Female College Swimmers Fear to Speak out Against Bio-Male Beating Them

I don’t speak for other people like you. I’ve never met anybody who was petrified to talk about trans issues so we must be hanging with different crowds
Must be. Since you hang out with a leftist echo chamber. So you’ve met people who think disparately from you and they have been outspoken? So you believe all the athletes he competes against are OK with this? Coaches too? Parents? Come on man
Athletes are petrified to say what they believe and get vilified by the leftist mob as transphobic. You know this but you’re playing coy.
It does seem dismaying to me, Azog, that women in general are getting victimized by Left AND Right these days! Do we have signs on our backs, Victim, kick me?? Darn.
It does seem dismaying to me, Azog, that women in general are getting victimized by Left AND Right these days! Do we have signs on our backs, Victim, kick me?? Darn.
For different reasons but 100% accurate. Left is worse IMO as people like Slade3200 give mentally ill men a voice and allow them to identify as women. To me it is very disturbing.
You see it as normal? What if they claim they are monsters from Mars. Should we just call them that?
Yes. It would be discriminating to tell them no, they're a crazy human; or if they are white and want to pretend to be black, we have to accept that, right? If someone says he's Jesus, we have to bow down and worship him with our offerings. That's the whole program of the Left --- whatever they SAY someone is (black victims, trannies, white blacks, etc.) that is what everyone else has to act like they believe and devote resources to, lots of resources. What about when someone is drunk but "identifies" as sober? Can they be stopped from driving home?

And lots of sacrifices --- like sacrificing these girls to this male craziness. They have to change while the guy is ogling them, they can't help but see his gross non-girl parts in the showers, they have to be polite and remember his new name and his weird pronouns, and thus lie and lie and lie --- and then lose all their meets and college sports career. I think women are being severely put upon here. For what? for leftwing craziness.
Except when they are high level college level competitive level swimmers a man will be tall and have the advantages I mentioned. We know you’re a stupid little man who keeps playing coy.
I’m not playing coy I’m just give straight answers to questions
The records broken by this man pretending to be a woman will be shattered by another man pretending to be a woman. This will continue until no woman could ever possibly compete.

Then some enterprising soul will suggest some contests open only to biological women. He or she will be destroyed. Women's sports will die a quiet death.
Must be. Since you hang out with a leftist echo chamber. So you’ve met people who think disparately from you and they have been outspoken? So you believe all the athletes he competes against are OK with this? Coaches too? Parents? Come on man
You don’t know anything about the people I hang with. Rather ignorant and arrogant for you to presume to know
You see it as normal? What if they claim they are monsters from Mars. Should we just call them that?
I see it as them being who they want to be, what feels more natural to them. I’m not going to demean or call people names just for doing that. That would be evil
It does seem dismaying to me, Azog, that women in general are getting victimized by Left AND Right these days! Do we have signs on our backs, Victim, kick me?? Darn.
Victimized?! Haha, don’t be a snowflake
Yes. It would be discriminating to tell them no, they're a crazy human; or if they are white and want to pretend to be black, we have to accept that, right? If someone says he's Jesus, we have to bow down and worship him with our offerings. That's the whole program of the Left --- whatever they SAY someone is (black victims, trannies, white blacks, etc.) that is what everyone else has to act like they believe and devote resources to, lots of resources. What about when someone is drunk but "identifies" as sober? Can they be stopped from driving home?

And lots of sacrifices --- like sacrificing these girls to this male craziness. They have to change while the guy is ogling them, they can't help but see his gross non-girl parts in the showers, they have to be polite and remember his new name and his weird pronouns, and thus lie and lie and lie --- and then lose all their meets and college sports career. I think women are being severely put upon here. For what? for leftwing craziness.
The complete lack of understand you just displayed about this issue can only be taken as comedy
For different reasons but 100% accurate. Left is worse IMO as people like Slade3200 give mentally ill men a voice and allow them to identify as women. To me it is very disturbing.
I don’t give anybody a voice. Everybody has their own voice. I just tend to listen/understand more while you tend to judge/demean more.
The records broken by this man pretending to be a woman will be shattered by another man pretending to be a woman. This will continue until no woman could ever possibly compete.

Then some enterprising soul will suggest some contests open only to biological women. He or she will be destroyed. Women's sports will die a quiet death.
My guess is that there will eventually be “Trans” leagues and categories
Maybe the tranny can knock them up as a consolation prize. That'll teach them for thinking they can compete in a (pseudo) man's world.

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