FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

these "Johnny come latelys" think they can see what isn't there. Let me provide a little background information.
1. The design of the WTC towers has been documented and studied since the 1960s. We know how it was designed. It was designed w/o concrete core walls.
2. There are numerous engineering articles and journals documenting the design and the collapse. There are no concrete core walls.
3. Its like a constitutional lawyer who studies the Constitution for 40-years, then some morons try to say that Martha Stewart's cookbook is actually the constitution and then try to look at the photos to try and prove it to the constitutional lawyer.

Its like a kindergartner trying to prove to a math major that 1 + 1 = 4 they can pout and whine and yell and scream and hold their breath till they turn blue, but the answer is still the answer.


So idiots can still try to argue, but the answer is the answer. There were no R/C walls in the core. Here are several pages to review. OMG NO R/C WALLS!!
WTC Modeling and Simulation: Structural Data for WTC 1, 2

This conspiracy is beyond MORONIC. There is no rationale' for any of it.
still too fucking stupid to understand that there was NO CONCRETE in the CORE ABOVE GRADE and the image of a dust cloud does not prove concrete where none was put

There is a great deal of independently verified evidence like the west end of WTC 1's core. Looking south is the wall in an end view on the left with an interior box column, one of the 24 that actually existed surrounding the core, "the spire" is one.

Add to this photographic evidence from the commission of the crime, the September 13, 2001 Newsweek article about the Twins intereviewing him.

Got image of core columns in core area on 9-11?

got any evidence at all? Please, no misrepresented construction photos claiming that the elevator guide rail support steel is "steel core columns"
no one has EVER claimed the elevator guide shafts as core column you fucking moron

Yes, that is something you've done with helicopter photos from construction. As FEMA shows in the first WTC report.


They claimed what was seen, the same as this image, much closer and clearer are core columns.


The vertical steel inside the core are is not core columns it is support steel for elevator guide rails. The butt plates on the tops, of those left and right of the center crane, is no where near strong enough to join section of "core column" together. That is the 5th floor I think. You are suggesting that method of joining is used at the bottom? Bhhhhawaaaaa!

Butt plates facilitate shifting by elongating holes in the plates and tilting with shims. Elevator installation needs perfect alignment.

A core column must have a 100% deep fillet weld joining the ends together like this "I "beam but all the way around a box column.

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these "Johnny come latelys"

Please post an image from 9-11 showing the supposed steel core columns in the core area to substanciate the existence of the NEEDED, super strong core.

BTW, I've been doing this since 2002.
these "Johnny come latelys"

Please post an image from 9-11 showing the supposed steel core columns in the core area to substanciate the existence of the NEEDED, super strong core.

BTW, I've been doing this since 2002.
they collapsed you DUMBFUCK

I can show a concrete wall falling into the empty core,


You should be able to show a steel core column collapsing, they were supposedly 1,350 foot long. When there are 47 of them supposedly joined together, they will be seen.

Please show an image of them on 9-11.
Please post an image from 9-11 showing the supposed steel core columns in the core area to substanciate the existence of the NEEDED, super strong core.

BTW, I've been doing this since 2002.
they collapsed you DUMBFUCK

I can show a concrete wall falling into the empty core,

You should be able to show a steel core column collapsing, they were supposedly 1,350 foot long. When there are 47 of them supposedly joined together, they will be seen.

Please show an image of them on 9-11.
another fail, you do NOT show a concrete wall, because NONE was there
they collapsed you DUMBFUCK

I can show a concrete wall falling into the empty core,


You should be able to show a steel core column collapsing, they were supposedly 1,350 foot long. When there are 47 of them supposedly joined together, they will be seen.

Please show an image of them on 9-11.
another fail, you do NOT show a concrete wall, because NONE was there

I can show a safety report from August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE ground zero safety report. (He saw FEMA plans 2 weeks after 9-11 at ground zero) describing a concrete core.

I can show the concrete core wall at its base, 12 feet thick inside the interior box columns that surrounded the concrete core.

I can show the lead engineer being interviewed and the article in Newsweek from September 13, 2001 identifies a concrete core. No way, ....... when 3,000 are killed in what is called a "building collapse" is the lead engineer of the responsibile structural engineering company going to allow any errors regarding structure in the article.

Please post an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.
I can show a concrete wall falling into the empty core,

You should be able to show a steel core column collapsing, they were supposedly 1,350 foot long. When there are 47 of them supposedly joined together, they will be seen.

