Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”

Again,,,several death threats in that vid........
I'll bite.

So what?
I think the point is that your people are violent. Hurting people isn't an appropriate way of handling conflict resolution. I guess when you cant speak properly and you have a child like mentality, you must resort to violence. Your community is an embarrassment.

The embarrassments are the ignorant bigots who post crud like that. ThIs place seems to attract them. I bet you weren't so critical of Michael Dunn, the Zman, Darren Wilson, the Border Klan, Bundy Ranch Militia, thieving banksters, lynchers, etc.
Violence is extremely common in the black community. Its just a fact and we shouldnt pretend like it isn't true when we have these discussions. Violence is terribly problematic for the black community, so ignoring it would be irresponsible, don't you think? Its also unfair for the rest of us who are victims of the black communities violent culture. We deserve the right to be critical about those things. My post may have presented that information in a harsh way, but that's because Asslips is an awful racist that needs to be humbled often. My apologies for catching you in the crossfire.

Violence is quite common in the white community too, as is white collar crime which is not victimless. White folks' bigotry, callousness, and hatred have significant impact on crime in "the black community.". I think your hatred and blame is misdirected.
yeah its whitey that causes black males to kill black males or 20 something year old black males to knock up 15 year old black females
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

The world according to "pundit press"? Maybe they made it up the quotes just to keep the racial pot simmering.
I doubt most Asians and Latinos will stand by should some blacks try to destroy and kill during a mass riot.

My grandfather is full-blooded Latino. 100% Mexican. Marmalejo clan in WI. They don't play around. My extended family on mom's side is deeply Latino/Spanish and very connected. I kid you not they would not tolerate that kind of crap. It would be a massacre.

when I was a fed, one of the Deputy US marshals told me he was in Florida when the blacks rioted over a hispanic cop shooting a black ute. he noted that the blacks rioted in their own neighborhoods but they stopped right before they got into "Little Havana"

I said why? He said because those Cubans had more guns than the Green Berets and are quicker to use them!
I doubt most Asians and Latinos will stand by should some blacks try to destroy and kill during a mass riot.

My grandfather is full-blooded Latino. 100% Mexican. Marmalejo clan in WI. They don't play around. My extended family on mom's side is deeply Latino/Spanish and very connected. I kid you not they would not tolerate that kind of crap. It would be a massacre.

There is absolutely no indication "mass riots" will occur accept in the sick minds of ignorant, racist yahoos like yourself.
There is absolutely no indication "mass riots" will occur accept in the sick minds of ignorant, racist yahoos like yourself.

You run your mouth but you have little idea who you're talking to. I don't support racism. Read my posts. Did I not qualify my posts? No, I qualified my posts. You did not read them, and in your ignorance you've opened your mouth and dared try to call me a racist as if that kind of sheer, abject crap has any bearing or justification regarding me at all. You're being both redundant and ignorant.

Now it's your time to listen. I will not tolerate threats of violence and destruction from anyone. Period. There are many good, caring, and reasonable African-Americans out there who don't subscribe to this kind of thuggery and intimidation. If you weren't paying attention, for some time now there have been racial agitators in the black community who want violence. Bloodshed. Do you know Malik Shabazz and his calls for rebellion?

I don't care about the color of your skin. I care about these threats of violence and the constant intimidation.
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They've been treated like animals for years, so they will respond in kind.

The history of police aggression and harassment started long before Michael Brown was shot down in the street like a dog with rabies.

Officer Faulkner was shot like an animal by a sorry piece of wasted oxygen entity that would be honored to be called an animal, you know, your idol, the convicted killer Mumia.

When you are treated like an animal, you respond in kind.


Poor little FJO, ....want to roll back 30 years to make your point? Why not 80?
Gee, I hope this doesn't offend your incredibly sensitive feelings, or violate your woefully inaccurate understanding of racism in American history.



They used to hang horse thieves also!


So you're saying that a white man had to steal something before he was hanged but a black man didn't.

Thank you, you just hung yourself on this thread.

Who said the black man didn't steal something or rape someone? That seems to be a favorite fable of the thug community!
Enough of this sickening crap. These threats by some (not all) black people who threaten to riot and destroy if they don't get their way needs to stop. They have no comprehension or respect for the notion of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

I will say, though, that if you, in your protest, attempt to destroy my property or harm me and my loved ones, I will gun you all down. You may think you have the right to destroy and kill in your rabidity, but I will let my bullets do the talking, and they will sink into you where reason hasn't.

Hard core wake, hard core.

