FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The only cowards here are you Bush dupes who REFUSE to look at the facts


Facts?! Since when did you post any facts? You mean like this display of your "superior" knowledge:

To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

The above statement is an example of your FACTS?! You're a joke. You won't even discuss this HUGE mistake in your thinking, so why should I even bother to read/view any more of your crap? I provided you information that PROVES your above claim wrong. Steel does not BEGIN to WEAKEN at 2700F. It MELTS at 2700F. It starts to weaken at a much less temperature. Now moving forward, it has been proven to you that office fires can EASILY reach the temperatures for steel to weaken.

So right there you have been proven wrong. Until you admit that and address the fact that the very core of your argument is wrong, there is no need to continue this debate.

that witnesses carried out a man in the elevater shafts on fire from EXPLOSIONS in the basement

Are you kidding me? If you are talking about the man that William Rodriguez took care of? If so, your "facts" are incorrect. Let's get some things straight.
1. The man wasn't "carried out of the elevator shaft". He came out of the elevator under his own power.
2. The man was not "on fire", but badly burned with his skin hanging off of him.
3. EXPLOSIONS do not cause BURNS or people to CATCH FIRE or cause people's skin to HANG FROM THEIR BODIES. This is perfectly in line with jet fuel hitting the bottom of the shaft and the exploding. Explosions from explosives tear shit up or cause concussive damage, not burn people. Get your shit straight.

and REFUSE to look at some of those those suppressed videos of mine I posted to

You're damn right I refuse to look at them. If your display of "facts" in any indication of what is contained in those videos, I have no use for them. So far you are batting .000 with your "facts". Just look at your statement I quoted about steel only beginning to weaken at 2700F?! What an idiot. Yeah, i'll watch your videos...


you that back them up with black smoke rising from the street below

Tell you what. Out of the 47 videos you posted, which one are you speaking of that shows this? I'll take a look at it. If it's the one I'm thinking of, I have some proof for you that it's not what you think.

and explosions going off when the towers havent event collpased yet..:cuckoo:and no unlike you,I know how long it takes for steel to weaken.proof that your like DITZCON AND TOTO and too arrogant to admit when you have been proven wrong.

You have done nothing of the sort. I pointed out the mistakes in your logic "if you cn call it that) and you refuse to comment back.

Only difference is THEY are idiots afraid of the truth about government conspiracys and allow the media and government to brainwash them with lies and propaganda where you know it was an inside job being the dis in fo agent you are.Its you Bush dupes and dis in fo agents who run away with your tails between your legs REFUSING TO look at my videos since you all only see what you WANT to see.:cuckoo:

I am as much of a disinfo agent as much as you are working for the terrorists trying to spread thier lies and garbage to keep the American people fighting against one another.
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invaildated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.

Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

I'm not going to waste my time on reading 1000 posts of repeat information so help me out here.

Are you trying to say that the buildings were designed, passed building department review (including structural), built, passed inspections, functioned for 30 years....all with no sufficient core?

Would you call this insufficient?

can you show official detail of a more sufficient cores structure? If not, ... why?

Do you know what those plates on top of the vertical steel left and right of the crane.

Would you call that plate as a method of joining steel of the strength needed, "sufficient".

We need to determine your level of experience. Please describe the different structural elements in the above picture.

The buildings were sufficiently designed. THey were built in the 70's. Any idea how big the largest plane was then compared to now? I'll help you out...not nearly as big. The building was designed to take a lateral impact from the largest plane of the day (with an added factor of safety). Planes today are much larger and there is no effective way to retrofit every building for such a rare occurance.

Do I really need to draw you a diagram showing that there are the structural core columns (as shown in the FEMA diagrams) AS WELL AS the elevator columns that are seen in your picture. I spelled out "as well as" in caps so you don't miss it.

Your claim is like saying that there are no finishes on the floors because the picture clearly shows bare concrete floors. According to your picture...there are no windows either.

In a nut shell (pun intended) your pictures prove nothing. Any building can be knocked down if you hit it hard enough. There is absolutely no way to design a structure with a high enough factor of safety to make it invincible. You are silly for thinking it is possible.
you that back them up with black smoke rising from the street below

Is this smoke part of your "smoke rising from the street below" claim?

FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invaildated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.

Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

I'm not going to waste my time on reading 1000 posts of repeat information so help me out here.

Are you trying to say that the buildings were designed, passed building department review (including structural), built, passed inspections, functioned for 30 years....all with no sufficient core?

Would you call this insufficient?

can you show official detail of a more sufficient cores structure? If not, ... why?

Do you know what those plates on top of the vertical steel left and right of the crane.

Would you call that plate as a method of joining steel of the strength needed, "sufficient".

We need to determine your level of experience. Please describe the different structural elements in the above picture.

Since you are so hung up on the column splices...do you have a better method of joining the columns? Do you suppose we could find a column that is over 1400 feet long? Actually, they would need to be over 2,000 feet since we would have to use them in the foundation instead of placing them on top of the foundation with a **gasp** SPLICE. Do you really think that the columns are the same size at the top as they are at the bottom (thus, not requiring splices)?

I don't give a crap what steel or splice they used. When the planes hit and all of the fireproofing was blown off the steel...all bets were off. Steel cannot hold up to that kind of temperature.
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The only cowards here are you Bush dupes who REFUSE to look at the facts


Facts?! Since when did you post any facts? You mean like this display of your "superior" knowledge:

To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

The above statement is an example of your FACTS?! You're a joke. You won't even discuss this HUGE mistake in your thinking, so why should I even bother to read/view any more of your crap? I provided you information that PROVES your above claim wrong. Steel does not BEGIN to WEAKEN at 2700F. It MELTS at 2700F. It starts to weaken at a much less temperature. Now moving forward, it has been proven to you that office fires can EASILY reach the temperatures for steel to weaken.

So right there you have been proven wrong. Until you admit that and address the fact that the very core of your argument is wrong, there is no need to continue this debate.

Are you kidding me? If you are talking about the man that William Rodriguez took care of? If so, your "facts" are incorrect. Let's get some things straight.
1. The man wasn't "carried out of the elevator shaft". He came out of the elevator under his own power.
2. The man was not "on fire", but badly burned with his skin hanging off of him
grasping at star
3. EXPLOSIONS do not cause BURNS or people to CATCH FIRE or cause people's skin to HANG FROM THEIR BODIES. This is perfectly in line with jet fuel hitting the bottom of the shaft and the exploding. Explosions from explosives tear shit up or cause concussive damage, not burn people. Get your shit straight.
wrong as always idiot disinfo agent..
1.He WAS.eyewitnesse outside the towers SAW him and there is video footage of it.
2.one answers that.
3.your lies are hysterical.LOL.you lost your crediblity right there big time.anybody who has taken any science classes KNOWS steel doesnt even begin to weaken till temps of 2700 and doesnt melt till temps at close to 2800 F.Lol.you crack me up.your an idiot as always.it has bveen proven that office fires CANNOT reach fires hot enough to melt steel.LOL. they only reach temps of 600 to 800 F and AGAIN its a known FACT that jet fuel only burns at temps of 1800 F,Thats the ONLY mistake I have made so far is I accidently typed in 1500F instead of 1800F earlier.yep thats what your batting so far.000.no need to tell us the obvious.LOL.
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You're damn right I refuse to look at them. If your display of "facts" in any indication of what is contained in those videos, I have no use for them. So far you are batting .000 with your "facts". Just look at your statement I quoted about steel only beginning to weaken at 2700F?! What an idiot. Yeah, i'll watch your videos...yep thats what you are an idiot who likes to BELIEVE he has posted proof,you HAVENT.

Tell you what. Out of the 47 videos you posted, which one are you speaking of that shows this? I'll take a look at it. If it's the one I'm thinking of, I have some proof for you that it's not what you think.

