FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

Surrounding any theory, or before and after it is the FEMA structural deception presented to NIST that invaildates the official cause of death determination.

The core structure FEMA presents with this diagram is a lie.


The fact is that there were no core columns in the core area and to the left of the concrete wall, is the empty core area to prove it. This shows the west end of the WTC 1 concrete core looking from the north, soutwards along the line of the wall.

To the right is the spire, a box column outside of the core, of the 24 columns that did exist, surrounding the concrete core. No image from 9-11 shows the supposed steel core columns.
you are reading WAY too much into that simple diagram of the WTC tube within a tube"

Some have said that but have provided no evidence of the statement whereas I have provided adequate evidence of the concrete core in images from 9-11.

Here is rebar standing at around 400 feet. About 50 pieces of custom 3" diameter high tensile rebar from the north and west walls after the spire fell.


Notice the core area is totally empty. Such completely proves that FEMA deceived NIST and no evidence to the contrary has ever been posted.

The chief engineer 2 days after 9-11 gave information to Newsweek identifying a concrete core.

Ans any assertion of error serves the usurpation of the US Constitution because it is not reasonable to suggest that the engineer, speaking on behalf of the engineering and design corporation would expose them to the liability of what was being termed a "collapse" with erroneous information.

And, if it was erroneous, the engineer would logically deman an immediate correction. That information is independently corroborated by aonther structureal engineer certified in 12 states.

again, you post that same bullshit story and claim that was what Robertson said, it wasnt
The core structure FEMA presents with this diagram is a lie.

you are reading WAY too much into that simple diagram of the WTC tube within a tube"
FEAM did NOT say that was EXACTLY how it was
it was only meant to convey the principle of the design, not be an exact replica

and you have had this explained to you on MULTIPLE occasions

The fact is that I've asked for more documentation from you to support your assertion and nothing has ever been produced. This goes for ALL opposition everywhere with regard to that diagram. The fake plans have no details of the needed diagonal and horizontal bracing that would logically be required in a steel columned core.

You support that the means of mass murder remain secret and that with that secrecy the Consitution be usurped.
i HAVE supported the steel columns

as have MULTIPLE others
What part of this study did they get wrong or what don't you agree with?
Google Image Result for http://www.nist.gov/public_affairs/images/WTC7_column-79-Collapse.jpg

they ignored witness testimonys and supressed film footage dis in fo agent.

I thought you left with your tail between your legs?

Are you going to admit that you got your "steel temperature" information wrong or are you going to be another coward like Christophera?

The only cowards here are you Bush dupes who REFUSE to look at the facts that witnesses carried out a man in the elevater shafts on fire from EXPLOSIONS in the basement and REFUSE to look at some of those those suppressed videos of mine I posted to you that back them up with black smoke rising from the street below and explosions going off when the towers havent event collpased yet..:cuckoo:and no unlike you,I know how long it takes for steel to weaken.proof that your like DITZCON AND TOTO and too arrogant to admit when you have been proven wrong.

Only difference is THEY are idiots afraid of the truth about government conspiracys and allow the media and government to brainwash them with lies and propaganda where you know it was an inside job being the dis in fo agent you are.Its you Bush dupes and dis in fo agents who run away with your tails between your legs REFUSING TO look at my videos since you all only see what you WANT to see.:cuckoo:
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Another thing. What columns are they saying were supposedly "cut" to produce that "molten metal"? If it was the core columns, how did the "river" of "molten metal" from the core columns travel from the center core columns to and then out of the perimeter windows? How much molten metal do they think is produced in a thermite cut of a single column? Not to mention that the "molten metal" from the core columns would have fallen DOWN THE SHAFTS or pooled in the core proper.

Amazing logic these people have.

You try to dismiss the significance of the molten steel flowing out of the east side of WTC 2. The concrete core kept any molten steel from going down the core so if there was thermite cutting going on of the interior box columns surrounding the core, it would have to go out.

Since thermite is liquid when burning it must be held up against a vertical surface of steel to melt through. What this does is make it necessary to involve more area to make sure the steel is severed.

What's the matter Chris? Nobody discussing your crackpot theory? We've all moved past that like all the other forums before this one.

