Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”


"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Football games.... Hardly political, as a matter of fact, I'd bet >75% of the rioters pictured are Liberals.

You can tell by looking at their asses....

Moonglow, I'm tired of your homosexual avatar.

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Football games.... Hardly political, as a matter of fact, I'd bet >75% of the rioters pictured are Liberals.

You can tell by looking at their asses....

Moonglow, I'm tired of your homosexual avatar.

Stop being a homosexual....
I don't have my pants down telling everyone to fuck me. But...a little faggot like you might.
From your link-
Myers was wearing an electronic ankle bracelet because he was free on bond awaiting trial Nov. 17 on charges of unlawful use of a weapon and resisting arrest. Those stem from an incident June 27 in the 1100 block of South Grand Boulevard, where police said Myers jumped from a car and tossed a pistol into a sewer drain.

Teenager shot by St. Louis police officer was awaiting trial on gun case

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch ^

(VIDEO-AT-LINK)In scenes that seemed all too familiar, the fatal shooting of an 18-year-old by a police officer triggered protests, vigils and calls for investigations Thursday. But while the raw emotions around the Wednesday night shooting of Vonderrit D. Myers Jr. in the Shaw neighborhood Wednesday evening evoked comparisons to the shooting two months earlier of Michael Brown, there are key differences between the two cases, according to initial reports. Brown was unarmed when he was shot by a Ferguson police officer on Aug. 9 on a street near the Canfield Green apartments. St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said Myers...

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Football games.... Hardly political, as a matter of fact, I'd bet >75% of the rioters pictured are Liberals.

You can tell by looking at their asses....

No. I can tell by the fact that they are college students

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Football games.... Hardly political, as a matter of fact, I'd bet >75% of the rioters pictured are Liberals.

You can tell by looking at their asses....

No. I can tell by the fact that they are college students

The Catholic one?

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

Haven't you ever had a cause you want to declare to the world? Even if it does include breaking the law??

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

They blamed aWhite racist society for the the fact they are lazy,ignorant,drug abusing, criminals. They contribute nothing to society and sponge welfare. Should have used live rounds.

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

Haven't you ever had a cause you want to declare to the world? Even if it does include breaking the law??

The little queer speaks again.

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

Haven't you ever had a cause you want to declare to the world? Even if it does include breaking the law??

The little queer speaks again.

Faggot sounds better..

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

They blamed aWhite racist society for the the fact they are lazy,ignorant,drug abusing, criminals. They contribute nothing to society and sponge welfare. Should have used live rounds.

More white people are lazy and on welfare than any other race.

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

They blamed aWhite racist society for the the fact they are lazy,ignorant,drug abusing, criminals. They contribute nothing to society and sponge welfare. Should have used live rounds.

More white people are lazy and on welfare than any other race.

That's my dream.....
To black people, this is the INNOCENT LITTLE BOY living down the street that everyone loved...


I rest my fucking case. These shit stains need to get their ass shot off. They don't belong living among other civilized, peaceful people.

I'm more concerned about folks like this:

Racist, NRA Board Member --

View attachment 32792

Homegrown terrorists, such as Bundy Ranch Militia and the Border Klan --


More ignorant homegrown terrorists --





ATTICUS FINCH! Spot on. Love it. Let these illiterate rednecks google that one because you can bet your ass they won't understand your screen name.

If you were here during Cliven Bundy's Excellent Adventure with the BLM, you would have noticed that these rednecks had not a single problem with armed militants parading around the highways and waving their guns in the air and directly at BLM workers.

I can imagine the love for the Bundy Ranch Militia and Border Klan. There are some ignorant right/white wingers on this board. I grew up with some just like em.

We all know how violent those Bundy ranch people were. They ran right over to Las Vegas to loot and burn as the white mob they are.

You stupid fucking idiot, do you really think the Ferguson or St Louis PDs would allow blacks to do this?

They will allow anyone to do anything they want if not wise to them doing it, but the main thing is once people do these things, then they best handle themselves in the best ways possible, because if they don't in any event, the response will be the same. Open up on the Police whether you are a black mob or a white mob, and the response will be the same every time I guarantee it.

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

They blamed aWhite racist society for the the fact they are lazy,ignorant,drug abusing, criminals. They contribute nothing to society and sponge welfare. Should have used live rounds.

More white people are lazy and on welfare than any other race.

If so it wasn't always that way, so care to share your ideas on what happened ?

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

They blamed aWhite racist society for the the fact they are lazy,ignorant,drug abusing, criminals. They contribute nothing to society and sponge welfare. Should have used live rounds.