You have done nothing of the sort. I pointed out the mistakes in your logic "if you cn call it that) and you refuse to comment back.
yeah disinformation agents like you love to make things up as long as it goes along with your wild as theorys.lol

I am as much of a disinfo agent as much as you are working for the terrorists trying to spread thier lies and garbage to keep the American people fighting against one another.[/QUOTE] sure your not a dis in fo agent,nice try.thats exactly what your doing,spreading the lies and garbage of the terrorists-BUsh,Cheney,Rice,Rumsfield,Silverstein,Ashcroft,ect your no better a person than THEY are for spreading them jerk. oh and yes its willie rodriguez i am talking about but he has other survivors that have backed up his story idiot.
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they ignored witness testimonys and supressed film footage dis in fo agent.

I thought you left with your tail between your legs?

Are you going to admit that you got your "steel temperature" information wrong or are you going to be another coward like Christophera?

The only cowards here are you Bush dupes who REFUSE to look at the facts that witnesses carried out a man in the elevater shafts on fire from EXPLOSIONS in the basement and REFUSE to look at some of those those suppressed videos of mine I posted to you that back them up with black smoke rising from the street below and explosions going off when the towers havent event collpased yet..:cuckoo:and no unlike you,I know how long it takes for steel to weaken.proof that your like DITZCON AND TOTO and too arrogant to admit when you have been proven wrong.

Only difference is THEY are idiots afraid of the truth about government conspiracys and allow the media and government to brainwash them with lies and propaganda where you know it was an inside job being the dis in fo agent you are.Its you Bush dupes and dis in fo agents who run away with your tails between your legs REFUSING TO look at my videos since you all only see what you WANT to see.:cuckoo:

Were these the special kind of high explosives that set people on fire and sever columns in basements one hour and 42 or more minutes before a building collapses from the top down, are so quiet that no one on a different floor or outside heard them, and don't leave any cut column ends in the debris, or could ol' 9/11 profiteer Willie have heard either debris falling down a shaft right after AA11 hit, or a transformer or two blowing up because their secondaries were shorted? Is someone in a basement of a hi-rise a better judge of what just happened on the 96th floor than observers who could actually see it? Is this an example of what's in those "truth" videos of yours? My GOD you people are stupid!
I thought you left with your tail between your legs?

Are you going to admit that you got your "steel temperature" information wrong or are you going to be another coward like Christophera?

The only cowards here are you Bush dupes who REFUSE to look at the facts that witnesses carried out a man in the elevater shafts on fire from EXPLOSIONS in the basement and REFUSE to look at some of those those suppressed videos of mine I posted to you that back them up with black smoke rising from the street below and explosions going off when the towers havent event collpased yet..:cuckoo:and no unlike you,I know how long it takes for steel to weaken.proof that your like DITZCON AND TOTO and too arrogant to admit when you have been proven wrong.

Only difference is THEY are idiots afraid of the truth about government conspiracys and allow the media and government to brainwash them with lies and propaganda where you know it was an inside job being the dis in fo agent you are.Its you Bush dupes and dis in fo agents who run away with your tails between your legs REFUSING TO look at my videos since you all only see what you WANT to see.:cuckoo:

Were these the special kind of high explosives that set people on fire and sever columns in basements one hour and 42 or more minutes before a building collapses from the top down, are so quiet that no one on a different floor or outside heard them, and don't leave any cut column ends in the debris, or could ol' 9/11 profiteer Willie have heard either debris falling down a shaft right after AA11 hit, or a transformer or two blowing up because their secondaries were shorted? Is someone in a basement of a hi-rise a better judge of what just happened on the 96th floor than observers who could actually see it? Is this an example of what's in those "truth" videos of yours? My GOD you people are stupid!

thanks for doing what I predicted,refusing to look at the videos.He talks about how he hears the explosions in the "basement" BEFORE the plane struck above.thanks for exposing the psche op agent you are.thats what you agents always do make shit up that he is doing this for money.theres a HUGE disinformation campaine going against him and you exposed yourself as being one with your lies about him like you agents always do.
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Oh and the video I would like you to watch and elaborate on psch op agent Gamolon is the one called 9/11 mysteries.The link there doesnt work but if you go to youtube.com and type it in it will work.ANYBODY who wacthes THAT video and STILL defends the official version,their either a psche op agent like Albury and CandyCorn,or on drugs all the time like DITZCON AND TOTO.

