Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”

Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

Oh BS. The only ones wanting a "war" are the right/white wingers arming up. You guys are too obvious.
Lying piece of crap. It is the black thugs starting the trouble.

Nope, white trash started the crud long ago, and there are plenty still around. Heck, some are posting right here.
Whites started what long ago? They started blacks killing blacks by the thousands in their own neighborhoods or shall we just blame whitely forever and ever and ever for that? Living in poverty is no excuse for what has gone on, just as I remember living in poverty in a poor white neighborhood, but I don't remember anyone in that neighborhood being violent or killing one another. I remember we were all good friends in our struggles, and we kept our grass cut, and our homes repaired and painted, even if it was with cheap materials and do it ourselves labor. Our vehicles were junks, but we somehow kept them going by working on them ourselves. We got foodstamps and welfare as I recall, but we were determined to get off of the programs as quick as we could in life. We learned huge amounts of knowledge from our struggles, and most I know have done well in life. I have many friends who are millionaires now, and they came from nothing. As I recall they never gave up, and they kept on pushing hard until they made it in their personal lives and in their career choices made. I am seeing a new shift in blacks doing the same these days, but the road is still long and hard but they can make it also if they can break the shackles they have placed upon themselves. Blame is a form of a shackle, and they have got to shed themselves of this shackle.

You and John Wayne have it all figured out. What ignorant, racist BS.
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

I have to disagree, most blacks do not approve of that behavior, but as with the FEAR of Islam, they FEAR a backlash from the, shall we call it the THUGERY!
May be, where as could you imagine a black telling another black who voted for Obama, that he didn't vote for Obama ? There is no way he could explain it, now wouldn't you agree ? I wish so that people could get over the skin color issue that is so ignorant, and to do what Martin Luther King had spoke of, and that is to judge a man or woman based upon their character, and not upon their skin color ever.

so you're against affirmative action and all other gvmt sponsored racial preference laws to exclude whites and artificially elevate unqualified negroes..That's good.

It's not their "skin color" that people dislike..it's their destructive, violent "culture".

Are you still pushing this Affirmative Action and unqualified Blacks mantra...really it's quite tiring that facts prove you wrong.

How about this...go to a legitimate website and post the FACTS of the largest group of people who have benefited from Affirmative Action in both the workplace and educationally...then let's ignorantly call them unqualified???

When did you start that thread on unqualified whites who have benefited from the
ole boys network"...just asking?
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

I have to disagree, most blacks do not approve of that behavior, but as with the FEAR of Islam, they FEAR a backlash from the, shall we call it the THUGERY!
May be, where as could you imagine a black telling another black who voted for Obama, that he didn't vote for Obama ? There is no way he could explain it, now wouldn't you agree ? I wish so that people could get over the skin color issue that is so ignorant, and to do what Martin Luther King had spoke of, and that is to judge a man or woman based upon their character, and not upon their skin color ever.

so you're against affirmative action and all other gvmt sponsored racial preference laws to exclude whites and artificially elevate unqualified negroes..That's good.

It's not their "skin color" that people dislike..it's their destructive, violent "culture".

Are you still pushing this Affirmative Action and unqualified Blacks mantra...really it's quite tiring that facts prove you wrong.

How about this...go to a legitimate website and post the FACTS of the largest group of people who have benefited from Affirmative Action in both the workplace and educationally...then let's ignorantly call them unqualified???

When did you start that thread on unqualified whites who have benefited from the
ole boys network"...just asking?

Oh..ok...you want to change the subject now.... I'm not surprised.
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

They've been treated like animals for years, so they will respond in kind.

The history of police aggression and harassment started long before Michael Brown was shot down in the street like a dog with rabies.
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

I have to disagree, most blacks do not approve of that behavior, but as with the FEAR of Islam, they FEAR a backlash from the, shall we call it the THUGERY!
May be, where as could you imagine a black telling another black who voted for Obama, that he didn't vote for Obama ? There is no way he could explain it, now wouldn't you agree ? I wish so that people could get over the skin color issue that is so ignorant, and to do what Martin Luther King had spoke of, and that is to judge a man or woman based upon their character, and not upon their skin color ever.

so you're against affirmative action and all other gvmt sponsored racial preference laws to exclude whites and artificially elevate unqualified negroes..That's good.

It's not their "skin color" that people dislike..it's their destructive, violent "culture".

Are you still pushing this Affirmative Action and unqualified Blacks mantra...really it's quite tiring that facts prove you wrong.

How about this...go to a legitimate website and post the FACTS of the largest group of people who have benefited from Affirmative Action in both the workplace and educationally...then let's ignorantly call them unqualified???

When did you start that thread on unqualified whites who have benefited from the
ole boys network"...just asking?

Oh..ok...you want to change the subject now.... I'm not surprised.