Please show an image of them on 9-11.
another fail, you do NOT show a concrete wall, because NONE was there

I can show a safety report from August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE ground zero safety report. (He saw FEMA plans 2 weeks after 9-11 at ground zero) describing a concrete core.

I can show the concrete core wall at its base, 12 feet thick inside the interior box columns that surrounded the concrete core.

I can show the lead engineer being interviewed and the article in Newsweek from September 13, 2001 identifies a concrete core. No way, ....... when 3,000 are killed in what is called a "building collapse" is the lead engineer of the responsibile structural engineering company going to allow any errors regarding structure in the article.

Please post an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.
you've been shown, dumbass
another fail, you do NOT show a concrete wall, because NONE was there

I can show a safety report from August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE ground zero safety report. (He saw FEMA plans 2 weeks after 9-11 at ground zero) describing a concrete core.

I can show the concrete core wall at its base, 12 feet thick inside the interior box columns that surrounded the concrete core.

I can show the lead engineer being interviewed and the article in Newsweek from September 13, 2001 identifies a concrete core. No way, ....... when 3,000 are killed in what is called a "building collapse" is the lead engineer of the responsibile structural engineering company going to allow any errors regarding structure in the article.

Please post an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.
you've been shown, dumbass

That's a lie.
I can show a safety report from August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE ground zero safety report. (He saw FEMA plans 2 weeks after 9-11 at ground zero) describing a concrete core.

I can show the concrete core wall at its base, 12 feet thick inside the interior box columns that surrounded the concrete core.

I can show the lead engineer being interviewed and the article in Newsweek from September 13, 2001 identifies a concrete core. No way, ....... when 3,000 are killed in what is called a "building collapse" is the lead engineer of the responsibile structural engineering company going to allow any errors regarding structure in the article.

Please post an image of the supposed steel core columns in the core area on 9-11.
you've been shown, dumbass

That's a lie.
no, its you that does the lying
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invaildated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.

Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

SNs hijacked massive jet liners and drove them into the WTC towers at about 450 mph. That massive energy, and the subsequent fire caused the towers to collapse murdering the 3,000 innocents. The towers were not designed to withstand an impact of that magnitude. The towers were designed and constructed correctly. They stood for about 40-years and should have stood for another 40.

Only clueless morons who don't understand anything about engineering try to point to other causes. It was terrorism, not FEMA or NIST. The truth is the truth.
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invalidated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.


Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

The towers were not designed to withstand an impact of that magnitude. The towers were designed and constructed correctly.

The building could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners, BECAUSE it had a concrete core. The "screen netting" he referes to is not the perimeter shear walls, it is the rebar grid of high tensile steel inside the concrete walls of the core. He was told to not mention the concrete core directly and so found the anology.


Since you can produce no images of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core, you have NO EVIDENCE. You have produced no plans showing the supposed steel core columns and their needed interconnections.

The lead engineer provided infomration to Newsweek identifying a concrete core. Leslie E. Robertson knew and information of the September 13, Newsweek article (it is not reasonable to suggest that when 3,000 are murdered, Newsweek would NOT make sure the information was good or that the engineering firm designing the building that collapsed would NOT demand, and recieve a correction)
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I will add to the last post.

Because the shear wall on the north side of WTC 1 was 61% destroyed by flight 11 cutting through it, and the tower still stood, it is proven that another structure was actually holding it up. That was the concrete core 60 feet inside the perimeter walls on the north side.

A structure will always fail and collapse in the direction of the damaged shear wall, but the top of the north tower fell south, not north in the direction of the damaged shear wall.
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invaildated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.

Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

SNs hijacked massive jet liners and drove them into the WTC towers at about 450 mph. That massive energy, and the subsequent fire caused the towers to collapse murdering the 3,000 innocents. The towers were not designed to withstand an impact of that magnitude. The towers were designed and constructed correctly. They stood for about 40-years and should have stood for another 40.

Only clueless morons who don't understand anything about engineering try to point to other causes. It was terrorism, not FEMA or NIST. The truth is the truth.

it was terrorism alright.the terrorists are the neocons in the Bush administration who pulled this off frady cat deniar.:cuckoo:
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invalidated.

The supposed 47 steel core columns did not exists and are never seen on 9-11 in the core area. Construction photos are use to misrepresent the elevator guide rail support steel as "core columns".

Elevator guide rail support steel is easily identified by the "butt plate" used to join the support steel together and accomodate shifting and tiltin the new section to provide perfect plumb alignment for the elevator guide rail.


