Female Jihadist Venerated In Palestine

I believe his acts were militia actions to prevent crimes against his people.

Her acts were against civilians including some children.

There's a world of difference.

Hoffstra is right on this one. Israel elected Menachem Begin Prime Minister. "His" targets were civilians including children. He was in charge of a terrorist organization, Irgun.

Menachem Begin.

Menachem Begin was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing - a blast so powerful it killed 91 and injured people (mostly civilians) outside the building and in adjacent structures. It's particularly pertinant to note that for several months in 1945–46, Irgun’s activities were coordinated within the framework of the Hebrew Resistance Movement (from the link above) - a partnership that subsequently collapsed following the bombing, partly because contrary to instructions, it was carried out during the busiest part of the day at the hotel..

If you peruse the list of Irgun attacks between 1943 and 1948 you will see many attacks on civilian targets. This man was subsequently honored with appointments to various government posts and election to Prime Minister. How many streets, buildings and bridges are named for him? (google brings up many references). There is even a Menachem Begin Heritage Foundation.

What's the difference between Him and Her?
Ach soooooo! Substitute Irgun with Hamas in this scenario and what do you have.................? Terror? Negatron! You have............. Ta Daaa..........Resistance! Yaaaaaay!


They each considered their cause "resistance".

They each used terrorism as their means.

They deliberately sought out civilian targets.

I would consider that to be terrorism, wouldn't you?
Hoffstra is right on this one. Israel elected Menachem Begin Prime Minister. "His" targets were civilians including children. He was in charge of a terrorist organization, Irgun.

Menachem Begin.

Menachem Begin was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing - a blast so powerful it killed 91 and injured people (mostly civilians) outside the building and in adjacent structures. It's particularly pertinant to note that for several months in 1945–46, Irgun’s activities were coordinated within the framework of the Hebrew Resistance Movement (from the link above) - a partnership that subsequently collapsed following the bombing, partly because contrary to instructions, it was carried out during the busiest part of the day at the hotel..

If you peruse the list of Irgun attacks between 1943 and 1948 you will see many attacks on civilian targets. This man was subsequently honored with appointments to various government posts and election to Prime Minister. How many streets, buildings and bridges are named for him? (google brings up many references). There is even a Menachem Begin Heritage Foundation.

What's the difference between Him and Her?
Ach soooooo! Substitute Irgun with Hamas in this scenario and what do you have.................? Terror? Negatron! You have............. Ta Daaa..........Resistance! Yaaaaaay!


They each considered their cause "resistance".

They each used terrorism as their means.

They deliberately sought out civilian targets.

I would consider that to be terrorism, wouldn't you?
Not in the King David incident because they were fighting a war against soldiers, the Brits were warned and ignored the warning. It wasn't a suicide, car or roadside bomb at a market place or bus stop without warning and that's the difference.
Ach soooooo! Substitute Irgun with Hamas in this scenario and what do you have.................? Terror? Negatron! You have............. Ta Daaa..........Resistance! Yaaaaaay!


They each considered their cause "resistance".

They each used terrorism as their means.

They deliberately sought out civilian targets.

I would consider that to be terrorism, wouldn't you?
Not in the King David incident because they were fighting a war against soldiers, the Brits were warned and ignored the warning. It wasn't a suicide, car or roadside bomb at a market place or bus stop without warning and that's the difference.

The strength of the bomb and the time of day and the fact that there was dispute over the effectiveness of the warning made that incident a bit less then legitimate imo.

But I don't think it can be argued that these were legitimate military targets: List of Irgun attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1938, July 6 18 Arabs and 5 Jews were killed by two simultaneous bombs in the Arab melon market in Haifa. More than 60 people were wounded. [14][16][17]
1938, July 16 10 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Jerusalem. [14]
1938, July 25 43 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Haifa. [14][18]
1938, August 26 24 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Jaffa. [14]
1939, February 27 33 Arabs were killed in multiple attacks, incl. 24 by bomb in Arab market in Suk Quarter of Haifa and 4 by bomb in Arab vegetable market in Jerusalem. [19]
1939, May 29 5 Arabs were killed by a mine detonated at the Rex cinema in Jerusalem. [14]
1939, June 19 20 Arabs were killed by explosives mounted on a donkey at a marketplace in Haifa. [14][21]

They each considered their cause "resistance".

They each used terrorism as their means.

They deliberately sought out civilian targets.

I would consider that to be terrorism, wouldn't you?
Not in the King David incident because they were fighting a war against soldiers, the Brits were warned and ignored the warning. It wasn't a suicide, car or roadside bomb at a market place or bus stop without warning and that's the difference.

The strength of the bomb and the time of day and the fact that there was dispute over the effectiveness of the warning made that incident a bit less then legitimate imo.

