Trump selects JD Vance for VP

I think Trump or his son was convinced that this was the best pick.

As I said, he would have won with ease if he chose either of the three I listed. We will see. He made inroads into certain voting segments so why not just continue it?

I imagine the Dems are pleased that this was his pick, although it appears that much of Bidens support is coming from white liberals as he has been leaking black and hispanic support for some time.

They are going to use Vances past words against him. This doesn't make sense to me but I am just a dumb Canuck
Inroads with racist and sexist that only care about race and sex.

The Vik or Gabbard should have been picked.

Vance = Pence 2.0
Very MAGA!
I think Trump or his son was convinced that this was the best pick.

As I said, he would have won with ease if he chose either of the three I listed. We will see. He made inroads into certain voting segments so why not just continue it?

I imagine the Dems are pleased that this was his pick, although it appears that much of Bidens support is coming from white liberals as he has been leaking black and hispanic support for some time.

They are going to use Vances past words against him. This doesn't make sense to me but I am just a dumb Canuck

There has to be some strategy, that they feel will make the road to the WH easier for Trump, but I sure the hell don't see it! Maybe we should have sent Trump a Garmin.
There has to be some strategy that they feel will make the road to the WH easier for Trump, but I sure the hell don't see it! Maybe we should have sent Trump a Garmin.

He is young and grew up poor. Still got himself into Yale. That will be his angle and perhaps his inroads.

Apparently Rubio will be a surrogate and Scott has been for years. Gabbard is always out there speaking on his behalf. I imagine they will be considered for his administration.
He is young and grew up poor. Still got himself into Yale. That will be his angle and perhaps his inroads.

Apparently Rubio will be a surrogate and Scott has been for years. Gabbard is always out there speaking on his behalf. I imagine they will be considered for his administration.

Trump then better make it clear that he will have a diverse cabinet. It's just the way things are today.
Very MAGA!

Hey Mac, tell us ALL how your wanker Yang and you are doing-) Has he been put on the ballot in all the states? If not, why not? Are you to busy posting on here to help get Mr WANGER YANG registered across the country? Lost sight of what is important have you! I mean after all, you constantly claim both major parties are terrible, and yet you seem to like to attack one, while ignoring your own guy Yang.

What is up with that, lol! You need to explain to your fans how this can possibly be. It appears to everyone that YOU are more inclined to be AGAINST someone running, than FOR someone you are supporting.

If I was Yang, for your amount of support, I would consider you a worn out and disintegrated jockstrap! And you wonder why a 3rd party can never get traction. Because they have phony people like you who spends no time singing their praises, and all their time talking in the negative about everyone else. But hey, what do we expect from a wannabee political activist who trips over his feet almost as much as Biden does-)
On the surface, I would have went with a woman or minority.
They must feel Vance will help them with the youth vote. Ohio is already pretty red, so Trump would more than likely win it anyway.

I can see the ads now, just another 'all-white male ticket'.
Who cares. All the Dimtard party has is race baiting, and America is sick and tired of it.

I’m a bit surprised, but not shocked. I thought he would select Nikki Haley

Surprised? Have you not paid attention to Trump these last 8 years. Everyone knew he would pick a white dude that would kiss his ass for 4 years.

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