More white people are lazy and on welfare than any other race.

If so it wasn't always that way, so care to share your ideas on what happened ?

Its always been that way. White people started welfare. Blacks and people of color weren't even allowed to have welfare for decades after it came into existence. Once people of color were allowed, welfare begin to be cast as something Black people used.
I'm more concerned about folks like this:

Racist, NRA Board Member --

View attachment 32792

Homegrown terrorists, such as Bundy Ranch Militia and the Border Klan --


More ignorant homegrown terrorists --





ATTICUS FINCH! Spot on. Love it. Let these illiterate rednecks google that one because you can bet your ass they won't understand your screen name.

If you were here during Cliven Bundy's Excellent Adventure with the BLM, you would have noticed that these rednecks had not a single problem with armed militants parading around the highways and waving their guns in the air and directly at BLM workers.

I can imagine the love for the Bundy Ranch Militia and Border Klan. There are some ignorant right/white wingers on this board. I grew up with some just like em.

I did too, when I was a teenager, and I have firsthand experience with race riots in public high schools. That's why I take exception to these incredibly naive rednecks who think they are in control. They don't understand that a minority can be marginalized to the point of revolt, and that happens when they arrive at the conclusion that they have absolutely nothing left to lose. From there, they are easily infiltrated by outside influences who obtain THEIR goals by using them as their tools. I sincerely believe that Ferguson has become ground zero for this movement.

Another :ahole-1:


I wonder why no one created cartoons of these people?


The letters NAACP should stand for "National Association for American Citizens who are Poor", and not be just for blacks as it is currently.
ATTICUS FINCH! Spot on. Love it. Let these illiterate rednecks google that one because you can bet your ass they won't understand your screen name.

If you were here during Cliven Bundy's Excellent Adventure with the BLM, you would have noticed that these rednecks had not a single problem with armed militants parading around the highways and waving their guns in the air and directly at BLM workers.

I can imagine the love for the Bundy Ranch Militia and Border Klan. There are some ignorant right/white wingers on this board. I grew up with some just like em.

I did too, when I was a teenager, and I have firsthand experience with race riots in public high schools. That's why I take exception to these incredibly naive rednecks who think they are in control. They don't understand that a minority can be marginalized to the point of revolt, and that happens when they arrive at the conclusion that they have absolutely nothing left to lose. From there, they are easily infiltrated by outside influences who obtain THEIR goals by using them as their tools. I sincerely believe that Ferguson has become ground zero for this movement.

Another :ahole-1:


I wonder why no one created cartoons of these people?


The letters NAACP should stand for "National Association for American Citizens who are Poor", and not be just for blacks as it is currently.
I hope that was a joke. Its not just for Blacks. Its for people of color.

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

They blamed aWhite racist society for the the fact they are lazy,ignorant,drug abusing, criminals. They contribute nothing to society and sponge welfare. Should have used live rounds.

More white people are lazy and on welfare than any other race.

If so it wasn't always that way, so care to share your ideas on what happened ?

Its always been that way. White people started welfare. Blacks and people of color weren't even allowed to have welfare for decades after it came into existence. Once people of color were allowed, welfare begin to be cast as something Black people used.

I don't think it was cast as that for racist profiling purposes, but instead it was given the impression all due to the flood of poor blacks that had swollen the numbers heavily in that direction over time in order to assist them also, then it just depended upon how long they stayed. It is a work in progress of course, but hopefully no one race is subjected to staying on the roles in large numbers as it were, and as it has been in the past, and therefore the perceptions will soon end for all as the numbers shrink exponentially in the long run hopefully for all. Good hard Work has never killed anyone my grandmother used to say, and I always believed in that just as long as we are all being treated good and with respect when doing so. That also is a work in progress in this nation, because there are still idiots who think that they are running plantations in this nation still, and until you actually run into one or those who do think in these ways, then you will know exactly what I am talking about when you do.
To black people, this is the INNOCENT LITTLE BOY living down the street that everyone loved...


I rest my fucking case. These shit stains need to get their ass shot off. They don't belong living among other civilized, peaceful people.

I'm more concerned about folks like this:

Racist, NRA Board Member --

View attachment 32792

Homegrown terrorists, such as Bundy Ranch Militia and the Border Klan --


Well there we go... we have a little progtard, city slicker, pussy "MORE WORRIED" about military veteran patriots standing up against an over reaching, oppressive, tyrannical government than he is GANG BANGER THUGS... you truly are a DUMBASS FUCK!

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