Go over and argue with the folks at Mike Malloy's forum and get banned in about a month like everywhere else.

get banned in about a month like everybody else? Proof that this Mike Malloy guy is like DITZCON AND TOTO and afraid of the truth and only sees what they WANT to see as well obviously.:rolleyes:
no dodge at all.No use in trying to explain it to you cause chris has taken you to school and your too arrogant to admit it.not surprising you being a dis in fo agent though.


I thought you would take that route.

Nothing but a coward.

When get some correct evidence and some debating skills, come back and talk, otherwise your just showing your worthlessness to your cult's efforts.

you might want to take that advise.You havent posted ANY correct evidence in our discussions and also like I just said,REFUSE to look at those videos since you know what an idiot it shows you for being the Bush dupe you are posting their lies and propaganda.Yep thats you,a coward who is afraid to look at those videos.:lol: Me a coward? you crack me up. "Im" not the one who refuses to watch those videos that I asked you disinformation agents to do. Now those frady cats DITZCON AND TOTO I expect that out of them cause THEY are afraid of the truth about ANY govennment conspiracy.But YOU being a disinformation agent,I at least hoped would at least TRY and refute those videos.:lol:I cant wait for Albury to come on in hopes that "HE'' will prove my prediction wrong and actually do "what you all refuse to do" which is take the time to watch them.Till Albury comes on.nuff for now.
no it leaves the question unanswered and in question and cast doubt on the official story
from the very source that is supposed to have answered it and from the source national geographic obtained its data......but then we have the fine minds of popular mechanics
who needs NIST


What a dolt.

He explains what he doubts and also comes up with an alternative method as to why the towers collapsed, which to your demise, has nothing to do with explosives.

You and 9/11 are entertaining. STUPID, but entertaining.

yep thats what you are stupid and entertaining.:lol:at least were not scared of the truth and run away from videos when people ask us to watch them.:lol::lol::lol:

I thought you would take that route.

Nothing but a coward.

When get some correct evidence and some debating skills, come back and talk, otherwise your just showing your worthlessness to your cult's efforts.
that guy will put you on ignore now
he does that to anyone that doesn't by into his parroted nonsense

That's fine by me. He's been "ignoring" facts and evidence for quite some time now. I'm starting to think that 9/11 inside job and eots are related given the fact that their mental capacity is no greater than my dog's. Although she CAN open our sliding glass door to let herself out to go to the bathroom. I just can't get her to close the damn thing when she comes back in.


yep you Bush dupes are doing that alright,"ignoring" facts and evidence alright. thats you Bush dupes alright.A mental capacity no greater than a dogs.:lol:Thats what happens to you guys when you start smoking the crack your on.:lol::lol: anybody who watches those 47 videos I just posted for you and STILL defends the official version,is on crack which obviously you,Toto,Ditzcon,Cornhole,and Albury and the other 9/11 apologists are all on.:lol::lol:
that guy will put you on ignore now
he does that to anyone that doesn't by into his parroted nonsense

That's fine by me. He's been "ignoring" facts and evidence for quite some time now. I'm starting to think that 9/11 inside job and eots are related given the fact that their mental capacity is no greater than my dog's. Although she CAN open our sliding glass door to let herself out to go to the bathroom. I just can't get her to close the damn thing when she comes back in.


the facts...NIST is highly critical of their own report and find it to be non conclusive...those are the facts...

I know,thats whats hysterical about their desperate attempts to prove the official conspiracy THEORY correct.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:
you are reading WAY too much into that simple diagram of the WTC tube within a tube"
FEAM did NOT say that was EXACTLY how it was
it was only meant to convey the principle of the design, not be an exact replica

and you have had this explained to you on MULTIPLE occasions

The fact is that I've asked for more documentation from you to support your assertion and nothing has ever been produced. This goes for ALL opposition everywhere with regard to that diagram. The fake plans have no details of the needed diagonal and horizontal bracing that would logically be required in a steel columned core.

You support that the means of mass murder remain secret and that with that secrecy the Consitution be usurped.
i HAVE supported the steel columns

Your lips support columns with a sucking sound.

