FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

right...so uneven damage and fire causes an even collapse how ?

What part of this study did they get wrong or what don't you agree with?
Google Image Result for http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/images/WTC7_column-79-Collapse.jpg

they ignored witness testimonys and supressed film footage dis in fo agent.

Nice dodge. What aspects of the 130 page NIST report do you not agree with? What did they get wrong?
That's indexed to Robertson's segment, but it can be started from the beginning by clicking on the left end of the progress bar at the bottom. Anyone who watches it and still thinks the WTC was bombed is brain-dead.

errr no,anyone who watches the 47 videos I have posted countless numbers of times in the past that you Bush dupes constantly ignore and still thinks it WASNT bombed is on drugs.:cuckoo:I would post them for you but your obviously a dis in fo agent so it would be a total waste of time since as we both know,you wont watch them.
Have you posted them on this thread? Maybe they'll show those reinforced concrete cores that that your buddy is hallucinating about. I'm game. Btw, I'm not a "Bush dupe" and can't stand the son of a bitch.

I would post them for you to watch but I have posted them COUNTLESS numbers of times here in the past here at this site over 25 times at LEAST in the past year just to watch them go ignored.When I do post the link here,I make a very reasonable request.I ask people to watch at least one every other day "since most take around two hours to watch" and then ask people to watch them and elaborate on them and explain why they dont prove it was an inside job.-I would say thats a VERY reasonable request wouldnt you? thats not asking much if your REALLY interested in the truth is it? I think thats a VERY reasonable request.

I would guess there have been at LEAST 20 people or so over the past who have seen my link but you know what? everytime I have posted them in the past NOBODY has ever taken the time to view them.They NEVER come back and talk about them.They NEVER talk about what the videos talked about -proof that they obviously never watched them and proof that people like Ditzcon and Toto only see what they WANT to see and only hear what they WANT to hear.Thats HARDLY the way to win a debate is not even bother to watch videos someone posts for you.:rolleyes:

That being the case,since I have NEVER had anybody watch these videos who believed the official version and come back and talk about what the videos talked about,it would be just a waste of my time.No reason to believe that YOU are any different than all the other 9/11 apologists here and that you will watch them but oh well I'll give it ONE last shot and hope that you will be different than all the other several dozens of 9/11 apologists on the net who has never watched them.I wont hold my breath though.I already know you wont watch them.why should I believe "YOUR" any different? but here goes anyways.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos
Like i said,im ONLY asking you to watch at LEAST one video every other day or so.thats HARDLY an unreasonable request.but as we both know,you wont watch them. anyybody who watches THESE 47 videos and STILL believes the official version and that explosives did not bring down those towers,are either A-on drugs,or B-a disinformation agent for the government like Candycorn,or C-afraid of the truth about government conspiracys like DITZCON AND TOTO and dont bother to watch them.sadly like I said,most posters here who believe in the official version,fall into DITZCON AND TOTO'S catagory.
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Another thing. What columns are they saying were supposedly "cut" to produce that "molten metal"? If it was the core columns, how did the "river" of "molten metal" from the core columns travel from the center core columns to and then out of the perimeter windows? How much molten metal do they think is produced in a thermite cut of a single column? Not to mention that the "molten metal" from the core columns would have fallen DOWN THE SHAFTS or pooled in the core proper.

Amazing logic these people have.

You try to dismiss the significance of the molten steel flowing out of the east side of WTC 2. The concrete core kept any molten steel from going down the core so if there was thermite cutting going on of the interior box columns surrounding the core, it would have to go out.

Since thermite is liquid when burning it must be held up against a vertical surface of steel to melt through. What this does is make it necessary to involve more area to make sure the steel is severed.

What's the matter Chris? Nobody discussing your crackpot theory? We've all moved past that like all the other forums before this one.

Go over and argue with the folks at Mike Malloy's forum and get banned in about a month like everywhere else.
while he has a different perspective on what happened than the usual troofer moron, he is still just another troofer moron
Another thing. What columns are they saying were supposedly "cut" to produce that "molten metal"? If it was the core columns, how did the "river" of "molten metal" from the core columns travel from the center core columns to and then out of the perimeter windows? How much molten metal do they think is produced in a thermite cut of a single column? Not to mention that the "molten metal" from the core columns would have fallen DOWN THE SHAFTS or pooled in the core proper.

Amazing logic these people have.

