FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Uh,oh. Goof-0 went offline again. He's probably off looking for some delightful repartee to the last 2 posts.

Stay tuned for his usual "show this FEMA core" repost.
As an agent proven to have no evidence from verifiable sources, who particularly cannot provide one image of the core asserted to have existed,


your words, reasonably, mean the opposite of what you say they do.

completely insane!! :lol:
Tell you what Chris.

Provide us a link to ANY photo other than your supposed WTC guide rail support steel photos showing a butt plate used to join together elevator guide rail support columns. How about ANY photo of ANY large columns joined by butt plates.

I'd like to see this method you speak of.

Honestly, the only reference to butt plates and column joints I see are to your claims only.

Why is that?
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As an agent proven to have no evidence from verifiable sources, who particularly cannot provide one image of the core asserted to have existed,


your words, reasonably, mean the opposite of what you say they do.

Right here Chris. This proves the above photo is correct. The construction photos match perfectly.


Now what Chris?
The sloping curved shape behind the interior box columns surrounding the concrete core is the core wall behind the steel. Structural steel always has vertical or horizontal, or straight diagonals.


This shows the north inner wall of steel exterior under the spire.

It's not "the wall" idiot, it's streaming dust and debris as proven by this photo of the same spire from the opposite side.

Closeup of same.

No wall. It's dust and debris.
Clear air inside the core is not steel core columns. To the right of the spire is the core area.


EMPTY and surrounded by first heavy structural steel, then rebar.


This is proven below.

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Your fraudulent effort to call the spire core columns is exposed by the superimposed before and during photos.

It is confirmed, you cannot post an image of this core on 9-11.

Can your lying become any more transparent?

When you fail to take the challenge and post it is obvious you cannot.

I post an image of a massive concrete wall toppling into the empy core,


Then post the information of the engineer of record.


Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

And the safety report of a structural engineer certified in 12 states. August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE. see chapter 2.1.

but agents think it would be a waste to post evidence.
No, it proves a concrete core and with Robertson and Domel it does so dymanically.

That is plain, you have no evidence from 9-11 to verify that this ever existed.


You have no plans and refuse to acknowledge the violations of law that deprive the publci of building plans.

The cause of death cannot be accurate because froensic analysis of collapse of high performance towers such as the Twins cannot be conducted without building plans.

NIST never describes them. They did no have plans.
Your fraudulent effort to call the spire core columns is exposed by the superimposed before and during photos.

sorry jackass. its been proven to you a number of times that the pictures you use that are superimposed were taken from different places and can not possibly be lined up correctly.

these two photos which are superimposed were taken by the same person, on the same day, from the same spot, from the same camera. it is 100% accurate and shows the spire was the center two rows of the steel core.

this is one of the pictures in chris's super imposed picture. notice the taller buildings on the far left and look at all that space in between.

now look at the super imposed image i posted above (or download the originals from the photographer's website at http://www.amanzafar.com/ ) and notice those same two buildings and how much they OVERLAP!!! :lol:

its not even close to being the same angle. chris's photo is ridiculously innaccurate...... just like all his bullshit!!! :cuckoo:

It is confirmed, you cannot post an image of this core on 9-11.


here's the steel core.


and there it is on 9/11 pictured above it.
Tell you what Chris.

Provide us a link to ANY photo other than your supposed WTC guide rail support steel photos showing a butt plate used to join together elevator guide rail support columns. How about ANY photo of ANY large columns joined by butt plates.

I'd like to see this method you speak of.

Honestly, the only reference to butt plates and column joints I see are to your claims only.

Why is that?

Well Chris?

Where are all your examples of other vertical steel column joints using butt plates? I can't seem to find any others except for your own references.

Here's another important question Chris. According to you, there were 23 elevator guide rail support columns. There were 48 elevators in the first zone. This doesn't add up.

Looks like you're making shit up yet again.
guiliani has the evidence.

As an agent you will refuse to recognize that violation of law taking 6,000 photo files, 15,000 video tapes and logically, the plans.

Show this core in the core area on 9-11.


You and all you agent accomplices have failed for years to do that.
Where are the elevators to the right of the interior box columns in this photo.


That is clearly concrete and you are clearly and agent for the perps seeking to uphold the FEMA deception.
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