Female College Swimmers Fear to Speak out Against Bio-Male Beating Them

The conservative bathroom obsession is weird
I'm an old dude. So I can remember in the late seventies and eighties when the left was pushing for the Equal Rights Amendment, which simply said:


"Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

"Sec. 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

"Sec. 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification."

The right warned that it could lead to men being allowed in the women's bathroom and on women's sports teams on the grounds that it would be denying equality under the law based on sex. In those days, lefties also said conservatives were weird to talk about the bathroom because of course this would never - ever - happen. Now cons are weird because they don't realize that even without the ERA, it can, should and will happen.
The women on that team are probably left. They may consider themselves liberal but there are very few of those these days. You can't even call them democrats for that matter. These women know Better than to speak out. They know what their own side can and will do to them for the rest of their lives if necessary.

It makes me wonder how this will end. These women say nothing and women's sports in high school and college will continue to diminish...finally...all men pretending to be women will dominate it...THUS eliminating that Title iX.......is that the goal all along? LOLOL
Another man claiming to be a woman will break records set by this man claiming to be a woman. It will go on until it would just be impossible for any woman to get even close.
The women on that team are probably left. They may consider themselves liberal but there are very few of those these days. You can't even call them democrats for that matter. These women know Better than to speak out. They know what their own side can and will do to them for the rest of their lives if necessary.

It makes me wonder how this will end. These women say nothing and women's sports in high school and college will continue to diminish...finally...all men pretending to be women will dominate it...THUS eliminating that Title iX.......is that the goal all along? LOLOL
The left is tiny and powerless; these women are very unlikely to be a part of it.
I respect your opinion but i'm gonna disagree. the left may be smaller than the conservative side but what makes them powerful is the media is on their side as well as the justice system...meaning they don't mind cheating to win.

Most women in college are left even if their parents are conservatives...they'll come back to conservativism once they're out of school. Many do. I'd like to know actual stats for that though. They are quiet. They fear the left. A strong conservative woman would more than likely rebel against this injustice. very few strong conservative women in colleges and universities in my opinion.
What pisses me off about this isn't just the insanity of coddling mentally ill people. It's the idea that girls and young ladies are losing out on scholarships to college because of guys making these claims and leaving no CHANCE for the ladies to really compete. I say, every school that grants such scholarships needs to be liable to give one to a trans and another to the top competing biological female. Let's see how "woke" they are, then.
The insanity continues.

I have nothing against transwomen. I'll call them she/her, no matter how unrealistic they look as women. But let them have their own bathrooms and their own sports teams, not "pwn" biological females in women's sports and not be allowed to put on a skirt and rape girls in the girls room.
Slade3200 believes the women should suck it up. Stop being so insensitive. This poor confused person is just trying to figure out who they are…

I have nothing against transwomen. I'll call them she/her, no matter how unrealistic they look as women. But let them have their own bathrooms and their own sports teams, not "pwn" biological females in women's sports and not be allowed to put on a skirt and rape girls in the girls room.
This may be a stupid question but I don't know a whole lot about transgendering (if that's a word). When a male becomes a transfemale (or transwoman?) does he retain some or all of "his" biological advantage that males have over females, like having more upper body strength, or strength in general, etc.

If so, then it seems inherently unfair to allow them to compete with cis-females (the correct term?) for the same reasons that men are not allowed to compete against women in sports.

It would be additionally unfair if in order to intimidate the women from lodging a complaint about this, that they use false accusations of trans discrimination to silence them and prevent them from exercising any of their protected activity rights to raise concerns with the advantages that transwomen have when they compete in women's sports.

You think that's the weird part in all this? :auiqs.jpg:

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Interesting thing about this picture. The "male" actually wanted to wrestle in the boys division, but the either the school district or the State of Texas (can't remember which) wouldn't allow it because he's actually a she in transition.
This may be a stupid question but I don't know a whole lot about transgendering (if that's a word). When a male becomes a transfemale (or transwoman?) does he retain some or all of "his" biological advantage that males have over females, like having more upper body strength, or strength in general, etc.

If so, then it seems inherently unfair to allow them to compete with cis-females (the correct term?) for the same reasons that men are not allowed to compete against women in sports.

It would be additionally unfair if in order to intimidate the women from lodging a complaint about this, that they use false accusations of trans discrimination to silence them and prevent them from exercising any of their protected activity rights to raise concerns with the advantages that transwomen have when they compete in women's sports.

They still have a Y chromosome. They still have a man's body structure and skeletal mass, a man's lung capacity, which is generally larger than a woman's, etc. Given how many men are suddenly smashing women's records in sports, even while taking female hormones and male hormone suppressors, I would say the evidence speaks for itself.

I have no problem with how someone lives their life, but the idea that we are allowing this crosses the line of absurdity and it is most certainly anti-science.
Slade3200 believes the women should suck it up. Stop being so insensitive. This poor confused person is just trying to figure out who they are…
Oh, so sweet of you to speak for me but I can do it myself. I just think everybody should mind their own business and take care of themselves. That includes men women and trans.
Oh, so sweet of you to speak for me but I can do it myself. I just think everybody should mind their own business and take care of themselves. That includes men women and trans.
Yeah. Let this man dominate the women. So long as his feelings aren’t hurt.
Fuck that call this bullshit out. If they keep their mouths shut it will just keep happening more and more and more.
You are right, I'm sad to say, this is one of those things we have to TAKE, it won't be given to us. It's so incredibly mean to their women students that colleges are allowing this to happen. It's exactly like #MeToo, if WE don't stop it, no one will. I'm amazed, really, to see this sort of fraud is being allowed and even pushed as some sort of Woke credit.
Oh, so sweet of you to speak for me but I can do it myself. I just think everybody should mind their own business and take care of themselves. That includes men women and trans.
Well, what is his business, this trannie? Is his business properly swanning in triumph over a women's swim team because he isn't female? Or should he just eschew this kind of competition and study hard?
Well, what is his business, this trannie? Is his business properly swanning in triumph over a women's swim team because he isn't female? Or should he just eschew this kind of competition and study hard?
What are you talking about? Are you drunk?

You think that's the weird part in all this? :auiqs.jpg:

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:rolleyes: :D:auiqs.jpg::rock:

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