You try to dismiss the significance of the molten steel flowing out of the east side of WTC 2. The concrete core kept any molten steel from going down the core so if there was thermite cutting going on of the interior box columns surrounding the core, it would have to go out.

Since thermite is liquid when burning it must be held up against a vertical surface of steel to melt through. What this does is make it necessary to involve more area to make sure the steel is severed.

What's the matter Chris? Nobody discussing your crackpot theory? We've all moved past that like all the other forums before this one.

You have attempted to derail the most important subject of the FEMA deception but really are just dancing with the impossibility of it to waste time and space.

Since no independently verifiable evidence for steel core columns can be produced, the notion that they existed is strictly one that disinformation agents entertain and if they can entertain another subject, ......... they will. If there are people that will go along with it.

FEMA decieved NIST about the design and construction of the Twin towers and therefore the cause of death determination rendered by them is invalid and the public by law deserves another.

You activity here is against the Consititution of the United States of America and works to support an infiltration or insurrection of the legitimate, Consitutional government.
What part of this study did they get wrong or what don't you agree with?
Google Image Result for http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/images/WTC7_column-79-Collapse.jpg

they ignored witness testimonys and supressed film footage dis in fo agent.

Nice dodge. What aspects of the 130 page NIST report do you not agree with? What did they get wrong?

Summary: James Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division, called for an independent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation. "I wish that there would be a peer review of this," he said, referring to the NIST investigation. "I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they've done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. ... I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable."

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
errr no,anyone who watches the 47 videos I have posted countless numbers of times in the past that you Bush dupes constantly ignore and still thinks it WASNT bombed is on drugs.:cuckoo:I would post them for you but your obviously a dis in fo agent so it would be a total waste of time since as we both know,you wont watch them.
Have you posted them on this thread? Maybe they'll show those reinforced concrete cores that that your buddy is hallucinating about. I'm game. Btw, I'm not a "Bush dupe" and can't stand the son of a bitch.

I would post them for you to watch but I have posted them COUNTLESS numbers of times here in the past here at this site over 25 times at LEAST in the past year just to watch them go ignored.When I do post the link here,I make a very reasonable request.I ask people to watch at least one every other day "since most take around two hours to watch" and then ask people to watch them and elaborate on them and explain why they dont prove it was an inside job.-I would say thats a VERY reasonable request wouldnt you? thats not asking much if your REALLY interested in the truth is it? I think thats a VERY reasonable request.

I would guess there have been at LEAST 20 people or so over the past who have seen my link but you know what? everytime I have posted them in the past NOBODY has ever taken the time to view them.They NEVER come back and talk about them.They NEVER talk about what the videos talked about -proof that they obviously never watched them and proof that people like Ditzcon and Toto only see what they WANT to see and only hear what they WANT to hear.Thats HARDLY the way to win a debate is not even bother to watch videos someone posts for you.:rolleyes:

That being the case,since I have NEVER had anybody watch these videos who believed the official version and come back and talk about what the videos talked about,it would be just a waste of my time.No reason to believe that YOU are any different than all the other 9/11 apologists here and that you will watch them but oh well I'll give it ONE last shot and hope that you will be different than all the other several dozens of 9/11 apologists on the net who has never watched them.I wont hold my breath though.I already know you wont watch them.why should I believe "YOUR" any different? but here goes anyways.
Canada 9/11 Truth - Videos
Like i said,im ONLY asking you to watch at LEAST one video every other day or so.thats HARDLY an unreasonable request.but as we both know,you wont watch them. anyybody who watches THESE 47 videos and STILL believes the official version and that explosives did not bring down those towers,are either A-on drugs,or B-a disinformation agent for the government like Candycorn,or C-afraid of the truth about government conspiracys and like DITZCON AND TOTO and dont bother to watch them.sadly like I said,most posters here who believe in the official version,fall into DITZCON AND TOTO'S catagory.
holy shit
you STILL believe those lying videos?
btw, anyone willing to waste over 90 hours of their time watching all of those videos has something wrong with their brains
they ignored witness testimonys and supressed film footage dis in fo agent.

Nice dodge. What aspects of the 130 page NIST report do you not agree with? What did they get wrong?

Summary: James Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division, called for an independent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation. "I wish that there would be a peer review of this," he said, referring to the NIST investigation. "I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they've done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. ... I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable."

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
calling for a review is not calling it a controlled demolition
What part of this study did they get wrong or what don't you agree with?
Google Image Result for http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/images/WTC7_column-79-Collapse.jpg

they ignored witness testimonys and supressed film footage dis in fo agent.

