FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The WTC collapse was investigated by the ASCE. By inspecting the pieces of the building one by one. If you read the real structural engineering report why the WTC collapsed you won't look so stupid.

If you knew what was used as a basis for the structure and had evidence, you wouldn't look so stupid.

FEMA misrepresented the structure to NIST who produced the report you mention. Their disclaimer shows that they basically know they are not working with the real information defining the structural design.

FEMAdescribes steel core columns in the core area,


but what we see does not look like the above,


What we see matches what the lead engineer described to Newsweek magazine on September 13, 2001, a concrete core
A piece of WTC 1 east core wall toppling into the core area.
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But you are the one without evidence, and Leslie E. Robertson, the lead engineer provided information that the towers had a concrete core.



Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

Why do you support the secret means of mass murder, or the FEMA lie about the towers structural core?
But you are the one without evidence, and Leslie E. Robertson, the lead engineer provided information that the towers had a concrete core.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

Why do you support the secret means of mass murder, or the FEMA lie about the towers structural core?

1) The WTC design is not debatable. They were designed, constructed, and would still be standing if terrorists didn't hit them with jet liners. The lowest levels (where the 1993 bomb exploded) was concrete. In general everything below the ground floor was concrete or "composite" (a combination of steel & concrete). Everything above ground level was steel. Read thru CH-2 of the FEMA report, it describes the tower construction in detail. Competent "independent" investigators did a thorough post-mortem on why the towers collapsed, and the failure mechanism, the "weak link", was the fire heating the steel that was damaged by the aircraft impact that knocked-off the fireproofing. Without fireproofing the steel simply overheated and collapsed.
(if the WTC core was all concrete it would be too heavy to support, the new Freedom Tower has a concrete core only because they now have super strong concrete that didn't exist back in the 1960s)
WTC Modeling and Simulation: NIST Core Column Data (shows the steel core column sizes)

1) Who committed your "secret mass murder", and what was their motive? I believe it was OBL and KSM with their stupid lackeys. Baby killers.

2) FEMA can't lie to the structural engineering community. If you read thru Chapter-2 of the FEMA Report it describes the original WTC construction. I'll quote from page 2-5
"The core consisted of 5-inch concrete (floor) on a metal deck supported by floor framing of rolled structural shapes, in turn by a combination of wide-flange and box-section columns. Some of these columns were very large, with cross-sections measuring 14" wide by 36" deep. In upper stories, these rectangular b ox columns transitioned into heavy rolled wide flange shapes."

3) Here is an ASCE link on Robertson. He designed the WTC Towers and they withstood aircraft impacts when they really aren't designed for those loads. If they would have collapsed immediately about 50,000 would have died.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

4) Here is the report. If you have any questions they can probably help you.
NIST and the World Trade Center
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But you are the one without evidence, and Leslie E. Robertson, the lead engineer provided information that the towers had a concrete core.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

Why do you support the secret means of mass murder, or the FEMA lie about the towers structural core?

1) The WTC design is not debatable.

Correct, it is already proven to be a concrete tube as shown in 9-11 images. Not text assertion otherwise can be considered competent. Period.

The concrete core has independently verified proof.


And because you will be completely unable to show an image from 9-11 with the supposed steel core columns standing in the core area, you have no competent, reasonable, logical method of opposing these facts.

FEMA lied, the cause of death is invalid.
But you are the one without evidence, and Leslie E. Robertson, the lead engineer provided information that the towers had a concrete core.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

Why do you support the secret means of mass murder, or the FEMA lie about the towers structural core?

1) The WTC design is not debatable.

Correct, it is already proven to be a concrete tube as shown in 9-11 images. Not text assertion otherwise can be considered competent. Period.

The concrete core has independently verified proof.


And because you will be completely unable to show an image from 9-11 with the supposed steel core columns standing in the core area, you have no competent, reasonable, logical method of opposing these facts.

FEMA lied, the cause of death is invalid.
except that photo proves NOTHING that you claim it does
But you are the one without evidence, and Leslie E. Robertson, the lead engineer provided information that the towers had a concrete core.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

Why do you support the secret means of mass murder, or the FEMA lie about the towers structural core?

1) The WTC design is not debatable.

Correct, it is already proven to be a concrete tube as shown in 9-11 images. Not text assertion otherwise can be considered competent. Period. The concrete core has independently verified proof.

And because you will be completely unable to show an image from 9-11 with the supposed steel core columns standing in the core area, you have no competent, reasonable, logical method of opposing these facts. FEMA lied, the cause of death is invalid.

You have NOT provided any credible "proof" of a concrete core above grade for the original WTC towers, unless you do, you're just a trolling wacko with no cred. Stop lying about the original WTC design, it makes you look ridiculous. There are better things to argue about, like why ICE doesn't deport all ME illegals. PERIOD. Besides I actually saw the original WTC towers built, and saw the steel columns. Saying that the core was concrete is wrong/moronic. I'm waiting for your proof, put up or move on to another subject.