I'm thoroughly disgusted by it. Planning to buy two long-barreled handguns and a decent sniper rifle with ample ammo as soon as I can. A black Remington shotgun would be nice, too. I'm starting to value the 2nd Amendment quite a bit more than I have in the past. I do not and will not tolerate threats from the lynch mob.

best defense shotgun-FnH SLP-1

for half the money but almost as good

Mossberg 930

Sniper rifle-best gun for the money is a SAVAGE 110 in 308 with the accutrigger

get Federal 168 grain Sierra Match King bullets- 308 loads-best stuff on the market

Grabbed a Mossberg 930 about year ago......saved a couple hundred $ by getting the non-SXP model with pistol grip and sights. Can throw a pound of lead at a target 35 yards away in about 3 seconds. Bye-bye...balls and head:up:......but if you're gonna grab one, buy high brass loads and you will never get a ftf.....4 or 6 shot will do ya just fine.

Turtle......my balls are itching to pick up a centerfire in .243 this weekend.....not a fan of the violent recoil of the 308 load. Call me a pussy. I love my bolt action .17hmr......my favorite. Nasty-ass little round but after 100 yards, a slight breeze pwns you. The whole idea of having to buy a new caliber of ammo is making my head explode
Again,,,several death threats in that vid........
I'll bite.

So what?
I think the point is that your people are violent. Hurting people isn't an appropriate way of handling conflict resolution. I guess when you cant speak properly and you have a child like mentality, you must resort to violence. Your community is an embarrassment.

The embarrassments are the ignorant bigots who post crud like that. ThIs place seems to attract them. I bet you weren't so critical of Michael Dunn, the Zman, Darren Wilson, the Border Klan, Bundy Ranch Militia, thieving banksters, lynchers, etc.
Violence is extremely common in the black community. Its just a fact and we shouldnt pretend like it isn't true when we have these discussions. Violence is terribly problematic for the black community, so ignoring it would be irresponsible, don't you think? Its also unfair for the rest of us who are victims of the black communities violent culture. We deserve the right to be critical about those things. My post may have presented that information in a harsh way, but that's because Asslips is an awful racist that needs to be humbled often. My apologies for catching you in the crossfire.

Violence is quite common in the white community too, as is white collar crime which is not victimless. White folks' bigotry, callousness, and hatred have significant impact on crime in "the black community.". I think your hatred and blame is misdirected.

Oh Gawd........another PC whore.

s0n......bubble dwelling is gay.

The PC zombies cant stand having to confront reality >>>

Stuff Black People Don t Like - SBPDL
Enough of this sickening crap. These threats by some (not all) black people who threaten to riot and destroy if they don't get their way needs to stop. They have no comprehension or respect for the notion of innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

I will say, though, that if you, in your protest, attempt to destroy my property or harm me and my loved ones, I will gun you all down. You may think you have the right to destroy and kill in your rabidity, but I will let my bullets do the talking, and they will sink into you where reason hasn't.

Hard core wake, hard core.

I'm thoroughly disgusted by it. Planning to buy two long-barreled handguns and a decent sniper rifle with ample ammo as soon as I can. A black Remington shotgun would be nice, too. I'm starting to value the 2nd Amendment quite a bit more than I have in the past. I do not and will not tolerate threats from the lynch mob.

best defense shotgun-FnH SLP-1

for half the money but almost as good

Mossberg 930

Sniper rifle-best gun for the money is a SAVAGE 110 in 308 with the accutrigger

get Federal 168 grain Sierra Match King bullets- 308 loads-best stuff on the market

Grabbed a Mossberg 930 about year ago......saved a couple hundred $ by getting the non-SXP model with pistol grip and sights. Can throw a pound of lead at a target 35 yards away in about 3 seconds. Bye-bye...balls and head:up:......but if you're gonna grab one, buy high brass loads and you will never get a ftf.....4 or 6 shot will do ya just fine.

Turtle......my balls are itching to pick up a centerfire in .243 this weekend.....not a fan of the violent recoil of the 308 load. Call me a pussy. I love my bolt action .17hmr......my favorite. Nasty-ass little round but after 100 yards, a slight breeze pwns you. The whole idea of having to buy a new caliber of ammo is making my head explode

308 in a bolt gun does kick. 6mm not so much (about the same as 243)
or you can get a self loader in 308 like a MIAI-not much kick
Oooops.....the designation is XPS. IDK.....with a shotty, Ive always liked the bead sight for some reason. Works for me.

With all my other rifles, I cant hit the broad side of a barn with iron sights. Thank God for Red Dots Turtle.......
Again,,,several death threats in that vid........
I'll bite.

So what?
I think the point is that your people are violent. Hurting people isn't an appropriate way of handling conflict resolution. I guess when you cant speak properly and you have a child like mentality, you must resort to violence. Your community is an embarrassment.
Violent? Dont make me laugh clown. White people are the most violent race to walk the earth and they even documented it to provide proof.
Again,,,several death threats in that vid........
I'll bite.

So what?
I think the point is that your people are violent. Hurting people isn't an appropriate way of handling conflict resolution. I guess when you cant speak properly and you have a child like mentality, you must resort to violence. Your community is an embarrassment.

