FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Wrong proportions agent.

The twins had a concrete tubular core.

Wrong proportions agent.

The twins had a concrete tubular core.

Anyone who disagrees with you works for the government? Got it! The only difference between you and 9/11 inside job is you are better at cut and paste.:cuckoo:
on a side note, 9/11 rimjob is the only one that seems to agree with him
but they rimjob agrees with EVERY possible theory as long as its claiming the accurate and correct story is wrong
The drawing doesn't show what the picture shows and its faked anyway.

Why don't you have official plans.


Because I don't need to purchase a set of the official copyrighted blueprints. I believe Mr. Robertson, not a goofball like you.

Why don't you have an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11?


Because they grounded all of the news helicopters, who would have been able to get video from above that would have shown the structure of the buildings as they fell. All the video from the ground was obscured by the dust and smoke.

And now, some questions for you, Goof-0-phera,

Why don't you use your algoxy blood money to purchase a set of the official blueprints and prove us wrong, if you're so damned sure of your theory?


Why can't you produce one image of an intact concrete core during any time period the twins were intact and occupied?


Why are you the only member of this message board who claims there was a concrete core? Why doesn't anyone else stand up for you and your theory?


Why don't you answer these simple questions, Goof-0-phera?
Christopharter said:
Your fake artist balcony skit graphics don't match. The drawing has a 2nd row of columns,

Get some glasses .. read what Rattus has to say on this .. he beat me to it.

Rat in the Hat said:
Hey Goof-0, why don't you look at the photo a little more closely. Specifically, look halfway between the two spotlights, just above the black steel storage shelves. Guess what that is going up into the ceiling?

You guessed it, a steel core column, covered in finishing materials. Just like the 3 columns on the right.

If you really look hard, you can see about 1 foot of another column directly to the left of the spotlight that's burning.

When I post something I am confident that it is accurate unlike you who just posts shit.

Go looky again find the two lights and look for the cupboards and other stuff and you WILL see the second row of columns as shown in the sketch. :lol:
Christopharter said:
Your fake artist balcony skit graphics don't match. The drawing has a 2nd row of columns,

Get some glasses .. read what Rattus has to say on this .. he beat me to it.

Rat in the Hat said:
Hey Goof-0, why don't you look at the photo a little more closely. Specifically, look halfway between the two spotlights, just above the black steel storage shelves. Guess what that is going up into the ceiling?

You guessed it, a steel core column, covered in finishing materials. Just like the 3 columns on the right.

If you really look hard, you can see about 1 foot of another column directly to the left of the spotlight that's burning.

When I post something I am confident that it is accurate unlike you who just posts shit.

Go looky again find the two lights and look for the cupboards and other stuff and you WILL see the second row of columns as shown in the sketch. :lol:

I think crisco operates in a world where parallel lines intersect.
Christopharter said:
Your fake artist balcony skit graphics don't match. The drawing has a 2nd row of columns,

Get some glasses .. read what Rattus has to say on this .. he beat me to it.

Rat in the Hat said:
Hey Goof-0, why don't you look at the photo a little more closely. Specifically, look halfway between the two spotlights, just above the black steel storage shelves. Guess what that is going up into the ceiling?

You guessed it, a steel core column, covered in finishing materials. Just like the 3 columns on the right.

If you really look hard, you can see about 1 foot of another column directly to the left of the spotlight that's burning.

When I post something I am confident that it is accurate unlike you who just posts shit.

Go looky again find the two lights and look for the cupboards and other stuff and you WILL see the second row of columns as shown in the sketch. :lol:

I think crisco operates in a world where parallel lines intersect.

.. and where concrete cores keep morphing to accommodate his imbecile arguments.

If he was any sort of reasonable human, which he isn't, he would have admitted some 6-7 years ago that he just might be mistaken about his theory of exploding rebar, built to demolish, hidden core construction, PBS video explaining how the towers were rigged to demolish, core hallways .... blah blah blah.

What next Chris? .. got any new ideas which we can demolish for you !!

Oh and just BTW there is more to come on the interior photos of .. wait for it .. NO CONCRETE CORES .. :eusa_angel:
WHY don't you get a job and pay the child support you skipped out on for over a dozen years?
Your fake artist balcony skit graphics don't match. The drawing has a 2nd row of columns,


And the photo only shows one with 2 hallways blocked with plywood. The sunlight is wrong for the north face of WTC 1.



Hey Goof-0, why don't you look at the photo a little more closely. Specifically, look halfway between the two spotlights, just above the black steel storage shelves. Guess what that is going up into the ceiling?