Here is another independent source that documents the steel (not concrete) core.
World Trade Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The tube frame design using steel core and perimeter columns protected with sprayed-on fire resistant material created a relatively lightweight structure that would sway more in response to the wind compared to traditional structures such as the Empire State Building that have thick, heavy masonry for fireproofing of steel structural elements.[33]

As for your assertion of secret "mass murder", if it wasn't AQ and OBL and KSM as they already admit, who was it, and why was it done? How many people were involved?
The WTC collapse was investigated by the ASCE. By inspecting the pieces of the building one by one. If you read the real structural engineering report why the WTC collapsed you won't look so stupid.

If you knew what was used as a basis for the structure and had evidence, you wouldn't look so stupid.

FEMA misrepresented the structure to NIST who produced the report you mention. Their shows that they basically know they are not working with the real information defining the structural design. FEMA describes steel core columns in the core area, but what we see does not look like the above,

What we see matches what the lead engineer described to Newsweek magazine on,
a concrete core
A piece of WTC 1 east core wall toppling into the core area.

Actually, the article is simply wrong, and you lied when you said that the engineer said that the WTC had a "concrete core". Here is the exact quote from the article

"Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners."

Bottom line: The MSNBC article is factually wrong, and your mis-quoting "the engineer" is wrong. The core was steel not concrete. Find a better conspiracy to debate. Debating the original WTC design is pointless, we know the core was steel and had nothing to do with the SNs attacking us on 9/11. OBL and KSM took advantage of the airlines' lack of security, hired baby killers who took flying lessons, skipped the landings, hijacked planes and flew them into the WTC towers.

Here is a photo of the WTC basement after the 1993 bombing. It shows steel columns, not concrete.
World Trade Center Bombing
The WTC collapse was investigated by the ASCE. By inspecting the pieces of the building one by one. If you read the real structural engineering report why the WTC collapsed you won't look so stupid.

If you knew what was used as a basis for the structure and had evidence, you wouldn't look so stupid.

FEMA misrepresented the structure to NIST who produced the report you mention. Their disclaimer shows that they basically know they are not working with the real information defining the structural design. FEMA describes steel core columns in the core area, but what we see below does not look like the above,


What we see matches what the lead engineer described to Newsweek magazine on,
a concrete core
A piece of WTC 1 east core wall toppling into the core area.

Actually, the article is simply wrong, and you lied when you said that the engineer said that the WTC had a "concrete core".

I quoted the article in an earlier post and say he "provided information". You wish to use deceptive and manipulative means to try and distort facts. You lose credibility,

But you are the one without evidence, and Leslie E. Robertson, the lead engineer provided information that the towers had a concrete core.

MSNBC - ‘Painful and Horrible’


Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

Why do you support the secret means of mass murder, or the FEMA lie about the towers structural core?

Bottom line: The MSNBC article is factually wrong, and your mis-quoting "the engineer" is wrong. The core was steel not concrete.

Here is a photo of the WTC basement after the 1993 bombing. It shows steel columns, not concrete.
World Trade Center Bombing

I mis quoted nothing. You intentionally misquoted me, a proven fact.

Two measly pieces of vertical steel does not make a core. Where are the massive diagonals and horizontals that such a core at the base would have. Show the plans, even the fakes, have such diagonals, better yet show the official plans.


Are you suggesting the lead engineer of the American corporation was going to allow a published mistake relating to a structural description to go uncorrected in a global weekly magazine when a collapse killing 3,000 people is supposed to be the issue? Imagine the liability the magazine would face if they did not correct it. And you suggest one or the other.

You just are not competent enough for this discussion.
I maintain that the FEMA deception, or the fact of the "cause of death" being invalidated by it, IS the only useful information at this time.

Or, IF truth seekers are using their ability to reason, they should be supporting this information, but Terrals information seems to get all the attention now that I trashed divots moronic reply system. Are all the people posting in his threads as caught up in the sensationalistic aspects as Terral is? Or, is it just a few focusing on Terrals posts that makes it appear that way and the others go along with it in the controversy?

It is a psycological operation. Critical thinking is required.

The cause of death was and is not determined by FEMA or NIST -- it is determined by the medical examiner.

You will not see NIST or FEMA sign any death certificate, thus your entire argument is invalidated.
My debate points were never addressed:
1. The WTC cores were always made of steel. I saw the original design, and saw the buildings being constructed. I'm waiting for any credible evidence that they were concrete. Its simply nonsense. Find something more useful to debate. The original WTC structural plans prove my point. QED.
2. Why in the world would FEMA, NIST or anyone else make up a false story about the core material? What difference would it make? The buildings didn't fall down, they stood about 40-years and would still be standing unless the terrorists drove jet liners into them. The original design was fine.
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My debate points were never addressed:
1. The WTC cores were always made of steel. I saw the original design, and saw the buildings being constructed. I'm waiting for any credible evidence that they were concrete. Its simply nonsense. Find something more useful to debate. The original WTC structural plans prove my point. QED.
2. Why in the world would FEMA, NIST or anyone else make up a false story about the core material? What difference would it make? The buildings didn't fall down, they stood about 40-years and would still be standing unless the terrorists drove jet liners into them. The original design was fine.
christophera is a delusional person that seriously needs professional help before he becomes a danger to himself or others
I maintain that the FEMA deception, or the fact of the "cause of death" being invalidated by it, IS the only useful information at this time.