Oh and btw see unlike you I CAN admit when i am wrong.You are right that steel melts at 2700F.I was thinking it was 2800F.Big deal,I was ONLY off by a thousand degrees.not much of an error on my part there like the errors YOU have made.Steel DOESNT weaken though till temps of 2500F making it IMPOSSIBLE for the airliners and fires to cause the collapse.LOL.. You however,refuse to admit the facts that jet fuel only burns at 1800 F making it IMPOSSIBLE to melt the steel!!!!!!!! and that office temps NEVER get anywhere near hot enough to melt steel in the fact that no high rise building before 9/11 or sense,has EVER collapsed due to fires.LOL.
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THIS right here below is WHY this whole discussion if explosives brought the towers down is irrelevent and proves once and fall all they did and ends the debate.Of course you only see things that fit YOUR versions so as we both know,you psche op agents wont admit the obvious here that this proves and ends the discussion that explosives brought the towers down.

NIST has failed to disprove the controlled demolition hypothesis and clings to a gravity-assisted collapse hypothesis. This is a disservice to Americans and the world--as GROWING numbers of people doubt the 9/11 official myths.

The Twin Towers' destruction exhibited all the characteristics of destruction by explosions:

1. Extremely rapid onset of “collapse”

2. Sounds of explosions at plane impact zone — a full second prior to collapse (heard by 118 first responders as well as by media reporters)

3. Observations of flashes (seen by numerous professionals)

4. Squibs, or “mistimed” explosions, 40 floors below the “collapsing” building seen in all the videos

5. Mid-air pulverization of all the 90,000 tons of concrete and steel decking, filing cabinets & 1000 people – mostly to dust

6. Massive volume of expanding pyroclastic dust clouds

7. Vertical progression of full building perimeter demolition waves

8. Symmetrical collapse – through the path of greatest resistance – at nearly free-fall speed — the columns gave no resistance

9. 1,400 foot diameter field of equally distributed debris – outside of building footprint

10. Blast waves blew out windows in buildings 400 feet away

11. Lateral ejection of thousands of individual 20 - 50 ton steel beams up to 500 feet

12. Total destruction of the building down to individual structural steel elements – obliterating the steel core structure.

13. Tons of molten Metal found by FDNY under all 3 high-rises (no other possible source other than an incendiary cutting charge such as Thermate)

14. Chemical signature of Thermate (high tech incendiary) found in slag, solidified molten metal, and dust samples by Physics professor Steven Jones, PhD.

15. FEMA finds rapid oxidation and intergranular melting on structural steel samples

16. More than 1000 Bodies are unaccounted for — 700 tiny bone fragments found on top of nearby buildings

And exhibited none of the characteristics of destruction by fire, i.e.

1. Slow onset with large visible deformations

2. Asymmetrical collapse which follows the path of least resistance (laws of conservation of momentum would cause a falling, intact, from the point of plane impact, to the side most damaged by the fires)

3. Evidence of fire temperatures capable of softening steel

4. High-rise buildings with much larger, hotter, and longer lasting fires have never “collapsed”

helicopter view of North Tower looking over Building 7: Massive interlaced vertical columns of the North Tower are seen falling outward--their ends severed and glowing white--while streaming smoke from the ends. Gravity? Thermate? NIST admits to NOT TESTING any WTC debris for explosives/demolition residue. This amounts to criminal negligence--and underlies all the debate in this thread. Had NIST done its proper job--recognizing that there were over 500 eyewitness reports, many of which identified "explosions" which were NOT COINCIDENT with the planes crashing or the buildings collapsing. News footage reveals explosions. It took a Freedom of Information Act petition to get to these eyewitness testimonies about explosions--testimonies that were OMITTED from the 9/11 Commission Report.

Typical of many 9/11 "discussions" several participants here rely upon tactics of ridicule rather than intelligent debate with evidence. When you finally awake to who you have been, you will be horrified at what you have done.

