Female College Swimmers Fear to Speak out Against Bio-Male Beating Them

Ah, yes, because killing babies in the womb is universally understood and accepted as the desire of all women. And it's totally logical to say, "If you don't want to kill someone, just don't do it. But don't try to stop ME from killing them."
Good, that's it. Well, not the DESIRE, but you never know when you'll need it.
I'm female, and no, I don't want men in the bathrooms! They do expose themselves, too --- I don't know how many of those I saw as a young girl, truly disturbing, until finally there was a classic in France, raincoat and all, and I started laughing. Never had a problem since (probably got too old; they like to terrorize very young girls).
Well now in some places, California for one, of course, males are claiming they are transgendered
to earn assignment to women's prisons! Rape and other abominations follow afterwards.

And speaking of abominations Joe Biden is a strong supporter of letting males run female
athletes out of their own safe places, in a typical "Joe Biden" sort of brainless decision that
is so wrong on so many levels.

Does Biden truly want to dismantle female sporting competitions? Or did someone behind him
tell Joe that's what he should say and think?
It makes no difference with the bottom line. Joe is on record supporting slapping female athletes in the face.
Train 100 hours a week. She ain't beating a dude. Sucks right?
The idea that some woman can just "train harder" when she is suddenly a victim of male athletes allowed to compete against women is ignorance on steroids!

The natural athletic advantage enjoyed by males in sporting events is enormous as evidenced by this
Penn swimmer who just declared "Hey, I'm a girl" and school administrators pissed themselves in fear
at the thought that they would be blamed for "anti Trans biases".
She made a mockery of competition as a "female". Transgender swimmer, 22, who used to compete as a man, destroys rivals

So they went along with the insanity. Shows what the elitist left really thinks of females.

They throw them under the bus before you can say East German Female Athletes.
why is it "ignorantly" wrong? LOL
Why? Because it is. Half my family are huge Trumpsters. All my coworkers on my biggest development project are die hard republicans. Many in my Cali social circle are moderate or Lefties. Most in my Austin circle are conservative Brandon haters. Your assumption was ignorant because you don’t know me and it was just false.
Posting drunk, I take it. Your grammar and punctuation are going to pieces. Seems a little early for posting drunk, wherever in America you are. If you are.
If you can’t handle bad grammar and typos then don’t talk to me. I type fast and on my phone and mess up often. If you can’t grab the points I’m making then don’t engage with me
Have you ever supported the party that's trying to impose them?
That's a rhetorical question. Look it up if you need to, iron-boy.
That’s a retarded linkage you’re trying to draw there, makes you sound desperate
Why? Because it is. Half my family are huge Trumpsters. All my coworkers on my biggest development project are die hard republicans. Many in my Cali social circle are moderate or Lefties. Most in my Austin circle are conservative Brandon haters. Your assumption was ignorant because you don’t know me and it was just false.
And you all discuss trans in sports? Lol
I notice no pictures of Lia in her swimsuit. I wonder if she has it altered to keep her male genitals in?

Cons used to come up with hypothetical examples of competing minorities that they hoped would stump the left, like what if a person objecting to catering a same-sex wedding were Muslim instead of Christian?

But the left seemingly has no problem with those questions. Whichever victims screams first and/or loudest wins.

Surprisingly, none of the complaints so far have been about having to change in and out of swimsuits in front of a biological male. Maybe the women are just that competitive that concerns of modesty aren't on their radar. That's the kind of dedication that the left used to encourage in young women.

Since we're on the topic, what are feminists who do not include transwomen called "TERFs?" They are feminists who exclude transwomen, but how is that radical? They should be called "TEF's" since the left insists on dismissive labels as their only "argument."
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