But I don't think it can be argued that these were legitimate military targets: List of Irgun attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1938, July 6 18 Arabs and 5 Jews were killed by two simultaneous bombs in the Arab melon market in Haifa. More than 60 people were wounded. [14][16][17]
1938, July 16 10 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Jerusalem. [14]
1938, July 25 43 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Haifa. [14][18]
1938, August 26 24 Arabs were killed by a bomb at a marketplace in Jaffa. [14]
1939, February 27 33 Arabs were killed in multiple attacks, incl. 24 by bomb in Arab market in Suk Quarter of Haifa and 4 by bomb in Arab vegetable market in Jerusalem. [19]
1939, May 29 5 Arabs were killed by a mine detonated at the Rex cinema in Jerusalem. [14]
1939, June 19 20 Arabs were killed by explosives mounted on a donkey at a marketplace in Haifa. [14][21]
These could be construed as terrorist attacks but the King David was a military operation.
Not only have Zionists committed terrorist attacks against civilians but they even today try to rewrite the meaning of terrorism to include attacks on on-duty soldiers.

Israelis venerate their terrorists, so can Arabs.
Not only have Zionists committed terrorist attacks against civilians but they even today try to rewrite the meaning of terrorism to include attacks on on-duty soldiers.

Israelis venerate their terrorists, so can Arabs.

It really is creepy to see such slathering apologetics for Islamic terrorism.

It was Begin and Sadat who brokered the first peace in the Middle-East, demonstrating it could be done and done well. In surpassing themselves, in reaching beyond the hatreds of the past, in bringing something good for both their peoples, these men achieved greatness. Of course, that didn't sit well with the Muslim Brotherhood who eventually murdered Sadat.

Your post is the same tired, droning, standard boilerplate apologetics for islamic terrorism that we’ve been seen before. You seek to defer responsibility from those who chose a specific action, calculated to inflict as much damage and death as possible. That’s one of the unfortunate reasons why this insanity continues. This madness of calculated mass murder is occurring routinely under the banner of only one faith on the globe: islam. It is happening because of the ideological support of apologists for mass murder and their sympathizers and enablers and it is definitely occurring frequently enough to require any objective, reasoned person consider that this problem is directly related to Islamic doctrine.
Deliberately targeting civilians is terrorism. Innocent people are killed - whether it's a bus full of Israeli school kids or a crowded family marketplace. Be honest and call it what it is: terrorism. In order to morally do it - the attacker has to dehumanize the targets. How else can you look a child in the face and kill him?

This woman in the OP is a terrorist and honoring her is honoring a cowardly murderer, not a "hero". Unarmed people can't fight back.

Begin was a terrorist. His captaincy of Irgun saw the sharpest rise in attacks on civilians in Irgun's history. There is nothing noble there.

The key difference is this: that was then, this is now. We're comparing events of over half a century ago to events of today. Like many men of his time, Begin is full of contradictions and like a number of key Israeli figures who started out as terrorists - he cleaned up once statehood was won. I've seen no evidence he ever regretted anything he had done and no evidence the Israeli public felt he had done anything wrong but he was able to go beyond terrorism, govern a state and broker a peace deal.

There are a lot of parallels in this conflict. Like Begin, Arafat was a former terrorist turned political leader and honored by his people. Sadat was murdered by extremists from his own side, and later, Rabin was similarly assassinated. There are extremist factions unwilling to compromise on a single issue for peace and we see this in the continuing attacks on civilians with rockets and the justification of those attacks.

The woman in the OP represents that. The act that put her in jail is labeled the worst terrorist attack on Israel in history and was designed to derail a peace process. Thirty eight civilians, including 13 children, were killed. An additional 71 were wounded. This was not a military target - it was ordinary men, women and children. She's a terrorist and she deserves to rot in jail for life.
Israel has museums and medals that honors Israeli terrorists.

Israel elected a former terrorist as their PM.
I believe his acts were militia actions to prevent crimes against his people.

Her acts were against civilians including some children.

There's a world of difference.

Hoffstra is right on this one. Israel elected Menachem Begin Prime Minister. "His" targets were civilians including children. He was in charge of a terrorist organization, Irgun.

Menachem Begin.

Menachem Begin was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing - a blast so powerful it killed 91 and injured people (mostly civilians) outside the building and in adjacent structures. It's particularly pertinant to note that for several months in 1945–46, Irgun’s activities were coordinated within the framework of the Hebrew Resistance Movement (from the link above) - a partnership that subsequently collapsed following the bombing, partly because contrary to instructions, it was carried out during the busiest part of the day at the hotel..

If you peruse the list of Irgun attacks between 1943 and 1948 you will see many attacks on civilian targets. This man was subsequently honored with appointments to various government posts and election to Prime Minister. How many streets, buildings and bridges are named for him? (google brings up many references). There is even a Menachem Begin Heritage Foundation.

What's the difference between Him and Her?