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3.your lies are hysterical.LOL.you lost your crediblity right there big time.anybody who has taken any science classes KNOWS steel doesnt even begin to weaken till temps of 2700 and doesnt melt till temps at close to 2800 F.Lol.you crack me up.your an idiot as always.it has bveen proven that office fires CANNOT reach fires hot enough to melt steel.LOL. they only reach temps of 600 to 800 F and AGAIN its a known FACT that jet fuel only burns at temps of 1800 F,Thats the ONLY mistake I have made so far is I accidently typed in 1500F instead of 1800F earlier.yep thats what your batting so far.000.no need to tell us the obvious.LOL.

Ok Mr. Bullshit. Let's put your money where your mouth is. Let's see your proof that steel will only weaken at temps of 2700F. Got a link or a manual that supports your claim? You're full of shit. This is completely wrong. Steel loses 50% of it's strength at 540C (1004F) after 10 minutes. It loses 90% of it's strength after 30 minutes at a temperature of 749C (1380F).

Visit these sites for various discussion of when steel STARTS TO WEAKEN and when steel MELTS. Maybe you'll learn something, but I doubt it. You seem incapable of learning.

New Covenant: History is made: Fire melts steel...
Structural steel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fire resistance of steel framed buildings - Fire damage assessment of hot rolled structural steel

Here are a few links just to get you going. Now, where is your proof that steel oinly starts to weaken at temps of 2700F? I bet you don't have any.
The only cowards here are you Bush dupes who REFUSE to look at the facts


Facts?! Since when did you post any facts? You mean like this display of your "superior" knowledge:

To even begin to weaken the steel support columns the fires need to get to temps of at LEAST 2700.

The above statement is an example of your FACTS?! You're a joke. You won't even discuss this HUGE mistake in your thinking, so why should I even bother to read/view any more of your crap? I provided you information that PROVES your above claim wrong. Steel does not BEGIN to WEAKEN at 2700F. It MELTS at 2700F. It starts to weaken at a much less temperature. Now moving forward, it has been proven to you that office fires can EASILY reach the temperatures for steel to weaken.

So right there you have been proven wrong. Until you admit that and address the fact that the very core of your argument is wrong, there is no need to continue this debate.

Are you kidding me? If you are talking about the man that William Rodriguez took care of? If so, your "facts" are incorrect. Let's get some things straight.
1. The man wasn't "carried out of the elevator shaft". He came out of the elevator under his own power.
2. The man was not "on fire", but badly burned with his skin hanging off of him
grasping at star
3. EXPLOSIONS do not cause BURNS or people to CATCH FIRE or cause people's skin to HANG FROM THEIR BODIES. This is perfectly in line with jet fuel hitting the bottom of the shaft and the exploding. Explosions from explosives tear shit up or cause concussive damage, not burn people. Get your shit straight.
wrong as always idiot disinfo agent..
1.He WAS.eyewitnesse outside the towers SAW him and there is video footage of it.
2.one answers that.
3.your lies are hysterical.LOL.you lost your crediblity right there big time.anybody who has taken any science classes KNOWS steel doesnt even begin to weaken till temps of 2700 and doesnt melt till temps at close to 2800 F.Lol.you crack me up.your an idiot as always.it has bveen proven that office fires CANNOT reach fires hot enough to melt steel.LOL. they only reach temps of 600 to 800 F and AGAIN its a known FACT that jet fuel only burns at temps of 1800 F,Thats the ONLY mistake I have made so far is I accidently typed in 1500F instead of 1800F earlier.yep thats what your batting so far.000.no need to tell us the obvious.LOL.

Is this the same guy that William Rodriguez helped out?
Typical of many 9/11 "discussions" several participants here rely upon tactics of ridicule rather than intelligent debate with evidence. When you finally awake to who you have been, you will be horrified at what you have done.


If they were loyal American citizens that might happen. These folks are doing a job. No sincere American would do what they are doing as long as they've been doing it.

They will not even give a good reason for not using reason or observing evidence with it. This is a psyops and the American people are paying for it within the black budget.

The issue of the FEMA deception is fundamental and invalidates the official cause of death. It is the only way at this point to get more truth. All the rest of the facts that should have been a meaningful, real investigation are used to marginalize those who present them within the environment of ridicule that the agents artificially create.

