FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Crustysphincter said:
The image is WTC 2 on the top floor and that the concrete core stopped on that side below the top for tourist purposes. There is a bank of elevators below that flooring. WTC 2 did not have the antenna and had no real need for the concrete core walls at the top.


I have given you proof that the image is taken on floor 91 of WTC1 .. the historical record shows that the proof I provided is correct. The photographs of the artists balcony with artist standing on it also confirm that what I say is correct.

There is no bank of elevators on the floor below .. that being floor 90. Floors 89-93 all had the same floor plan. Please reefer :eek: to the plan I provided for your delusional imagination.

Your delusional speculation .. that it is something else, is simple another nail in your already buried coffin.

How about showing us a picture, like the one above, in which the alleged concrete core is visible .. not possible is it Chris .. doesn't exist Chris .. never did other than in the cesspit of your excuse for a mind. You are a sad being .. :cuckoo:
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The balcony with artist on it ..


Artists sketch of the floor layout as seen in the previous post .. above .. ^


Artists sketch showing how the balcony worked..


NO CONCRETE CORE .. Understand this yet ??
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Got crayons? Your artifice and fraud is clear

Your drawings are BS. You a traitor. The twins obviously had a concrete core because concrete walls are seen falling into the core.

Crustysphincter said:
Got crayons? Your artifice and fraud is clear

Your drawings are BS. You a traitor. The twins obviously had a concrete core because concrete walls are seen falling into the core.

You still play with crayons Chrissy poos .. :lol:

The sketches are by the artist not me .. you should get yourself a copy of the book and read all about it and while you're in research mode have a look at all the pictures they took during their artistic prank.

here's a few links to help you in your quest for truth..

Gelatin The B-Thing Walther König, Köln Artwork by Gelatin. PUBYEAR: 2002

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Gelatin-B-Thing-Tex-Rubinowitz/dp/3883755079]Amazon.com: Gelatin: The B-Thing (9783883755076): Tex Rubinowitz: Books[/ame]


There you go .. the last link shows the sketch I posted.

The book is a bit pricey though Chris .. you might have to post a few more algoxy links to afford it mate ...:cuckoo:
The drawing doesn't show what the picture shows and its faked anyway.

Why don't you have official plans.


Why don't you have an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11?

The drawing doesn't show what the picture shows and its faked anyway.

Why don't you have official plans.


Because I don't need to purchase a set of the official copyrighted blueprints. I believe Mr. Robertson, not a goofball like you.

Why don't you have an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11?


Because they grounded all of the news helicopters, who would have been able to get video from above that would have shown the structure of the buildings as they fell. All the video from the ground was obscured by the dust and smoke.

And now, some questions for you, Goof-0-phera,

Why don't you use your algoxy blood money to purchase a set of the official blueprints and prove us wrong, if you're so damned sure of your theory?


Why can't you produce one image of an intact concrete core during any time period the twins were intact and occupied?


Why are you the only member of this message board who claims there was a concrete core? Why doesn't anyone else stand up for you and your theory?

Crustystinker said:
The drawing doesn't show what the picture shows and its faked anyway.

It's a sketch dickhead. You have to use your brain to see that the sketch is a simple representation of what is seen in the picture.

FAKED ... ?? What is ?

How do you know ... prove it .. whatever it is that you claim is faked.
Crustystinker said:
The drawing doesn't show what the picture shows and its faked anyway.

It's a sketch dickhead. You have to use your brain to see that the sketch is a simple representation of what is seen in the picture.

FAKED ... ?? What is ?

How do you know ... prove it .. whatever it is that you claim is faked.

You confused him posting a sketch! Goof-0-phera has a hard time understanding that rational people use sketches and drawings to express images and ideas, rather than dragging out thick binders of blueprints and schematics.
The drawing doesn't show what the picture shows and its faked anyway.

Why don't you have official plans.


Because I don't need to purchase a set of the official copyrighted blueprints. I believe Mr. Robertson, not a goofball like you.

Why don't you have an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11?


Because they grounded all of the news helicopters, who would have been able to get video from above that would have shown the structure of the buildings as they fell. All the video from the ground was obscured by the dust and smoke.

How wrong can you be. this helicopter photo on 9-11 shows a concrete wall topping into the core.

The drawing doesn't show what the picture shows and its faked anyway.

Why don't you have official plans.


Because I don't need to purchase a set of the official copyrighted blueprints. I believe Mr. Robertson, not a goofball like you.

Why don't you have an image of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11?


Because they grounded all of the news helicopters, who would have been able to get video from above that would have shown the structure of the buildings as they fell. All the video from the ground was obscured by the dust and smoke.

How wrong can you be. this helicopter photo on 9-11 shows a concrete wall topping into the core.


That wasn't a news helicopter, dumbass. It was a police helicopter who was not there with high quality equipment specifically filming the tower. Also, IIRC, what you are showing was taken with a still camera, capturing only one moment in time, not the entire collapse sequence. Had there been continuous video shot from several angles, you would have seen the steel cores years ago, and not spent a large chunk of your "adult" years trying to prove a fantasy.

Now, Why don't you get around to answering my questions??

Your fake artist balcony skit graphics don't match. The drawing has a 2nd row of columns,


And the photo only shows one with 2 hallways blocked with plywood. The sunlight is wrong for the north face of WTC 1.


I've proven concrete is the only thing seen from helicopters. The east concrte core wall of WTC 1 toppling into the empty core area,


Just like this animation from video shows.


The steel core columns did not exist, and that is why you cannot show the FEMA on -911.
Your fake artist balcony skit graphics don't match. The drawing has a 2nd row of columns,


And the photo only shows one with 2 hallways blocked with plywood. The sunlight is wrong for the north face of WTC 1.



Hey Goof-0, why don't you look at the photo a little more closely. Specifically, look halfway between the two spotlights, just above the black steel storage shelves. Guess what that is going up into the ceiling?

You guessed it, a steel core column, covered in finishing materials. Just like the 3 columns on the right.

If you really look hard, you can see about 1 foot of another column directly to the left of the spotlight that's burning.

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