Irgun was in the time where Arabs and Jews fought each other pre-48.

The situation before 48 and after is totally different.
Not only have Zionists committed terrorist attacks against civilians but they even today try to rewrite the meaning of terrorism to include attacks on on-duty soldiers.

Israelis venerate their terrorists, so can Arabs.

Hamas considers harming its people terrorism, as well.

so cut the crap:doubt:
Hoffstra is right on this one. Israel elected Menachem Begin Prime Minister. "His" targets were civilians including children. He was in charge of a terrorist organization, Irgun.

Menachem Begin.

Menachem Begin was responsible for the King David Hotel bombing - a blast so powerful it killed 91 and injured people (mostly civilians) outside the building and in adjacent structures. It's particularly pertinant to note that for several months in 1945–46, Irgun’s activities were coordinated within the framework of the Hebrew Resistance Movement (from the link above) - a partnership that subsequently collapsed following the bombing, partly because contrary to instructions, it was carried out during the busiest part of the day at the hotel..

If you peruse the list of Irgun attacks between 1943 and 1948 you will see many attacks on civilian targets. This man was subsequently honored with appointments to various government posts and election to Prime Minister. How many streets, buildings and bridges are named for him? (google brings up many references). There is even a Menachem Begin Heritage Foundation.

What's the difference between Him and Her?
Ach soooooo! Substitute Irgun with Hamas in this scenario and what do you have.................? Terror? Negatron! You have............. Ta Daaa..........Resistance! Yaaaaaay!


They each considered their cause "resistance".

so targeted hits are also "resistance"
I wish people on various strings would differentiate how the Jews forming their State earlier in the last century were, to how Muslims are now with their CURRENT terrorism and their praising of these current 'martyrs.' Every day Jewish drivers are having to run the gauntlet of rock throwers and even ambushing on cars.

There is a difference you know.
I wish people on various strings would differentiate how the Jews forming their State earlier in the last century were, to how Muslims are now with their CURRENT terrorism and their praising of these current 'martyrs.' Every day Jewish drivers are having to run the gauntlet of rock throwers and even ambushing on cars.

There is a difference you know.

Israelis built a damn museum to honor their terrorists.

while the Palestinians name streets after theirs.

its the same thing.
I wish people on various strings would differentiate how the Jews forming their State earlier in the last century were, to how Muslims are now with their CURRENT terrorism and their praising of these current 'martyrs.' Every day Jewish drivers are having to run the gauntlet of rock throwers and even ambushing on cars.

There is a difference you know.

I don't think there is any difference - targeting civilians is targeting civilians. Either way they are innocent bystanders murdered for the furtherance of nationalistic amibitions.

Caroline - what is the difference between one group honoring terrorists and another group honoring terrorists????

I don't get it.
There is ONGOING terrorism by citizens of Gaza and the Palestinian Authority territories and those 'martyrs' are idolized. However there is no ONGOING terrorism committed by Jews who are idolized. The difference is simple.

The Israelis are trying to broker peace, but their peace partners just want terror and war.
There is ONGOING terrorism by citizens of Gaza and the Palestinian Authority territories and those 'martyrs' are idolized. However there is no ONGOING terrorism committed by Jews who are idolized. The difference is simple.

The Israelis are trying to broker peace, but their peace partners just want terror and war.

So why are you idolizing former terrorists? Do they magically become not-terrorists and do their crimes disappear????
There is ONGOING terrorism by citizens of Gaza and the Palestinian Authority territories and those 'martyrs' are idolized. However there is no ONGOING terrorism committed by Jews who are idolized. The difference is simple.

The Israelis are trying to broker peace, but their peace partners just want terror and war.

why does Israel continue to worship Zionist terrorists?

Begin, the Lehi, the Stern Gang, Baruch Goldstein, the Irgun, they are all worshipped today, right now, in Israel.
That was in the formation of the State of Israel, which of course was given to the Jews 25 or so years before by the League of Nations and protected under Article 80 when the League became the UN. Now the Jews have their State slap bang in the middle of 20 Arab countries. The Jews have the legitimate right to live in peace in their land. Yet the surrounding neighbors, and indeed many other countries are not willing to accept that.

There is ongoing terrorism against civilians of the Jewish faith, in streets, by rock throwing at cars, by sniper shooting at children and civilians, etc.
There is ONGOING terrorism by citizens of Gaza and the Palestinian Authority territories and those 'martyrs' are idolized. However there is no ONGOING terrorism committed by Jews who are idolized. The difference is simple.

The Israelis are trying to broker peace, but their peace partners just want terror and war.

why does Israel continue to worship Zionist terrorists?

Begin, the Lehi, the Stern Gang, Baruch Goldstein, the Irgun, they are all worshipped today, right now, in Israel.

Jews worship in synagogues, and I can assure you the above are not worshiped there.

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