FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

LOL a fucking broken record of lies

The perpetrators of mass murder would approve of your position because you've failed to prove anything yourself except you support that methods of mass murder remain secret.

This is an end view of the WTC 1 concrete core on the west end looking south along the wall after the north wall fell.


On the right is the spire outside the core wall, left is the core wall. Left of that is the empty core.

The cause of death is invalidated by the misinformation from FEMA to NIST needed to analyze collapse.
LOL a fucking broken record of lies

The perpetrators of mass murder would approve of your position because you've failed to prove anything yourself except you support that methods of mass murder remain secret.

This is an end view of the WTC 1 concrete core on the west end looking south along the wall after the north wall fell.


On the right is the spire outside the core wall, left is the core wall. Left of that is the empty core.

The cause of death is invalidated by the misinformation from FEMA to NIST needed to analyze collapse.
and as always, you continue to lie
no concrete in the core
Of course there is no description of what it is if not concrete. That would look too stupid for the perps to let you attempt that.


agent gamit, and many others try to assert that gypsum could stand, attached to core columns AFTER 100's of 1,000's of tons of structural steel had fallen past it. Of course, to leave a solid rounded shape like that, with no holes, no structural protrusions of mangled steel structure, just ain't f'nnnn possible.

That one picture takes out any possibility of steel core columns because IF they were there, gypsum would be between them AND massive diagonal/horizontal bracing, such is very obvious in silhouette.

Unfortunately I we learn from you is that you have no problem attempting to fight an impossible battle with no evidence, only collusive, abusive co agents and inept manipulations.

Consider how badly you are doing in opposition to independently verified evidence of the crimes scene. The concrete core, is consistent with even the misrepresented construction data and visible in 9-11 images while numerous statement identify it as well from authorities in a position to know from the private sector not related in anyway.

The cause of death of 9-11 is invalidated.
Of course there is no description of what it is if not concrete. That would look too stupid for the perps to let you attempt that.


agent gamit, and many others try to assert that gypsum could stand, attached to core columns AFTER 100's of 1,000's of tons of structural steel had fallen past it. Of course, to leave a solid rounded shape like that, with no holes, no structural protrusions of mangled steel structure, just ain't f'nnnn possible.

That one picture takes out any possibility of steel core columns because IF they were there, gypsum would be between them AND massive diagonal/horizontal bracing, such is very obvious in silhouette.

Unfortunately I we learn from you is that you have no problem attempting to fight an impossible battle with no evidence, only collusive, abusive co agents and inept manipulations.

Consider how badly you are doing in opposition to independently verified evidence of the crimes scene. The concrete core, is consistent with even the misrepresented construction data and visible in 9-11 images while numerous statement identify it as well from authorities in a position to know from the private sector not related in anyway.

The cause of death of 9-11 is invalidated.
and I'm convinced you are nothing but a fucking idiot that will just keep repeating the same debunked nonsense(like all troofers do) no matter what evidence is presented
Of course there is no description of what it is if not concrete. That would look too stupid for the perps to let you attempt that.


agent gamit, and many others try to assert that gypsum could stand, attached to core columns AFTER 100's of 1,000's of tons of structural steel had fallen past it. Of course, to leave a solid rounded shape like that, with no holes, no structural protrusions of mangled steel structure, just ain't f'nnnn possible.

That one picture takes out any possibility of steel core columns because IF they were there, gypsum would be between them AND massive diagonal/horizontal bracing, such is very obvious in silhouette.

Unfortunately I we learn from you is that you have no problem attempting to fight an impossible battle with no evidence, only collusive, abusive co agents and inept manipulations.

Consider how badly you are doing in opposition to independently verified evidence of the crimes scene. The concrete core, is consistent with even the misrepresented construction data and visible in 9-11 images while numerous statement identify it as well from authorities in a position to know from the private sector not related in anyway.

The cause of death of 9-11 is invalidated.
and I'm convinced you are nothing but a fucking idiot that will just keep repeating the same debunked nonsense(like all troofers do) no matter what evidence is presented

9. "Should" statements: Self imposed rules about behavior creating guilt at self inability to adhere and anger at others in their inability to conform to self's rules.

4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.

10. Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.

2. Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous.

A sick display of cognitive distortions designed to create attitude altering perceptions allowing secret means of mass murder to remain secret and threaten lives again.

