FEMA The threat is real unpublished internal report wars 4-10 years without electricity after major


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
An unpublished internal FEMA report has finally been obtained via an FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request, which highlights the extent of damage a major solar storm, what they call the "100 year geomagnetic storm," would do to critical infrastructure in the U.S., including "Significant power grid collapses," which "could require 4-10 years to fully restore."
FEMA: "The Threat Is Real" - Unpublished Internal Report Warns 4-10 Years Without Electricity After Major Solar Storm

people who don't pay attention to this scenario will be at the hands of criminals they never thought could exist in this country, then add the extra bonus of those coming from 3rd world Countries oh it would be worse than any movie you could imagine because that's exactly what you will think you are in.

People aren't prepared for this type of scenario. Some think we're a super Nation and nothing like this could ever happen.

This of course is all depending on how long the grid would be down for. It would only take a matter of two weeks or so before people would literally eat each other if in a desperate enough situation of no food, we also wouldn't have water. no gas etc. Most forget about that .

We've become to spoiled to everything right at our hands. Living in the 1800's would literally cause the twenty something's and thirty something to have heroines like withdraw symptoms if they couldn't get on that computer or cell phone.

Even an attack on our grid via a computer virus could take our grid out.


We got along for all but the last century without electricity --- you forget about that.

We still get power failures in storms, so we duly prepare. And I'm a Katrinite. As for food I've got some growing right outside the door. So do my neighbors. And none of it requires electricity to grow.

Tomatoes are coming in. Yum.
A Solar Magnetic Storm could take out electronics............yes.........if to the magnitude of an emp weapon............

But to say we would be without power that long is ridiculous. As an electrician.............we could bypass all that electronic crap fairly quickly. Making electricity isn't that dang complicated. Transmitting it not that complicated...........Bypassing electronic controls...........not that complicated.
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A Solar Magnetic Storm could take out electronics............yes.........if to the magnitude of an emp weapon............

But to say we would be without power that long is ridiculous. As an electrician.............we could bypass all that electronic crap fairly quickly. Making electricity isn't that dang complicated. Transmitting it not that complicated...........Bypassing electronic controls...........not that complicated.

The transformers take up to two years to make. Electricians say smart meters aren't tracking people too. Mmmk. =)
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We got along for all but the last century without electricity --- you forget about that.

We still get power failures in storms, so we duly prepare. And I'm a Katrinite. As for food I've got some growing right outside the door. So do my neighbors. And none of it requires electricity to grow.

Tomatoes are coming in. Yum.

LMAO dude do you realize how addicted people are to their tv's, computers, cell phones. Everything is hooked up to the grid.

From banking , to gas, our water, our power, cell phones, no pay checks, no way to pay bills etc. Then again a grid down it wouldn't matter to pay those bills LOL.
We got along for all but the last century without electricity --- you forget about that.
We still get power failures in storms, so we duly prepare. And I'm a Katrinite. As for food I've got some growing right outside the door. So do my neighbors. And none of it requires electricity to grow. Tomatoes are coming in. Yum.

This is of course an absurdly naive and arrogant post as are all of Pogos. You don't need to wait for a CME (coronal mass ejection), North Korea can do it just as well with an EMP (nuclear bomb detonated over a city).

Both basically induce high currents of electricity in all conducting things not protected by a Faraday cage. As to the Pogo's laughing it all off, they got along just fine without electricity in the 1800's (TWO centuries ago), today, everything you have (including your water) and do, depends on electricity. Nothing you have will work.

The people of the 1800's were USED to that. We are not. No light, no heat, no water. No TV, no communication, no washing machine, no refrigeration. No car, no gas pumps, no supermarket. They were set up for that. Coal, fires, sticks, hunting, today, most people live in apartments in a city.

You might get a power failure of a few hours. Here we are talking about YEARS. It takes that long to replace the costly power step-down transformers used to get energy to your door.

And that food growing outside? Don't expect it to last very long when every person in the neighbor comes looking for it. It takes about a quarter acre to sustain a person or two year around. Hope you have a lot of ammo. Determinate tomatoes all come in at once over a couple of weeks in the fall. Hope you have something else to eat the other 48 weeks out of the year!
As an electrician.............we could bypass all that electronic crap fairly quickly. Making electricity isn't that dang complicated. Transmitting it not that complicated...........Bypassing electronic controls...........not that complicated.

Ahh, Hmm, well, it is a lot more than just bypassing controls. Making your own electricity? Transmitting it (wires?)? Perhaps some of that is true, IF you can get the parts (you won't be the only one looking for them (no internet, no shipping), but the devices themselves may not work. And OK so you know a little about wiring and basic electricity, but what about the other 99.9% of the people out there? Believe me, NO ONE wants any of these scenarios to play out. Only the most aggressive prepper with tens of thousands of dollars and years invested in planning and preparation stands to make out fairly well without too much trouble.

We got along for all but the last century without electricity --- you forget about that.

