Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”

Libs have excuses for everything...............SEIU is keeping the pot stirred........bad things are on the way.....guess the new Police chief marching with apologists just emboldened them eh
I have to disagree, most blacks do not approve of that behavior, but as with the FEAR of Islam, they FEAR a backlash from the, shall we call it the THUGERY!
May be, where as could you imagine a black telling another black who voted for Obama, that he didn't vote for Obama ? There is no way he could explain it, now wouldn't you agree ? I wish so that people could get over the skin color issue that is so ignorant, and to do what Martin Luther King had spoke of, and that is to judge a man or woman based upon their character, and not upon their skin color ever.

so you're against affirmative action and all other gvmt sponsored racial preference laws to exclude whites and artificially elevate unqualified negroes..That's good.

It's not their "skin color" that people dislike..it's their destructive, violent "culture".
Not all are destructive or violent, but for the ones that are, they need to be locked up and put away just like any other human being is locked up for being destructive and violent, and this is regardless of the excuses being made for them by those who want it to continue on and on. If you blow it, then learn from it, and for many who get out they do learn from their mistakes, but sadly the recidivism rates are bad as well. I believe in people getting well in life, and turning their lives around, but if this nation keeps allowing bad people who hold to much power and influence over an easily led and influenced sometimes vulnerable people, and for whom will just lead them right back into trouble while they (the powerful trouble makers), hide their hand or involvement in it all, then it will all just keep going around and around in circles.

As much as I disagree with much of what you post, here's a question for you.
Do you not realize that when folk like "matthew, humanbeing, or assorted losers start these threads it's for one purpose only?
It's to create discord and racism between Black and White People, it's not to point out any legitimate issue, it's simply to stoke prejudice based on race.
When you fail to address them based on that fact alone, you help to perpetuate the racism they push.

No.The thread was started to discuss actual events that are ongoing. You keep trying to change the subject.

Fine, then stop bringing up Affirmative Action first off, further please post the link where ANYONE at that rally made the following statement:
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Cracker
They've been treated like animals for years, so they will respond in kind.

The history of police aggression and harassment started long before Michael Brown was shot down in the street like a dog with rabies.
You were there and saw it? Or you decided to goose step behind the racial victimhood parade without knowing the facts. Or caring.

Many blacks are quite successful but they didn't get that way marching around blindly in your parade.
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

Oh BS. The only ones wanting a "war" are the right/white wingers arming up. You guys are too obvious.
Lying piece of crap. It is the black thugs starting the trouble.

Nope, white trash started the crud long ago, and there are plenty still around. Heck, some are posting right here.
Whites started what long ago? They started blacks killing blacks by the thousands in their own neighborhoods or shall we just blame whitely forever and ever and ever for that? Living in poverty is no excuse for what has gone on, just as I remember living in poverty in a poor white neighborhood, but I don't remember anyone in that neighborhood being violent or killing one another. I remember we were all good friends in our struggles, and we kept our grass cut, and our homes repaired and painted, even if it was with cheap materials and do it ourselves labor. Our vehicles were junks, but we somehow kept them going by working on them ourselves. We got foodstamps and welfare as I recall, but we were determined to get off of the programs as quick as we could in life. We learned huge amounts of knowledge from our struggles, and most I know have done well in life. I have many friends who are millionaires now, and they came from nothing. As I recall they never gave up, and they kept on pushing hard until they made it in their personal lives and in their career choices made. I am seeing a new shift in blacks doing the same these days, but the road is still long and hard but they can make it also if they can break the shackles they have placed upon themselves. Blame is a form of a shackle, and they have got to shed themselves of this shackle.

You and John Wayne have it all figured out. What ignorant, racist BS.
I know more blacks that are bigger racists than most whites. John Wayne was s bigger man than Jesse or all.
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

Bring it.... and a lunch cowards

Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

I have to disagree, most blacks do not approve of that behavior, but as with the FEAR of Islam, they FEAR a backlash from the, shall we call it the THUGERY!

Giving in to the temptation of violence would benefit racists on both sides. They'd like nothing better than to see race warfare. Gun sales would skyrocket, grocery stores would sell out (since people don't like having to go out for groceries when they might get killed,) and government and law enforcement would be granted unprecedented powers to control the situation.

Count to 10, go home, jerk off, and find something good on tv to watch instead of protesting.
Oh BS. The only ones wanting a "war" are the right/white wingers arming up. You guys are too obvious.
Lying piece of crap. It is the black thugs starting the trouble.

Nope, white trash started the crud long ago, and there are plenty still around. Heck, some are posting right here.
Whites started what long ago? They started blacks killing blacks by the thousands in their own neighborhoods or shall we just blame whitely forever and ever and ever for that? Living in poverty is no excuse for what has gone on, just as I remember living in poverty in a poor white neighborhood, but I don't remember anyone in that neighborhood being violent or killing one another. I remember we were all good friends in our struggles, and we kept our grass cut, and our homes repaired and painted, even if it was with cheap materials and do it ourselves labor. Our vehicles were junks, but we somehow kept them going by working on them ourselves. We got foodstamps and welfare as I recall, but we were determined to get off of the programs as quick as we could in life. We learned huge amounts of knowledge from our struggles, and most I know have done well in life. I have many friends who are millionaires now, and they came from nothing. As I recall they never gave up, and they kept on pushing hard until they made it in their personal lives and in their career choices made. I am seeing a new shift in blacks doing the same these days, but the road is still long and hard but they can make it also if they can break the shackles they have placed upon themselves. Blame is a form of a shackle, and they have got to shed themselves of this shackle.