Nice dodge. What aspects of the 130 page NIST report do you not agree with? What did they get wrong?

no dodge at all.No use in trying to explain it to you cause chris has taken you to school and your too arrogant to admit it.not surprising you being a dis in fo agent though.
Nice dodge. What aspects of the 130 page NIST report do you not agree with? What did they get wrong?

Summary: James Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division, called for an independent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation. "I wish that there would be a peer review of this," he said, referring to the NIST investigation. "I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they've done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. ... I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable."

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
calling for a review is not calling it a controlled demolition

no it leaves the question unanswered and in question and cast doubt on the official story
from the very source that is supposed to have answered it and from the source national geographic obtained its data......but then we have the fine minds of popular mechanics
who needs NIST
FEMA decieved the agency charged with the duty of producing the cause of death determination about the structure of the Twins.

FEMA said this was the structure of the core.


On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.


Where absolutely no structural steel is seen. A basic impossibility.

The plans the truth movement has been given are not from official sources, the ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding. The plans the truth movement uses are from silverstein and have many signs of being digitally altered after being scanned.

Here is an sample of the evidence that the silverstein plans are altered to appear as final drawings. This is a zoom of a few cells of the revision tables.


Here is the original on the first 9-11 conspiracy site server.


Perhaps 205 of the scanned blueprints have such digital anomalies in the revision tables which were added to make the plans appear as final drawings. They are very crude preliminary conceptual drawings that needed such fakery to be accepted as they were presented.
Summary: James Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division, called for an independent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation. "I wish that there would be a peer review of this," he said, referring to the NIST investigation. "I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they've done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. ... I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable."

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
calling for a review is not calling it a controlled demolition

no it leaves the question unanswered and in question and cast doubt on the official story
from the very source that is supposed to have answered it and from the source national geographic obtained its data......but then we have the fine minds of popular mechanics
who needs NIST
its not just popular mechanics dude
and i have questions about the 9/.11 commission report, it was a political hack job telling nothing we didn't already know
but there is no way i would ever side with you nuts and claim it was a CD
FEMA decieved the agency charged with the duty of producing the cause of death determination about the structure of the Twins.

FEMA said this was the structure of the core.

On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.

Where absolutely no structural steel is seen. A basic impossibility.

The plans the truth movement has been given are not from official sources, the ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding. The plans the truth movement uses are from silverstein and have many signs of being digitally altered after being scanned.

Here is an sample of the evidence that the silverstein plans are altered to appear as final drawings. This is a zoom of a few cells of the revision tables.


Here is the original on the first 9-11 conspiracy site server.


Perhaps 205 of the scanned blueprints have such digital anomalies in the revision tables which were added to make the plans appear as final drawings. They are very crude preliminary conceptual drawings that needed such fakery to be accepted as they were presented.
scanned documents will always have such anomalies
Summary: James Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division, called for an independent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation. "I wish that there would be a peer review of this," he said, referring to the NIST investigation. "I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they've done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. ... I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable."

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
calling for a review is not calling it a controlled demolition

no it leaves the question unanswered and in question and cast doubt on the official story
from the very source that is supposed to have answered it and from the source national geographic obtained its data......but then we have the fine minds of popular mechanics
who needs NIST

yeah exactly,who needs the fairy tales of NIST when we got fairy tales of POPULAR MECHANICS to read?:cuckoo:
calling for a review is not calling it a controlled demolition

no it leaves the question unanswered and in question and cast doubt on the official story
from the very source that is supposed to have answered it and from the source national geographic obtained its data......but then we have the fine minds of popular mechanics
who needs NIST

yeah exactly,who needs the fairy tales of NIST when we got fairy tales of POPULAR MECHANICS to read?:cuckoo:
you are the nuts
FEMA decieved the agency charged with the duty of producing the cause of death determination about the structure of the Twins.

FEMA said this was the structure of the core.

On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.

Where absolutely no structural steel is seen. A basic impossibility.

The plans the truth movement has been given are not from official sources, the ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding. The plans the truth movement uses are from silverstein and have many signs of being digitally altered after being scanned.

Here is an sample of the evidence that the silverstein plans are altered to appear as final drawings. This is a zoom of a few cells of the revision tables.


Here is the original on the first 9-11 conspiracy site server.


