Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”

My post was very specific as per your rationale using an ancient circumstance to justify a current criminal culture. Like those who justify islime terrorism by pointing to the Crusades. You couldn't respond so you went disparagement. I responded to that in the vernacular of your segregationist culture so take it up with your own conscience. If you have one.
My post was very specific as per your rationale using an ancient circumstance to justify a current criminal culture. Like those who justify islime terrorism by pointing to the Crusades. You couldn't respond so you went disparagement. I responded to that in the vernacular of your segregationist culture so take it up with your own conscience. If you have one.

I wasnt even talking to you retard. How did you miss that? Oh I forgot you were pissed off the white boy got his ass beat.

This video is sad, and how is it that these people feel that these streets belong to them only, I mean instead of these public streets belonging to Americans all, and especially to all Americans who pay their taxes ? Last I heard America was open to all Americans and it's visitors, and no one group owned or controlled any public street in America. Has this all changed in this nation now, and if so why or how has this changed in America now ?

That changed a long time ago. Remember when Jack Johnson beat the shit out of the over matched white heavyweight champion? Whites lost their minds and rioted. Over something stupid like a boxing match to boot.


This video is sad, and how is it that these people feel that these streets belong to them only, I mean instead of these public streets belonging to Americans all, and especially to all Americans who pay their taxes ? Last I heard America was open to all Americans and it's visitors, and no one group owned or controlled any public street in America. Has this all changed in this nation now, and if so why or how has this changed in America now ?

That changed a long time ago. Remember when Jack Johnson beat the shit out of the over matched white heavyweight champion? Whites lost their minds and rioted. Over something stupid like a boxing match to boot.


Typical bigoted response trying to justify bigotry. And using an ancient, irrelevant example to do so.

Actually, it's quite apt. But if you want something current, how about the way the racist right/white wing went nuts when Obama was elected. You guys are so obvious.
Ferguson (-like situations) are why God invented the National Guard...
Again,,,several death threats in that vid........
I'll bite.

So what?
I think the point is that your people are violent. Hurting people isn't an appropriate way of handling conflict resolution. I guess when you cant speak properly and you have a child like mentality, you must resort to violence. Your community is an embarrassment.

The embarrassments are the ignorant bigots who post crud like that. ThIs place seems to attract them. I bet you weren't so critical of Michael Dunn, the Zman, Darren Wilson, the Border Klan, Bundy Ranch Militia, thieving banksters, lynchers, etc.
Crud like what...reality......if we cant agree that rioting over a dead criminal who fired on the officer is inself criminal aiding and abetting further crime, well then we have reached an impasse that only force will solve.
Protesters training for more civil disobedience after night of arrests

Fox2Now St Louis (KTVI) ^

Ferguson October organizers, the group behind a weekend of marches and panels criticizing and discussing recent police-involved violence, say they are planning more direct action Monday after another night of clashes between police and demonstrators. Seventeen people were arrested. On Sunday, the group was training protestors for more nonviolent, civil disobedience action ...
Crud like what...reality......if we cant agree that rioting over a dead criminal who fired on the officer is inself criminal aiding and abetting further crime, well then we have reached an impasse that only force will solve.

It was minor "rioting," not enough to warrant your racist crud. What little "rioting" there was had more to do with the stonewalling in the Michael Brown case and the attitudes of bigots like you. Not enough to condemn people when many more white wingers have done and/or condoned much worse.

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