You lose job security being exposed like this, decent people will choose lawful, Constitutional due process each and everyday of the week instead of distortions.
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This is strange, Christophera watches some HBO specials (or whatever channel) and is somehow an expert on architecture ... um yeah, this is just plain sad really.
Of course there is no description of what it is if not concrete. That would look too stupid for the perps to let you attempt that.


agent gamit, and many others try to assert that gypsum could stand, attached to core columns AFTER 100's of 1,000's of tons of structural steel had fallen past it. Of course, to leave a solid rounded shape like that, with no holes, no structural protrusions of mangled steel structure, just ain't f'nnnn possible.

That one picture takes out any possibility of steel core columns because IF they were there, gypsum would be between them AND massive diagonal/horizontal bracing, such is very obvious in silhouette.

Unfortunately I we learn from you is that you have no problem attempting to fight an impossible battle with no evidence, only collusive, abusive co agents and inept manipulations.

Consider how badly you are doing in opposition to independently verified evidence of the crimes scene. The concrete core, is consistent with even the misrepresented construction data and visible in 9-11 images while numerous statement identify it as well from authorities in a position to know from the private sector not related in anyway.

The cause of death of 9-11 is invalidated.
and I'm convinced you are nothing but a fucking idiot that will just keep repeating the same debunked nonsense(like all troofers do) no matter what evidence is presented

9. "Should" statements: Self imposed rules about behavior creating guilt at self inability to adhere and anger at others in their inability to conform to self's rules.

4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.

10. Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.

2. Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous.

A sick display of cognitive distortions designed to create attitude altering perceptions allowing secret means of mass murder to remain secret and threaten lives again.

You lose job security being exposed like this, decent people will choose lawful, Constitutional due process each and everyday of the week instead of distortions.
LOL i lose nothing
i've been having a blast laughing at your stupid fucking ass make a fool of yourself
and I'm convinced you are nothing but a fucking idiot that will just keep repeating the same debunked nonsense(like all troofers do) no matter what evidence is presented

9. "Should" statements: Self imposed rules about behavior creating guilt at self inability to adhere and anger at others in their inability to conform to self's rules.

4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.

10. Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.

2. Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous.

A sick display of cognitive distortions designed to create attitude altering perceptions allowing secret means of mass murder to remain secret and threaten lives again.

You lose job security being exposed like this, decent people will choose lawful, Constitutional due process each and everyday of the week instead of distortions.
LOL i lose nothing
i've been having a blast laughing at your stupid fucking ass make a fool of yourself

Yes, I've noticed, but you've offered no proof and I have.


Law protects lives that are loved and the future of America needs justice.

The Constitution must stand.​
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9. "Should" statements: Self imposed rules about behavior creating guilt at self inability to adhere and anger at others in their inability to conform to self's rules.

4. Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.

10. Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.

2. Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous.

A sick display of cognitive distortions designed to create attitude altering perceptions allowing secret means of mass murder to remain secret and threaten lives again.

You lose job security being exposed like this, decent people will choose lawful, Constitutional due process each and everyday of the week instead of distortions.
LOL i lose nothing
i've been having a blast laughing at your stupid fucking ass make a fool of yourself

Yes, I've noticed.

Law protects lives that are loved and the future of America needs justice.

The Constitution must stand.​
the constitution DOES stand
the cause of death is that the fucking buildings fell on them
you dishonor those people by claiming someone other than the terrorists caused it to happen
LOL i lose nothing
i've been having a blast laughing at your stupid fucking ass make a fool of yourself

Yes, I've noticed.

Law protects lives that are loved and the future of America needs justice.

The Constitution must stand.​
the constitution DOES stand
the cause of death is that the fucking buildings fell on them
you dishonor those people by claiming someone other than the terrorists caused it to happen

As if the truth would not protect the ones they loved better than the dangerous belief the infiltrators of the goverment would have you promote.

The Constitution stands when due process is served and the law of the land controls its collective action. Law requires reason and evidence, you stand for the opposite.

The Constitution is ready to fall and is seriously compromised in numerous ways while you are working to keep the means of mass murder secret and prevent Americans from realizing what is happening.

The cause of death is invalidated because the agency charged with the due process cause of death was decieved. The structural deception sabotaged the collapse analysis.

Yes, I've noticed.

Law protects lives that are loved and the future of America needs justice.

The Constitution must stand.​
the constitution DOES stand
the cause of death is that the fucking buildings fell on them
you dishonor those people by claiming someone other than the terrorists caused it to happen

As if the truth would not protect the ones they loved better than the dangerous belief the infiltrators of the goverment would have you promote.

The Constitution stands when due process is served and the law of the land controls its collective action. Law requires reason and evidence, you stand for the opposite.

