FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Steel is seen in the background, and that is the spire on the other side of the core, outside the concrete core wall as shown here. Looking south at the end view of the concrete core wall on the left, steel, the "spire" on the right.


the concrete wall makes the sloping shape behind the steel frames that supported the floors.

Unaccountabilty does not equal credibility meaning your text is evidence against you.

When you fail to produce an image from 9-11 showing this core,


and it is obvious you want to convince people that FEMA did not lie, you provide circumstantial evidence they did lie.

On the other hand when I post this image of a portion of the WTC 1 east concrete core wall toppling into an empty core, it is more obvious you support the FEMA lie and I share the truth.

you have posted proof of the existence of STEEL CORE COLUMNS, only you delusionally call it something else

your paranoid delusions do NOT equal evidence
That is what the perpetrators of mass murder would want people to think.

the FEMA deception is proven and your efforts to show steel core columns are pitiful.

This image atttempts to show steel core columns with NO DIAGONAL BRACES. No gusset plates.


Which would stand at 1,350 foot about as well as wet noodles

Are you saying the engineer of record is delusional too. Maybe you can get some of your fellow agents to back you on that.


Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.
Are you saying the engineer of record is delusional too. Maybe you can get some of your fellow agents to back you on that.


Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.
the "engineer of record" never said that stuff you claim he did, and not even the stupid reporter attributed those words to him

your delusional rantings do NOT equal evidence
Are you saying the engineer of record is delusional too. Maybe you can get some of your fellow agents to back you on that.


Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.
the "engineer of record" never said that stuff you claim he did, and not even the stupid reporter attributed those words to him

your delusional rantings do NOT equal evidence

The information from the "engineer of record" was exactly what the article states and there is NO correction of the story. Lgically, if 3,000 are killed in what is supposed to be a collapse, if there is an error, there is a lengthy correction.

The information from the "engineer of record" is completely consistent with the Oxford encyclopedia of Technology and Innovation, published in 1992.

The information from the "engineer of record" is completely consistent with August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. who is a certified structural engineer in 12 states.

The information from the "engineer of record" is completely consistent with images from 9-11 that show concrete walls surrounding the core.

you are a paranoid liar
Robertson never said what you claim, not even the reporter claimed it
you pathetic asswipe
Robertsons information to the reporter which was included in the story by the reporter is confirmed.

It is confirmed no evidence, which has verification from independent sources, exists for this core.


That you support secret methods of mass murder is confirmed.

Your role supporting treason is confirmed.

This boys grief is confirmed and can only be healed by truth.

it has been substantiated so many times for you that its not even worth it to try
you reject logic and reason
Oh fer god sakes. The deadbeat has a book out so he tries to promote it on the forum. Otherwise this morinic thread would have died years ago.

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