FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Christopharter said:
Because not one 9-11 image shows this core..(image link removed to avoid promotion of blood money website)

That's because the image is a schematic ..dickhead .. and on 9/11 it would have been a tad difficult to photograph a schematic at GZ while the buildings collapsed.

So let's look at the historical photographic record instead, which clearly shows a steel core.

The Twins did not have a core such as this schematic shows.


Which this image demonstrates very well.

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I recall that a Saudi company was given military clearance to weld the plastic coated rebar in the core area of the WTC, back in the early 70's? Did any one else see the PBS Documentary?
One can't have a home built without structural details. A new building 105 stories high, new to its development at the time required city, state, federal and military clearances. Where are all of these agencies stamped approved plans? Congress should INSIST that these drawings be made a part of the OFFICIAL RECORD.
I recall that a Saudi company was given military clearance to weld the plastic coated rebar in the core area of the WTC, back in the early 70's? Did any one else see the PBS Documentary?

LIAR ..... wink wink

crunchyfarter said:
The Twins did not have a core such as this schematic shows.

Correct Chris .. it had a steel core as is well known.

Please inform yourself of facts before lying through your false teeth here .. big flappy ears..
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One can't have a home built without structural details. A new building 105 stories high, new to its development at the time required city, state, federal and military clearances. Where are all of these agencies stamped approved plans? Congress should INSIST that these drawings be made a part of the OFFICIAL RECORD.
One can't have a home built without structural details. A new building 105 stories high, new to its development at the time required city, state, federal and military clearances. Where are all of these agencies stamped approved plans? Congress should INSIST that these drawings be made a part of the OFFICIAL RECORD.

Federal and military clearances for a commercial building???

Chris, did you make up this new character for comedy?
Ok, I don't care where you are, this is just too damn funny,

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Hey Chris, what point were you trying to make sending 0 points to me? Leave a comment next time.
One can't have a home built without structural details. A new building 105 stories high, new to its development at the time required city, state, federal and military clearances. Where are all of these agencies stamped approved plans? Congress should INSIST that these drawings be made a part of the OFFICIAL RECORD.

Citizen Pat.

I have some questions that I would appreciate you answering for me regarding Chris' evidence of a rectangular, concrete core. A concrete core with long walls of 12' thick concrete and short walls of 17' thick concrete at it's base. Chris says that the concrete core walls of WTC1 were BETWEEN the first row of core column and the first inner row of columns. That means that there was 12' of concrete between the lobby and the 12 express elevators (11 on the opposite side). Chris INSISTS that ALL elevators at the lobby level were accessed form within the concrete core and that there was no access to ANY elevators OUTSIDE the core at the lobby level.

Now read the next part closely. Chris used to believe that there was NO ACCESS to ANY elevators outside the core at the lobby level IN EITHER TOWER. Do you understand what I am saying? Let's say that again. Based on everything Chris saw and read, he ALWAYS BELIEVED THERE WAS NO ACCESS TO ANY ELEVATORS AT THE LOBBY LEVEL FROM OUTSIDE THE CORE IN EITHER WTC1 OR WTC2.

That is until I proved him wrong. To which HE ADMITTED, in a thread on another forum, he was wrong and that I finally proved access to elevators from outside the core, at the lobby level.

Then his story changed to fit this new evidence I provided. He then started saying that the towers were radically different in design and THAT WTC2 had access to elevators outside the core, but WTC1 did not.


Where did he get this new information all of a sudden that the towers were radically different? Why did he first believe that both towers had no access to ANY elevators outside the core? Was the supposed documentary wrong about them at first? Why the new information from Chris about WTC2 being designed like Cape Canaveral? Why did he start to say this AFTER he admitted to being wrong about the elevator access?

He still holds fast to the fact that there was no access to ANY elevators from outsdie the core at the lobby level.

Want to know a secret? I KNOW people that worked in both towers. I have spoken to them personally. One of whom I work with now. Every one of them said that WTC1 was like WTC2. They ALL said that there was access to the express elevators FROM OUTSIDE the core at the lobby in WTC1.

I can sit here and tell you this all day, but here's the kicker. Go find someone yourself that worked there and ask them what the access was like. you'll get the same answer that I have. I don't need to tell lies and make stuff up because it's the truth. This simple exercise of asking people who worked there will PROVE to you Chris is wrong about everything.

Why do you think he is fighting so hard to maintain the fact the WTC1 was different than WTC2? Because if he admits WTC1 had elevator access from outside the core, that means there could not have been a 12' thick concrete wall between the lobby area and the express elevators!

Why do you think he won't produce a scaled drawing of the lobby to show how all 48 elevators, a 16' wide hallway running the length of the core, and three stairwells, fit inside?

Because he can't! It's all made up as he goes along. He changes his story and shapes it as people present evidence against it. I can show you his past websites and threads to show how his story evolved over time.