Or, IF truth seekers are using their ability to reason, they should be supporting this information, but Terrals information seems to get all the attention now that I trashed divots moronic reply system. Are all the people posting in his threads as caught up in the sensationalistic aspects as Terral is? Or, is it just a few focusing on Terrals posts that makes it appear that way and the others go along with it in the controversy?

It is a psycological operation. Critical thinking is required.

The cause of death was and is not determined by FEMA or NIST -- it is determined by the medical examiner.

You will not see NIST or FEMA sign any death certificate, thus your entire argument is invalidated.


The medical examiner uses the determinations of experts and simply produces the death certificate repeating the experts determinations.

Such a factor would not invalidate my argument. It would simply shift the onus of official performance from the designated investigating/analysing agency to the medical examiner.
My debate points were never addressed:
1. The WTC cores were always made of steel. I saw the original design, and saw the buildings being constructed.

You must have seen the documentary I saw, that Dr. Larsen searched for and found signs of. Download the .mp3 where he talks about it.

6/20/07 interview (documentary search update 17:50 minutes)
LCB-062007-16kb-Chris.mp3 - www.libertycalling.com

If you saw the building being built then you'll be able to define the FEMA structure within 9-11 images.

Of course you have no credibility since this.
My debate points were never addressed:
1. The WTC cores were always made of steel. I saw the original design, and saw the buildings being constructed.

You must have seen the documentary I saw, that Dr. Larsen searched for and found signs of. Download the .mp3 where he talks about it.

6/20/07 interview (documentary search update 17:50 minutes)
LCB-062007-16kb-Chris.mp3 - www.libertycalling.com

If you saw the building being built then you'll be able to define the FEMA structure within 9-11 images.

Of course you have no credibility since this.
you have had zero credibility since your first post
My debate points were never addressed:
1. The WTC cores were always made of steel. I saw the original design, and saw the buildings being constructed.

You must have seen the documentary I saw, that Dr. Larsen searched for and found signs of. Download the .mp3 where he talks about it.

6/20/07 interview (documentary search update 17:50 minutes)
LCB-062007-16kb-Chris.mp3 - www.libertycalling.com

If you saw the building being built then you'll be able to define the FEMA structure within 9-11 images.

Of course you have no credibility since this.
you have had zero credibility since your first post

Are you getting into record territory for patience demonstrated in dealing with a total jackass?
You must have seen the documentary I saw, that Dr. Larsen searched for and found signs of. Download the .mp3 where he talks about it.

6/20/07 interview (documentary search update 17:50 minutes)
LCB-062007-16kb-Chris.mp3 - www.libertycalling.com

If you saw the building being built then you'll be able to define the FEMA structure within 9-11 images.

Of course you have no credibility since this.
you have had zero credibility since your first post

Are you getting into record territory for patience demonstrated in dealing with a total jackass?
My debate points were never addressed:
1. The WTC cores were always made of steel. I saw the original design, and saw the buildings being constructed.

You must have seen the documentary I saw, that Dr. Larsen searched for and found signs of. Download the .mp3 where he talks about it.

6/20/07 interview (documentary search update 17:50 minutes)
LCB-062007-16kb-Chris.mp3 - www.libertycalling.com

If you saw the building being built then you'll be able to define the FEMA structure within 9-11 images.

Of course you have no credibility since this.
you have had zero credibility since your first post

Easy to say, but you've never posted any substance, just text, no proof.

I've shown that the lead engineer gave information to Newsweek on September 13, 2001 identifying a concrete core.

I've shown the the ex NYC mayor taking the WTC documents which have the plans, as all municipal centers do, and the courts will not recognize federal freedom of information laws, which ENABLES the FEMA deception of NIST. the fact invalidates the cause of death because a forensic analysis of collapse must have the building plans.

Nist, with their disclaimer shows they had no plans. No where in their product do they state they had building plans.
You must have seen the documentary I saw, that Dr. Larsen searched for and found signs of. Download the .mp3 where he talks about it.

6/20/07 interview (documentary search update 17:50 minutes)
LCB-062007-16kb-Chris.mp3 - www.libertycalling.com

If you saw the building being built then you'll be able to define the FEMA structure within 9-11 images.

Of course you have no credibility since this.
you have had zero credibility since your first post

Easy to say, but you've never posted any substance, just text, no proof.

I've shown that the lead engineer gave information to Newsweek on September 13, 2001 identifying a concrete core.

I've shown the the ex NYC mayor taking the WTC documents which have the plans, as all municipal centers do, and the courts will not recognize federal freedom of information laws, which ENABLES the FEMA deception of NIST. the fact invalidates the cause of death because a forensic analysis of collapse must have the building plans.

Nist, with their disclaimer shows they had no plans. No where in their product do they state they had building plans.
keep lying
its all you ever do

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