Feminists in the UK want abortion legal up to the moment of birth

200 years ago women were EQUAL. They thought nothing of executing evil women.

we need to grow a pair and reinstate consequences for women in our society.
200 years ago women were EQUAL. They thought nothing of executing evil women.

we need to grow a pair and reinstate consequences for women in our society.

Alternatively, RWNJs could just mind their own fucking business.

novasteve - How many times have you been pregnant? How many unwanted kids are you supporting? You silly as twit. MYOB
200 years ago women were EQUAL. They thought nothing of executing evil women.

we need to grow a pair and reinstate consequences for women in our society.

Alternatively, RWNJs could just mind their own fucking business.

novasteve - How many times have you been pregnant? How many unwanted kids are you supporting? You silly as twit. MYOB

So you support this? By the way I'm a woman, been pregnant and now have three adopted children. How many unwanted are you supporting? I don't mean through charity I mean hands on, raising them
Did you miss the part about being members of the communist party?

What does that have to do with it?

You think Commies shouldn't have the same rights as every other woman on the planet?

How about you RWNJ fascists?

You're drunk very early today.
200 years ago women were EQUAL. They thought nothing of executing evil women.

we need to grow a pair and reinstate consequences for women in our society.

Alternatively, RWNJs could just mind their own fucking business.

novasteve - How many times have you been pregnant? How many unwanted kids are you supporting? You silly as twit. MYOB

So you support this? By the way I'm a woman, been pregnant and now have three adopted children. How many unwanted are you supporting? I don't mean through charity I mean hands on, raising them

I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.

Sorry bi-catfish but you've lied so often, even your fellow RWNJs know you're lying.

And I never ever ever ever EVER answer personal questions. If YOU had followed that rule, the board wouldn't know the truth about you. Think about it.
200 years ago women were EQUAL. They thought nothing of executing evil women.

we need to grow a pair and reinstate consequences for women in our society.

Alternatively, RWNJs could just mind their own fucking business.

novasteve - How many times have you been pregnant? How many unwanted kids are you supporting? You silly as twit. MYOB

So you support this? By the way I'm a woman, been pregnant and now have three adopted children. How many unwanted are you supporting? I don't mean through charity I mean hands on, raising them

I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.

Sorry bi-catfish but you've lied so often, even your fellow RWNJs know you're lying.

And I never ever ever ever EVER answer personal questions. If YOU had followed that rule, the board wouldn't know the truth about you. Think about it.

it doesn't matter if you believe me, fuck wit. You sit and demand others take care of things and sit on your god damn lazy ass and do nothing.

You don't know me lard ass, you were duped by some old hag, but of course you're a fuckwitted liberal and easily duped. So save your allegations, hag, NOBODY believes YOU....now get back on topic, bitch
This fails as a straw man fallacy, hasty generalization fallacy, and false comparison fallacy.

The story is from the UK, not the United States – false comparison.

Those advocating for the end of the time-limit restrictions are a non-representative minority, in no way ‘speaking for’ all ‘feminists’ – hasty generalization.

No one in the United States advocates for abortion being ‘legal’ up to just before birth – Straw man.
200 years ago women were EQUAL. They thought nothing of executing evil women.

we need to grow a pair and reinstate consequences for women in our society.

Alternatively, RWNJs could just mind their own fucking business.

novasteve - How many times have you been pregnant? How many unwanted kids are you supporting? You silly as twit. MYOB
Dear liberal cocksucker: They are advocating abortion as birth control UP TO THE MOMENT OF BIRTH. If you can't see something wrong with that, you are a sociopath.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, hasty generalization fallacy, and false comparison fallacy.

The story is from the UK, not the United States – false comparison.

Those advocating for the end of the time-limit restrictions are a non-representative minority, in no way ‘speaking for’ all ‘feminists’ – hasty generalization.

No one in the United States advocates for abortion being ‘legal’ up to just before birth – Straw man.
Are you illiterate? Look at the fucking title "Feminists in the UK..." Can you read?
Liberals are ghouls. What do you expect?

this is nothing for them. The Big 'Enlightened Progressive' fad will soon be stumping for murdering babies up to the age of two or three.

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? -- Giubilini and Minerva -- Journal of Medical Ethics

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?