Perhaps 205 of the scanned blueprints have such digital anomalies in the revision tables which were added to make the plans appear as final drawings. They are very crude preliminary conceptual drawings that needed such fakery to be accepted as they were presented.
scanned documents will always have such anomalies

Wrong. I've done many scans of pencil drawn topographic maps and never seen such things, LET ALONE all being placed inside of little rectangles.

(the red is arrows indicating the specific cells used at another scale)




If what you say is true, then find one outside of the revision tables and post a link.

gamit the inept photoshopping disinformation agent must have done it. It is clueless.
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FEMA decieved the agency charged with the duty of producing the cause of death determination about the structure of the Twins.

FEMA said this was the structure of the core.

On 9-11 we see this for the core of WTC 2.

Where absolutely no structural steel is seen. A basic impossibility.

The plans the truth movement has been given are not from official sources, the ex NYC mayor took the plans and hid them while the courts protect their hiding. The plans the truth movement uses are from silverstein and have many signs of being digitally altered after being scanned.

Here is an sample of the evidence that the silverstein plans are altered to appear as final drawings. This is a zoom of a few cells of the revision tables.


Here is the original on the first 9-11 conspiracy site server.


Perhaps 205 of the scanned blueprints have such digital anomalies in the revision tables which were added to make the plans appear as final drawings. They are very crude preliminary conceptual drawings that needed such fakery to be accepted as they were presented.
scanned documents will always have such anomalies

Wrong. I've done many scans of pencil drawn topographic maps and never seen such things, LET ALONE all being placed inside of little rectangles.

(the red is arrows indicating the specific cells used at another scale)




If what you say is true, then find one outside of the revision tables and post a link.

gamit the inept photoshopping disinformation agent must have done it. It is clueless.
yeah, sure you have
and i'm sure you have never seen an image blown up to the point of pixilation?
they ignored witness testimonys and supressed film footage dis in fo agent.

Nice dodge. What aspects of the 130 page NIST report do you not agree with? What did they get wrong?

Summary: James Quintiere, Ph.D., former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division, called for an independent review of the World Trade Center Twin Tower collapse investigation. "I wish that there would be a peer review of this," he said, referring to the NIST investigation. "I think all the records that NIST has assembled should be archived. I would really like to see someone else take a look at what they've done; both structurally and from a fire point of view. ... I think the official conclusion that NIST arrived at is questionable."

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

The amount of stupid you keep displaying is unbelievable. Here is a quote from his book which states why he thinks the conclusion by NIST is questionable. Here is the link to his book SpringerLink - Book Chapter

He states in the book an alternative reason:
James Quintiere said:
An alternative cause is considered that puts the cause on insufficient insulation of the steel truss floor members...

So no, he doesn't support demolition as you claim. Figures that you need to lie in order to prove your beliefs. How sad.

I suppose you also missed the fact that Mr. Quintiere does not believe the towers were brought down by explosives as stated here Onderzoeker James Quintiere (NIST) roept op tot "second opinion" 9/11 - Stormfront
=James Quintiere said:
Although Dr. Quintiere was strongly critical of NIST’s conclusions and its investigatory process, he made it clear he was not a supporter of theories that the Twin Towers were brought down by pre-planted explosives. “If you go to World Trade Center One, nine minutes before its collapse, there was a line of smoke that puffed out. This is one of the basis of the ‘conspiracy theories’ that says the smoke puffing out all around the building is due to somebody setting off an explosive charge. Well, I think, more likely, it’s one of the floors falling down.”

His statements support you how?
scanned documents will always have such anomalies

Wrong. I've done many scans of pencil drawn topographic maps and never seen such things, LET ALONE all being placed inside of little rectangles.

(the red is arrows indicating the specific cells used at another scale)




If what you say is true, then find one outside of the revision tables and post a link.

gamit the inept photoshopping disinformation agent must have done it. It is clueless.
yeah, sure you have
and i'm sure you have never seen an image blown up to the point of pixilation?

As if the surrounding cells have those anomalies, which they don't. If such enlargement were the case, that would be an alteration because the rest of the drawing doesn't have that degree of zoom. Examine the adjacent cells.


Your work to destroy the Consitution on behalf of the infiltration of the US government is noted.
no dodge at all.No use in trying to explain it to you cause chris has taken you to school and your too arrogant to admit it.not surprising you being a dis in fo agent though.


I thought you would take that route.

Nothing but a coward.

When get some correct evidence and some debating skills, come back and talk, otherwise your just showing your worthlessness to your cult's efforts.

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