FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

We know you have access to actual lies and have never shown the supposed steel core columns in the core area. Since you only work to support deception and secret methods of mass murder, logically you will refuse to recognize real evidence or verifying statements for it. Acordingly it can easily be deduced that you support treason.

There is solid evidence here showing the FEMA deception.
Goof-0-phera states as a fact that the cores were concrete, and re-enforced with C-4 coated rebar. Goof-0-phera states as a fact that the cores were detonated to bring the towers down at near free-fall speed. Goof-0-phera states as a fact that the blueprints were stolen.

As she has that much inside knowledge, this would make Goof-0-phera a perpetrator of mass murder, as she has first hand knowledge of many of the secret methods of mass murder.
Goof-0-phera states as a fact that the cores were concrete, and re-enforced with C-4 coated rebar. Goof-0-phera states as a fact that the cores were detonated to bring the towers down at near free-fall speed. Goof-0-phera states as a fact that the blueprints were stolen.

As she has that much inside knowledge, this would make Goof-0-phera a perpetrator of mass murder, as she has first hand knowledge of many of the secret methods of mass murder.
not just C-4 coated, but made of DoD grade steel
a grade that doesnt actually exist
and hes gone from it being 3" DoD grade steel rebar to 6" and back again
he cant seem to make up his mind
Goof-0-phera states as a fact that the cores were concrete, and re-enforced with C-4 coated rebar. Goof-0-phera states as a fact that the cores were detonated to bring the towers down at near free-fall speed. Goof-0-phera states as a fact that the blueprints were stolen.

As she has that much inside knowledge, this would make Goof-0-phera a perpetrator of mass murder, as she has first hand knowledge of many of the secret methods of mass murder.
not just C-4 coated, but made of DoD grade steel
a grade that doesnt actually exist
and hes gone from it being 3" DoD grade steel rebar to 6" and back again
he cant seem to make up his mind

That's Goof-0-phera's little way of trying to hide the fact that she has intimate inside knowledge of the secret methods of mass murder. Goof-0-phera changes things once in a while so her fellow agents think she is trying to mislead us.

Goof-0-phera files these stupid little lawsuits to please her agency masters by throwing red herrings in an effort to hide their diabolical plans. In return, her agency masters delay and obstruct the officials trying to collect the back support monies and filing fees that Goof-0-phera owes.
Hey Goof-0-phera, why don't you amuse us and post that bullshit about the blinking Indian medicine man again?
On second thought, Goof-0-phera, forget the medicine man.

The "butt plate" and "elevator guide rail support steel" stuff is more amusing. Post some more of that bullshit for us, OK??
Are your trying to say that a 1,350 foot core column can be assembled with even one butt plate?


Where are the diagonal braces? Where are the gusset plates. They have to be there for a core columns structure.

How did the elevator doors and hallway openings avoid the many diagonals?

Show some diagonal braces at ground zero?

Why haven't any of you agenst posted and image of this core,


on 9-11? WHY? What is the matter with you? Three thousand innocent people died in 20 seconds and you think its okay that that NIST had no plans and the only mention anywhere of their sources for structural information amount to what is in their disclaimer?


You cannot see that guiliani obstructed justice by taking the WTC documents which contained 6,000 photo files?
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the only delusional person claiming there were butt plates is YOU

sane people know they were not butt plates
your paranoid delusions are not equal to evidence
Your text is empty. The only thing that will suffice is an image of this core on 9-11.


Your prior misrepresentations using zoomed photos is exposed by the PANEL 3 of the treason disclosue images showing that the the pieces of vertical steel falling away from the north concrete core wall of WTC 1 have concrete conneted to them.


WHY haven't you posted images showing the needed diagonal braces inside the core from 9-11? WHY!
The perpetrators of mass murder would want you to say that, but then you have no actual evidence. If you did you could show this structure on 9-11 and you hve not, no one ever has.


You cannot even answer questions let alone back them up.
The perpetrators of mass murder would want you to say that, but then you have no actual evidence. If you did you could show this structure on 9-11 and you hve not, no one ever has.