You've posted no evidence therefore support that the secret means of mass murder remain secret. You do not speak of the Constitution and the rule of law. You do not describe what this is if not the concrete core of WTC 2.


No explanation of where the supposed steel core columns went or how is ever provided.

That's fine by me. He's been "ignoring" facts and evidence for quite some time now. I'm starting to think that 9/11 inside job and eots are related given the fact that their mental capacity is no greater than my dog's. Although she CAN open our sliding glass door to let herself out to go to the bathroom. I just can't get her to close the damn thing when she comes back in.


the facts...NIST is highly critical of their own report and find it to be non conclusive...those are the facts...

I know,thats whats hysterical about their desperate attempts to prove the official conspiracy THEORY correct.:lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

Sadly, :lol::lol::lol::cuckoo: is not adequate. They have a much darker purpose. Simple ridicule is not enough for them.

Because there is evidence justifying many things the truth movement says, after the societal fears empowered by gwb with the very public statement, "you are either with us, or 'agin us" diminished, its natural polarizzation and divsion decreased, the evidence started to come out. Then the infiltrators could only use ridicule.

The truth has a rightous application, and we don't need to follow their psyops. We can outright persecute/prosecute successfully and legally. However, this is a spiritual issue so I do not advocate a great deal of persecution, some prosecution yes. Threaten persectution but limit it. Use its threat to get the cowardly usurpers of the Consitution to show their colors. Embolden true Americans by exposing the conspiracy to control with psychological manipulation.

Fear levels need to be reduced within the ranks of infiltrators because quite a few have been mislead in order to gain their support. They will join us because they too have love for the Constituion and the protection it affords for ther children.

btw, does Terral have a clue? Can he get one? If he did, would he know what he had?
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yep thats what you are stupid and entertaining.:lol:at least were not scared of the truth and run away from videos when people ask us to watch them.:lol::lol::lol:

Speaking of stupid, entertaining and videos...


This is why I dont put Toto on ignore like I do Ditzcon.Toto at least provides me laughs all the time cause he is right here.This video is stupid and entertaining cause it shows that Omar operative and that disinformation operative in the mainstream media showing how they have no interest in the truth.Again Toto always entertains me with his hysterical posts in the fact that he supports Gerald Posner "who is in a video out there where HE calls people who say that 9/11 was an inside job kooks," yet as I posted before,Toto has even ADMITTED Posner is wrong in his book that he wrote called CASE CLOSED that oswald was the lone assassian and has admitted The Kennedy assassination was the result of a conspiracy probably by the mob.AGAIN I think its hysterical how he wants to have it both ways that Posner is wrong about the kennedy assassinationn but RIGHT about 9/11. cracks me up.Cant have it BOTH ways Toto.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Again Toto always entertains me with his hysterical posts in the fact that he supports Gerald Posner "who is in a video out there where HE calls people who say that 9/11 was an inside job kooks,"

What they are doing is working to move these images,


The official core structure

off the last page so people do not see the evidence compared, proving, that indeed, FEMA deceived NIST and the official cause of death is invalid.


The actual core structure

off the last page where it is not so available. I make this statement from experience. They don't give a damm what you say or they say, only that people do not see and understand truly useful information for opposing their agenda because that is the only thing that can stop it, or the complete infiltration and the final usurpation of the Constitution.
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Again Toto always entertains me with his hysterical posts in the fact that he supports Gerald Posner "who is in a video out there where HE calls people who say that 9/11 was an inside job kooks,"

What they are doing is working to move these images,


The official core structure

off the last page so people do not see the evidence compared, proving, that indeed, FEMA deceived NIST and the official cause of death is invalid.

The actual core structure

off the last page where it is not so available. I make this statement from experience. They don't give a damm what you say or they say, only that people do not see and understand truly useful information for opposing their agenda because that is the only thing that can stop it, or the complete infiltration and the final usurpation of the Constitution.
yeah, FEMA tried to say that was an exact plan for the tower
Again Toto always entertains me with his hysterical posts in the fact that he supports Gerald Posner "who is in a video out there where HE calls people who say that 9/11 was an inside job kooks,"

What they are doing is working to move these images,


The official core structure

off the last page so people do not see the evidence compared, proving, that indeed, FEMA deceived NIST and the official cause of death is invalid.

