(c) of the Public Officer Law obligates an agency to maintain a “reasonably detailed list by subject matter” of all agency records, “whether or not [those records are] available under this article.” Such a list is necessary to prevent the inappropriate destruction of documents and to inform the public as to the content of the documentary collection. The list appended to the December 24th contract as Attachment A does not contain sufficiently detailed information to satisfy this requirement. And the documents appear, therefore, to have been transferred without complying with this requirement.

Finally, the City Charter vests DORIS with the responsibility to preserve and receive all city records of historical, research, cultural or other important value. City Charter, Chapter 72, § 3004(1)(c). The City Charter mandates that DORIS make all of the materials it maintains available for public inspection. §3004(2)(c). The City Charter also mandates that all records which are deemed to be of historical or research value be transferred by the city official or agency to DORIS’ municipal archives for “permanent custody.” City Charter, Chapter 49, §1133(b); RCNY §1-07. In transferring the documents to the Center, the City has violated this mandate and has made it less likely that the materials will be readily accessible for public inspection.

Disclosure of treason pursuant to Title 18 chapter 115

9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
9-11-misprision of treason, Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
a letter from the NYCLU isnt a lawsuit or charges. its a fucking letter. WHERE'S PROOF OF THE VIOLATION?

all this crap was debunked already and you know this. guliani had an outside firm microfilm his records and then they were returned. why dont you ever tell the end of the story?:cuckoo:
The details actions of guiliani and the requirements of law are satisfactorily and reasonably laid out in the NYCLU account and they are formally addressing officials with duty. No one except you is denying what the NYCLU writes is true.

Where is the rebuttal from guiliani that he did not take the WTC documents?

The details actions of guiliani and the requirements of law are satisfactorily and reasonably laid out in the NYCLU account and they are formally addressing officials with duty. No one except you is denying what the NYCLU writes is true.

Where is the rebuttal from guiliani that he did not take the WTC documents?

no, they weren't you fucking moron
The details actions of guiliani and the requirements of law are satisfactorily and reasonably laid out in the NYCLU account and they are formally addressing officials with duty. No one except you is denying what the NYCLU writes is true.

Where is the rebuttal from guiliani that he did not take the WTC documents?

nobody said he didnt take them. he took them and had them microfilmed and returned them. you were shown all this shit before. no laws were broken. no charges were filed. the blueprints weren't even part of any of this crap. its something you completely made up.

how can you expect us to believe any of the shit you say you remembered from a fucking 1980 documentary when you cant even remember what happened in the last few months?!! :lol:
How can that be when laws guranteeing open government are violated and YOU refuse to acknowledge that the violations of law deprive the public of the buildings plans AND 6,000 photo files?

Any citizen supporting and defending the Constitution by demanding lawful performance of the government because the laws are made under and in the spirit of the Consitution . . . pretend moron.

The Twin towers had a concrete core, FEMA lied.
Maybe it's better when he re-posts his bebunked pictures and videos. I can't make out heads or tails of what he is trying to say here.

It might make more sense if he ever got his Kryptonian to English translator fixed.
Pretending you are a bigger moron does not make you less of a traitor.

how come you have all this time to do research and produce youtube videos and do other silly activist stuff but you claim you are disabled?

how can that be, mr deadbeat? you still trying to collect social security disability like when you were actually working under the table and filing your claim?

this probably deserves some checking into. i'm sure the nice people at social security would be very interested to check into how you are so active all the time yet you claim you are disabled.

fucking scumbag living off my taxes and then complaining that i'm a traitor.
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The detailed actions of guiliani and the requirements of law are satisfactorily and reasonably laid out in the NYCLU account and they are formally addressing officials with duty. No one except you is denying what the NYCLU writes is true.

Where is the rebuttal from guiliani that he did not take the WTC documents?

nobody said he didnt take them. he took them and had them microfilmed and returned them. you were shown all this shit before. no laws were broken. no charges were filed. the blueprints weren't even part of any of this crap. its something you completely made up.

how can you expect us to believe any of the shit you say you remembered from a fucking 1980 documentary when you cant even remember what happened in the last few months?!! :lol:

How can that be when laws guranteeing open government are violated and YOU refuse to acknowledge that the violations of law deprive the public of the buildings plans AND 6,000 photo files?

Any citizen supporting and defending the Constitution by demanding lawful performance of the government because the laws are made under and in the spirit of the Consitution . . . pretend moron.

The Twin towers had a concrete core, FEMA lied.
Maybe it's better when he re-posts his bebunked pictures and videos. I can't make out heads or tails of what he is trying to say here.

It might make more sense if he ever got his Kryptonian to English translator fixed.

Pretending you are a bigger moron does not make you less of a traitor.

rattie was commenting upon fuzzers words, not addressing me. Pretending to be morons together is cute but as an impliment of treason its sickening.
All of what I, I do to protect my children from the mass murderers you work to protect.
yet you are guilty for not paying child support for years and have been sentenced to jail time for being a deadbeat dad.

if you protected bin laden as well as you protect your kids we would have his head on a stick by now.

did you figure out how to fit all those elevators inside your impossible concrete core yet?
Predicatably the agents need to change the subject in ad hominium. All the issues show that agents do not respect the Constitutional rights of the 3,000 dead at the WTC on 9-11 or the rights of fathers in family law court. Or the rights of citizens to have access to fair courts at all.


The most obvious fact is that NEVER has an image of the FEMA core on 9-11 been posted.


That structure di dnot exist, this one did. A concrete core.


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