You cannot even answer questions let alone back them up.

I don't think anyone can show 47 steel beams and an anti-gravity floor sticking out of the roof of the trade centers.
Misinterpreting the issues won't help agent. You support secret methods of mass murder with your juvenile efforts to create cognitive confusion.

If this was the only official graphic depiction of the towers core (it is),


that would be okay with you. A proper due process analysis using plans is not in the perpetrators interests, so you will not support such.
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Misinterpreting the issues won't help agent. You support secrete methods of mass murder with your juvenile efforts to create cognitive confusion.

If this was the only graphic depiction of the towers core,


that would be okay with you. A proper due process analysis using plans is not in the perpetrators interests, so you will not support such.

I'm a perpetrator? Don't make me laugh.

You claim knowledge from the documentary ONLY YOU saw that the twins had concrete cores and DoD rebar laced with C-4 and you didn't alert anyone of authority BEFORE they blew up the towers. That sure sounds like someone that was in on the plan all along.

In other words, a perpetrator.

Turn yourself in, Agent.
Misinterpreting again agent. Such is your deceptive way.

You are not a perpetrator. You act in their interest as an agent working to protect their secret methods of mass murder.

The FEMA deception is their main deception and you work for the deception.
Misinterpreting again agent. Such is your deceptive way.

You are not a perpetrator. You act in their interest as an agent working to protect their secret methods of mass murder.

The FEMA deception is their main deception and you work for the deception.

Sorry Goof-0, but if I was acting in their interests, I would be cheering you on and agreeing with your every word.

If there were "perpetrators", and your cock-a-mamie theories were correct, they would ice you in a heartbeat. Do you really think people that could kill thousands of Americans without a second thought would let you live if you had 1% of the truth of what they did? Don't make me laugh. Wiping you out would be like swatting a fly to them. What's one more life after 3000+, right?

And you've made yourself a pretty easy target after posting your name, address, PO box, & phone number time after time. What more do they need??

If there are "Perpetrators", it's obvious by your continued existence that they think you are a harmless, delusional little man who does not threaten them in the least.
Again, misrepresentation.

I logically assert that FEMA misrepresented the towers structure to NIST and show that NIST's
is bizarre, to say the least. Then, when NO DECESCRIPTION of plans is found in the NIST product, it is clear they had no plans.

Meaning you, guiliani
FEMA, NIST and agents here are all working on the same thing. Maintaining secrecy.
Again, misrepresentation.

I logically assert that FEMA misrepresented the towers structure to NIST and show that NIST's
is bizarre, to say the least. Then, when NO DECESCRIPTION of plans is found in the NIST product, it is clear they had no plans.

Meaning you, guiliani
FEMA, NIST and agents here are all working on the same thing. Maintaining secrecy.

Oh please. If Mayor Guiliani, FEMA, NIST, agents and I were in on some neferious scheme, and you had one iota of what we did, one of the perpetrators would erase you in a New York second.

Your continued existence proves there was no conspiracy or deception. If there was a conspiracy, and you had even a 0.00001% chance of exposing it, the perpetrators could wipe you out in a hundred ways that would appear as an accident or natural causes.

As was said in a Monty Python episode, "Things burn, Colonel".
Again, misrepresentation.

I logically assert that FEMA misrepresented the towers structure to NIST and show that NIST's
is bizarre, to say the least. Then, when NO DECESCRIPTION of plans is found in the NIST product, it is clear they had no plans.

Meaning you, guiliani
FEMA, NIST and agents here are all working on the same thing. Maintaining secrecy.

Oh please. If Mayor Guiliani, FEMA, NIST, agents and I were in on some neferious scheme,

False logic agent. This is a big psyops that is using the murder of 3,000 innocent people to strike fear into Americans.

The psyops is not about giving credibility to the assertions of Americans acting to protect their Constitution by pointing out a MAJOR deception with assasination of them. You are here to try and undermine the truth and protect the perpetrators secret methods of mass murder, to protect them.
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