Left and right of the central crane are support steel with butt plates in the core area at the 5th floor.

Are there enough people here to support 15 posts before I can post evidence?

The towers were not designed to withstand an impact of that magnitude. The towers were designed and constructed correctly.

The building could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners, BECAUSE it had a concrete core. The "screen netting" he referes to is not the perimeter shear walls, it is the rebar grid of high tensile steel inside the concrete walls of the core. He was told to not mention the concrete core directly and so found the anology.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pvEge5HPJU]YouTube - Frank deMartini, World Trade Center 1973-2001[/ame]

Since you can produce no images of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core, you have NO EVIDENCE. You have produced no plans showing the supposed steel core columns and their needed interconnections.

The lead engineer provided infomration to Newsweek identifying a concrete core. Leslie E. Robertson knew and information of the September 13, Newsweek article (it is not reasonable to suggest that when 3,000 are murdered, Newsweek would NOT make sure the information was good or that the engineering firm designing the building that collapsed would NOT demand, and recieve a correction)

that video is proof right there that the disinfo agents TRY desperately to get around that the planes and fires caused the towers to collapse but cant.:lol:
The towers were not designed to withstand an impact of that magnitude. The towers were designed and constructed correctly.

The building could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners, BECAUSE it had a concrete core. The "screen netting" he referes to is not the perimeter shear walls, it is the rebar grid of high tensile steel inside the concrete walls of the core. He was told to not mention the concrete core directly and so found the anology.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pvEge5HPJU]YouTube - Frank deMartini, World Trade Center 1973-2001[/ame]

Since you can produce no images of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core, you have NO EVIDENCE. You have produced no plans showing the supposed steel core columns and their needed interconnections.

The lead engineer provided infomration to Newsweek identifying a concrete core. Leslie E. Robertson knew and information of the September 13, Newsweek article (it is not reasonable to suggest that when 3,000 are murdered, Newsweek would NOT make sure the information was good or that the engineering firm designing the building that collapsed would NOT demand, and recieve a correction)

that video is proof right there that the disinfo agents TRY desperately to get around that the planes and fires caused the towers to collapse but cant.:lol:

Yup, they can't oppose logic, reason and evidence with strong corroborations from the buildings engineers. It's all about ad hominum and working to fan the social fears.

They can't explain anything credibly, not even their own precense here.
The building could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners, BECAUSE it had a concrete core. The "screen netting" he referes to is not the perimeter shear walls, it is the rebar grid of high tensile steel inside the concrete walls of the core. He was told to not mention the concrete core directly and so found the anology.

Since you can produce no images of the supposed steel core columns on 9-11 in the core, you have NO EVIDENCE. You have produced no plans showing the supposed steel core columns and their needed interconnections.

The lead engineer provided infomration to Newsweek identifying a concrete core. Leslie E. Robertson knew and information of the September 13, Newsweek article (it is not reasonable to suggest that when 3,000 are murdered, Newsweek would NOT make sure the information was good or that the engineering firm designing the building that collapsed would NOT demand, and recieve a correction)

that video is proof right there that the disinfo agents TRY desperately to get around that the planes and fires caused the towers to collapse but cant.

Yup, they can't oppose logic, reason and evidence with strong corroborations from the buildings engineers. It's all about ad hominum and working to fan the social fears.

They can't explain anything credibly, not even their own precense here.

SNs hijacked massive jet liners and drove them into the WTC towers at about 450 mph. That massive energy, and the subsequent fire caused the towers to collapse murdering the 3,000 innocents. The towers were not designed to withstand an impact of that magnitude. The towers were designed and constructed correctly. They stood for about 40-years and should have stood for another 40.

Only clueless morons who don't understand anything about engineering try to point to other causes. It was terrorism, not FEMA or NIST. The truth is the truth.

Your 38-second video says nothing to prove your point. The 707 impact is magnitudes less energy than the 9/11 impact. He even talks about the WTCs being like a very flexible "screen door netting", which disproves your rigid concrete core bullshit. Study structural dynamics before proving you know absolutely zero. [concrete walls are very rigid moron]

You still have ZERO proof of a concrete core. The SNs impacting the WTC towers caused the collapse.
that video is proof right there that the disinfo agents TRY desperately to get around that the planes and fires caused the towers to collapse but cant.

Yup, they can't oppose logic, reason and evidence with strong corroborations from the buildings engineers. It's all about ad hominum and working to fan the social fears.

They can't explain anything credibly, not even their own precense here.

