Feminist: "We should stop putting women in jail. For anything."


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
The comedy never stops. This time courtesy of The Washington Post:

It sounds like a radical idea: Stop incarcerating women, and close down women’s prisons. But in Britain, there is a growing movement, sponsored by a peer in the House of Lords, to do just that.

The argument is actually quite straightforward: There are far fewer women in prison than men to start with — women make up just 7 percent of the prison population. This means that these women are disproportionately affected by a system designed for men.

But could women’s prisons actually be eliminated in the United States, where the rate of women’s incarceration has risen by 646 percent in the past 30 years? The context is different, but many of the arguments are the same.

Essentially, the case for closing women’s prisons is the same as the case for imprisoning fewer men. It is the case against the prison industrial complex and for community-based treatment where it works better than incarceration. But there is evidence that prison harms women more than men, so why not start there? . . .

Even as we learn about promising diversion programs for women, are we really ready to shut down women’s prisons? If we think of abolition as a citizens’ effort and believe that women should be allowed to jump the queue for transport along the path of recovery and healing, there are steps that must be taken from a feminist perspective. . . .

If we can’t close down women’s prisons, we can at least slow down their expansion. Efforts to isolate women from their communities must be identified and opposed.

In Denver, for example, the Fail the Jail campaign helped defeat the addition of new jail beds. Instead, the director of the state’s community reentry project told me that alternatives have proven to help individual women and change community attitudes.

The case for closing women’s prisons is built on the experiences of formerly incarcerated women and activists who recognize that women who are mothers and community builders can find their way forward when they respected and supported. It is possible to imagine a future without women’s prisons; whether it’s achievable will require a bigger shift in thinking.

The next time a feminist tells you feminism is a fight for equality, try not to die from a fit of hysterical laughter.
Awwwww HELL NO!!!
There are some crazy ass bitches out there that are every bit as dangerous as a man.
You tell some of them that there wont be any punishment for their crimes and they'll have a field day.
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the left hates law and order.
They thrive on chaos and anarchy...it allows them to swoop in with even MORE gvmt programs to "solve" the problems.
the left hates law and order.
They thrive on chaos and anarchy...it allows them to swoop in with even MORE gvmt programs to "solve" the problems.

Their support of Trayvon"skittles"Martin and Mike"Dirt Nap"Brown pretty much confirms this hypothesis.
I expect their support of lawlessness to become more shrill and frequent after the midterm ass whipping.

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