The embarrassments are the ignorant bigots who post crud like that. ThIs place seems to attract them. I bet you weren't so critical of Michael Dunn, the Zman, Darren Wilson, the Border Klan, Bundy Ranch Militia, thieving banksters, lynchers, etc.
Violence is extremely common in the black community. Its just a fact and we shouldnt pretend like it isn't true when we have these discussions. Violence is terribly problematic for the black community, so ignoring it would be irresponsible, don't you think? Its also unfair for the rest of us who are victims of the black communities violent culture. We deserve the right to be critical about those things. My post may have presented that information in a harsh way, but that's because Asslips is an awful racist that needs to be humbled often. My apologies for catching you in the crossfire.

That was funny. Violence is a staple of you white boys. You cant accomplish anything without it. Your insecurity causes you to be violent and that's why whites are hated everywhere on the globe. Everywhere you have gone death, rape, and torture has followed. Everywhere. Your very culture promotes violence. As far as humbling me you dont have a chance. You have amused me from time to time but thats only because you are so easy to make look stupid.
Again,,,several death threats in that vid........
I'll bite.

So what?
I think the point is that your people are violent. Hurting people isn't an appropriate way of handling conflict resolution. I guess when you cant speak properly and you have a child like mentality, you must resort to violence. Your community is an embarrassment.
Violent? Dont make me laugh clown. White people are the most violent race to walk the earth and they even documented it to provide proof.
More so than the Hutu's or Tutsi tribes?
Again,,,several death threats in that vid........
I'll bite.

So what?
I think the point is that your people are violent. Hurting people isn't an appropriate way of handling conflict resolution. I guess when you cant speak properly and you have a child like mentality, you must resort to violence. Your community is an embarrassment.
Violent? Dont make me laugh clown. White people are the most violent race to walk the earth and they even documented it to provide proof.
More so than the Hutu's or Tutsi tribes?

A billion times more than any other race combined. Lets start with the Holocaust and skip through history to the crusades and other events. Bring it and lets see the numbers.

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"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

They blamed aWhite racist society for the the fact they are lazy,ignorant,drug abusing, criminals. They contribute nothing to society and sponge welfare. Should have used live rounds.

More white people are lazy and on welfare than any other race.

Yup but not many more. Considering whites outnumber blacks 6:1, blacks are 5 or 6 times over represented on the welfare rolls.

"The majority of the crowd did not respond to the dispersal order and began throwing beer bottles, beer cans and firecrackers at the officers," Dugan said. "Several of the firecrackers rolled underneath a patrol vehicle that was deployed with the Mobile Field Force Units."


Large groups of students swarmed neighborhoods near the university’s campus early Sunday morning chanting, lighting fires, setting off fireworks and leaving a trail of destruction in th

Groups of students numbering into the several hundreds each terrorized neighborhoods near campus early while chanting ‘we smell roses,’ according to reports.

Read more: Michigan State University Students riot after Big Ten Championship win first invite to Rose Bowl in decades Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

And the responses to these riots were blamed on who ? Was it blamed on The POLICE, the blacks, the whites, the hippies, religion or etc. ? There are always factors that set aside each event, then the response to them, and then the blame game if there even is one. Now did any of these rioters you showed blame someone else for what they did or did they just take their medicine for what they did, and then simply called it a day ?

They blamed aWhite racist society for the the fact they are lazy,ignorant,drug abusing, criminals. They contribute nothing to society and sponge welfare. Should have used live rounds.

More white people are lazy and on welfare than any other race.

Yup but not many more. Considering whites outnumber blacks 6:1, blacks are 5 or 6 times over represented on the welfare rolls.

That still doesnt explain why more whites are on welfare than any other race. Whites own all the resource, jobs, and control the systems that govern them. There should be no whites on welfare with 350 years of white AA where no other race was allowed to get in on opportunity. How do you explain that?
No blacks alive and none of their parents were slaves. Blacks have been blaming their laziness, immoral behavior, lack of education and lawlessness on slavery long enough. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility Blacks are over represented between 2 and 6 times on welfare rolls, in lack of a high school diploma, in out of wedlock children, violent crimes, robbery, and prison population.

A slave owner that died over 100 years ago didn't cause that. Your fucked up culture did.
No blacks alive and none of their parents were slaves. Blacks have been blaming their laziness, immoral behavior, lack of education and lawlessness on slavery long enough. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility Blacks are over represented between 2 and 6 times on welfare rolls, in lack of a high school diploma, in out of wedlock children, violent crimes, robbery, and prison population.

A slave owner that died over 100 years ago didn't cause that. Your fucked up culture did.

So why did your fucked up culture result in more whites being on welfare than any other race? You have the every reason to succeed but you still have whites on welfare. What happened?

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