We still get power failures in storms, so we duly prepare. And I'm a Katrinite. As for food I've got some growing right outside the door. So do my neighbors. And none of it requires electricity to grow.

Tomatoes are coming in. Yum.

No, you are not prepared. If the grid does indeed go down through a EMP strike there will be millions of deaths because there won't be a way to get food from one place to another. It is a very real concern. One that you should not treat lightly.
A Solar Magnetic Storm could take out electronics............yes.........if to the magnitude of an emp weapon............

But to say we would be without power that long is ridiculous. As an electrician.............we could bypass all that electronic crap fairly quickly. Making electricity isn't that dang complicated. Transmitting it not that complicated...........Bypassing electronic controls...........not that complicated.

I agree completely.

Electronics technician here.

This shit is hilarious.
Then some of you know less than you think you know, and understand a hell of lot less than you think you know without a doubt there are huge missing blacks when you think our grid is not at risk .

American Blackout 2013 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC

And this is exactly what would happen if an EMP attack happened, or if we had a solar flare.

The entire east coast went out for days quite a few years ago.

Blackout: The Power Outage That Left 50 Million W/o Electricity | Retro Report | The New York Times

A Natural Occurrence
Even if no enemy attacks our electric grid, we know that the sun will. That is because the sun regularly is shooting off geo-magnetic storms in every direction. It is only a matter of time before one of those flares hits the earth straight on with exactly the same EMP-type of effect as if it were a nuclear bomb.

In fact, we know that in 1859, a massive solar flare that came to be known as the “Carrington Event” (after the astronomer who explained what happened) struck the earth and generated fires in telegraph offices as well as extraordinary northern lights displays.

America's Power Grid Is Vulnerable | Secure The Grid

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We got along for all but the last century without electricity --- you forget about that.

We still get power failures in storms, so we duly prepare. And I'm a Katrinite. As for food I've got some growing right outside the door. So do my neighbors. And none of it requires electricity to grow.

Tomatoes are coming in. Yum.

No, you are not prepared. If the grid does indeed go down through a EMP strike there will be millions of deaths because there won't be a way to get food from one place to another. It is a very real concern. One that you should not treat lightly.

I think Electricians think they know it all, because they are electricians while they have an understanding of electricity they are clueless to the " GRID" and it's security . That is where our threat comes from . Those transformers alone would take two years to get into our Country they take two years to make.

WTF is so complicated about understanding the " SECURITY OF THE GIRD" no wth the power comes from or how it can be fixed. Once this shit is fried its fried.

We got along for all but the last century without electricity --- you forget about that.

We still get power failures in storms, so we duly prepare. And I'm a Katrinite. As for food I've got some growing right outside the door. So do my neighbors. And none of it requires electricity to grow.

Tomatoes are coming in. Yum.

No, you are not prepared. If the grid does indeed go down through a EMP strike there will be millions of deaths because there won't be a way to get food from one place to another. It is a very real concern. One that you should not treat lightly.

I think Electricians think they know it all, because they are electricians while they have an understanding of electricity they are clueless to the " GRID" and it's security . That is where our threat comes from . Those transformers alone would take two years to get into our Country they take two years to make.

WTF is so complicated about understanding the " SECURITY OF THE GIRD" no wth the power comes from or how it can be fixed. Once this shit is fried its fried.

Electricians deal with localized problems. If an EMP strike knocks out the grid it will be a continental wide problem. Amazingly enough there isn't enough manufacturing capacity to bring the grid back online in anything approaching a "quick time. Yes, there will be electrical power available to spot locations, but nationwide the problems will be catastrophic.
Article said 4 to 10 years. I restate my position that it can be fixed. It will take out controls not the dang main power sources..........So I think the article is ridiculous.
Article said 4 to 10 years. I restate my position that it can be fixed. It will take out controls not the dang main power sources..........So I think the article is ridiculous.

It would FRY the TRANSFORMERS, no Transformers no power an electrical grid would be useless with no transformers to put the dam power into the wires.

and the point of the article from that long ago was because IT HAS HAPPENED here already , some seem to think it can't ever happen to this Country. We were lucky it was only on the East coast. Next time could be worse.
Article said 4 to 10 years. I restate my position that it can be fixed. It will take out controls not the dang main power sources..........So I think the article is ridiculous.

No offense but I think these people would know way more than you do on this situation, or any " electrician" .

and remember this is only for an extreme situation like some real huge solar flare, or a computer virus sent to the grid that can't be stopped .

What if America were suddenly deprived of electricity, water, money, cyberspace, and fuel? Asymmetric Threat Symposium VIII addressed that question by exploring the indispensable role of cyber, electromagnetic spectrum dominance, and electronic warfare in defending the United States and assuring U.S. military operational superiority. There is an accelerated and compelling need to protect the nation from all hazards, including cyber, electronic, and physical threats. The race is to the swift, the resourced, and the prepared. He who masters the electromagnetic spectrum - and cyber - denies dominance to the adversary, and is resilient - wins.

Cyber, Electronic Warfare, and Critical Infrastructure Strategies for National Security


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