The big question. Why do the hard facts of his theory keep changing if his evidence is from a video from way back? Did they change it or something? I've been debating Chris for years and my story never changes, why does his? Why won't he ask people who worked in the towers about what the lobby layout was like in WTC1? All these excuses to NOT get this information or answer the tough questions, yet he can accuse people of murder using blurry pictures and a mistake laden theory...

And you believe him...

That's what's sad.
One can't have a home built without structural details. A new building 105 stories high, new to its development at the time required city, state, federal and military clearances. Where are all of these agencies stamped approved plans? Congress should INSIST that these drawings be made a part of the OFFICIAL RECORD.

Have you talked with Leslie Robertson yet? I have. I've emailed him about Chris' core. Of course I'm lying and I'm an agent right? Why don't YOU talk to him and see what he says about Chris' core. Don't listen to just us.
Have you talked with Leslie Robertson yet? I have. I've emailed him about Chris' core. Of course I'm lying and I'm an agent right? Why don't YOU talk to him and see what he says about Chris' core. Don't listen to just us.

here is an ACTUAL quote from robertson:

NEWSWEEK contacted Robertson, who confirmed that there was no concrete core in either tower. "For both towers, the structure of the core was composed of steel beams and girders supported by steel columns," he said. "The steel beams and girders supported a profiled metal deck overlain by reinforced concrete slabs."

World Trade Center Engineer Leslie Robertson on 9/11 Attack, Building Collapse - Newsweek

no concrete core. end of story.
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The psyops disinformation lie left out the truss beams under the floor. Better call your agent at Newsweek and get the new misinformation working to obscure the truth more accurate in that respect.

One can't have a home built without structural details. A new building 105 stories high, new to its development at the time required city, state, federal and military clearances. Where are all of these agencies stamped approved plans? Congress should INSIST that these drawings be made a part of the OFFICIAL RECORD.

Of course I'm lying and I'm an agent right?

gumout, the only thing you EVER do is lie, manipulate and deceive within the goal of your agenda. The phoney social scene backing your treasonous act is obvious.

You have a direct command directed at you from a US citizen acting in support and defense of the US Constitution to call homeland security and remain where you are until they can take you in for questioning. NOW!

I tried calling to follow up on agents pretend suggestion that LERA had plans. I called, they would say nothing about anything.
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Christopharter said:
gumout, the only thing you EVER do is lie, manipulate and deceive within the goal of your agenda. The phoney social scene backing your treasonous act is obvious.

You have a direct command directed at you from a US citizen acting in support and defense of the US Constitution to call homeland security and remain where you are until they can take you in for questioning. NOW!

This should read ..

CrunchySphincter said:
gumout, the only thing I EVER do is lie, manipulate and deceive within the goal of my agenda. The phoney social scene backing my treasonous act is obvious.

I have a direct command directed at me from a US citizen acting in support and defense of the US Constitution to call homeland security and I remain where I am until they can take me in for questioning. SOON!

One can't have a home built without structural details. A new building 105 stories high, new to its development at the time required city, state, federal and military clearances. Where are all of these agencies stamped approved plans? Congress should INSIST that these drawings be made a part of the OFFICIAL RECORD.

Of course I'm lying and I'm an agent right?

gumout, the only thing you EVER do is lie, manipulate and deceive within the goal of your agenda. The phoney social scene backing your treasonous act is obvious.

You have a direct command directed at you from a US citizen acting in support and defense of the US Constitution to call homeland security and remain where you are until they can take you in for questioning. NOW!

I tried calling to follow up on agents pretend suggestion that LERA had plans. I called, they would say nothing about anything.

That's pretty funny, Pat.

A delusional retard commanding someone to turn themselves in because of your imbecile fantasy.

Go back to the Fortress of Tarditude, moron.
Jeremy said:
When the hell is this thread going to get moved to the humor section?

Chris wouldn't approve .. he really is serious about this theory. Total dedication to his bullshit deception and lies.

He needs this venue to make a living ...:lol:

It would also be an insult to the funny side of life, don't you think?
Even Bill Maher thinks troofers are are assholes ... that says a lot! :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzNwcFUwM3U&feature=related]YouTube - BILL MAHER TASERS 9/11 TRUTHER[/ame]
The drawing doesn't show what the picture shows and its faked anyway.

Why don't you have official plans.


Because I don't need to purchase a set of the official copyrighted blueprints. I believe Mr. Robertson, not a goofball like you.

Why don't you have an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11?


Because they grounded all of the news helicopters, who would have been able to get video from above that would have shown the structure of the buildings as they fell. All the video from the ground was obscured by the dust and smoke.

And now, some questions for you, Goof-0-phera,

Why don't you use your algoxy blood money to purchase a set of the official blueprints and prove us wrong, if you're so damned sure of your theory?


Why can't you produce one image of an intact concrete core during any time period the twins were intact and occupied?


Why are you the only member of this message board who claims there was a concrete core? Why doesn't anyone else stand up for you and your theory?


Why don't you answer these simple questions, Goof-0-phera?

Still waiting for these answers, ChrisPat

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