The newborn and the fetus are morally equivalent
The moral status of an infant is equivalent to that of a fetus in the sense that both lack those properties that justify the attribution of a right to life to an individual.

Both a fetus and a newborn certainly are human beings and potential persons, but neither is a ‘person’ in the sense of ‘subject of a moral right to life’. We take ‘person’ to mean an individual who is capable of attributing to her own existence some (at least) basic value such that being deprived of this existence represents a loss to her. This means that many non-human animals and mentally retarded human individuals are persons, but that all the individuals who are not in the condition of attributing any value to their own existence are not persons. Merely being human is not in itself a reason for ascribing someone a right to life. Indeed, many humans are not considered subjects of a right to life: spare embryos where research on embryo stem cells is permitted, fetuses where abortion is permitted, criminals where capital punishment is legal.

Our point here is that, although it is hard to exactly determine when a subject starts or ceases to be a ‘person’, a necessary condition for a subject to have a right to X is that she is harmed by a decision to deprive her of X. There are many ways in which an individual can be harmed, and not all of them require that she values or is even aware of what she is deprived of. A person might be ‘harmed’ when someone steals from her the winning lottery ticket even if she will never find out that her ticket was the winning one. Or a person might be ‘harmed’ if something were done to her at the stage of fetus which affects for the worse her quality of life as a person (eg, her mother took drugs during pregnancy), even if she is not aware of it. However, in such cases we are talking about a person who is at least in the condition to value the different situation she would have found herself in if she had not been harmed. And such a condition depends on the level of her mental development,6 which in turn determines whether or not she is a ‘person’.

This is the 'logic' these freak show killers demonstrate in all their 'thinking'; they are simply incapable of normal reasoning. They will start embracing this stuff the moment their Hive propaganda outlets tell them it's 'cool' and 'what intelligent people are supporting', Hillary starts supporting it, etc., etc.
Why is the "pro-abortion group" automatically deemed "feminist"? It's like the Nazis automatically being labeled "humanitarians" . Abortions do not benefit women and pro-abortion advocates are woman's worst enemies. Some of the main supporters of abortions seem to be angry lesbians who deem themselves "feminists" because they consider heterosexual relationships as symbols of a male dominated society. The main beneficiaries of abortions are liberal men who get to absolve themselves of all responsibility for their reckless behavior at the stroke of a scalpel or an instrument that looks like a coat hanger while the woman has to live with the loss and the guilt for the rest of her life. The other far more sinister beneficiary of late term abortions are the body parts dealers. It's no secret that high profile industrial abortionists like Planned Parenthood deal and trade in human misery and body parts not too different from the Nazi industrialized industry of disposing of Jews.
Under the conditions they propose, such therapeutic murders can happen at any time. If a third party's opinion that a child can be killed if life is not worth living, any criteria can be used in the opinion of that third party. Dire poverty, being ugly, short, who knows what some other person can say life isn't worth living.
200 years ago women were EQUAL. They thought nothing of executing evil women.

we need to grow a pair and reinstate consequences for women in our society.

Alternatively, RWNJs could just mind their own fucking business.

novasteve - How many times have you been pregnant? How many unwanted kids are you supporting? You silly as twit. MYOB

So you support this? By the way I'm a woman, been pregnant and now have three adopted children. How many unwanted are you supporting? I don't mean through charity I mean hands on, raising them

I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe you.

Sorry bi-catfish but you've lied so often, even your fellow RWNJs know you're lying.

And I never ever ever ever EVER answer personal questions. If YOU had followed that rule, the board wouldn't know the truth about you. Think about it.

it doesn't matter if you believe me, fuck wit. You sit and demand others take care of things and sit on your god damn lazy ass and do nothing.

You don't know me lard ass, you were duped by some old hag, but of course you're a fuckwitted liberal and easily duped. So save your allegations, hag, NOBODY believes YOU....now get back on topic, bitch
Now that isn't a very christian-like thing to say, is it? Oh that's right, you're one of those hypocrite christians, nevermind.
Murder will be murder and when you define babies as tissue masses then it is just a small step to making them tissue masses up to and including birth........why stop there...why not 5 minutes after birth...or 10, or a day?

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