Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”

No blacks alive and none of their parents were slaves. Blacks have been blaming their laziness, immoral behavior, lack of education and lawlessness on slavery long enough. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility Blacks are over represented between 2 and 6 times on welfare rolls, in lack of a high school diploma, in out of wedlock children, violent crimes, robbery, and prison population.

A slave owner that died over 100 years ago didn't cause that. Your fucked up culture did.

I think separate, but unequal, schools; public universities that did not allow minorities; racists that refused to hire or promote minorities; bigots voting racists into office; bigots like those posting here; and worse, have a lot more to do with it in recent years than slavery.
Why? Logic tells us that in any population, some will be poor for various reasons. I just did some quick math. It would seem that blacks have 6 to 7 times as many reasons as whites.
No blacks alive and none of their parents were slaves. Blacks have been blaming their laziness, immoral behavior, lack of education and lawlessness on slavery long enough. Grow the fuck up and take responsibility Blacks are over represented between 2 and 6 times on welfare rolls, in lack of a high school diploma, in out of wedlock children, violent crimes, robbery, and prison population.

A slave owner that died over 100 years ago didn't cause that. Your fucked up culture did.

I think separate, but unequal, schools; public universities that did not allow minorities; racists that refused to hire or promote minorities; bigots voting racists into office; bigots like those posting here; and worse, have a lot more to do with it in recent years than slavery.
That shit is over and done with now, unless you can prove bitterness is hereditary.
Why? Logic tells us that in any population, some will be poor for various reasons. I just did some quick math. It would seem that blacks have 6 to 7 times as many reasons as whites.
One of those reasons is the fact that Blacks dont own the resources, jobs, and the systems that govern them. In other words white racism is the problem. If you are going to whine and cry about AA, reparations, etc. Whats left to create opportunities for the masses of Blacks?
When is whitey going to wake up and stop feeling sorry for these people?

How can they be treated as equal, if they don't behave as equal?
When is whitey going to wake up and stop feeling sorry for these people?

How can they be treated as equal, if they don't behave as equal?

When is whitey going to quit overlooking all those who have accomplished more than whitey, and quit acting like one race has to earn acceptance from ignorant yahoos.
When is whitey going to wake up and stop feeling sorry for these people?

How can they be treated as equal, if they don't behave as equal?

When is whitey going to quit overlooking all those who have accomplished more than whitey, and quit acting like one race has to earn acceptance from ignorant yahoos.
When are blacks going to get over the "you owe us" shit and move on bettering themselves FOR THEMSELVES and stop feeling sorry for THEMSELVES?
Welfare is a career with blacks
And a career for an even greater number of whites...but you didn't know that did you???
There are alot more white people living in America then blacks,

But still blacks are on welfare at a far greater rate
We are talking about raw numbers. Hiding behind rates is a chimps game. Way more whites are on welfare and make a career of it.

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When is whitey going to wake up and stop feeling sorry for these people?

How can they be treated as equal, if they don't behave as equal?

When is whitey going to quit overlooking all those who have accomplished more than whitey, and quit acting like one race has to earn acceptance from ignorant yahoos.
When are blacks going to get over the "you owe us" shit and move on bettering themselves FOR THEMSELVES and stop feeling sorry for THEMSELVES?
Black have already moved on to bettering themselves. When are whites going to stop whining about AA and trying to tell Blacks to pretend slavery and Jim Crow didnt happen?
Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”
by Aurelius • October 11, 2014
Calls to respond violently to supposed police-repression is reaching a fevered-pitch in the St. Louis and Ferguson areas. Just a few days ago, a Ferguson protest leader promised to take “anger” and “rage” out on innocents. Tonight, supporters of the protesters in Ferguson are calling for violence, particularly against people who are not African American.

On social media sites, protesters are pushing an agenda of violence. During a live video on ustream yesterday, members called for their “brothers” to “break some cracker skulls:”

Ferguson Protesters 8220 Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls 8221 and 8220 Kill the White Crackers 8221 PUNDIT PRESS

These animals want war.

Oh BS. The only ones wanting a "war" are the right/white wingers arming up. You guys are too obvious.

So you don't think an officer should defend themselves against a thug firing a gun at them? You're a fool.

All these knockout games and destruction of property are in fact the real bull shit.

I'm fine with police defending themselves. It's ignorant racist yahoos arming up and toting in public that concern me.

But isn't that what blacks are doing? Try visiting predominately black neighborhoods and see who is toting what.

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