FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

The analysis of collapse is invalidated becuase the agency conducting the forensic analysis used the wrong design and did not have the plans.

That is proven in this thread over and over. While you've not been able to prove that the design you assert existed, the wrong one, the one used in analysis, existed.

My proof looks right at where yours SHOULD be, but is not. Over and over.
i have provided links to the ACTUAL plans, Photos during construction

and YOU havent done either
so you are still delusional
and fucking stupid

You've provided links to the digitally altered plans, and not informed people that they are not accurate as I have. Here is one of the anomalies inadvertently placed in the fake revision table.

Here is the original on the wtc7.net server.


So the anomalie can be seen. Note. The resolution of the original has been intentionally reduced by, ..... whoever in order to make the "01" of the date to be interpretable as "31". To check the resolution reduction, find the above anomalie in the revision table, make a scree shot, then zoom the image and you will see it is not possible to make the above image from the resolution of what is on the server now.

Then you construction photos are misinterpreted. Here is the proper interpretaton that is consistent with engineering understandings.

The steel in the core area is misrepresented by quasi leaders of the truth movement as "core columns". Because of the butt plates seen on the tops of the steel left and right of the center crane, we can tell the stel inside the core is not core columns.

Core columns must be joined by a 100% deep fillet weld as is shown on this I beam.

Butt plates have no lateral strength. However they do allow alignment of the steel extended because of their bolt holes and elongation of them or shimming between plates to tile the steel for perfect alignment as elevators require.
i posted the REAL plans
not your bullshit ones
i have provided links to the ACTUAL plans, Photos during construction

and YOU havent done either
so you are still delusional
and fucking stupid

You've provided links to the digitally altered plans, and not informed people that they are not accurate as I have. Here is one of the anomalies inadvertently placed in the fake revision table.


Here is the original on the wtc7.net server.


So the anomalie can be seen. Note. The resolution of the original has been intentionally reduced by, ..... whoever in order to make the "01" of the date to be interpretable as "31". To check the resolution reduction, find the above anomalie in the revision table, make a scree shot, then zoom the image and you will see it is not possible to make the above image from the resolution of what is on the server now.

Then you construction photos are misinterpreted. Here is the proper interpretaton that is consistent with engineering understandings.

The steel in the core area is misrepresented by quasi leaders of the truth movement as "core columns". Because of the butt plates seen on the tops of the steel left and right of the center crane, we can tell the steel inside the core is not core columns.


Core columns must be joined by a 100% deep fillet weld as is shown on this I beam.


Butt plates have no lateral strength. However they do allow alignment of the steel extended because of their bolt holes and elongation of them or shimming between plates to tile the steel for perfect alignment as elevators require.
i posted the REAL plans
not your bullshit ones

You are a proven liar. Here is another opportunity to show it. Accordingly if you are NOT a liar, you wll repost what you say was posted.

Here is the only source I know of which I've posted proof that the plans are digitally altered.

9-11 Research
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You've provided links to the digitally altered plans, and not informed people that they are not accurate as I have. Here is one of the anomalies inadvertently placed in the fake revision table.

Here is the original on the wtc7.net server.


So the anomalie can be seen. Note. The resolution of the original has been intentionally reduced by, ..... whoever in order to make the "01" of the date to be interpretable as "31". To check the resolution reduction, find the above anomalie in the revision table, make a scree shot, then zoom the image and you will see it is not possible to make the above image from the resolution of what is on the server now.

Then you construction photos are misinterpreted. Here is the proper interpretaton that is consistent with engineering understandings.

The steel in the core area is misrepresented by quasi leaders of the truth movement as "core columns". Because of the butt plates seen on the tops of the steel left and right of the center crane, we can tell the steel inside the core is not core columns.

Core columns must be joined by a 100% deep fillet weld as is shown on this I beam.

Butt plates have no lateral strength. However they do allow alignment of the steel extended because of their bolt holes and elongation of them or shimming between plates to tile the steel for perfect alignment as elevators require.
i posted the REAL plans
not your bullshit ones

You are a proven liar. Here is another opportunity to show it. Accordingly if you are NOT a liar, you wll repost what you say was posted.

Here is the only source I know of which I've posted proof that the plans are digitally altered.

