FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The reverse of what agents say is most often true.

Easily demonstrated by the fact that they have never posted an image of the FEMA core structure.


The agents support the secret methods of mass murder employed that took 2, 1,350 foot buildings to the ground, killing 3,000 people in 20 seconds. Which is why they keep unreasonably posting with NO EVIDENCE.

This can only be concrete.


Which is exactly what the engineer of record described to Newsweek in the days after 9-11.

There has never been a correction. No independently verified evidence exists fo the core structure that the agents promote.
why was fema called in two days before the attack on the towers, and who called them?
why was fema called in two days before the attack on the towers, and who called them?
got some facts to back that up?

Its common knowledge traitor. Typical agent crap asking for information they know has been removed by the infiltrations of government.

Similar to asking me for pictures of the concrete core in construction while refusing to recognize that guiliani took the WTC documents which contained 6,000 photo files.

Human beings need the truth to heal, live and evolve. This woman has lost a loved one. YOU stand in the way of truth and her healing, our living and chance to evolve.

why was fema called in two days before the attack on the towers, and who called them?
got some facts to back that up?

Its common knowledge traitor. Typical agent crap asking for information they know has been removed by the infiltrations of government.
if its common knowledge, moron, then it should be easy to BACK IT UP WITH RELIABLE SOURCES

unlike you who post links to stories that never back up what you claim
got some facts to back that up?

Its common knowledge traitor. Typical agent crap asking for information they know has been removed by the infiltrations of government.
if its common knowledge, moron, then it should be easy to BACK IT UP WITH RELIABLE SOURCES

unlike you who post links to stories that never back up what you claim

The perpetrators of mass murder would want you to pretend you could reasonably ask for such sources AFTER you have failed to show any independently verified for this core structure.


You cannot reasonbly do that. To allow you to do that is to allow misprision of felony and treason. It is to assist in the evasion of lawful justice in the crime of murder 3,000 times.

Since the public and law enforcement are so confused by infiltrators serving the perpetrators interests as you do, they cannot, so I must tell you to stfu, lock the door on yourself in whatever box you are in, and present the key to us American citizens that stand for truth and justice under the Constitution and ask for mercy. If you are lucky you will get due process, unlike 3,000 dead innocent human beings.

Show me this traitor, . . . on 9-11.

None of you agents ever have. Nor have you official plans. You only have fakes
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your paranoid delusions do NOT equal evidence

Obviously your text equals nothing when compared to hard evidence from 9-11.


How did you never even attempt to explain how the supposed drywall survived the 100's of thousands of tons of structural steel that came down in 20 seconds over that?

How did you never even attempt that then post the treasonous BS you do. Failing to recogniz the violations of law by officials that disable due process and obstruct justice in a case of mass murder is sick.

Hear me? SICK.
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Statements and acts benefitting the concealment of treason serve it.

Others recognize the same evidence. Watch at 6:35 to 6:50

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtJWBcWAeAw]YouTube - 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey finally confesses 9-11 Commission could not do it's job - Part 3 of 3[/ame]
It is confirmed you would not recognize evidence of thick concrete walls 400 feet off the ground surrounding the core of WTC 1, if presented to you.


You call it a floor then fail to explain where it fell from to get into the vertical wall position where first seen.

It is confirmed you cannot produce evidence from 9-11 showing this core.


It is confirmed that you think you know more about New Yorck city law than the NYCLU and how they pointed outviolations of law deprived the public of building plans and 6,000 photo files.

It is confirmed that you cannot explain how gypsum can survive the crash of 100's of thousand of tons of structural steel over it and leave no steel core columns protruding.

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The perpetrators of mass murder wished the product of this exchange equalled that, because they wish to keep their secret methods of mass murder secret, and that is what you attempt to

Arthur Goldwag: Cass Sunstein's Thought Police

Cass Sunstein , Cass Sunstein Cognitive Infiltration , Politics News

A high-ranking official in the Obama administration has come under fire in the past few weeks for suggesting that it would be a good idea to deploy federal agents to "cognitively infiltrate" political groups that believe in conspiracy theories. "Cognitive infiltration" may just be a fancy way to describe what chat room trolls do every day, but it's downright Orwellian in its implications, summoning visions of disinformation campaigns, agents provocateurs, and J. Edgar Hoover's COINTELPRO. The official is Cass Sunstein, the long-time University of Chicago law professor (he has since moved on to Harvard), who is currently serving as director of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

Sunstein's proposal was not issued under the auspices of the government, but in an academic paper. Co-authored with Harvard Law School Professor Adrian Vermeule and published in The Journal of Political Philosophy in 2008 (it can be downloaded as a PDF file here), "Conspiracy Theory" surveys the existing scholarship on the origins and characteristics of conspiracy theories and contemplates whether or not governments should try to neutralize them. In general, it takes a social sciences approach, arguing that conspiracy theories are neither legitimate political ideas nor symptoms of a psychological disorder, but are rather the inevitable distortions of closed-off, self-reinforcing belief systems. Using government agents to inject "cognitive diversity" into those communities, it suggests, just might provide the body politic with an antidote to the thought contagions they inspire.

Your act is obvious, you are a spectacle of deceit that only you can pretend to believe, and your false social group.

the perpetrators of mass murder are known, dipshit
it was done by 19 al Qaeda agents that died on 9/11
your paranoid delusions are not evidence, or fact
You would want Americans to believe that al queda agents are so powerful that they could kill 3,000 people in 20 seconds.

You would want Americans to believe that al queda agents are so powerful they can use alchemy to get jet fuel temperatures of 2,850 F needed to melt steel.

You would want Americans to believe that al queda agents are so powerful that their magic jet fuel could produce such pressures that concrete and steel in masses numbering hundreds of thousands of tons could be reduced to 10 micron sizes, superheated to float over New York City and the hudsen river.

You would want Americans to believe that al queda agents are so powerful that America should simply surrender now.

All of American technology cannot approach the magic of al queda as far as divcon knows.

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