It is only possibile on the internet, which is why DARPA financed its development inthe first place. To think they did it for public benefit is naive. They, under NWO direction developed this network because the public cannot be fooled so easily in a face to face situation and media has some degree of accountability so cannot be too blatent with the deception past a point, which is why there is so little on it about 9-11. Accordingly the internet is a place for those with information and those seeking information to burn themselves out without invoking any official duty whatsoever AND have a very limited impact, because the internet does not advertise itself.

Then they take their fake leaders and elevate them artificially to posistion sof prominance with the minions of deception the psyops has at its disposal, the next thing you know, you have false leaders that everyone thinks are real.

This is what FEMA said existed in the center of the tower for a core.


This is what was seen for the core of WTC 2 on 9-11.


The steel core columns under the conditions that existed cannot appear as what we see on 9-11 for th core of WTC 2. The core was a concrete tube as Leslie Robertson said on September 13, 2001

FEMA decieved NIST and the cause of death is invalid.

The agents here opposing these facts with BS, ad hominum and fakery are helping the perpetrators to conduct mass murder with secret methods.
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3.your lies are hysterical.LOL.you lost your crediblity right there big time.anybody who has taken any science classes KNOWS steel doesnt even begin to weaken till temps of 2700 and doesnt melt till temps at close to 2800 F.Lol.you crack me up.your an idiot as always.it has bveen proven that office fires CANNOT reach fires hot enough to melt steel.LOL. they only reach temps of 600 to 800 F and AGAIN its a known FACT that jet fuel only burns at temps of 1800 F,Thats the ONLY mistake I have made so far is I accidently typed in 1500F instead of 1800F earlier.yep thats what your batting so far.000.no need to tell us the obvious.LOL.

Ok Mr. Bullshit. Let's put your money where your mouth is. Let's see your proof that steel will only weaken at temps of 2700F. Got a link or a manual that supports your claim? You're full of shit. This is completely wrong. Steel loses 50% of it's strength at 540C (1004F) after 10 minutes. It loses 90% of it's strength after 30 minutes at a temperature of 749C (1380F).

Visit these sites for various discussion of when steel STARTS TO WEAKEN and when steel MELTS. Maybe you'll learn something, but I doubt it. You seem incapable of learning.

New Covenant: History is made: Fire melts steel...
Structural steel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fire resistance of steel framed buildings - Fire damage assessment of hot rolled structural steel

Here are a few links just to get you going. Now, where is your proof that steel oinly starts to weaken at temps of 2700F? I bet you don't have any.

ha ha.thats hysterical that you use WIKIPEDIA as a source.its a known fact that they have a history of being untruthful.they can type in ANYTHING they want to dis in fo agent.:lol::lol:No reason to believe your other links arent disinformation as well.
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oh and yes its willie rodriguez i am talking about but he has other survivors that have backed up his story idiot.

Really? I'll prove you wrong again. Here is a link to a transcript when William was interviewed, CNN.com - Transcripts He says the following:
William Rodriguez said:
And all of sudden we hear another rumble, and a guy comes running, running into our office, and all of skin was off his body. All of the skin.

Here is a video of Anthony Saltalamacia who worked with William. Listen to his statement at 1:46 about a man coming into his room with his skin hanging off and arms bleeding. NOT ON FIRE and came into the office under his own power. Nobody carried him out of the elevator shaft and he WAS NOT ON FIRE.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzpaZE5XSfg]YouTube - New William Rodriguez support story[/ame]

What a dope you are.
Oh and btw see unlike you I CAN admit when i am wrong.You are right that steel melts at 2700F.I was thinking it was 2800F. Big deal,I was ONLY off by a thousand degrees.