The Constitution is ready to fall and is seriously compromised in numerous ways while you are working to keep the means of mass murder secret and prevent Americans from realizing what is happening.

The cause of death is invalidated because the agency charged with the due process cause of death was decieved. The structural deception sabotaged the collapse analysis.
and it HAS
they have had due process
LOL i lose nothing
i've been having a blast laughing at your stupid fucking ass make a fool of yourself

Yes, I've noticed.

Law protects lives that are loved and the future of America needs justice.

The Constitution must stand.​
the constitution DOES stand
the cause of death is that the fucking buildings fell on them
you dishonor those people by claiming someone other than the terrorists caused it to happen

oh here comes the fake.... disingenuous and false ...dishonoring the victims line....

Yes, I've noticed.

Law protects lives that are loved and the future of America needs justice.

The Constitution must stand.​
the constitution DOES stand
the cause of death is that the fucking buildings fell on them
you dishonor those people by claiming someone other than the terrorists caused it to happen

oh here comes the fake.... disingenuous and false ...dishonoring the victims line....
its not fake
nor disingenuous or false
you are a fucking idiot yourself
you dont even understand WHO he is talking abotu on that one
so your perception of where beck is isnt even where beck is

I don't even know what a abotu is...sounds samoan ?...but I'm pretty sure your friend glen was talking about hating 9/11 victims families that are seeking justice
yeah, fuck off asswipe
you tellin me you didnt know it was a typo
you dont even understand WHO he is talking abotu on that one
so your perception of where beck is isnt even where beck is

I don't even know what a abotu is...sounds samoan ?...but I'm pretty sure your friend glen was talking about hating 9/11 victims families that are seeking justice
yeah, fuck off asswipe
you tellin me you didnt know it was a typo


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdtwN_twgrk&feature=PlayList&p=14473A67D3C0329F&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=48]YouTube - Bill O'Reilly vs. Jeremy Glick[/ame]

This is part of your evidence that towers demolished by explosives? Are you serious? You must blindly believe what people are telling you this stuff says without actually reading for yourself.

Am I right?

Here is what James Quintiere actually says in another interview located here: Onderzoeker James Quintiere (NIST) roept op tot "second opinion" 9/11 - Stormfront
James Quintiere said:
Although Dr. Quintiere was strongly critical of NIST’s conclusions and its investigatory process, he made it clear he was not a supporter of theories that the Twin Towers were brought down by pre-planted explosives. “If you go to World Trade Center One, nine minutes before its collapse, there was a line of smoke that puffed out. This is one of the basis of the ‘conspiracy theories’ that says the smoke puffing out all around the building is due to somebody setting off an explosive charge. Well, I think, more likely, it’s one of the floors falling down.”

Not to mention that he has written a book, SpringerLink - Book Chapter in which he states the following:
James Quintiere said:
An alternative cause is considered that puts the cause on insufficient insulation of the steel truss floor members.

So you either intentionally lied about James Quintiere's thinking that he supposedly supported the towers being demolished, or you just blindly believed what you were told by someone else that his comments supported a controlled demolition WITHOUT doing any further research yourself.

So far you and 9/11 inside job are batting .000 with your so called facts. I like how 9/11 inside job ran like coward when he was caught using incorrect information.

Is that what you conspiracy folks do when you get backed into a corner instead of admitting you were wrong?

Do you even read any of this stuff or just blindly post it in hopes that people won't read it?

Since you supposedly read and understood the above linked information, could you please point out the specific refutations of the 130 page NIST report regarding collapse of building 7? I am interested in what specific evidence you find as proof.

You seem to like to hide behind links videos when someone asks you to explain in your own words why you find particular evidence to support your beliefs. You you seem to also ignore counter arguments that disprove your own incorrect statements.

Examples in this thread alone:
1. When you stated that ALL the members of building 7 failed at exactly the same time, there is video proof that this is incorrect. You never addressed that.
2. Your incorrect assumptions and information about the affects of heat on steel and the difference between a MELTING point and at what point steel WEAKENS
3. Your incorrect usage of James Quintiere's statements in quotes to make it seem like he supported your belief's that the towers and building 7 were demolished by explosives when he CLEARLY stated otherwise.
4. What about the possibility that the "molten steel" was actually "molten aluminum"? The temperatures of a normal office fire exceed the melting point of aluminum. No comments? I didn't think so.

Care to discuss? Probably not. My guess is you'll post more links instead of answering for yourself. Talk about being led around by the nose.

Ball's in your court. Whatchya got?

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