Ferguson Protesters: “Our Brothers Need to Break Some Cracker Skulls,” and “Kill the White Crackers”

When is whitey going to wake up and stop feeling sorry for these people?

How can they be treated as equal, if they don't behave as equal?

When is whitey going to quit overlooking all those who have accomplished more than whitey, and quit acting like one race has to earn acceptance from ignorant yahoos.
When are blacks going to get over the "you owe us" shit and move on bettering themselves FOR THEMSELVES and stop feeling sorry for THEMSELVES?
Welfare is a career with blacks
And a career for an even greater number of whites...but you didn't know that did you???
There are alot more white people living in America then blacks,

But still blacks are on welfare at a far greater rate
We are talking about raw numbers. Hiding behind rates is a chimps game. Way more whites are on welfare and make a career of it.

Not just welfare but every other social benefit program in the country...
Hell they keep talking about ending welfare and are too stupid to realize that more of them will die than anyone else.
Matthew said:
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.

So let me get this straight since you have been basically chased out of the racism forums for being shown as a liar numerous times.

It's Black people against white people, however the still photo in the article shows a BLACK police officer being taunted....really???..LOL

Then the author of this piece of yellow journalism implies that statements made on social media were actually made by people in the crowd, "breaking some cracker skulls" was a comment made by an idiot on a social media web site but that doesn't fit your agenda right??

Let's discuss the author who prepared this inflammatory piece??...oh right, we can't because we don't know who it is.
Some yahoo posts a made up article and goes by the name of "Aurelius", readers don't know if it's a first name, last name or pseudonym but you pass this snuff off a legitimate journalism. How typical of you.

So in furtherance of you lunacy you continue to make such stupid statements as

The black community and idiots like this want to disarm the police. So only their people have guns!

These animals want war.

There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.
This has what to do with Ferguson???...oh yeah...nothing. More race peddling on your part.
So we have the prerequisite, "Black people are animals, Black people want war and the usual racist separatist mantra...we can't live with those people"
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Whites are the ones who pay into welfare mostly anyways

So are we to assume that, that's a half assed excuse as to why more white people than any other demographic group in the country are sponging off the system???
Matthew said:
Black culture is becoming nothing more then thug culture. There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.
So let me get this straight since you have been basically chased out of the racism forums for being shown as a liar numerous times.

It's Black people against white people, however the still photo in the article shows a BLACK police officer being taunted....really???..LOL

Then the author of this piece of yellow journalism implies that statements made on social media were actually made by people in the crowd, "breaking some cracker skulls" was a comment made by an idiot on a social media web site but that doesn't fit your agenda right??

Let's discuss the author who prepared this inflammatory piece??...oh right, we can't because we don't know who it is.
Some yahoo posts a made up article and goes by the name of "Aurelius", readers don't know if it's a first name, last name or pseudonym but you pass this snuff off a legitimate journalism. How typical of you.

So in furtherance of you lunacy you continue to make such stupid statements as

The black community and idiots like this want to disarm the police. So only their people have guns!

These animals want war.

There is NO way in hell we can't live peacefully with the majority of these people.
This has what to do with Ferguson???...oh yeah...nothing. More race peddling on your part.
So we have the prerequisite, "Black people are animals, Black people want war and the usual racist separatist mantra...we can't live with those people"
You are trying to talk sense to inbred chimp. That kind of stuff never works. They lack the ability to comprehend complex things like reasoning and logical thinking. You should already know better.
Slavery was the best thing that ever happened to the blacks
No. It was the best thing to happen to the US. If not for Black people the US would be called Little Australia.
Ya, I like what you negros have done with Haiti

I think you mean what the US has done with Hati. The effectively told everyone not to engage in commerce with Hati after they won their independence. White people get envious and start looking for ways to trip you up. They can never just compete on a level field. If that happens you wind up with a situation like the players in the NBA.
The cream rises to the top.

Don't blame your failures on Whitey, it makes you sound like your so unequal
Slavery was the best thing that ever happened to the blacks
No. It was the best thing to happen to the US. If not for Black people the US would be called Little Australia.
Ya, I like what you negros have done with Haiti

I think you mean what the US has done with Hati. The effectively told everyone not to engage in commerce with Hati after they won their independence. White people get envious and start looking for ways to trip you up. They can never just compete on a level field. If that happens you wind up with a situation like the players in the NBA.

Between 1849 and 1913, the US Navy entered Haitian waters 24 times to “protect American lives and property”. The US invasion of 1915 brought back slavery to Haiti in all but name and imposed a US-designed constitution giving US corporations free rein. After ruling for 19 years the US withdrew leaving its wealth in the safe hands of the murderous National Guard it had created. In November 1935, Major General Smedley D. Butler explained the logic of intervention:

“I spent thirty-three years and four months in active service as a member of our country’s most agile military force — the Marine Corps... And during that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street, and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism.”

“Thus I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City boys to collect revenues in. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras ‘right’ for American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.” (Sidney Lens, The Forging of the American Empire, Pluto Press, 2003, pp. 270-271)

Really, we are discussing Haiti with a grade school drop out??
The cream rises to the top.

Don't blame your failures on Whitey, it makes you sound like your so unequal

Learn the difference between "your" and "you're"; it glaringly displays your lack of intelligence.
The Japs were nuked not to long ago, how they doing today?

The problem is blacks on average have a low IQ, blame nature not whitey

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