You can't do math either it seems 2800 - 2700 = 100. 100 Does not equal "a thousand degrees" jackass.

not much of an error on my part there like the errors YOU have made.Steel DOESNT weaken though till temps of 2500F

Again wrong. I have already posted links to information that proves you wrong. Where is your information coming from that steel weakens at temps of 2500F or higher. Please site your proof that what you claim is correct.

making it IMPOSSIBLE for the airliners and fires to cause the collapse.LOL.. You however,refuse to admit the facts that jet fuel only burns at 1800 F making it IMPOSSIBLE to melt the steel!!!!!!!! and that office temps NEVER get anywhere near hot enough to melt steel in the fact that no high rise building before 9/11 or sense,has EVER collapsed due to fires.LOL.

Until you provide the source of your "steel does not weaken until 2500F", your conclusions are considered incorrect.

Have fun finding your proof of this claim.
3.your lies are hysterical.LOL.you lost your crediblity right there big time.anybody who has taken any science classes KNOWS steel doesnt even begin to weaken till temps of 2700 and doesnt melt till temps at close to 2800 F.Lol.you crack me up.your an idiot as always.it has bveen proven that office fires CANNOT reach fires hot enough to melt steel.LOL. they only reach temps of 600 to 800 F and AGAIN its a known FACT that jet fuel only burns at temps of 1800 F,Thats the ONLY mistake I have made so far is I accidently typed in 1500F instead of 1800F earlier.yep thats what your batting so far.000.no need to tell us the obvious.LOL.

Ok Mr. Bullshit. Let's put your money where your mouth is. Let's see your proof that steel will only weaken at temps of 2700F. Got a link or a manual that supports your claim? You're full of shit. This is completely wrong. Steel loses 50% of it's strength at 540C (1004F) after 10 minutes. It loses 90% of it's strength after 30 minutes at a temperature of 749C (1380F).

Visit these sites for various discussion of when steel STARTS TO WEAKEN and when steel MELTS. Maybe you'll learn something, but I doubt it. You seem incapable of learning.

New Covenant: History is made: Fire melts steel...
Structural steel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fire resistance of steel framed buildings - Fire damage assessment of hot rolled structural steel

Here are a few links just to get you going. Now, where is your proof that steel oinly starts to weaken at temps of 2700F? I bet you don't have any.

ha ha.thats hysterical that you use WIKIPEDIA as a source.its a known fact that they have a history of being untruthful.they can type in ANYTHING they want to dis in fo agent.:lol::lol:No reason to believe your other links arent disinformation as well.

This information is EVERYWHERE. Let's see your proof that steel weakens at temps of 2500F and higher.

Bet you can't provide any.

3.your lies are hysterical.LOL.you lost your crediblity right there big time.anybody who has taken any science classes KNOWS steel doesnt even begin to weaken till temps of 2700 and doesnt melt till temps at close to 2800 F.Lol.you crack me up.your an idiot as always.it has bveen proven that office fires CANNOT reach fires hot enough to melt steel.LOL. they only reach temps of 600 to 800 F and AGAIN its a known FACT that jet fuel only burns at temps of 1800 F,Thats the ONLY mistake I have made so far is I accidently typed in 1500F instead of 1800F earlier.yep thats what your batting so far.000.no need to tell us the obvious.LOL.

Ok Mr. Bullshit. Let's put your money where your mouth is. Let's see your proof that steel will only weaken at temps of 2700F. Got a link or a manual that supports your claim? You're full of shit. This is completely wrong. Steel loses 50% of it's strength at 540C (1004F) after 10 minutes. It loses 90% of it's strength after 30 minutes at a temperature of 749C (1380F).

Visit these sites for various discussion of when steel STARTS TO WEAKEN and when steel MELTS. Maybe you'll learn something, but I doubt it. You seem incapable of learning.

New Covenant: History is made: Fire melts steel...
Structural steel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fire resistance of steel framed buildings - Fire damage assessment of hot rolled structural steel

Here are a few links just to get you going. Now, where is your proof that steel oinly starts to weaken at temps of 2700F? I bet you don't have any.

ha ha.thats hysterical that you use WIKIPEDIA as a source.its a known fact that they have a history of being untruthful.they can type in ANYTHING they want to dis in fo agent.:lol::lol:No reason to believe your other links arent disinformation as well.

Is this the "smoke at the base of the tower" you are talking about?

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