FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Your entire position was proven wrong in 2004 when I started what I'm doing. Your false social group refuses to evidence and pretends what ever serves the infiltrators of the US government and protection of the secret methods of mass murder.

Meanwhile, as the building comes apart in front of hundreds of cameras, none see steel core columns. They only see concrete core walls. At 8 to 10 seconds the concrete core with the dual hallways of the WTC 2 south end core is visible.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhNd48qx684&feature=related]YouTube - WTC 2 collapse from the south, street level[/ame]
Nothing on this message board supports what you claim. In fact, nothing on this planet supports what you say except for FEMA and the agents of your false social groups with the perps that command them.

All agents have failed to support with reason HOW their assertion that this is gypsum, survived that crash of hundred of thousands of tons of structural steel. They assert that gypsum covers the supposed steel core columns


They cannot. Such a suggestion is not reasonable. What we see is concrete.
Your text does not offer proof of what you say. Post the images of this core IF they were ever posted by any one.


sorry jackass. it is YOUR text that is meaningless. SHOW A PICTURE OF THE CONCRETE CORE with actual concrete in it. you keep claiming things are concrete but you are the only delusional moron that sees concrete in your pictures. show us where ONE other person has come to the conclusion that you pictures show a concrete core.

you live in fantasyland. people in the real world are laughing at your moronic conclusions and delusions. :lol:
Nothing on this message board supports what you claim. In fact, nothing on this planet supports what you say except for FEMA and the agents of your false social groups with the perps that command them.

All agents have failed to support with reason HOW their assertion that this is gypsum, survived that crash of hundred of thousands of tons of structural steel. They assert that gypsum covers the supposed steel core columns

They cannot. Such a suggestion is not reasonable. What we see is concrete.

And Newsweek!

And Leslie Robertson himself!
Your entire position was proven wrong in 2004 when I started what I'm doing. Your false social group refuses to evidence and pretends what ever serves the infiltrators of the US government and protection of the secret methods of mass murder.

Meanwhile, as the building comes apart in front of hundreds of cameras, none see steel core columns. They only see concrete core walls. At 8 to 10 seconds the concrete core with the dual hallways of the WTC 2 south end core is visible.

6 years of living the lie, and you don't have enough followers of your retarded theory to earn more than $6.38 on your blood money website.

Normal people would have taken the hint long ago. You, on the other hand,...

By the way, how does it feel to be debunked by the chief engineer of the WTC?
The infiltrations are always changing Robertsons words. this one can be heard.


Edited, excerpts version.
00:00:46;04 EDIT 1

00:01:19;05 EDIT 2

00:02:07;26 Jones-47 core columns

00:02:19;11 EDIT 3 L.E. Robertson-Not built to demolish

00:03:52;13 EDIT 4

Of special interest

00:03:12;18 L.E. Robertson-"Of the columns around the,......" (The studio mixer cut the level and there appears to be an edit!)

00:04:27;09 L.E. Robertson, "floor by floor basis"

00:04:46;23 L.E. Robertson-"and the core of the building"

click in the time line before 3:12;18 repeatedly and you will hear the audio irregularity cuttin ghis voice off and bringing jones voice in.
Traitors would try to put words in Robertson mouth or mine. The fact remains that the concrete core is the only core that can be shown with evidence.

The concrete core base wall of WTC 1. Note the tiny utility hallway runing the length of the base wall. Note that there are no core columns in the foreground or to the right. Elevator guide rail support were only resting on grillage set on a shallow concrete pad.


The bogus plans show elevators, air shaft and steam where that massive concrete wall is.

I prove and show where it is. You have no evidence of your poorly stated claim. What is it?

That this was the core?


Where did the palns go? You are supposed to have plans to back up your claims. Where are they?

been posted for you several times
you remain delusional and reject them cause they dont fit in with your paranoid delusions'

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