YOU brought up affirmative Action did you not????...lol!!!
To black people, this is the INNOCENT LITTLE BOY living down the street that everyone loved...


I rest my fucking case. These shit stains need to get their ass shot off. They don't belong living among other civilized, peaceful people.

I'm more concerned about folks like this:

Racist, NRA Board Member --


Homegrown terrorists, such as Bundy Ranch Militia and the Border Klan --


More ignorant homegrown terrorists --




If the crackers are gone where will the welfare blacks live off of come from.? And who will provide the affirmative action that enables illiterate blacks to get high-paying do-nothing corporate jobs.?

This has got to be, if not one of the most poorly constructed sentences I've ever seen, but also one of the most broadly ignorant, too.

Sounds like you have a bit of a literacy problem yourself.
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Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

I have to disagree, most blacks do not approve of that behavior, but as with the FEAR of Islam, they FEAR a backlash from the, shall we call it the THUGERY!
May be, where as could you imagine a black telling another black who voted for Obama, that he didn't vote for Obama ? There is no way he could explain it, now wouldn't you agree ? I wish so that people could get over the skin color issue that is so ignorant, and to do what Martin Luther King had spoke of, and that is to judge a man or woman based upon their character, and not upon their skin color ever.

so you're against affirmative action and all other gvmt sponsored racial preference laws to exclude whites and artificially elevate unqualified negroes..That's good.

It's not their "skin color" that people dislike..it's their destructive, violent "culture".
Not all are destructive or violent, but for the ones that are, they need to be locked up and put away just like any other human being is locked up for being destructive and violent, and this is regardless of the excuses being made for them by those who want it to continue on and on. If you blow it, then learn from it, and for many who get out they do learn from their mistakes, but sadly the recidivism rates are bad as well. I believe in people getting well in life, and turning their lives around, but if this nation keeps allowing bad people who hold to much power and influence over an easily led and influenced sometimes vulnerable people, and for whom will just lead them right back into trouble while they (the powerful trouble makers), hide their hand or involvement in it all, then it will all just keep going around and around in circles.
To black people, this is the INNOCENT LITTLE BOY living down the street that everyone loved...


I rest my fucking case. These shit stains need to get their ass shot off. They don't belong living among other civilized, peaceful people.

I'm more concerned about folks like this:

Racist, NRA Board Member --

View attachment 32792

Homegrown terrorists, such as Bundy Ranch Militia and the Border Klan --


More ignorant homegrown terrorists --





ATTICUS FINCH! Spot on. Love it. Let these illiterate rednecks google that one because you can bet your ass they won't understand your screen name.

If you were here during Cliven Bundy's Excellent Adventure with the BLM, you would have noticed that these rednecks had not a single problem with armed militants parading around the highways and waving their guns in the air and directly at BLM workers.
To black people, this is the INNOCENT LITTLE BOY living down the street that everyone loved...


I rest my fucking case. These shit stains need to get their ass shot off. They don't belong living among other civilized, peaceful people.

I'm more concerned about folks like this:

Racist, NRA Board Member --

View attachment 32792

Homegrown terrorists, such as Bundy Ranch Militia and the Border Klan --


More ignorant homegrown terrorists --





ATTICUS FINCH! Spot on. Love it. Let these illiterate rednecks google that one because you can bet your ass they won't understand your screen name.

If you were here during Cliven Bundy's Excellent Adventure with the BLM, you would have noticed that these rednecks had not a single problem with armed militants parading around the highways and waving their guns in the air and directly at BLM workers.

I can imagine the love for the Bundy Ranch Militia and Border Klan. There are some ignorant right/white wingers on this board. I grew up with some just like em.
Kill dee white man....
Kill him till he is dead....

They hate the white man but love the white mans money.

Not only the white man, but any black man that refuses to join the black mob. I was watching the streaming last night as the mob turned on one black man trying to talk to the "protesters". He was told "I know who you are and where you live. I'll kill you in the street."
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

I have to disagree, most blacks do not approve of that behavior, but as with the FEAR of Islam, they FEAR a backlash from the, shall we call it the THUGERY!
May be, where as could you imagine a black telling another black who voted for Obama, that he didn't vote for Obama ? There is no way he could explain it, now wouldn't you agree ? I wish so that people could get over the skin color issue that is so ignorant, and to do what Martin Luther King had spoke of, and that is to judge a man or woman based upon their character, and not upon their skin color ever.

so you're against affirmative action and all other gvmt sponsored racial preference laws to exclude whites and artificially elevate unqualified negroes..That's good.