The actual core structure

off the last page where it is not so available. I make this statement from experience. They don't give a damm what you say or they say, only that people do not see and understand truly useful information for opposing their agenda because that is the only thing that can stop it, or the complete infiltration and the final usurpation of the Constitution.
yeah, FEMA tried to say that was an exact plan for the tower

And guiliani took the NYC WTC documents so that simple diagram could be presented as the only official core structure.

If this is not true, you will produce details about the columned steel core structure FEMA depicts.

BTW, viewers should note that ditzcon does not deny that the repeated posting they do, off topic, is to move the relevant thread information off the last page.
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What they are doing is working to move these images,


The official core structure

off the last page so people do not see the evidence compared, proving, that indeed, FEMA deceived NIST and the official cause of death is invalid.

The actual core structure

off the last page where it is not so available. I make this statement from experience. They don't give a damm what you say or they say, only that people do not see and understand truly useful information for opposing their agenda because that is the only thing that can stop it, or the complete infiltration and the final usurpation of the Constitution.
yeah, FEMA tried to say that was an exact plan for the tower

And guiliani took the NYC WTC documents so that simple diagram could be presented as the only official core structure.

If this is not true, you will produce details about the columned steel core structure FEMA depicts.

BTW, viewers should note that ditzcon does not deny that the repeated posting they do, off topic, is to move the relevant thread information off the last page.
an asshole like you labels a diagram as "the official" doesnt MAKE it so
yeah, FEMA tried to say that was an exact plan for the tower

And guiliani took the NYC WTC documents so that simple diagram could be presented as the only official core structure.

If this is not true, you will produce details about the columned steel core structure FEMA depicts.

BTW, viewers should note that ditzcon does not deny that the repeated posting they do, off topic, is to move the relevant thread information off the last page.
an asshole like you labels a diagram as "the official" doesnt MAKE it so

The diagram is the only one that shows the core and it is freom the WTC report. That makes it official. The rest of the report is redundant fraud, so it is excluded.

Your behavior does put you in opposition to Constitutional due process with support for the secrecy surrounding the method of mass murder on 9-11 which of course would please the perpetrators very much.

And of course you produce no details of the FEMA core making that the ONLY official depiction. So the truth movement tries to use silversteins fakes to understand the buildings that did not exist while you try to keep them from seeing and knowing the ones that did exist.
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FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invaildated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.

Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

I'm not going to waste my time on reading 1000 posts of repeat information so help me out here.

Are you trying to say that the buildings were designed, passed building department review (including structural), built, passed inspections, functioned for 30 years....all with no sufficient core?

...and you honestly believe this?

The buildings obviously suffered severe core damage. Why would FEMA lie about what the core was and how it was damaged? What does it change if the core was built of concrete? How would this even begin to be "proof" of anything?

Also...regarding your first picture of the construction of the core...is it possible that there were elevator shafts in a 100 story building? I'm going to guess there were indeed elevators. Is your intelligent opinion that they remove structural columns to build the elevators?
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invaildated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.

Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

I'm not going to waste my time on reading 1000 posts of repeat information so help me out here.

Are you trying to say that the buildings were designed, passed building department review (including structural), built, passed inspections, functioned for 30 years....all with no sufficient core?

Would you call this insufficient?


can you show official detail of a more sufficient cores structure? If not, ... why?

Do you know what those plates on top of the vertical steel left and right of the crane.


Would you call that plate as a method of joining steel of the strength needed, "sufficient".

We need to determine your level of experience. Please describe the different structural elements in the above picture.
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nor yours...but it definitely supports the call for a real and independent investigation.. peer reviewed ..with.. full disclosure and subpoena powers...
i have no claims
and the only thing i want re investigated was the failures in the government to put the pieces together that allowed such an event to occur in the first place
and not to be prosecuting anyone, but to make sure the mistakes are corrected

You might start with WHY the FCC burned the tape interviews with air traffic controllers. Perhaps everything would be different with air defense issues enabling the attack being the center that makes a differnece.

Without the tapes, perhaps the most useful information is the fact that FEMA deceived NIST about the design of the Twin Towers and the official cause of death is invalidated.

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