9-11 Research
you are the proven delusional LIAR
Hmmmmm, this could be a case of 2 posters calling each other liars page after page.

However, such assertion would have to take the position of the actual liar, because the one NOT lying has posted a great deal of evidence. As a disinfo, you've been reduced to removing evidence in reply pretending it is not there.

Accordingly, by not posting the links, (for the 2nd time) you have proven that you make deceptive statments, or lies, and have no evidence of any other plans than the link I post.

9-11 Research
Hmmmmm, this could be a case of 2 posters calling each other liars page after page.

However, such assertion would have to take the position of the actual liar, because the one NOT lying has posted a great deal of evidence. As a disinfo, you've been reduced to removing evidence in reply pretending it is not there.

Accordingly, by not posting the links, (for the 2nd time) you have proven that you make deceptive statments, or lies, and have no evidence of any other plans than the link I post.

9-11 Research
you are a stupid fuck if you think i'm an agent of ANY kind
i just think you fucking moronic troofers are totally fucking insane and need to shut the fuck up
You have proven you have no evidence and have no regard for the Constitution or the rights and freedoms guaranteed under it.

GOD BLESS AMERICA, Land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her,
through the night with the light from above.


Truth and justice are needed.
You have proven you have no evidence and have no regard for the Constitution or the rights and freedoms guaranteed under it.

GOD BLESS AMERICA, Land that I love, Stand beside her and guide her,
through the night with the light from above.

Truth and justice are needed.
listen fucktard
this has nothing to do with the constitution
its that you are so fucked in the head you THINK you see concrete where NONE is
and you seem to think anyone telling you that you are fucked in the head is somehow some disinfo campaign when in fact it is because most people think you are a fucktard
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The perps of mass murder would want you to pretend that due process and equal protection of law have nothing to do with Constitutional rights.

Your behavior is consistently against justice and the Constitution.
The cause of death is invalid because FEMA decieved NIST who was charged with producing the Consituttionally required cause of death.

This is the core structure that FEMA said existed.


Which bears no resemblence to what was seen in the core of WTC 2.

It should be abundantly clear that FEMA deceived NIST and the official cause of death is invalidated.

None of the opposition can produce any evidence. In fact, the efforts at deception and manipulation are so pitiful it seems simply a matter of image rather than an actual opposition.

The psyops does not want to be seen failing.
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Constitutional due process has not been served and this thread proves that is the status of the cause of death in NYC on 9-11.

FEMA deceived NIST and the analysis of collapse they produced cannot possibly be correct.

Abuilding cannot be analysed for collapse without its true design AND a detailed set of plans.

NIST had neither.
The official cause of death of 3,000 in a mass murder is invalid. That is well proven in this thread by showing FEMA deceived NIST.

This fact when communicated comptently to NY state law enforcement AUTOMATICALLY makes an inquiry into the deception an official necessity to determine if it influenced the analysis of collapse.

There is no way a skyscraper can be forensically analyzed for collapse without knowing exactly how it was designed and having detailed construction plans.
I maintain that the FEMA deception, or the fact of the "cause of death" being invalidated by it, IS the only useful information at this time.

Or, IF truth seekers are using their ability to reason, they should be supporting this information, but Terrals information seems to get all the attention now that I trashed divots moronic reply system. Are all the people posting in his threads as caught up in the sensationalistic aspects as Terral is? Or, is it just a few focusing on Terrals posts that makes it appear that way and the others go along with it in the controversy?

It is a psycological operation. Critical thinking is required.
I have defined the uses for the information I promote in this thread. How it is used and where it used.

It is used by truth seekers having experience with construction taking the time to sincerely and openly discuss the evidence of the concrete core and all the independent verifications for it. They then start a petitition online with links to forums where each signer has explained their logic for describing concrete in images of 9-11 and engineering common sense relating to the corroborations.

That basis is used in outreach to create a larger group that then connects with NY state citizens that will take the basis to the NY state attorney general to demand an inquiry into the deception by FEMA of NIST invalidating the cause of death.
With due process shown to be invalid, an inquiry into the missing plans and the true core MUST be undertaken.

Has Terral defined any such valid methods of usage for any of his information?
The WTC collapse was investigated by the ASCE. By inspecting the pieces of the building one by one. If you read the real structural engineering report why the WTC collapsed you won't look so stupid.
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