It's not their "skin color" that people dislike..it's their destructive, violent "culture".
Not all are destructive or violent, but for the ones that are, they need to be locked up and put away just like any other human being is locked up for being destructive and violent, and this is regardless of the excuses being made for them by those who want it to continue on and on. If you blow it, then learn from it, and for many who get out they do learn from their mistakes, but sadly the recidivism rates are bad as well. I believe in people getting well in life, and turning their lives around, but if this nation keeps allowing bad people who hold to much power and influence over an easily led and influenced sometimes vulnerable people, and for whom will just lead them right back into trouble while they (the powerful trouble makers), hide their hand or involvement in it all, then it will all just keep going around and around in circles.

As much as I disagree with much of what you post, here's a question for you.
Do you not realize that when folk like "matthew, humanbeing, or assorted losers start these threads it's for one purpose only?
It's to create discord and racism between Black and White People, it's not to point out any legitimate issue, it's simply to stoke prejudice based on race.
When you fail to address them based on that fact alone, you help to perpetuate the racism they push.
To black people, this is the INNOCENT LITTLE BOY living down the street that everyone loved...


I rest my fucking case. These shit stains need to get their ass shot off. They don't belong living among other civilized, peaceful people.

Only he wasn't even armed with one gun.

And that's not him.

You know that, right?
To black people, this is the INNOCENT LITTLE BOY living down the street that everyone loved...


I rest my fucking case. These shit stains need to get their ass shot off. They don't belong living among other civilized, peaceful people.

I'm more concerned about folks like this:

Racist, NRA Board Member --

View attachment 32792

Homegrown terrorists, such as Bundy Ranch Militia and the Border Klan --


More ignorant homegrown terrorists --





ATTICUS FINCH! Spot on. Love it. Let these illiterate rednecks google that one because you can bet your ass they won't understand your screen name.

If you were here during Cliven Bundy's Excellent Adventure with the BLM, you would have noticed that these rednecks had not a single problem with armed militants parading around the highways and waving their guns in the air and directly at BLM workers.

I can imagine the love for the Bundy Ranch Militia and Border Klan. There are some ignorant right/white wingers on this board. I grew up with some just like em.

We all know how violent those Bundy ranch people were. They ran right over to Las Vegas to loot and burn as the white mob they are.
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

Oh BS. The only ones wanting a "war" are the right/white wingers arming up. You guys are too obvious.

So you don't think an officer should defend themselves against a thug firing a gun at them? You're a fool.

All these knockout games and destruction of property are in fact the real bull shit.

I'm fine with police defending themselves. It's ignorant racist yahoos arming up and toting in public that concern me.
what concerns me it is liberidiots like yourself !! :up:

I'm fine with police defending themselves. It's ignorant racist yahoos arming up and toting in public that concern me.

Guns for the govt but not for the citizens. What could go wrong.?

The black community and idiots like this want to disarm the police. So only their people have guns!

Here's something that will make you wet your panties, Mattie......ISIS members are moving about the country right now, just looking for opportunities to hit back because of Obama's airstrikes in Iraq and Syria.

I suspect several are in Ferguson as we speak, taking the more vocal protestors aside and confidentially explaining to them how they can help. They have the money, the arms, the connections.....

And then, BOOOM! They hire Chinese hackers to open up sites like the USMB, crack it open like it's an overripe watermelon, finding assholes like you and tracing your computer location via your IP address. I mean the exact location inside your mother's basement where you live.

So check the street before you open your door, run, don't walk to your car, lock the doors when you get inside and think twice before you turn the key in the transmission.
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

Here are some of black people whom you denigrated by your idiotic blanket statement:

Jesssie Norman
Charlie Pride
Bill Cosby
Ben Carson
Juan Williams
Thomas Sowell
Kathleen Battle
Leontyine Price
Cira Robinson
Misty Copeland
Toni Morrison

Their culture of which you know nothing about is light years and centuries ahead of your culture of beer and football.

Safe bet that you have no idea who these people (your superiors in every conceivable way) are.
To black people, this is the INNOCENT LITTLE BOY living down the street that everyone loved...


I rest my fucking case. These shit stains need to get their ass shot off. They don't belong living among other civilized, peaceful people.

I'm more concerned about folks like this:

Racist, NRA Board Member --

View attachment 32792

Homegrown terrorists, such as Bundy Ranch Militia and the Border Klan --


More ignorant homegrown terrorists --




Now do you care to tell who are the want a bee's and who are the real deal ? We can post pictures all day long, but as you know there are many in this nation who are wanting to act like their bad aces or that they maybe yearning to belong to something that makes them appear as they are bad aces, but in reality they would fire off a round in fear (hitting nothing) more so than firing off a round because of being a bad ace. Now for the ones who are the real deal, we very rarely will see photo's of them except that they be police photo's of them because the police know who they are, and it was just a matter of time before they finally get what was coming to them either being locked up or killed in battle with the police. Most are just gamers these days or movie watchers who want to identify with being bad aces, even when they aren't. The thing is though, just always be vigilant, but don't let it all control your life or rob you of your happiness in life.

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