SNs hijacked massive jet liners and drove them into the WTC towers at about 450 mph. That massive energy, and the subsequent fire caused the towers to collapse murdering the 3,000 innocents. The towers were not designed to withstand an impact of that magnitude. The towers were designed and constructed correctly. They stood for about 40-years and should have stood for another 40.

Only clueless morons who don't understand anything about engineering try to point to other causes. It was terrorism, not FEMA or NIST. The truth is the truth.

Your 38-second video says nothing to prove your point. The 707 impact is magnitudes less energy than the 9/11 impact. He even talks about the WTCs being like a very flexible "screen door netting", which disproves your rigid concrete core bullshit. Study structural dynamics before proving you know absolutely zero. [concrete walls are very rigid moron]

You still have ZERO proof of a concrete core. The SNs impacting the WTC towers caused the collapse.
there is also a MASSIVE difference in size from a 707 to a 757 or 767
and he is incorrect that it was meant to take MULTIPLE hits
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invalidated.[/url]

Yup, they can't oppose logic, reason and evidence with strong corroborations from the buildings engineers. It's all about ad hominum and working to fan the social fears.

They can't explain anything credibly, not even their own precense here.

SNs hijacked massive jet liners and drove them into the WTC towers at about 450 mph. That massive energy, and the subsequent fire caused the towers to collapse murdering the 3,000 innocents. The towers were not designed to withstand an impact of that magnitude. The towers were designed and constructed correctly. They stood for about 40-years and should have stood for another 40.

Only clueless morons who don't understand anything about engineering try to point to other causes. It was terrorism, not FEMA or NIST. The truth is the truth.

Your 38-second video says nothing to prove your point. The 707 impact is magnitudes less energy than the 9/11 impact. He even talks about the WTCs being like a very flexible "screen door netting", which disproves your rigid concrete core bullshit. Study structural dynamics before proving you know absolutely zero. [concrete walls are very rigid moron]

You still have ZERO proof of a concrete core. The SNs impacting the WTC towers caused the collapse.
there is also a MASSIVE difference in size from a 707 to a 757 or 767
and he is incorrect that it was meant to take MULTIPLE hits

Not a massive increase, not enough. Logically if that was the case then the towers would have fallen at impact according to your own structural design, totally unproven or unsupported by independent source.

The concrete core information has uniform support when you leave the government information. Download the .pdf report, see chapter 2.1, identifying a concrete core by August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

Examine the thick concrete wall of WTC 1 east core wall toppling into the empty core area.


Examine the north towers concrete core wall at its base, north side, or lond side of the core

Notice the daylight shining down a tiny hallway cast along the length of the core wall to facilitate a large plumbing connection that connected pipes cast into the core wall to supply or drain outside.
FEMA decieved NIST about the structural design of the Twin Towers core. Accordingly, the "cause of death" in 3,000 murders is invalidated.[/url]

SNs hijacked massive jet liners and drove them into the WTC towers at about 450 mph. That massive energy, and the subsequent fire caused the towers to collapse murdering the 3,000 innocents. The towers were not designed to withstand an impact of that magnitude. The towers were designed and constructed correctly. They stood for about 40-years and should have stood for another 40.

Only clueless morons who don't understand anything about engineering try to point to other causes. It was terrorism, not FEMA or NIST. The truth is the truth.

Your 38-second video says nothing to prove your point. The 707 impact is magnitudes less energy than the 9/11 impact. He even talks about the WTCs being like a very flexible "screen door netting", which disproves your rigid concrete core bullshit. Study structural dynamics before proving you know absolutely zero. [concrete walls are very rigid moron]

You still have ZERO proof of a concrete core. The SNs impacting the WTC towers caused the collapse.
there is also a MASSIVE difference in size from a 707 to a 757 or 767
and he is incorrect that it was meant to take MULTIPLE hits

Not a massive increase, not enough. Logically if that was the case then the towers would have fallen at impact according to your own structural design, totally unproven or unsupported by independent source.

The concrete core information has uniform support when you leave the government information. Download the .pdf report, see chapter 2.1, identifying a concrete core by August Domel, Ph.d SE. PE.

Examine the thick concrete wall of WTC 1 east core wall toppling into the empty core area.


Examine the north towers concrete core wall at its base, north side, or lond side of the core

Notice the daylight shining down a tiny hallway cast along the length of the core wall to facilitate a large plumbing connection that connected pipes cast into the core wall to supply or drain outside.
none of your images support the crap you claim

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