The drawing shows an entire row of columns and theFake plans show that too. Looks like your deceptive little skit fails because the facts of the balcony photo just were not followed.

Ohhhhh, I guess it would fail anyway because the Fake plans would prove the conspiracy to deceive because there are GZ photos like the core wall at its base that prove they do not represent the buildings that were constructed.
WHY don't you get a job and pay the child support you skipped out on for over a dozen years?

You know very well that I've shown that I was deprived of subpoenaed information when the santa barbara county sheriffs department failed to appear on subpoena
I needed that info to get medical treatment and have income.

You know because I've posted it many times.


So your post shows you are an agent that is against lawful government.
Now why don't you try the last 2 posts again, leaving out your damned blood money algoxy links.

Are you so desperate for cash that you have to try to slip these past us? Why not try getting a real job?

Oh wait, I forgot, if you got a job you would have to repay all of your child support. Never mind.
Chrustypharter said:
I needed that info to get medical treatment and have income.

We all know you need medical treatment .. you know it too .. and you sure as hell don't need that information to act on your obvious need.

So what you do instead is ... create a fantasy out of a tragedy .. abuse the victims families with your constant lies ands set up a website to get blood money and infest the internet with your raving idiotic theory.

Look in the mirror and examine your SELF .. you should be ashamed.

You are in total denial .. :cuckoo:

My guess is that you are proud of what you do and that IMO makes you a shitbag.
WHY don't you get a job and pay the child support you skipped out on for over a dozen years?

You know very well that I've shown that I was deprived of subpoenaed information when the santa barbara county sheriffs department failed to appear on subpoena
I needed that info to get medical treatment and have income.

You know because I've posted it many times.


So your post shows you are an agent that is against lawful government.
A subpeana needs to be relevant to your case. You blamed you not paying child support on some stupid fuckin paper from 1876. Obviously it has no bearing on you sticking your dick in someone over 100 years later.

The man of a million excuses. I'm a deadbeat dad because somebody hypnotized me into being a deadbeat dad by blinking at me.

You are simply INSANE.
Obviously the agent approves of lawless government, and the subpoena was filed years before the estoppel but DID deprive me of income and information I could use for medical treatment.

Failure to appear estoppes the county with "promissory estoppple" from attempting to collect ANY debt from me.

Obviously the agent approves of lawless government, and the subpoena was filed years before the estoppel but DID deprive me of income and information I could use for medical treatment.

Failure to appear estoppes the county with "promissory estoppple" from attempting to collect ANY debt from me.


Child support is a state law not a county. It does matter anyway to you. You are too fucking stupid to make any money and live off the charity of your sister in a boarding house.

Even your sister pays you to stay away from her!!

How's that drivers license thing working out for you since you refuse to pay child support and have cheated your children out of money owed to them?

Fucking lying scumbag
Christopharter said:
Your fake artist balcony skit graphics don't match. The drawing has a 2nd row of columns,

Get some glasses .. read what Rattus has to say on this .. he beat me to it.

Rat in the Hat said:
Hey Goof-0, why don't you look at the photo a little more closely. Specifically, look halfway between the two spotlights, just above the black steel storage shelves. Guess what that is going up into the ceiling?

You guessed it, a steel core column, covered in finishing materials. Just like the 3 columns on the right.

If you really look hard, you can see about 1 foot of another column directly to the left of the spotlight that's burning.

When I post something I am confident that it is accurate unlike you who just posts shit.

Go looky again find the two lights and look for the cupboards and other stuff and you WILL see the second row of columns as shown in the sketch. :lol:

I think crisco operates in a world where parallel lines intersect.


Do you think it would be a good idea to close this thread and the other thread that Chris started? It seems that Chris has no new information whatsoever and does not want to discuss or delve into any questions or opposing evidence that may threaten his theory.

He just posts the same thing over and over.

It's a never-ending cycle.

Unless of course he can be forced to start answering the tough questions presented to him. If not, then it would seem that the best course of action would be to let the thread stand as is instead of spamming it with his same old crap.

It's a situation where you have no evidence and lying over and over is getting very obvious.

So is this where you appeal to a higher power to protect those secret means of mass murder?

And it's elvi

I second Gamolon's proposal. Mr. Brown is posting and re-posting the exact same information that he first presented 13 months ago. No matter what evidence he is shown, he continues to waste valuable server space with his delusional fantasies, and personal information.

I think both of these threads have run their course, and should be locked.

The Rat

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