You and John Wayne have it all figured out. What ignorant, racist BS.
I know more blacks that are bigger racists than most whites. John Wayne was s bigger man than Jesse or all.

We are not discussing penis girth...
Like I said if they don't want police....Let them have their black police force, government and separation from the white man.

No business from the outside world will dare build out of the threat of seeing it go up in flames, looted or robbed. This is what happened to detroit...Fucking savages destroyed it.
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

I have to disagree, most blacks do not approve of that behavior, but as with the FEAR of Islam, they FEAR a backlash from the, shall we call it the THUGERY!

Giving in to the temptation of violence would benefit racists on both sides. They'd like nothing better than to see race warfare. Gun sales would skyrocket, grocery stores would sell out (since people don't like having to go out for groceries when they might get killed,) and government and law enforcement would be granted unprecedented powers to control the situation.

Count to 10, go home, jerk off, and find something good on tv to watch instead of protesting.
Agree wholeheartedly, however when are the people that post obviously biased and racist posts going to be called out on their actions??
Like I said if they don't want police....Let them have their black police force, government and separation from the white man.

No business from the outside world will dare build out of the threat of seeing it go up in flames, looted or robbed. This is what happened to detroit...Fucking savages destroyed it.

How old are you???
Better yet, why did you post an obviously misleading article???
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

I have to disagree, most blacks do not approve of that behavior, but as with the FEAR of Islam, they FEAR a backlash from the, shall we call it the THUGERY!

Giving in to the temptation of violence would benefit racists on both sides. They'd like nothing better than to see race warfare. Gun sales would skyrocket, grocery stores would sell out (since people don't like having to go out for groceries when they might get killed,) and government and law enforcement would be granted unprecedented powers to control the situation.

Count to 10, go home, jerk off, and find something good on tv to watch instead of protesting.
Agree wholeheartedly, however when are the people that post obviously biased and racist posts going to be called out on their actions??

As with the protesting, doing so accomplishes what? Always gonna be racists offending good people. But what does confronting them achieve? Well, for starters it let's them feem good making us feel bad. So why grant them that pleasure? Ignore them. Do other things.

Can't acknowledge every idiot and racist online or off, there's too many and I have other things to do. :)
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

I have to disagree, most blacks do not approve of that behavior, but as with the FEAR of Islam, they FEAR a backlash from the, shall we call it the THUGERY!

Giving in to the temptation of violence would benefit racists on both sides. They'd like nothing better than to see race warfare. Gun sales would skyrocket, grocery stores would sell out (since people don't like having to go out for groceries when they might get killed,) and government and law enforcement would be granted unprecedented powers to control the situation.

Count to 10, go home, jerk off, and find something good on tv to watch instead of protesting.
Agree wholeheartedly, however when are the people that post obviously biased and racist posts going to be called out on their actions??
And you're going to decide what is biased and racist?
Like I said if they don't want police....Let them have their black police force, government and separation from the white man.

No business from the outside world will dare build out of the threat of seeing it go up in flames, looted or robbed. This is what happened to detroit...Fucking savages destroyed it.

How old are you???

How old are you? Don't you see what is going on? These idiots are destroying businesses and asking for exactly what I am asking for. Logic and common sense goes over your 85 iq'ed mind.

You're dumber than dog shit. Please deport yourself to the center of the riots. Idiot.
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

I have to disagree, most blacks do not approve of that behavior, but as with the FEAR of Islam, they FEAR a backlash from the, shall we call it the THUGERY!
May be, where as could you imagine a black telling another black who voted for Obama, that he didn't vote for Obama ? There is no way he could explain it, now wouldn't you agree ? I wish so that people could get over the skin color issue that is so ignorant, and to do what Martin Luther King had spoke of, and that is to judge a man or woman based upon their character, and not upon their skin color ever.

so you're against affirmative action and all other gvmt sponsored racial preference laws to exclude whites and artificially elevate unqualified negroes..That's good.

It's not their "skin color" that people dislike..it's their destructive, violent "culture".
Not all are destructive or violent, but for the ones that are, they need to be locked up and put away just like any other human being is locked up for being destructive and violent, and this is regardless of the excuses being made for them by those who want it to continue on and on. If you blow it, then learn from it, and for many who get out they do learn from their mistakes, but sadly the recidivism rates are bad as well. I believe in people getting well in life, and turning their lives around, but if this nation keeps allowing bad people who hold to much power and influence over an easily led and influenced sometimes vulnerable people, and for whom will just lead them right back into trouble while they (the powerful trouble makers), hide their hand or involvement in it all, then it will all just keep going around and around in circles.

As much as I disagree with much of what you post, here's a question for you.
Do you not realize that when folk like "matthew, humanbeing, or assorted losers start these threads it's for one purpose only?
It's to create discord and racism between Black and White People, it's not to point out any legitimate issue, it's simply to stoke prejudice based on race.
When you fail to address them based on that fact alone, you help to perpetuate the racism they push.
Now you're calling Matthew and humanbeing Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson?

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